The wind is blowing, the clouds are surging, and the Phoenix City is in chaos. It has been a long time since Long Xiang entered the Phoenix City for the first time, and the battle that touched the hearts of the people has not been over for a long time. However, since the rain is clean, the night is very quiet. When the legendary three men left, Long Xiang and Pan Long started a frenzied massacre.

Not long after this, their identities have changed. It was the early morning of the next day. According to eyewitnesses and an attached video of the city of Phoenix filled with smoke and flames, people were finally convinced that the battle in Phoenix City had ended. here we go!

In the video, the [-] elites of the two major labor unions, Misty Rain Jiangnan and Doomsday Floating Life, vs. Panlong's [-] elites. In this battle, Panlong suffered heavy losses, with more than half of the casualties. According to insiders, Panlong's peripheral members were [-], and there are already [-]. Withdrew from Panlong, and more than half of the elite returned to the underworld.

During the battle that day, the president Panlong died three times without being in the arena, and finally escaped from the siege of the two major trade unions at the cost of Wu Sha's seven kills. Panlong still didn't make any movement.

However, the flames of war still permeated the entire Phoenix City, which also made many casual team players panic, because they could see such a grand occasion walking on the streets of Phoenix City, major leveling places, and major dungeons!

"Fuck him, he's from Panlong, cut him off!"

"Ah ah ah, kill kill kill kill"

In an instant, thousands of people swarmed in, and the peripheral members of the group of Panlong wailed and howled one by one: "We are innocent."

"Innocent Nima!"

They were answered by countless brilliant skills and magic arrows, and the flames of war spread. However, Floating Life in the End Times and Misty Rain Jiangnan recognized it, and only attacked Panlong, and Long Xiang didn't care at all!This also made Panlong's people itching with hatred but helpless.

At the beginning, how they met their dreams was repaid ten times now.

The members of Panlong were panicked, and in the end, many peripheral members quit the Panlong gang, because not only the apocalyptic floating life and the massacres of Jiangnan in the misty rain, but also the sneak attacks of dreams all the time.


There was a bloodstain, and blood-red figures floated in the air. The place where Panlong's elite team was leveling was suddenly attacked by thieves. In just a few minutes, Panlong lost dozens of elite members.

You know, they can't afford to hurt an elite member now.

"Damn, stop being silent and come again, back to back!"

These days, it is no longer silent to show a thief's power to the fullest. Now people don't call him the number one thief silent, but call him "the hunter of the god of death". It has reached more than a thousand, all of which are fatal in one blow, terrifying and powerful!

The elite members of Panlong made the most correct choice at the first time, and they all looked around as if facing an enemy, they held their breath and dared not make any sound!

"Go away, Panlong!"

Didn't wait for the sneak attack that was no longer silent, but ushered in a large number of magic arrows. Who said that dreamers act alone?That was with the two major trade unions, no, all the elites of the three major trade unions acted at the same time.

And the dream senior members who had been holding back because of Panlong's strength before finally broke out. The overall strength is not very good at present, but their personal strength is extremely powerful.

And in this battle, Yan and Xingzhu Lefeng, who came from Silver Moon City, were even more powerful and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. These two masters entered their dreams, and they performed even more sharply!

All this lasted for two full days. During these days, Panlong's members withdrew one by one, and finally there were not many left except for Panlong's real members!

And this situation has also received great attention from Long Xiang, because the demise of Panlong means that Long Xiang's demise will also begin. If the three major trade unions are allowed to continue like this, the power of Phoenix City will soon become extremely complicated.

At that time, Long Xiang will be fighting alone in Phoenix City. Afterwards, Long Xiang Tianmo also sent some members to help Pan Long, and the flames of war will permeate the entire Phoenix City!

The battle in Phoenix City not only attracted attention in Phoenix City, but also the entire Xuanyuan Continent. The battle continued and the smoke filled the air. Players in the entire Phoenix City felt extremely uneasy. At this time, another danger was quietly approaching Phoenix, of course, is currently not well known.

After two days of fighting, the leaders of the five major labor unions have never been seen. What are they doing now?

In the virtual conference room, all the leaders of the major guilds were lined up, and they were gathering together at this moment.

The night is very quiet, the clear water is cold, Thunder God, Misty Rain, Feng Kelei, Black Mi, lonely and sad, and the president Yuchen of dreams, the elder Wuxin, and the head of the team without tears are all at this moment. Get excited.

A few days ago, they had suffered a lot, but now Panlong suffered a great loss, and it really made Mengmeng, Yanyu Jiangnan and Doomsday Floating Life breathe a sigh of relief!

