The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 235 – The Sixth Gate

"Puff puff puff"

"what happened?"

At the south gate of Phoenix City, a burst of smoke and dust was rolled up, and everyone on the ground felt an extremely powerful force attacking them. The strong wind was blowing on their faces, and there was a feeling of pain on their faces!

Everyone looked at Yuchen's position with horrified eyes, which is the source of everything, and the waves that were originally fluctuating on the ground all condensed behind Yuchen at this moment..

Yes, behind Yuchen, a huge wave texture is formed. However, this wave is compressing, constantly compressing, and every time it compresses, it will shake the atmosphere in the air!

Invisible fluctuations blowing the clothes and hair of everyone present...

Although this sudden scene made the absent Jianghu and the remaining Long Xiang members feel a little bit of fear, however, when they heard that Yu Chen wanted to fight against 5000 of them alone, they looked at Yu Chen with a hideous face. Chen shouted loudly!

"Hahahaha, after leaving the doomsday floating life and Yanyu Jiangnan where the night is very quiet, you are nothing, who do you think you are? Kill us?" Bu Zaijianghu said ferociously, his eyes full of hatred for Yuchen meaning!

"Small mud horse, when labor and capital were your mother, you are what you are now. You are not ashamed!" Tiger Leopard Tianxia shouted with a sword in his hand, and Panlong's men and horses immediately burst out laughing!

"Haha, Brother Hu can actually use idioms!"

"Of course, brother is a cultured hooligan!" Hubao Tianxia glanced at all the people present proudly. The game will scare them away!

Their contempt, their insults, their arrogance, their disdain, all of these were clearly heard in Yuchen's ears, he did not speak, the veins on his blood-red skin were exposed, and the killing intent on the ground fluctuated The energy was stored to the maximum, however, because the wave of killing intent reached the upper limit, he triggered another skill!

Sorcery—the Art of Vein Gate!

"Yanyu, the night is very quiet, did you hear that? People disdain your help, whoever makes a move, whoever he is, is the son of a turtle!" Not in the rivers and lakes, he looked at An Jing and Yanyu. At this moment, he was also afraid, afraid of the two If the big trade unions attack at the same time, they will die as a matter of course!

"Huh!" Quiet snorted coldly, and couldn't help but look at Yuchen. At this moment, he could clearly sense the powerful force erupting from Yuchen's body. What's going on?

"Xiao Anzi, what should I do?" Yan Yu's expression was raised, he would not speak morally to Pan Long and the others.

"Let's take a look, Yuchen is not right, he will be killed when necessary, and reason with a group of hooligans, do you think I'm a fool?" An Jing cast a disdainful glance at Not in Jianghu, a word can provoke An Jing and they don't make a move?Obviously, I don't think too much about being in the arena.

Seeing An Jing and Misty Rain didn't move, he smiled when he was not in Jianghu. If Yuchen was alone, he was very sure that he was not in Jianghu. Could it be that 5000 people can't kill one person?He smiled and looked at Yuchen with disdain!

"Yu Wuchen, I'd like to see, what can you do to me among the thousands of troops?" Not in Jianghu, he pushed behind everyone, and more than a thousand people stood in front of him, as if he was facing a huge army. Looking at Yuchen like an enemy.

"Ding Dong"

"Drip drip drip"

"dong dong dong dong"

At the moment when the voice of not being in the rivers and lakes fell, the atmosphere around Yuchen finally stopped the strong fluctuations and gradually became peaceful. The white clothes are elegant, and the black sword in his hand exudes a sharp cold light!

Grinning, showing a very trembling smile, white teeth, ferocious red skin, his smile is like a demon, when the scattered smoke and dust end, the scene that catches people's eyes is the powerful Yuchen!

Behind him, a basketball-like laughing circular texture fluctuates like ripples, wave after wave, the light is purple, and people's eyes are full of shock..

There was an uproar...

"what is that?"


"what is this?"

Countless discussions sounded, and even Quiet, Misty Rain, and Silence trembled for them. This was the first time they had seen Yuchen's form. They could feel the changes in Yuchen's body at this moment, especially the changes behind him. The powerful power exuded by that purple wave!

"The first pulse gate!!!"



The purple power behind Yuchen suddenly poured into his whole body. His body was already blood red, but soon his whole body was covered with a faint purple glow, and the light of the aperture behind him became stronger and stronger!

Yuchen grinned, and suddenly raised the black sword in his hand. At that moment, the hearts of everyone present were affected. The only remaining members of Long Xiang and Panlong were sweating in their palms. What was that?

Yuchen's blood-red eyes looked at Alien Jianghu, and said with a cold smile: "What do you think I can do to you?"

"'s very easy to kill you!" Following Yuchen's words, there was a deathly silence in the audience at that moment.


