The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 254 – The Pact of Life and Death

(Fourth update! Do you dare to pk the flower VIP? Call, brothers and sisters, give Xiao Yu wireless power) "Gamble your life!"

These two words were heard clearly in everyone's ears. At that moment, people couldn't help but look at the ring. What exactly does Yu Wuchen want to do?

"Hahahaha, bet on your life?" Hentian was also taken aback for a moment, then laughed wildly, and then said with a serious expression: "Tell me, how do you bet on your life?"

Yuchen stared at Hentian, "What's your relationship with Panlong?"

Hentian glanced at Wusha Qisha: "This kid came to my underworld and saved him once, so I know him?"

"So you're not familiar with Panlong?"

Hentian nodded disapprovingly and did not refute, but his acquiescence made Bu Zaijianghu, Wusha Qisha and others look ugly, and looked at Hentian on the ring with resentful eyes!

"I won, how about you joining our trade union?" Yuchen asked Hentian with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


The players in the audience looked at Yuchen in disbelief. No one thought that what he was going to propose was this?Even An Jing and Misty Rain looked remorseful, regretful that they didn't rush forward!

"Join your trade union?? What if you lose?" Hen Tian looked at Yu Wuchen with interest.

"I won't lose!" The answer to Hentian was a sonorous and extremely confident sentence.

"Hahahaha, good! If I lose, I agree to join your guild. Of course, it's only for one year, but if you lose, then disband your guild!" Hentian pointed at Yuchen, and looked at it again. Take a look at the location of the group of dream members!

"Damn it, you are the only one who can exchange our entire dream, what a fool!"

"2 goods!"

"President, don't agree!"

The faces of all the people in the audience changed, and the faces of the dream cadres sank even more. Some members even started to curse. After all, this request is too unfair. If Yuchen really loses, the entire trade union will be buried with him.And he lost, just joined the dream!

"Then sign a life-and-death contract, join my union for one year, and obey the union's arrangements. After one year, stay or go with you!" Yuchen suddenly drew a light of the contract. At that moment, everyone was dumbfounded!

"Grass, crazy, Yu Wuchen is crazy, not only didn't refuse, but even signed a life-and-death contract!" People's hearts were full of turmoil, compared to Yuchen on the ring, who was calm.

This kind of momentum, even Hentian was stunned, and then he grinned: "Okay, crazy enough, I like it!"

"I don't want to be gay!" Yuchen said to Hentian with a serious face, "Shoot, you only have one chance to make a shot, and I won't give you a second chance!"

At that moment, Hentian was a little dumbfounded. His puzzled eyes wanted to laugh, but for some reason, when he looked at that man, he felt a trembling feeling. That man was serious, and that look was definitely not bluff!

So Hentian stepped back a few steps, with a serious expression on his face, and a trace of cold sweat leaked from the sharp sword in his hand, because he found that Yuchen's feet had started to fluctuate at some point...

"Dream, I'm afraid there will be another frightening combat power. I look forward to the day when I fight with you." Ye Jingjing glanced at Yuchen and said meaningfully. The moment he saw the fluctuations under his feet, he understood. , if the opponent fails to kill Yuchen in an instant, then everything is over.

"Little Anzi, don't you want to read on?" Lei Shen asked a little puzzled.

Jing Jing said without turning her head: "No, the trade union has been entrusted to you for this period of time, I'm going to that place!" Afterwards, a group of stunned members of Doomsday Floating Life were left behind!

"This president is really irresponsible." Bi Shuihan shook his head, seeing that everyone seemed to be used to being quiet.

After Quiet left, Misty Rain also left...

Yuchen's growth has stimulated the blood of their boys. They are not only friends, but also opponents. No one wants to fall behind. The road of cultivation for the strong is unfolding. The day when they confront each other will shock people's hearts!


With a loud shout, earth-shaking changes have taken place on the ring. Hentian's sharp sword was wrapped in a black aura, which slowly spread throughout his body. His changes shocked everyone present.

People's eyes were all on the ring. Facing the strangely changing Hentian, the fluctuations under Yuchen's feet became stronger and stronger, and finally the two forces collided with each other, causing ripples!



"Pulse technique!"

"The first pulse gate!"

The strongest force was formed, and the powerful black and silver breath enveloped the entire venue. At that moment, everyone cursed, because they couldn't see, they couldn't see what was going on inside!

"Bang bang bang!"


There were several shocking sounds of confrontation, and as two powerful rays of light enveloped the audience, no one knew what was happening inside. The fierce flames from time to time proved the intensity of the battle.

1 minute, 3 minutes...

When the powerful aura dissipated, what people saw was this scene.

