The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 231 – Going Out Alive

(Sixth watch, I can't hold it anymore, I have a headache) There were fierce battles at the north gate of Phoenix City, the south gate of Phoenix City, the east gate and west gate of Phoenix City, let alone the center of the city, which was damaged by the previous wars. As a public property of Phoenix City, a large group of guards were dispatched, which stopped the spread of the war. However, within a few days, Panlong and Longxiang launched a war again.

This time, they are bound to destroy Yuchen's dream union, because for them, dreams have great potential, and because of what Yuchen and the other three did in the dark camp, both Long Xiang and Pan Long felt a little uneasy , if this continues, they are likely to be passive!

The four major forces are broken, once Yuchen rises.It means that there will be no place for them in Phoenix, because the three unions are too close!This is also the reason why Panlong and Longxiang want to kill Mengmeng at all costs!

Now, as long as the whole dream kills more than a dozen masters including Shen Mo, the dream will be completely over. No matter how high their skills are, they will not escape the fate of disbanding the union!

"The president ordered that all efforts be made to rescue the dream!"

"The president ordered that all efforts be made to rescue the dream!"

These two inspiring words came from the labor union channel of Yanyu Jiangnan and Doomsday Fusheng at the same time, and then the most elite forces of Doomsday Fusheng and Yanyu Jiangnan began to mobilize, and they began to kill Phoenix City!

When the elite troops of Misty Rain Jiangnan and Doomsday Floating Life are dispatched, it means that the real battle has begun!

At this moment, the teleportation point to the south is full of gunpowder. This is the place where the great war was triggered. Here, Yihan, Ruoxue and the others were bumped into by Long Xiang and Panlong's people, which led to the extension of the great war. Knowing everything Mo Mo and the others ran back in panic, only to be surrounded by Pan Long and Long Xiang!

Later, it was discovered by the members of Doomsday Floating Life and Misty Rain Jiangnan, and it eventually turned into a battle of the five major trade unions. The players around did not dare to take a breath and watched the battle in front of them with held breath, but they were far away from each other, for fear of killing themselves. Get involved in this battle!

"I'm afraid that in this battle, dreams will disappear." Players predicted one after another. After all, the dreams of the five major trade unions are the weakest. Although their personal strength is strong, this is a guild battle, not an individual battle.

"Unless a miracle happens, Misty Rain Jiangnan and Doomsday Fusheng will not try their best to rescue them."

"Has the president of the Dream Union come back yet?"

For a while, there was a lot of talk, and the news of the five major forces' battles could be seen everywhere in Phoenix City, and even the battle in Phoenix City quickly spread to the four major cities, and even reached the ears of more major cities.

"Brother Mo Mo, Wuxin, you and Han go, we stay here, we can't all die here!" Dugu Wulei, Long Xiaotian was already in a mess at this moment, both of them were cloth armor professions, and the shocking scars were even more stained. Red knight clothes!

The sharp sword in his hand is already unsightly, and the degree of damage may be completely broken in a short while. The main cadres and members of the dream union are all caught in the encirclement net of Long Xiang and Pan Long, and outside, there is the constant impact of the last days of floating life. And Misty Rain Jiangnan, however, when Long Xiang and Pan Long were prepared, it was difficult for them to rush in!

The people inside are anxious, and the people outside are even more anxious!But at this time, Shen Mo, Han, and Wuxin may still break through. As long as they meet with the people from the end of the world and the people from the misty and rainy Jiangnan outside, they will have a chance to escape!

"No! We must die together!" Gritting his teeth silently, there are members of Yanyu Jiangnan and Doomsday Floating Life who joined the battle around them, but they have been falling down continuously, and occasionally there are strong ones who charge up, and they also It doesn't help.

Longxiang and Panlong add up to a total of 5 people, not to mention the peripheral members, that is simply a large number, and Yanyu Jiangnan and Doomsday Floating Life are all taking the elite route, so the peripheral members naturally do not have Panlong who overpaid. many!

At this moment, the inconspicuous peripheral members have caused a huge obstacle to Doomsday Floating Life and Misty Rain Jiangnan. Everyone watched anxiously. Just now they received the message that they must rescue Dream. However, the situation in front of them put them in a dilemma!

"Brother Mo Mo, if you die too, our dream will really come to an end. Hurry up and leave!" At this time, Xiao Ting retreated from the battle covered in blood. If it wasn't for the unintentional intensive treatment, they might not be able to sustain it at all.

Although Wuxin was strong, his tired eyes told everyone that under the huge treatment, he had already consumed too much energy. After everyone fought, Wuxin was the most exhausted!

Shen Mo's expression trembled, and he became silent. At some point, Mo Mo's status in the hearts of everyone was no less than that of Yuchen. The members of the dream union regard Yuchen as the king, and Mo Mo is a real general!

Silence can no longer die. If he dies, he will cross the death line twice, and Wuxin can't continue to fight. This first priest has already attracted the attention of countless people. Withstood the attack of Longxiang and Panlong.

