The system update is complete, and players all over the world are already waiting, and even put on their helmets in advance to enter the game world that has been integrated into their lives!

"It's finally healed, Yihan, what's wrong?" Ruoxue looked at Yihan who seemed a little worried.

"You go first..." Yihan said calmly, her beautiful eyes were full of sadness and desolation.

"Then I won't go up anymore, let's chat with you."

"I'm fine.. oh, ok, enter the game." The two women chose to go online with different moods. What no one expected was that this update turned the relationship between all of them upside down. Variety!

"Ding Dong, respected player, welcome to enter the game world of rewriting life, I wish you a happy game."

"Ding dong, there are new features in the game, please check them carefully."

"Damn, isn't it?" Yuchen went online, and greeted the system in shock on the spot, because the iconic plump snow peak of the goddess of darkness and light disappeared, replaced by murals surrounding the hall.

Yuchen glanced dissatisfied, and was about to choose to enter the game but was attracted by a frame of the mural, he levitated away, and the content of the next mural attracted him deeply!

This is an ancient battlefield. Among the thousands of troops, there are several blood men covered in blood. They hold weapons and look extremely sharp. They have no fear in the face of the siege of various races.

And among these races, there are weird night demons, dark undead, and even flying dragons, as well as tall giants. Hundreds of race masters in the game world have put their all into it, only to besiege Less than a hundred people!

And these more than a hundred people, all dead and injured, still stood until the last moment. Looking at the murals, Yuchen's heart was already attracted and shocked, because he remembered Yichen's words.

Darkness and light team up to create a monster!

Obviously, the huge mural in front of me is the content of what was called the holy war back then. At the end of the mural, there were not many monsters left. When surrounded by the army, a man with eagle eyes came out, and the gas around him It started to vibrate, and the whole body exuded a terrifying light, but the mural ended here, leaving Yuchen still unsatisfied!

The picture ends here, and no one knows what happened next!

"So that's how it is." After reading it, combined with Yichen's words back then, this person is the most powerful monster back then, right?

"Could we also face this situation in the future?" Yuchen suddenly thought of a shocking fact, after all, he is now a monster, this existence that makes darkness and light fear...

"Forget it, take one step at a time." Yuchen habitually chooses to avoid such troublesome problems. After all, as a player, he doesn't think that games can influence his life path.

With a flash of white light, Yuchen entered the game world. When he appeared in Phoenix City, a majestic and heavy snow fell in the sky. Yes, it was pure white and flawless snowflakes.

"Wow, so beautiful, so beautiful..."

"Honey, look quickly, it's snowing, it's snowing."

It was snowing in the game world, and it was still Phoenix City. The snowflakes flying all over the sky fell to the ground, wet Yuchen's cheeks, and heavy snow fell in the sky.

"It's snowing." Looking at the sky, both Yihan and Ruoxue said excitedly. Yihan looked at the white and flawless snowflakes in a somewhat dull mood and got better. She turned her body in the snowflakes, her face showing A slight smile.

"It's snowing." Beauty Xuan'er also went online, and she was just at the same position as Yu Chen. Yu Chen nodded, and the white world made him calm down.

"Hahaha, it's finally up, how are you brothers!"

"Damn it, it's snowing in Phoenix, is there any mistake."

"Wow, so beautiful."

"A younger sister appeared."

The dream trade union channel is full of excitement, and the cadres rarely speak. Yuchen also sent a message: "According to the instructions in charge, the recruiting cadres are ready. In addition, there is no need to hold a meeting. Everyone works hard to level up, improve their strength, and achieve Contribution speed is exchanged for point equipment, brothers. Get ready for a big fight!"

Yuchen said excitedly, the members all knew what Yuchen was referring to, and they all roared in the channel. Up to now, any countermeasures are empty, only rely on strength and determination!

After all, in this city of Phoenix where all the heroes come together, the dream union is not the most powerful, and it is necessary to improve its strength before making a decision to guarantee it. Yuchen and the others have already made arrangements for it.

"Ow Oo"

The members were very excited, especially the core members who worked crazily. It is an honor to be the core member of the dream, and no one will give up easily!

"Yuchen, are you going home this year?" Xingzhu sent a message.

Yuchen was stunned: "Hehe, why, are you willing to go home?" In Yuchen's memory, Xingzhu hasn't been home for a long time, at least five years, right?

"Hehe, yes, by the way, I let my brother join the dream, is it okay?" Xingzhu Lefeng said.

"Hey, how polite are you? You decide, but you understand."

"Don't worry, my brother's strength is not weaker than mine, and this guy entered the game before me, and he's in Phoenix City."

"Oh?" Yuchen became interested. The powerful Yuchen in Phoenix City couldn't be more clear. Who would Xingzhu's younger brother be?But Yuchen didn't have time to ask more questions.

