The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 276 – Battle for Hegemony

On a sunny morning, the majestic wind blows gently on the ground. The ancient ruins in the valley in the south of Phoenix City are now dark and overwhelming. They come from all the major forces in Phoenix City!

They went to the ancient ruins for only one purpose, and that was to compete for the territory!

The territory of the main human city was refreshed for the first time, a piece of Phoenix City, and a piece of Golden Dragon City. Once it becomes the first union with a territory, everyone knows what it means!

"Guildmaster Demon Wolf, are we really going to do this?" Feihuo Zaitian, the president of the Feihuo union, who belongs to a low-level union in Phoenix City, participated in this uncertain battle, and his heart was still full of emotions. Miscellaneous.

"President Feihuo, don't worry, gather our strength, with a combat power of 7, we can definitely fight against the [-]th-level guild! Besides, it's a game..." The Demon Wolf of the God of War didn't care about the outcome at all, he was just a madman!

No one can understand his thoughts at all!

Looking ahead, the blood wolf revealed a smile of anticipation and muttered: "This time, can you let me have fun? Who will the battle for the territory be? Hahahaha."

"Guild leaders, hope is right in front of us, whether to swallow your anger or fight hard, those who are greedy for life and fear of death, it is too late to quit now, the game, let us fight with all our blood! Blood stained the battlefield!" God of War Invincible looked into the distance and shouted at the players behind him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The shouts of 10,000+ people resounded throughout the plain, and they slowly stepped into the location of the territory in the historic site!

at the same time!

"Chairman Juetian, the target has been found, 300 meters ahead!" A thief's figure suddenly appeared in front of Long Xiang Juetian, the president of the Longxiang Branch. When the wind picked up, the corner of Longxiang Juetian's mouth curled into a smile: "Yu Wuchen, it's really thanks to me thinking highly of you that I buried this pawn, otherwise the outcome would have been decided."

"Go forward at full speed. If you meet a member of the dream union, you will be killed without mercy, and Long Xiang will be able to pay for all the losses! Kill me and fight for the garrison!" Long Xiang shouted at tens of thousands of guns, and their troops advanced from three places.

At this moment, only more than [-] elites took the lead, and there are still tens of thousands of horses rushing here. There are even powerful supporters who are about to reach Phoenix City, just to get the resident of Phoenix City!

Once the two residences are owned by Long Xiang, other trade unions will not be able to develop in the future, and they will even have to linger under Long Xiang's roof. This is what no trade union wants to see!

The Longxiang branch is bound to win this territory, showing an extremely strong side. At the same time, the forces of the major guilds began to pour into the map of the ancient ruins!

"President, [-] Long Xiang teams are found ahead!"

"Long Xiang? Leave them alone, go to the territory at speed!" An Jing's expression froze, and sure enough, they found more than 3 members of Long Xiang after running not far away. trembling!

"Huo, you're already level 50." Quietly glanced at Longxiang Tianmo provocatively, and just like this led tens of thousands of elites of the last days to rush past their eyes!

"Chasing!" Longxiang Tianmo said viciously, and followed closely. It would be of no benefit to anyone to start a war now. For a sinister villain like Longxiang Tianmo, he would naturally not choose to have a conflict with An Jing here.

In Yanyu Jiangnan, heroes from all walks of life poured in from all directions, but at this time, what passed by the elite members of Yanyu Jiangnan was a group of delicate beauties, they lined up neatly, and the team ran wildly in an orderly manner.

"Feng Wu! Are you really here?" Misty Rain's expression changed. Although he had already realized that this battle of the garrison would cause chaos in the entire Phoenix City, they were disturbed by the God of War Guild first. Even though they have four trade union alliances, they dare not be [-]% sure about this battle!

"Sister, it seems that everyone knows the location of the resident!" Feng Wu said anxiously, players are pouring in from all directions, and all major forces are mixed in. This complicated and severe form is Feng Wu and the others. do not want to see.

"Hmm..." Feng Wu Qingcheng still didn't waver in the slightest, but instead asked Feng Wu Jue Se: "Sister Jue, why did you say that Long Xiang Jue Tian told us the location of the trade union?"

Feng Wu Qingcheng asked an indifferent woman beside her, with an iceberg-like expression, even though she was beautiful, it made people shudder, the cold and arrogant woman named Feng Wu Juemei said lightly: "Even if he doesn't tell, we will know, don't worry about it." His intention, since Qingcheng has made up his mind, we will always be with you!"

Feng Wu Qingcheng's expression trembled, and then she raised a faint smile and shouted coquettishly: "Put all Feng Wu's combat power into action, and gather in the southern valley of the ancient ruins!"

"Sister, you?" Feng Wu couldn't help looking at her sister, her eyes full of horror.

