The central square of Phoenix City, this is the most prosperous area in Phoenix City, and at the same time, there is also the biggest arena in Phoenix City, and this is where the mysterious person is located!

"Xiaoqi, where did you find such a powerful player? Seeing the aggrieved appearance of the three unions makes me so fucking happy!" Tiger Leopard said, patting Wusha Qisha on the shoulder.

"Don't talk nonsense." Not in Jianghu glared at Tiger Leopard Tianxia angrily, and couldn't help but look at this man. Now he can be said to be a great god in Not in Jianghu's heart, and he can't be offended. You must know that it was hard for Qisha to persuade him back then He came to Phoenix to help revenge.

At such a critical moment, if you are not in the arena, you don't want to make any troubles. With the man in front of you, Panlong's aura is faintly rising. After all, such a powerful person has already caused an uproar on the forum!

"Is there no one to fight today?" On the ring, there was a man with eagle eyes and sword eyebrows, a slashed face, flowing long hair, and a purple battle armor that hid the light but could be seen to be extraordinary.

With a silver-glowing sword in his hand, the black hilt he held tightly swept away all the onlookers, but he didn't find players from the three major trade unions. It was extremely hot here, and it had lasted for several days!

"Brother Heantian, I see that no one in those three trade unions dares to fight against you, you have already scared them!" Not in Jianghu hastily flattered him, but this man named Heantian was After sweeping Wusha Qisha coldly, he asked, "Where is the man who killed you?"

"This...Brother Heantian, he went on a mission and hasn't come back yet!" Wusha Qisha said timidly, looking at the man's gaze, he actually felt desolate all over his body!

"On the last day, I will leave before I can wait."

"Ah...Brother Heantian, don't, how good is it to stay here?" Not in the Jianghu flattery said.

Hentian took a cold look, and replied in a flat tone: "I'm just helping Xiaoqi, don't think too much, I won't join your union, let alone be used by you."

At this moment, not in Jianghu's complexion was a little ugly, he clenched his fists and wanted to kill Hentian, but he had to bear it, after all, now Panlong still depends on this man in front of him!

"Today's dream, Misty Rain Jiangnan, or Floating Life in the last days have not dared to fight? No one from the seventh-level trade union in Phoenix City dared to fight? I am so disappointed in the huge Phoenix City..." Hentian looked regretful He said that his age will not exceed 24 years old, but there is a trace of vicissitudes and melancholy in his eyes.

Below, the peripheral members of the three major trade unions hidden in the crowd looked ugly and cursed: "Grass mud Mabi, if it weren't for our president not to grow anymore, would it be your turn to be arrogant?"

"Oh? Who is your president?" Hentian raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Our president is Shenshen Yu Wuchen, hum, be sensible, get out!" said the peripheral members of Mengmeng very supportively.

"It's a pity.. I'm waiting for him! If no one dares to fight against the dream, then today I will kill the three major trade unions, and let you know that it is not easy to be a turtle!" Shouted, the sound spread throughout the audience!

At that moment, there was an uproar. One person actually tried to challenge the full fighting power of the three major trade unions?Is this man crazy?

"Hmph, what a big tone, I'm afraid you won't have this chance today!" Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared on the ring where only Hentian was alone, and people's peaceful emotions gradually became high, because the person who appeared suddenly That person turned out to be Elder Meng, the number one thief, and the Reaper is no longer silent!

"Silence is the Reaper of Death, the Elder of Dreams!"

"The elder is mighty!"

"The elder of Dream has come out and challenged, and Dream has finally challenged!" The audience was ebullient, and soon the news of the silent challenge spread throughout Phoenix City, and even extended to other cities. All the forces of the major guilds in Phoenix City dared to gather Here, watch this high-profile battle!

Hentian's expression froze, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't even know that a thief came to him?Holding the sharp sword in his hand tightly, Hentian also had to be cautious.

"The Elder of Dreams? Is the number one thief no longer silent?" The corner of Hentian's mouth showed a trace of surprise after being shocked, and his trembling body showed extremely excited eyes!

This time, it was Silence's turn to be shocked, because the trembling of the other party was not fear, but desire, yes, desire, desire for fighting, and the first instinct told Silence that this man was dangerous.

"Exactly!" Shen Mo replied coldly.

"Hahaha, a capable guy finally came, let me enjoy it and enjoy the fun of this battle!" Suddenly Hentian pulled out his sharp sword, and when he saw this, he took a few steps back in silence, maintaining a certain boundary.

"Oh? Are you afraid of my sword?" Seeing Shen Mo's cautious appearance, Hen Tian smiled coldly. These words deeply hurt Xiao Tian's heart outside the arena!

Silently, with a dignified face, because he couldn't afford to lose, if he lost, it would be the same as losing his dream, attacking with daggers in both hands, Shen Mo decided to go all out!