"Xiaoyu, I remembered, your birthday will be in a few days, right?" Xingzhu said in a low voice.

Yuchen shuddered and remembered something: "Hehe, I really forgot."

"How is it? Are you free to get together? You are in Suzhou City, hehe, it's not far from here."

"Well, that's ok. We got together on my birthday." Yu Chen replied, the two hung up the phone, and Yu Chen's message came to mind again.

It turned out that the night that had disappeared for a long time was very quiet, and Misty Rain, who had been crazy about leveling, had returned to the third place in the ranking list!

But when it comes to the rank list, what makes Yuchen curious is that Hentian did not enter the rank list, and his ghost king profession is also very special.

The three of them had a discussion about the renewal of the resident. Refreshing once a month is a good thing for them. Of course, it also brought changes to their previous plans. After the voice discussion, the three of them smiled with satisfaction. up.

And Yuchen hastily hung up the voice...

Because he found something wrong, the place where he left the assembly line was not far from Yanran's tailor shop, however, the door is still locked up until now, what's going on?Is Yanran not open yet?

No.. An ominous premonition suddenly rushed into Yuchen's heart. He activated the authority directly and entered the interior of the tailor shop in an instant. In the backyard, flowers were blooming. Yuchen came to the backyard and found that Yanran was not there. I became more anxious.

"Yan Ran, Yan Ran!!"

Shouted a few words to the wing room, but there was still no response, Yuchen looked terrified and rushed in. The moment he opened the door, Yuchen lost his mind because there was no one in the room!

Yuchen's face darkened, and he hurried to the square. The main entrance of the tailor's shop was still empty, and there was no one in the empty tailor's shop. What's going on?Yuchen is in a hurry!

"Little boy, little boy!"

"Yanran, Yanran, where are you?"

Yuchen lost his mind and searched the whole room, but he still didn't find Yanran.

"Yanran!" Yuchen suddenly looked back, and a figure appeared in front of his eyes, but it was not Yanran, but an npc little boy, her eyes were slightly red, and her thin delicate body was shivering in the cold wind. She actually hid in the corner and cried?

"Xiaotong, Xiaotong, where is sister Yanran?" Yuchen rushed up and held Xiaotong's arms. The powerful force made Xiaotong feel pain. Seeing Yuchen's eager expression, Xiaotong slowly took out a letter and handed it to her. Liao Yuchen: "Brother Wuchen, Sister Yanran... Sister Yanran left a letter for you, and after that, Xiaotong never saw my sister again."

"What!" At that moment, Yuchen's mind went blank, and Yanran left?Yan Ran actually left!

After snatching the letter, Yuchen's eyes were already anxious, his complexion turned pale in an instant, his whole body trembled inexplicably, and the delicate words reflected on Yuchen's face.

Tears fell involuntarily and wet her cheeks.

"Brother Wuchen, Yanran is really happy these days, but whenever Yanran is alone, she thinks of her lonely grandfather in the countryside. Brother Wuchen, don't be angry, Yanran wants to go home, wants to go home and see grandpa, grandpa The medicinal porridge is really delicious, hehe, Yanran has so many things to say..."

"Sweetness!!!" The sky with snowflakes and dust, along with Yuchen's roar, resounded through the entire backyard. At that moment, Yuchen had no time to continue looking down, he rushed like crazy go out.

There is only one thought in his mind, and that is to find Yanran!

Thinking back to every move of that weak girl in her mind, her smile, her kindness, her weakness, everything about her broke Yuchen's heart, and Yanran actually chose to leave!

Cried, Yuchen cried again because of a woman, she cried once four years ago, and she cried again four years later!

"Yanran, I won't let you go. If something happens to you, what do you tell me to do? How do you tell me to explain to grandpa! How can you tell me to be worthy of myself!" Yuchen ran out of the tailor frantically. store, and began to search for Yanran all over the street.

"Yanran, Yanran!!" His roar made the players in the snow tremble. Yuchen asked Yanran's whereabouts when he met everyone. Everyone thought Yuchen had gone crazy!

Yuchen's footprints were left in the snow, messed up, completely messed up, her mind went blank, Xuan'er ran over with a pale face: "Yuchen, what's wrong with Yuchen? What's wrong with you?"

"Xuan'er, Yanran is gone, Yanran is gone!!"

"What, Yan Ran left?" At that moment, Xuan'er's eyes revealed a look of shock.

Yanran, after the system update, this soft and beautiful girl actually chose to leave without saying goodbye, just to not cause any trouble to Yuchen...

"Snowflakes, so beautiful..." A beautiful figure who walked out of Phoenix City said with some sadness looking at the brilliant sky.

Can Yuchen prevent Yanran from leaving? ? ?

(The third update, VIP flower pk, brothers can watch the double VIP event, No. 1-6)

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