The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 248 – Silvermoon Chamber of Commerce

That night, Yuchen, Jingjing, and Yanyu hurried back to Silvermoon City. When they arrived here, they were already shocked by the sight before them. The whole Silvermoon City was just like the legendary imperial city..

Although none of them had ever seen the so-called imperial city, under the dark night, the magnificent Silvermoon City, decorated with lights and festoons, was indeed surprising. One must know that Silvermoon City was not so prosperous a week ago.

It was not only Silvermoon City that had changed, but also the group of mercenaries. Even Wan Guan's family wealth was confidante, looking at Yuchen and the three of them, they didn't dare to show their atmosphere, and even wore that hypocritical flattering smile.

Yuchen glanced at him coldly. Now that he dreams of becoming famous in Phoenix City, these people followed him immediately. Yuchen remembered the disdainful face back then very clearly.

After returning that night, Yuchen and the others sat directly at the chamber of commerce, where there was also a large group of experts from Silvermoon City, including that Dark Wing.

When Anyi saw Yuchen and the others, he quickly got up to greet them. Yuchen was quiet, and Misty Rain smiled lightly, not wanting to have too deep a relationship. After all, Yuchen also promised Xingzhu to destroy the Silver Dawn!

There's no need to go so close, An Yi also got bored and returned to his position, not showing his face, but secretly hiding a touch of murderous intent.

"Boss, it's too arrogant, do they still think that Silvermoon City is Phoenix City? It is said that they all have artifacts? I don't know if it is true? Brothers, do you want to wait later..."

"Get out! Do you want to die? Divine weapon? Even if there is, do you think it can explode? It's good to do well this time, we can't afford to provoke them now, but one day, I will trample them under my feet! "Anyi said coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Yes, yes, the boss is wise." A group of younger brothers flattered, and I have to say, An Yi is very tolerant, but he trampled Yuchen and the others?I'm afraid he has no chance!

"Let's talk. I really want to go back and fight..." An Jing said with a face of disappointment, not only the dark camp, but An Jing very much hoped to compete with Long Xiang Jiutian.

"Me too!" There is only one thing Yuchen wants to know most now, and that is how big is the gap between himself and Longxiang Jiutian?

"Young people, there will always be opportunities." On the contrary, Yan Yu was very calm. This old boy always had nothing to do with himself until the critical moment. Moreover, there was indeed Long Xiang Jiutian, and the dark camp this time There is no doubt that it will fail.

"Compared to the battle in Phoenix City, I'm more concerned about this, the artifact... Tsk tsk, I'm afraid some people with brain twitches will really come back to grab it?" Misty Rain glanced at the treasures surrounded by the enchantment, and among them There is an epic artifact, which is a dagger with colorful luster and a frightening edge. It is completely black, but this is not an auction item, but a collectible!

You can only watch from a distance, you can't get it, you can see it, you can't get it, it's nothing more than this, it's a pity compared to Yuchen and the others, compared to other master players, they are a little bit ready to move!

As protectors, they can walk around and look around at will. It has to be said that there are all kinds of items, which are dazzling.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but Yuchen and the others did not walk around at random, but quietly waited for the system announcement from Phoenix City. Although there were all the masters there, and there was no reason for failure, they were still very worried.

after an hour...

The silent night sky finally remembered the notification sound of the system. At that moment, the three of Yuchen stood up trembling, and looked at the sky involuntarily.

"Ding dong, the epic mission dark camp failed!"

"Ding dong, the light camp has successfully completed the task of the seventh-level trade union."

"Ding dong, the progress of the epic mission, the three major trade unions headed by the Dark Alliance were defeated, the destruction mission failed, the punishment level of the tasker decreased by one level, the level of the union decreased by one level, and the dark alliance players' glorious deeds deducted 1000 points..."

"Ding dong, the progress of the epic mission, the victory of the three unions headed by the Alliance of Light, the success of the guardianship mission, the level of the missioner is raised by one level, and a chance to get a random lottery draw. 5000 points, Alliance of Light players get 1000 points of glory."

"Ding dong, the progress of the epic mission, the three major unions headed by the Dark Alliance were defeated, the assassination mission failed, the punishment level of the tasker decreased by one level, the level of the union decreased by one level, and the players of the Dark Alliance will deduct 1000 points from their glorious deeds..."

"Ding dong, the progress of the epic mission, the victory of the three unions headed by the Alliance of Light, the success of the guardianship mission, the level of the missioner is raised by one level, and a chance to get a random lottery draw. 5000 points, Alliance of Light players get 1000 points of glory.

"Ding dong..."

The long-lasting system prompts broke the silence of the night, and the three of Yuchen who were far away in Silver Moon City finally breathed a sigh of relief. Yuchen, one of the presidents of the dream winners, suddenly received countless messages.

"Ding Dong, you get double experience time for three days."

"Ding Dong, your union experience has increased..."

"Ding Dong, your guild has been awarded the title of Alliance Guardian, and you can enjoy certain discounts by using this title!"

"Ding Dong, as the president, your personal glorious deeds have increased by 1000!"


