"This hand is what you owe me!"

Ma Yun Road Commercial Street, inside the Ice Age, a man with gauze wrapped in his hand and another man with gauze wrapped in his hand said so coldly, at this moment, the man passed out because his left hand is gone!

"Brother Xiao Ting, are you alright?" Wang Fei, Zhan Tian's younger brother couldn't help but said worriedly at the moment, the two of them had a big fight here just now, and finally Xiao Ting won!

"It's okay, Yuchen?" Xiao Ting looked at Wang Fei. So far, the industry belonging to Panlong has completely become Zhantian's. The underground city has undergone earth-shaking changes overnight. Zhantian replaced Panlong. , just took back everything that once belonged to them.

"Li Long is dead." Wang Fei said in shock. Until now, when he heard the news, he was still trembling and shocked. That man really did it and killed all the cadres of Panlong!

Wang Fei sighed and said: "Brother Yuchen escaped with serious injuries and is missing. We are already looking for it with all our strength. Don't worry, no news is good news!" Wang Fei said comfortingly.

Xiao Ting nodded. He knew the changes in Yuchen's body. Even so, he still made some worried calls, but he couldn't get through.

"By the way, Xiao Ting, is there a woman who wants to see you?" Wang Fei suddenly thought of something.

Xiao Ting was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something and let out a long sigh of relief: "Please Brother Fei lead the way." Xiao Ting knew who he was referring to, and it was time to end everything.The two left here under escort.

Soon... the death of Li Long and the demise of Panlong shocked the entire underworld in Jiangnan the next day. people!


And after that night, where was the seriously injured Yuchen?

He ran all the way, covered in blood, his eyes were a little blurred, he staggered and ran under the wind and snow, the cold weather made the blood stop flowing, finally he came to a familiar villa after an unknown amount of time.

After ringing the doorbell for half an hour, the door finally opened.

"Yuchen, what's wrong with you?" Seeing the pale Yuchen outside the door through the cat's eyes, Xuan'er immediately opened the door, but the scene in front of her made her tremble uncontrollably. In her eyes, Yuchen was covered in blood. Some have exposed red and white flesh, and the clothes on their bodies are even more tattered.

"It's nothing..." After finishing speaking, Yuchen passed out in Xuan'er's arms. That night, when the sky was snowing heavily, Yihan in the hospital trembled violently for some reason. Turning to Chen Yong on the hospital bed, he remembered Yuchen's approaching gaze.

Eyes full of sadness...

Snowflakes fell all over the sky, and as the sun rose in the east, the night passed and the day fell. The great changes that happened that night were unknown to ordinary people, and they still lived their ordinary lives.

Opening his eyes, Yuchen stood up tremblingly in the dimly lit room. The tight gauze all over his body made it difficult for him to move, and when he stood up vigorously, blood oozed from the wound.

"Don't move!" Then there was a voice of shouting, Yuchen fixed his eyes, and a beautiful figure appeared in front of his eyes, and said sadly: "Xuan'er, thank you."

"I really don't understand why you went there? There are knife wounds all over your body. Fortunately, they are all skin traumas. The most serious one is the left shoulder. If it is later, it will be useless. Fortunately, this girl has excellent medical skills, otherwise you will be in the middle of the night. Just wait to die!" Although Xuan'er was very angry, there was a trace of blame and worry in her words, she cast a charming look with her beautiful eyes, and carefully came to Yuchen's side.

"It's okay..." Yuchen still said lightly.

"He said he was fine, and he almost died!" Xuan'er glared at Yuchen, her winking eyes were full of concern, and she continued, "You just lie down for me these few days. Although the wound is not fatal, it is enough More than a dozen, if you don't have a month, you don't want to get out of bed!"

"Ah? No way... how can this work?" Yuchen was startled, he didn't expect his body to be so serious, but he didn't feel anything strange, except for a little pain, there was no problem!

"That's a bullet, do you think it's a stone?" Xuan'er scolded angrily, Xuefeng's sexy body trembled slightly because of Yuchen's expression, his sexy figure and angry appearance were so glamorous and moving.

"...." Yuchen remained silent.

"Okay, I've made porridge for you, let's eat." Xuan'er took out a bowl of pure white porridge from the dining room, and brought it to Yuchen's body. Refreshing.

"Huh..." Xuan'er poked out her mouth and blew a breath. The faint red lips made Yuchen unconsciously think of some kind of picture that is not suitable for children. At this moment, Xuan'er was only wearing thin clothes, and the room was open. Heating, the plump snowy peak squeezed out the rippling gully, and a piece of white flowers was right in front of Yuchen's eyes.

"What are you looking at, you are still in the mood at this time, you are really lustful!" Xuan'er glanced at Yuchen dissatisfied, but did not stop moving, carefully feeding Yuchen gruel.

"You are seducing me..."


"Otherwise, wearing so little and relying on it for so long, don't you know that brother is a man?"