A black sword was hung on Hentian's neck, and he didn't kill him with his hands. Yuchen looked down at Hentian like an emperor, his sharp eyes made people fear and tremble!

"I lost." Hentian said with a dazed look in his eyes, with a sharp sword hanging down, messy black hair, and dull eyes, he couldn't believe that he actually lost, and even lost after using ghost skills!

The pulse gate behind Yuchen has disappeared, what happened?People were puzzled and shocked to think about it, but no one could solve their doubts. The end of this battle became a huge suspense!

What happened in that invisible minute?Many years later, when he recalled it, Hentian still said with lingering fear: "I saw a demon, no... killing gods, that is the power that can kill gods!"

Yuchen withdrew his sword: "I won't kill my companions!" The life-death mode was released, and he glanced at Yuchen hatefully, and staggered away from the ring, leaving behind a broken body!

"Win, the president won!"

"President, we love you!" The dream girls shouted, but unfortunately, sisters Yihan and the others are not online, otherwise Yuchen's performance would also excite them.

"Hey, are you leaving now?" a group of dream players still said hostilely to Hentian.

Hentian took a look: "Go away!"


"Let him go!" Yuchen said condescendingly, and stopped those members who were on the verge of saber-rattling, and those people reluctantly moved out of the way. Yuchen didn't care whether Hentian would run away, because he believed that the other party would definitely Will fulfill the promise, there is no reason, just because of his intuition!

Sure enough, in people's eyes, Hentian turned around after walking a few meters: "I will challenge you again. If I win, I will be free! One day I will defeat you!"

"Welcome at any time!" Yuchen returned with a smile. A general can be used by himself for at least one year. Yuchen is very confident that Hentian will never leave the dream, because this is a warm big family.


Players from the three major trade unions in the audience were all excited. Raytheon, Feng Kelei and others also came to congratulate Yuchen. Kicked and flew out!

"Brother Wuchen, you are so violent and pornographic!"


"Boss, what are they doing?" Mengmeng's members arrested all the people in Panlong, and they were not in Jianghu Wusha Qisha, Hubao Tianxia and others looked at Yuchen with gloomy faces!

"Hmph, if you want to kill you, you are not afraid of you anyway!" Not in Jianghu cursed.


His answer was a loud slap in the face, and the members shouted loudly: "Paralyzed, dare to talk nonsense, do you think you dare not kill you?"

"Grass mud horse!" Tiger Leopard Tianxia was furious, but he is a tenth-level rookie, and he can't even beat the peripheral members no matter how he tries.In return, the members of Dream beat and kicked to vent their anger!

"Xiao Ting, you're so annoying, women are still being raped by me, I'll go back and rape her tonight!" Hubao Tianxia couldn't understand his hatred, and yelled at Xiao Ting who was not far away!

Xiao Ting walked over coldly, slapped her face twice and said, "Don't make trouble with her, she is nothing in my eyes!"

"President, let's kill them!"

Yuchen shook his head, waved his hands, looked at the former tyrant, but now he was so depressed and sighed: "Let them go."


"Let's go," Yuchen said lightly, and the dream cadres left one after another.

"Hmph, you're lucky!"

"Yu Wuchen, labor and capital don't want you to pretend to be a good person, you're paralyzed, I'll fight you!" Not in Jianghu and others killed him, Yuchen suddenly turned his head, Yinlong Jue armed attack, causing them to be sent flying several meters away.

"I let you go because you are not worthy of me!" Leaving a cold sentence, Yuchen and the others disappeared in the center of Phoenix City!

"Ah, ah, don't let me see you!" Bu Zai Jianghu said with bloodshot eyes, his blue veins exposed.


"Slap! Don't bother me!" A slap was slapped on Hubao Tianxia's face, Hubao Tianxia's face changed but he was not angry, but this time his voice was a little louder: "Be sober!"

At that moment, not in Jianghu was stunned.

Only then did Hubao Tianxia say: "Xiao Ting and Yu Wuchen are together, and they even know each other in real life, which means that Yu Wuchen is also from Suzhou City!"

"What did you say?" At that moment, he was stunned, then laughed wildly, and asked with a ferocious face: "Who did you listen to?"

"Tang Yan!" Hubao Tianxia said coldly!

"Off the assembly line!" Filled with anger, Buzai Jianghu and others were brewing a terrifying crisis. In an instant, all of Panlong's men and horses disappeared here, and the empty space seemed as if nothing had happened. Yan actually told Hubao Tianxia about the relationship between Yuchen and Xiao Ting!

Yuchen, Xiao Ting, a new crisis has arrived!A huge conspiracy is quietly approaching Yuchen and the others in reality...

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