A gust of wind blew by, everyone's eyes trembled, a trace of cold sweat could not help but ooze from their foreheads, the weapons in their hands trembled a little, grunted, and swallowed their saliva, at that moment Long Xiang and Pan Long's men and horses turned their heads in shock. .

"too fast.."

"My God, when did he get here?"

Among the crowd, there were finally bursts of exclamations. People looked behind them in disbelief at the moment, at the place surrounded by human walls, at the place that was not where the rivers and lakes were. Everyone's eyes were filled with excitement. Incredible and shocking.


The eyes that are not in the rivers and lakes are still flickering, and he is already sweating all over his body at this moment. He really wants to pick up the weapon in his hand, but he finds that he can't do it at all. An extremely powerful momentum locks his whole body, making him unable to move .

A figure blocked his figure, a black sword was close at hand, and the long black hair and white knight clothes were clearly presented to his side at this moment, and his throat was choked. He could not accept such a fact.

In the crowd of thousands of people, how did he come to his side?

"What? Don't you want to know?" The man next to him said a word indifferently, but it made Buzai tremble all over. After all, he had been in the mud, and his strong psychological defense made him suddenly angry to the extreme: "Damn it!" Nima, when labor and management hold a knife, you don’t even know where it is!”

Said, not in the rivers and lakes raised the battle, sideways facing the top of Yuchen's head and chopped off, people held their breath, the scene in front of them really made them unable to recover for a long time.

Seeing the flame blade galloping down, Yuchen turned his cheeks slightly, his blood-red eyes met the angry eyes of Buzai Jianghu. stopped...

The strong wind made Yuchen's black hair blow up with the wind, and he glanced at Alien Jianghu: "Don't always talk about you, I'm tired of hearing it."


Following a crisp sound of dragon chant, the next second, the saber bounced with a bang, and the sound echoed. Even if he was not in the rivers and lakes, he was shocked by Yuchen's powerful Hidden Dragon Art for a few steps, staggered a few times, and was not there Jianghu appeared and fell to the ground, so far, his eyes were full of fear!

"It's really easy to kill you..."

Before Jiang Hu could recover from the horror, cold words came from behind him again. At this moment, he finally realized how powerful the man in front of him was when he was not in Jiang Hu. He finally knew that this man was a devil!

"But..." Yuchen grinned, and looked at his companions who were not in the arena with a stern look: "I also want you to see the tragic death of all your subordinates in battle. I believe that you should not take their lives." Will you care?"

As he said that, Yuchen didn't kill everyone in Jianghu. Instead, he walked towards all the horses and horses in Panlong with his black sword in his hand, and turned his eyes to the world of tigers and leopards. Yuchen suddenly realized: "By the way, what you said just now, I didn't Listen, can you say it again?"

The audience was deadly silent, no one answered Yuchen's words, the entire Phoenix City South was silent, and the onlookers were even more stunned, looking at Yuchen's performance, this man is too scary, he is a monster, he is a real O monster!

"What kind of power is that? It's terrifying." Ye Jingjing frowned. Yuchen's performance exceeded Jingjing's expectations, but he was only shocked for a moment, but he smiled happily and excitedly.

Yan Yu's face was also serious, and it took a long time before he said: "This kid, this kind of power shouldn't last long, right? Wouldn't it be good to take advantage of being out of the Jianghu now?"

Looking at Yuchen's back and slowly walking towards Hubao Tianxia, ​​the audience was completely silent, and the huge pressure made Hubao Tianxia, ​​a 2-meter-tall man, dare not speak.

"What? Are you afraid to speak?" Looking at the tiger and leopard world in front of him, Yuchen continued to ask coldly, his words seemed to hurt the heart of the tiger and leopard world.

"Fuck...Ni..." Hubao Tiantian was furious, and shouted ferociously. However, there was a sound, the wind blew up, and white clothes fluttered. In the next second, people only saw a figure galloping away, and then The rumbling sound resounded throughout the south of Phoenix City.

"Is there another minute? Maybe, it's enough..." The first meridian can only last for 1 minutes, but still can't fully control this powerful force. Looking at the men and horses of Longxiang and Panlong, at that moment, Yuchen With a bloodthirsty smile on his face, Hei Jian made a move.The sharp gaze made those people tremble!

"he came!"

"Paralyzed, no matter how strong he is, he's still alone, let me do it all!"

Finally, the shocked Alien Jianghu couldn't help shouting, the power Yuchen showed was too weird, but when they attacked, where was Yuchen's figure?


Soon, tragic wailing sounded from behind them, and Yuchen's revenge had just begun!

(I cut the grass, sorry, I caught a cold, my hands were frozen to death, I owe two more, I will make it up within this week, sorry, forgive me brothers)

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