"Panlong is already at the end of its strength. If we work harder, we will be able to wipe them all out!" Ye Jingjing said coldly, they don't have much time, and they must take advantage of this opportunity to kill Panlong in one fell swoop, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

"Long Xiang has already intervened, it seems that it is not so easy, and besides, he would not show up in the guild, and there is a ban on martial arts there, so it is difficult to handle." Yan Yu sighed, he also knew that Panlong would not be eliminated, I feel uneasy.

"I don't believe he can hold his breath!"

"That's right, let's go to Panlong's trade union and yell at him, we won't kill him!" When a member of the cadre of Doomsday Fusheng said this, a gleam flashed in Yuchen's mind on the spot and he asked secretly: "Brother Leihua, what did you just do?" say what?"

Tears froze for a moment, looking at Yuchen's excited eyes, he couldn't help but take a few steps back: "What, Mr. Yuhui, I don't want to be gay."


But Yuchen said with a happy face: "I think I have a solution!" He suddenly thought of the Eight Treasures that Yihan once praised. Maybe this is the way to go!

"any solution?"

Everyone was amazed, but Yu Chen smiled faintly, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Yu Chen was even more uneasy if the dragon was not removed, and Xiao Ting on the side was even more gnashing his teeth, his eyes of hatred were undisguised. The hatred between Panlong and Panlong deepened in the game.

"Prepare for the last dragon slaying plan, this time we must prevent Panlong from turning over!" After Yuchen's voice fell, everyone nodded in unison, their expressions were stern, showing inexplicable ecstasy, killing Panlong, this has become The voice of the people!

And the same, in another virtual meeting room.

Pan Long looked haggardly at Long Xiang Tianmo in front of him, obviously he had lost his patience and said: "In this case, I will leave, but if my Panlong is destroyed, Long Xiang, the president of Tianmo, will have a hard time, right? !"

Not getting up in Jianghu, Wusha Qisha followed closely, and the members of Panlong were ready to leave the virtual meeting room at any time.

Seeing the impatient tone and body of not being in Jianghu, Longxiang Tianmo said quietly: "The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, I don't understand this truth. Brother Jianghu, don't worry, I will definitely support Panlong!"

"That's the best, thank you, I'll go back and prepare." Bu Zaijiang said coldly with a blank face, and then left the virtual conference room with a group of people waiting for teleportation!

After they left, Long Xiang's people looked at Long Xiang Tianmo in puzzlement.

"Chairman, do we really want to help Panlong?" Longxiang's cadres asked in confusion.

Longxiang Tianmo had a sullen face, and suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahaha, help him? Don't you think that without him Panlong, I, Longxiang, would be afraid of the three major trade unions? Even if the three of them join hands, it is impossible for me, Longxiang However, if Panlong is destroyed like this, it will have a huge impact on the power of Phoenix City!"

Longxiang Tianmo is very scheming, and under the current situation, if he wants to help Panlong, he will pay a huge price. However, if he doesn't help Panlong, he will not lose relatively, but he will lose certain things in Phoenix City. The balance of the three trade unions, if the dream becomes bigger, it will indeed give Longxiang Tianmo some headaches.

"But, branch president, Feng Wu's side..." Long Xiang's cadre asked about his worries.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I don't know what happened to these girls suddenly? Do you still want to fight? But forget it, no matter what she is doing, her fate will never be changed." Longxiang Tianmo said Feng Wu also looked ignorant, after all, some things are beyond their control.

"Boss, what shall we do then?"

"How to do it? Hehehehe" At that moment, Longxiang Tianmo showed an extremely sinister and evil smile. What is he planning?

Phoenix city...

"Sister, they are fighting again." Feng Wu said softly to the beautiful back.

"Understood." Fengwu Qingcheng returned without any expression, her icy voice made it difficult to approach, the veil covered her beautiful face, her beautiful eyes were shining with light, no one knew what she was thinking.

"There will be a seventh-level trade union soon, let's work hard." Feng Wu Qingcheng turned her head lightly, and Feng Wu Qingxin replied softly behind her.

At the same time, Ali Jianghu, who just came out of the virtual conference room, heard the report from his subordinates, and couldn't help being furious!

"Boss, that Eight Treasure has led someone to scold you!"

"Boss, that Eight Treasures greets your ancestors."



"It's not what I said, it's the Eight Treasures..." The man said with an aggrieved glance at Alien Jianghu.

"Too much bullying, too much bullying" I have never been so aggrieved when I was not in Jianghu. I started working in the underworld at the age of 16, and now I am the boss of a party. In this life, the most aggrieved thing for him is probably this time!

"Boss, boss..."

"Am I fooling him? Labor and management want to see what he wants to do!" Finally, he was no longer angry in Jianghu, and angrily led Panlong's cadres and members out! ! !

Panlong, is it alive or dead?The final battle is coming!

(Third watch, ask for flowers, ask for tickets)

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