"Go to hell, call me sister!" Xuan'er patted Yuchen's hand, ouch, just where the bullet hit, Xuan'er panicked for a moment: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Thank you, Xuan'er." Taking advantage of Xuan'er's unpreparedness, Yuchen hugged the beautiful young woman, greedily smelling the faint fragrance in the air.

Xuan'er lay in her arms and couldn't help trembling her delicate body, her eyes were shining, and then she slowly left Yuchen's arms and smiled lightly: "I have a daughter...don't keep trying to take over my sister's Cheap."

"....I'm hungry."

"Eat by yourself..." Xuan'er put the porridge away and walked away from Yuchen.

"I want to eat you.."

"Okay, you come..."

"I think so."

"Go, go, I'm going to the company first, wait for me to come back." Xuan'er answered the phone and said to Yuchen.

"Go, I'll wait for you to come back."

"By the way, ask Xiao Ting to help me bring the helmet here?" Yuchen said to Xuan'er before he went back. It's inevitable that everyone will be worried when he goes back in this state. Let's wait until he recovers. Fortunately, Xuan'er is at home and his body is healthy. Don't worry about it.

"En." Xuan'er replied softly, and went out. Yuchen was the only one left in the empty room. He stood up with difficulty and drew the curtains. He was not used to the dazzling light.

Luxurious villa area, below is the moment when Xuan'er was driving, thinking of molesting Xuan'er just now, Yuchen couldn't help showing a wry smile, obviously he is so cowardly about feelings, but sometimes he can't stop his emotions...

Man, what a strange creature.

After a life-and-death battle, Yuchen seemed to understand some things very clearly. The battery of the mobile phone was already fully charged, and countless text messages came to mind just after turning it on.

"Hey, hey, brother Yuchen? Don't scare the old man!!" The phone rang, and finally connected, and Wang Zhantian's anxious voice came from inside. When he arrived at Panlong headquarters, what he saw was already It made him speechless, and he immediately looked for Yuchen but there was no news.

"Hehe, brother is fine, at a friend's house."

"Okay, okay, I knew it, I'll inform Old Sun, he is also very worried about you."

"It's troublesome."

Just after hanging up, Xiao Ting called.

"Very serious?" Xiao Ting is indeed the man who understands Yuchen the most. Now that Yuchen has not returned, it proves that getting injured is not easy.

"It's okay, I need to recuperate for a few days. You can give the helmet to Xuan'er for a few days. She will call you later, and I won't be back for the time being."

"Is it really okay?" Yuchen's character, if nothing happened, he would have come back a long time ago, but he has not come back now, but he is already in safety, Xiao Ting didn't ask more about the matter between him and Xuan'er, just nodded in response.

"By the way, Yuchen, the game is already buzzing. Regarding the update, the opening of the pet system has been confirmed. I am afraid that the system will be updated at any time, which means..."

Yuchen nodded cautiously, which means that the guild resident will be refreshed!

A bloody battle is inevitable!

"I'll be online tonight."

"it is good!"

Hanging up the phone, Yuchen took out his mobile phone and chatted on QQ in every possible way.

"Dididi, are you there?" Looking at the message, it was still from the stranger last time. Yuchen couldn't help being curious. Anyway, he was bored and added him as a friend.

"you are?"

"Wow, you're finally alive..."

"you are?"

"You only know to reply to my message now." The profile picture of the cute girl kept flashing.

"Who are you!" Yuchen finally got a little impatient, he is so impatient...otherwise he wouldn't be so impulsive and just do it.

"Hee hee, guess..."

Yuchen turned off his mobile phone QQ, went to the webpage to browse some news, and there was a report about what happened last night, but it was a huge fire in the Brilliant Entertainment City and so on.

As night fell, Xuan'er finally came back...

"Uncle, Uncle, are you awake?" A childlike voice sounded, and a cute little face was reflected on Yuchen's cheek.

"Hehe, Huiyu..."

"Hui Yu, you talk with uncle, mommy is going to make dinner." Xuan'er said softly, Hui Yu nodded obediently, and Xuan'er glanced at Yuchen again: "Bring the helmet back, otherwise you will be bored Right? But we have to have dinner first."

After Xuan'er left, Hui Yu obediently went to Yuchen's side, and Yuchen looked at the little beauty in front of him who would definitely be the embryo of a beauty in the future, and Yuchen was embarrassed by those innocent eyes..



"Do you like my mother?"

"Ah?" Looking at this little girl who was a little older, this question made Yuchenlei's heart burnt on the spot... He really couldn't figure it out, how old is this little girl?After all, it's really hard to judge from the outside.

That night, Yuchen had a warm dinner. The tender Xuan'er fed him gently, and Huiyu kept covering her mouth and smiling. That cute appearance made Yuchen a little worried. If such an angelic girl It will be troublesome if you encounter strange Shushu.

"bah bah bah"

Yuchen scolded himself for thinking about it inwardly. After everything was over, with Xuan'er's permission, Yuchen finally saw his long-lost helmet. That night, he directly entered the game!

The turbulent "Rewrite Life" is still continuing the unknown splendor.

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