"Hoo hoo..." Beauty Han gasped heavily, the snowy peak heaved up and down, her exquisite figure wrapped in leather armor was stained red with blood, her veiled cheeks were pale, and she looked at Xiao Ting with her beautiful eyes: " I'll stay, Brother Silent and Brother Wuxin go!"

"Stop dawdling, you guys hurry up! Leave this place to us!" At this time, one of the people from the Floating Life of the Last Days retreated. He was already covered in blood, and his sword was also seriously damaged!

"Brother Shuihan, it's already very troublesome, let's deal with this matter!" Wu Lei said lightly, there is no hope, Dream has no hope of winning!

"Fart! What are you talking about now!" Bi Shui yelled coldly, and glanced at the gorgeous skills around him. Since the large army had already penetrated, ranged occupations did not dare to attack easily, and all of them were melee fights.

"For you, we have exhausted our strength. Look around, everyone is fighting for you. It's nothing to say these useless words now, listen up!" Bi Shuihan turned to the dream members and said!

"We will either leave, and we will be the final victors, let Panworm and Lobster know how powerful we are! Brothers, rush out, break through, and let the dream brothers escape!" Bi Shuihan said to the surrounding ** He shouted, as the vice president of Floating Life in the Doomsday, he is not a powerful combat player, but a military player who is good at commanding!

Everyone in the Dream Union clenched their fists, their eyes filled with gratitude and tears...

"Brothers, rush out!" Shen Mo yelled at the crowd, the audience was ebullient, and the members of the dream were even more riveting, maybe they had never fought so seriously in their entire life, spilling blood all over the battlefield!

"Ruoxue!" Just as the people were shouting, an incomparably fierce slashed towards Ruoxue, a flash of panic flashed in the beautiful eyes, and the members of Dream showed expressions of horror.

Just when the slash fell in front of Ruoxue's eyes, suddenly a figure stood in front of Ruoxue!

"Sunset..." When she saw the setting sun blocking her eyes, Ruoxue Shuiling's eyes welled up with tears, and she couldn't hold back the tears.

"Hehe, it's worth it to die for you." Then the setting sun fell to the ground..

"Ahhhhh, brothers. Kill!" As the setting sun fell, everyone was bloody!

After Bi Shuihan yelled, the end of the world was floating, misty and rainy south of the Yangtze River, the members of Dream were as vigorous as if they had taken medicine, which actually made Long Xiang and the fighting members in front of Panlong feel great pressure!

In this kind of large-scale battle, the weaknesses of free mode users are fully exposed. Once the physical strength drops, it will be a tragic fate. On the other hand, the players in system mode are full of enthusiasm and continue to fight like wolves and tigers!

However, the players who died the most were also the players who fought in the system mode, while many players in the free mode survived!

In order to live and win, all people are fighting for their dreams. There is no one right or wrong, they all have their own positions, and we can only blame this miserable world!

"Boss, what should I do? Do you want to continue to break through?" Zhan Tianshenhuang glanced at the surrounding Panlong members who were resisting strongly and said coldly. They wanted to rush to the south teleportation point for rescue, but were stopped by Panlong's peripheral members. We are now at an impasse!

"Breakthrough, paralyzed, labor and capital don't believe it, that bastard Li Long can succeed!" Zhan Tian shouted angrily, and led more than 3000 people from the Zhantian union to kill them. Although it is already a fifth-level union, it is just like a dream , Zhan Tian didn't recruit a lot of people. If he knew this, Zhan Huo couldn't help scolding himself. He should have recruited more members in the first place!

"Wang Zhantian, I think you should forget it. You are a big brother, and you have nothing to do with Yu Wuchen, is it necessary?" A person walked out of the Panlong, and Wu Shaxue killed him walking proudly. out!

"Don't care about your business, it's your turn to take care of labor and management!" Zhan Tian was so angry that he had no place to vent his anger at this time, and Wusha Xuesha dared to criticize him, Zhan Tian was also angry!

"Paralysis, don't think that you Zhantian Gang are still big bosses in Suzhou City New District, now you are just scum in the eyes of our Panlong!"

"Fucking shit!" Zhantian God Emperor was furious, and waved thousands of people to meet Panlong's 5000 troops. The war is still spreading!

This battle has touched the hearts of countless people...

But at this moment, at the teleportation point of the north gate, a group of five men quietly returned to Phoenix City. Their faces were full of anger and determination. As soon as they appeared, they were immediately attracted by the sound of fighting! !

"Let's go! This time, I want Panlong to know my anger!" Taking a look at the battle-ridden Phoenix City, Yuchen's black sword was already in his hand, and his sharp eyes made people dare not look at each other. Even An Jing, Yan Yu and the others didn't expect that Yuchen would arouse the blood in his heart! ! !

Can Yuchen and the others turn the tide when they come back?The battle in Phoenix City is in full swing, and the moment to determine the future direction of Phoenix City has finally arrived! ! !

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