The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 259 – Unforgivable

In the early morning of the next day, a night of goose feather heavy snow dyed the ground white. On the streets and in the community, children playing can be seen everywhere. The whiteness looks very comfortable and clean.

There are still snowflakes in the sky....

The sky was bright, and cheerful voices came from the kitchen in Room 203 of Xiyang Community..

Humming a ditty, Yuchen wore an apron and was busy in the kitchen very early, one egg, two eggs, Yuchen was refreshed mentally, what he didn't expect was that xxoo...

That night, he crazily indulged his lust for many years, which put Yuchen in a good mood. He got up early and was about to apologize to Yihan. After all, it's been a day?This little girl should be angry, right?

Just when Yuchen was thinking wildly, with a bang, a beautiful figure rushed out of the door, and she shouted anxiously at Yuchen's room: "Yuchen, it's not good, it's not good, Yuchen!"

"Ruoxue? What's the matter?" Yuchen raised his eyebrows, and was dissolving the egg liquid and egg yolk in his hands. Seeing Ruoxue's pale face, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

At that moment, Ruoxue cried, and said to Yuchen choked with tears: "Yihan has an accident, and he is now in the city hospital!"


The bowl in Yuchen's hand shattered and fell to the ground. At that moment, Yuchen's eyes suddenly enlarged, and his rosy cheeks turned pale in an instant, so white that there was no trace of blood.

This news made Yuchen tremble uncontrollably like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. He panicked at this moment, and only Yihan's sweet smile and playful appearance were in his mind at this moment.

He rushed out the door without even wearing a coat, braved the heavy snow, entered the garage, and drove away. In this snow, Yuchen's speed did not slow down at all. Inside the car, he looked anxious and lost. Yuchen of God, Ruoxue clasped their fingers tightly.

"Do you like Yihan?" Ruoxue's question made Yuchen tremble uncontrollably, but he started driving crazily without stopping, leaving behind a group of people who yelled and cursed, as well as long marks in the snow.

Fortunately, the snow was neither deep nor thick, otherwise Yuchen and his wife would have been in a car accident long ago.

Facing Ruoxue's doubts, Yuchen did not answer. At this moment, he only had self-blame and regret in his mind. If he chased him out, if he went offline and explained to Yihan, if he didn't shout at Yihan, then everything would be fine. will happen.

When Yuchen came to the city hospital, Ruoxue's sports car was already in tatters, and Yuchen had blood on his forehead. He rushed out desperately, galloped towards the gate of the city hospital, and shouted with his hands tightly: "Yihan, don't worry! Otherwise, in this life, I won't be able to forgive myself!"

"Yuchen, Yuchen!"

Yu Chen looked back, Ruoxue, Uncle Sun, and even Xiao Ting followed. Seeing the blood on Yu Chen's forehead, Xiao Ting hurried over, and the four hurriedly asked The nurse then rushed to the intensive care unit.

There was someone in the elevator, but Yuchen couldn't stop the anxiety in his heart: "I'll run up!"

There was no time to stop anything, Yuchen disappeared in front of their eyes in two or three strides, Xiao Ting had eye problems and kept up with Yuchen, the speed of the two was terrifying, when they reached the 11th floor, Uncle Sun He Ruoxue hadn't come up yet.

Yuchen didn't have the slightest breath, and followed the guidance to the intensive care room with his head bleeding. Xiao Ting followed closely behind. His eyes were full of anxiety and uneasiness. It was the first time he saw Yuchen's expression like this, especially That look, despair and remorse, and a hint of uneasiness made Xiao Ting follow behind Yuchen without hesitation.

It was getting closer, getting closer, getting closer, sweat dripped from his running, Xiao Ting's gauze-tied hands felt uncomfortable, and he was panting continuously, and Yu Chen had already left him far behind.

"Yihan, Yihan!"

"Don't make any noise in the hospital."

Yuchen was still crazily calling Yihan's name, and finally a familiar figure caught his eyes, he stopped, and saw a girl sitting alone on a waiting seat, wearing a hospital uniform. Clothes trembling body, at that moment, Yuchen's heart trembled uncontrollably.

"Yihan..." Yuchen called out in a daze, the girl raised her messy hair, and Yuchen's heart was shaken again, what kind of eyes were there?The red eyes from crying were slightly swollen, but the eyes were still full of fear, uneasiness, and panic. When Yihan saw Yuchen, a gleam of tears fell down again.

"Da da da"

Behind him, Uncle Sun, Ruoxue, and Xiao Ting also dared to come over, and Uncle Sun rushed to Yihan's face at a brisk pace. Seeing his daughter's distraught appearance, Uncle Sun twitched suddenly.

"Dad..." At that moment, the usually playful and lively girl was crying heartbroken at this moment, crying bitterly in Uncle Sun's arms, and soon the doctor came out to stop her, and Yihan's voice stopped crying.

"Good boy, what happened?" Uncle Sun, including everyone present, didn't know what happened...