"Success or failure is determined at one stroke. If Long Xiang gets the territory, then everything is fate!" Feng Wu Qingcheng seemed to have made a heavy decision, putting all her eggs in one basket and making the last effort!

"This battle! We will definitely win, and at the same time, we will definitely make you well." Feng Wu's stunningly indifferent face flashed with incomparable shock. At that moment, tens of thousands of people in Feng Wu shouted!

At the same time, the power of the ten-year Fengwu is approaching Phoenix City like a storm, and Fengwu is bound to get the lord's order!

"Boss, we are here!" The leading man is Babao. Although he has no position as a core member, his status in the trade union is naturally different from that of ordinary members. a member of!

In a blink of an eye, more than 5 peripheral members and elite core forces have basically arrived!

"Wu Chen, Long Xiang Jue Tian is here!" Xiao Ting shouted in the crowd, he scouted first, and when he came back, his expression was serious.

"How many people?" Xi Yang asked anxiously.

"I don't know, there are 3 pioneer troops! It seems that they have made up their minds!" Xiao Ting said coldly, his eyes still extremely firm.

"They have made up their minds, and we have made up our minds too!" Yuchen yelled loudly and then yelled at the tens of thousands of members: "Brothers, it's time to realize your dreams! It's a man, take up arms and fight with me! Guard In this territory, you will witness the birth of a miracle!"

"Let's create a miracle, let's break the myth of Longxiang's invincibility!" Yuchen said with high spirits, at that moment, the dream players were terrified, not afraid, but excited!

"Dreams must win! The president must win!"

"Dreams must win!"

"Dreams must win!"

The shouts reverberated in the valley for a long time, and the deafening shouts spread to the vast land of ancient ruins. All major forces flocked one after another. In an instant, in the southern valley, the player was still the player at a glance!

"The dream has already been taken!" The president of the Feihuo union said with a complicated expression.

"Don't worry! Long Xiang is here too!"

"The night is very quiet, misty rain, and the sky of war is coming!" Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and sure enough, from one direction in front of the territory, the three major trade unions gathered together, and hundreds of thousands of people watched Everyone is terrified!

Quiet, Misty Rain, Zhan Tian walked into the territory under the gaze of the people, and the battle did not start as everyone expected, the dream was released directly, and then hundreds of thousands of players actually helped the dream to hold the position!

"You didn't tell us until you took possession?" Quiet glanced at Yuchen contemptuously, but didn't say much, otherwise he would do the same.

"Our agreement still counts, right? Wuchen, don't take it for yourself." Yanyu joked, among these people, only Zhantian doesn't care, in reality Yuchen gave huge wealth and territory, let alone fight in the game , I am afraid that Zhan Tian will help Yuchen without complaint!

"Hehe, the premise is that we can win. If we can't win, everything is useless." Yuchen shrugged and smiled helplessly, looking at the overwhelming crowd of players, the darkness made one feel horrified!

Long Xiangjuetian saw Dream, Misty Rain, End Times, Zhantian four trade union presidents chatting and laughing, and couldn't help but coldly snorted: "Is it really united?" His eyes turned to the union led by God of War with a disdainful glance and said: "Do the mob dare to shine with the sun and the moon?"

"You, Long Xiang, are just a lot of people. What's there to be proud of?" Hearing this, the Demon Wolf of the God of War took a dissatisfied look, and roared at Long Xiang Juetian. The voice of disdain from heaven is even louder!

Into the ears of everyone present!

"You're courting death!" A trace of killing intent flashed in Long Xiang Juetian's eyes!

"Try it if you have one?" The Demon Wolf, the God of War, said without fear.

"Ding dong, ding dong"

At the moment when they were arguing, a reminder notice suddenly came to mind in the sky, and at that moment, everyone looked to the sky!

"Ding dong, player Longxiang Jiutian has obtained the lord token!"

"Ding dong, the lord's order is here, the 10 countdown to the resident battle has officially begun!"

As the countdown of the system fell, the audience was in an uproar, and the countdown began!

"Ding dong, Yu Wuchen, the holder of the lord's token, the countdown starts at 10 hours. Killing the lord during the next period will make the player 100% burst out the lord's token!"

"It's finally starting!"

"The core members will do their best to protect the president!" Shen Mo shouted loudly, and Yuchen was surrounded by more than two hundred core members, even An Jing and Misty Rain stayed by Yuchen's side every step of the way!

"Don't go far away, kid, or I won't be able to protect you." Quiet glanced at Yuchen and smiled.

"Go, go, brother isn't that weak yet!!"

"Everyone is ready to attack!"

"Knights put up shields! Generals step forward, block all warrior classes, and ranged classes prepare to attack! If you let other people kill in, you will all apologize to me!" Misty Rain yelled loudly, and the entire battlefield immediately filled A layer of smoke!

With the sound of the system notification sound, the resident battle for hegemony has finally kicked off!

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