"Two-handed dagger?" Dream's cadres all showed a little shock. So far, they have only seen Shen Mo use two-handed dagger once, and that is when he used the two-handed dagger to retaliate against Panlong. Once he uses the two-handed dagger, it will be terrifying !

"You can't be hit, you have to kill the opponent with one blow!" Disappeared, the silent figure suddenly disappeared into the field, due to the terrifying attack power of the man in front of him, once he was hit by him, he would definitely die!

Therefore, Silence must look for the fatal blow!

"Want to sneak attack?" The corner of his mouth raised, and his expression suddenly turned cold: "However, I don't like this way of fighting!"

"Show me!" Hentian suddenly looked terrified, and with a wave of the sharp sword in his hand, an extremely powerful slash actually swept into the invisible air. At that moment, people were horrified to find that the empty space was splashed A touch of blood!

But... Hurt Silence didn't show up!

"Oh?" Hentian showed a trace of surprise, he was attacked without showing his body?

But the most shocking thing at this moment is that he is no longer silent, and everyone present, the first thief's invisibility state, so far no one has been able to crack it.

How is this not shocking?How not to scare them!

"What the hell, tough idea!" Mo Mo seldom swears, glanced at the bloodstain on his left shoulder, and quickly poured a bottle of Big Red, if it hadn't been for dodging just now, it might have been a fatal blow!

The opponent's default is the death mode. Once it dies, it will be the same as the pk mode, and the number of resurrections will be spent once. Silence has died twice, and I can't afford to die anymore!This battle must be won!

At that moment, there was a halo of light under Silence's feet, and the next second he raised his head and stood on tiptoe, shouting loudly: "Gaofeng!"






Like a galloping sharp arrow, Shen Mo actually gave up the sneak attack, because the other party seemed to know his position, so it was unnecessary, so he simply activated all the blessings and rushed towards that man!

The figure was immediately exposed in the air, but when people came back to their senses, a huge dragon head had already floated up from where Hentian was, and with a dragon roar, the tyrannosaurus roared and fell...

The silence did not stop for a moment, and the expression froze in a flash: "Backstab!"

The pace is free, and the people watching are shocked. At this moment, he is a killing machine. He turns around and stabs in the back, and hits the opponent's back accurately. He didn't play, and he went down with a sap, and Hetian was successfully controlled!

Next, all the skills of the thieves will fall...

It wasn't until after dealing tens of thousands of damage in a row that Shen Mo opened the distance instantly. All this happened only in the blink of an eye, and even the masters off the court felt that they were not satisfied. The battle just now was shocking!

Did you win?This is the voice of everyone. Although the numbers floating above Hentian's head are shocking, the first hit of the Tyrannosaurus Roar only killed 1000 lives, the backstab was 399, and the additional damage was only [-]. All the damage did not exceed [-]!

Silence's expression became serious, but so far, no player's life seems to have exceeded [-]?As a result, people were relieved, and even Wu Sha Qisha and Bu Zai Jianghu's expressions sank, thinking that hating the sky would definitely kill them!

However, in fact, it shocked everyone present!

Glancing at the injury floating above his head, Hentian grinned with a bloodthirsty smile and laughed wildly: "Hahahahahahaha, finally, finally made my blood boil!"

"What?" Shen Mo's eyes trembled, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. The opponent didn't recover blood, and he didn't die, which meant that his something was over ten thousand, with super high defense and super thick life.Super high attack, this...

He couldn't help but think of the conversation in the conference room, the man in front of him was invincible!

"Brother Mo Mo, be careful!" A mournful cry brought Mo Mo back to reality, and when he came to his senses, the man who was clearly still in front of him appeared behind him. There was a trace of cold sweat, and a strange laughter came from his ear.

" are still too weak, even if you hit me, you couldn't kill me. It's a pity, it was almost~"

"However, you have no chance, it's over!"

The last thought in Shen Mo's mind was, how fast!This man, he can't win!

"Brother Silence!"

"Elder Silence!"

"You guys have let me down so much! Go to the underworld and repent!" As Hentian yelled, a burst of dark light appeared on the sharp sword in his hand, burning like a flame, and it was already unable to stop the tragedy. occur!

"Ahhhhh, Brother Mo Mo!" At that moment, Xiaotian, Wulei and the others rushed up but were stopped by Wuxin.. His eyes were full of crystal tears: "Do you want him to endure this shame and humiliation for the rest of his life? Save him!" Him? How to let his inner self-esteem accept it?"

"do not want!"


The moment the black sword fell suddenly, the members of the dream let out a huge roar. At the moment of the heart-wrenching scene, a figure suddenly stood on tiptoe at an extremely fast speed, and with a bang, there was a burst of white on the ground. With the rippling light, a silver figure flashed and appeared on the ring in an instant!

In the nick of time!


A crisp weapon collision resounded through the audience!

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