"Yonger, Yonger, where are you?" Just as they fell silent, a group of mighty teams came over. The leader was a middle-aged woman who was graceful and luxurious, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes also strode away. come over.

"Old Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you here, grandson? This..." This person is somewhat similar to Chen Yong, and this group of people is probably all relatives of Chen Yong.

"Xiaohan, Xiaohan, what's wrong with Yonger? What's wrong with Yonger?" The middle-aged woman's anxious face had already shed tears, and she kept asking Yihan, and Yihan's stubborn tears flowed out again. With a crying voice: "Yongjie is not out of danger yet to save me..."

The middle-aged woman fainted on the spot, and Chen's father was stunned for a moment, as if he was 10 years old. After all, he only had this one son!

In the silent waiting room, dozens of people didn't say a word. Yuchen wanted to get close to Yihan, but found that he couldn't do it. He still doesn't understand what happened?Chen Yong in order to save Yihan?Are you still in the ICU and not out of danger?

this?What happened, Yuchen blamed himself, deeply blamed himself, he took a long breath, came to the smoking room, Xiao Ting also followed..

"Any cigarettes?"

Xiao Ting handed one to Yu Chen, lit it, and took a deep breath. Xiao Ting carefully noticed that Yu Chen's eyes were shining brightly.

"Will you cherish it if you lose it?" The two of them were in the open-air smoking area, letting the snowflakes fall on their bodies, the smoke was everywhere, and they spit out faint eye circles!



There was a sound, the ground was bloody and cracked at the same time, with a punch, Yuchen could actually crack the balcony, which can clearly show the remorse and anger in Yuchen's heart at the moment: "What happened!"

"I found this next to Yihan..." Xiao Ting held a video camera in his right hand. In front of Xiao Ting.

Especially in the last scene, both of them were silent, Yihan called out the word Yongjie, and stabbed Chen Yong in the back with a knife, but it was the one who was hit in the head by a baseball bat The person who went to fight back at that moment, this camera fell to the ground and clearly recorded everything that happened that night!

"Panlong!" A trace of blood oozes from the clenched fist, Yu Chen's face becomes ferocious in an instant, and the blood-red eyes make Xiao Ting feel terrified!

"Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!"

Yuchen had already fallen into anger, he walked out, but bumped into Uncle Sun head-on.

The appearance of Uncle Sun surprised Yuchen and Xiao Ting. He took out a box of cigarettes and handed them over. Then he took a few puffs of cigarettes, exhaled the smoke and said with emotion: "I haven't smoked for many years. The girl doesn't like it, quit it..."

The smile was a bit bitter, but Yuchen saw the killing intent in Uncle Sun's eyes, yes, killing intent, Uncle Sun was angry!

"Have you seen what happened?"

Nod your head in response..

"A coiling dragon?" Uncle Sun continued to take a deep breath.The two nodded again...

"Okay, very good! Li Long seems to be the boss for a long time, and he has forgotten what hell is!" At that moment, Uncle Sun burst out with a strong killing intent, and Yu Chen and Xiao Ting were both trembling. .

"Uncle, let me come. It's because of me that this kind of thing happened. I want to kill Wusha Xuesha with my own hands!" Yuchen said with eyes full of anger. Don't hesitate to look at each other.

After a long time, Uncle Sun put out his cigarette: "Oh, yes, it's your young people's world now, but if you really want to go, let me introduce you to someone, you at least have the same enemy!"

"Yudie and those girls are here, but I know my daughter too well, and I still want to accompany her. Take this business card, why don't you go find him?" With that said, Uncle Sun left here, leaving Xiao Ting and Yu Chen standing in the snow.

The business card is not Uncle Sun's, but another person's name, named Wang Zhantian, just such a simple introduction, there is nothing on the golden business card, the two of them did not say anything, walked to the waiting room, glanced at the gathered crowd.

Yudie and even Xiaotian came.

"President, why don't you wear this dress first?" The blood on Yu Chen's forehead had already dried up. When Xiaotian saw Yu Chen, he quickly took out his down jacket and handed it to him.

"Say sorry for me from the trade union. I'm sorry to bother you all. I'll go and settle some things." Yu Chen said flatly, Xiao Tian stared at Xiao Ting for a moment, and Xiao Ting nodded.

"Do you need help?" Xiaotian still asked with concern.

"It's okay, I can solve it." Yuchen took a deep look at Yihan, who was surrounded by it at the moment, that pale face, and the despair and fear in his eyes still echoed in Yuchen's mind.

Clenching his fists tightly, he walked down the building. At that moment, Yihan couldn't help but forget to glance at the direction where Yuchen and Xiao Ting left, and his heart was full of grievances..

Unforgivable!This is the last sentence that filled Yuchen's mind!

He wants to kill those two people, let them know what the price is, make them regret, and make them completely disappear from the world. If there is no Chen Yong, maybe, he may never see Yihan again.

Resolutely leaving, Xiao Ting and Yu Chen walked on the snowy street, with angry killing intent in their eyes!

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