The masters of Silvermoon City were also trembling, but soon some people congratulated and thanked Yuchen one after another. After all, because of their dreams, they have also increased their glory. The master is here, and many people are optimistic about it. Dreaming of being the president, the opportunity to curry favor is right in front of you, how can you miss it?

Yu Chen replied with a smile. After all, there is no deep hatred, so there is no need to act like that. The matter of Phoenix City is resolved. her legend.

Phoenix City is full of jubilation.

Inside the Holy See, fifteen cold corpses lay on the ground...

Among them, seven were killed by Long Xiang Jiutian, two were killed by Mengmeng, and the rest were killed by knives. After all, once their bodies are exposed, it means that the mission has failed.

"Only two? Dream of the first guild? Hahahaha, I remember a guy who couldn't even take a blow from my elder brother said that~" The battle was over, and Longxiang Juetian's sharp sword was still dripping blood ..

"What did you say?" Wu Lei gave Long Xiang Jiutian a cold look.

"Aren't you the only one?" Wu Xin stopped Wu Tear's killing intent and said coldly.

"What did you say? I didn't say anything, I just wanted to tell you guys, don't talk big if you don't have the strength..." Long Xiang Juetian said without hesitation in front of everyone, sweeping away everyone in his dream.

"You, do you want to die?" Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Juetian, but it was not Silence, but Xiao Ting, and at this moment his dagger was placed behind Longxiang Juetian!

"You know? I hate when people put weapons around my neck like this, so... you must die!" At that moment, Long Xiang Juetian suddenly flashed, and the cadres who dreamed of that moment His expression froze, and in the next second Long Xiang Jue Tian had already launched an attack on Xiao Ting!



The moment the sword light fell, the confrontation between the sword and the dagger, the sharp eyes that were no longer silent in front of Xiao Ting and Long Xiang Juetian looked at each other, the flames splashed by the gas weapon in the air!


The two took a step back each, Mengmeng and Longxiang were at war, and the entire Holy See fell into a delicate state, Fengwu Qingcheng was silent, turned around and took people away, Longxiang Jiutian took a look: "Let's go..."

The people with Longxiang branch caught up with Fengwu Qingcheng...

"A word of warning to you, if you fight against us, you will definitely die!" Long Xiang Juetian withdrew his sword and left after leaving a cruel sentence.


"Xiao Ting, don't be impulsive next time, this guy... is very strong..." The moment he confronted the sword, Silence's face darkened, he could feel the opponent's powerful strength, Xiao Ting nodded.

"Brother Mo Mo, it seems that Phoenix City is bound to be in chaos this time. For the next development, let's discuss it with the other two." Wuxin said to everyone, and they all nodded cautiously.

Therefore, in the following days, the war in Phoenix City continued to spread, which shocked the players in the entire Xuanyuan Continent.

Because, the person fighting turned out to be a dream, Misty Rain Jiangnan and Floating Life in the End Times!

There is a union application battle almost every morning, noon and night. No one knows what mode they choose to fight, but they keep applying for guild battles every day!

The Chamber of Commerce in Silvermoon City has also been held for several days, and everything is in order without any problems. With those hundred-level sword guards, Yuchen feels that they are superfluous existences!

"Gold Level 100, the starting price is [-] million!"

"Each price increase is no less than 10!"

"120 million!"

"200 million!"

Listening to the voices in the venue... Yuchen and his guards couldn't help shaking their heads around. There are so many rich people, but gold-level equipment is also auctioned?This made Yuchen and the others excited, but the objects of these commodity auctions were NPCs.

In this world, they also have their own lives.

Players and npc collectors from the nearby Silvermoon City, Beastmaster City, Giant City, and even some small castles also came, and the entire Silvermoon Chamber of Commerce was very lively.

Players can only take pictures of some silver-level first-level capped items, of course, some are also different, but most of the people present are here for the artifact dagger!

Things passed slowly, and the Yinyue Chamber of Commerce came to an end without any accidents, and Yuchen and the others could finally return to Phoenix City to start a grand dominance, because the forces in Phoenix City had become complicated.

However, what Yuchen and the others did not expect was that the leaders of the three trade unions in Phoenix City would use such a form of guild battle to improve the overall cooperation and combat effectiveness, which also made Yuchen and the others very excited!

Looking at the majestic Silvermoon City, after going out for a whole month, it is already winter in reality... Now, they are finally going back to Phoenix City...

The caravan began to return slowly, leaving under the watchful eyes of Silvermoon City players and NPCs, until the back was getting further and further away...

Yuchen, who had a smile on his lips, didn't know that he was about to encounter a powerful opponent...

In that dark abyss, here is the deepest layer of the legendary underworld.

"Xiaoqi, why are you back again? Could it be that you miss your brother?" In the dark space, a slightly smiling question came.

A few afterimages could be vaguely seen in the darkness, and the man called Xiao Qi returned respectfully: "Boss, please help me avenge me!"

"Revenge? Is that person very strong? Can't you defeat him after being transferred to an underworld warrior?"

Wusha Seven Kills nodded heavily, and a huge crisis came quietly...

(After the third watch, please ask for flowers and VIPs)

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