The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 295 – Happy Birthday

Under the brilliant night sky, far away in the territory of Dream Capital, the ancient ruins of the southern valley in the south of Phoenix City, it is extremely lively and exciting at this moment. As night falls, there are even more players here.

When Yuchen agreed to spend the only 25-year-old birthday in his life in the game, almost the entire Phoenix City received the news, and Bai Xiaosheng rushed to the scene immediately.

But now, 10,000+ players have gathered here in the Dream City, and the number is still increasing. The players of the Dream Union are busy and chaotic, but everyone's face is full of excitement and excitement. Excited.

"Babao, where are you looking at?" Wulei walked over to a violent Babao and smiled innocently: "Head, look, there, there..." Wulei looked along the corner of Babao's eyes, only to see dreams The beauties group dressed up a lot today and even put on sexy fashions.

No tears and no expression: "I'll see enough later, quickly decorate this place, later this is a birthday present for the boss, maybe, you all give me shit!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task. Oh, boss, I forgot, get out of prison with blood!"

Wulei cast a glance: "Boss has already gone to pick it up..."

Under Babao's shocking eyes, Wulei walked to the side of the girls who dreamed of being in charge of Yihan and Ruoxue. The tiger's body shook, and immediately started chatting with the girls, and recovered from the shock. Babao raised his middle finger fiercely: "Fuck!"

Phoenix, prison number one!

In the heavily guarded place, rows of mighty soldiers were outside, and a thin man with sharp eyes slowly walked out. After more than a month of hard work, he finally performed well and was released from prison early.

He looked at some familiar streets, took a look, and found that there were no dream members, he was a little disappointed, even Babao didn't come, and cursed viciously: "Damn Babao, your sister didn't come to pick me up. "

These days, he used the forum time and went out to kill thieves to know everything that happened in the outside world. In fact, basically every day, members of Dreams went to visit the prison, and even Yihan and the others went in person.

"Alas... sad." Looking at the deserted street, the bloody man seemed a little lost, and everything in his mind was shattered, but he didn't say anything. After all, the city of dreams should be very busy now, right?

"Brothers, I'm back." Su Xue didn't regret joining the dream, and was even extremely proud now. He raised his chest and headed towards the teleportation point. Now he can proudly walk on the street and tell the teleporter that he is going to dream capital.

"Boy, where did your dog eyes go? I have stood in this dark wind for so long, and you ignored me so gorgeously..." Just as Yu Chen was about to leave, Yuchen walked from the dark corner He came out with a gratified smile on his face.

"Boss...boss..." Feng Chuixue froze there, looking very excited.

"Let's go." Without any extra words, Yuchen walked up to the bloody side and patted his shoulders, saying nothing.

"Dream City brothers are busy today, so I'm here, don't you mind?"

"Boss, I'm so moved that you can come..."

"He's a big man, don't cry, it's easy to arouse others' suspicion, isn't it?"

So, the scene of Yuchen and the blood was faithfully photographed by Bai Xiaosheng's paparazzi. As expected, the paparazzi were everywhere. The sensational news that Yuchen was a gay was once again exposed on the forum, which made countless gays go crazy.

"Yeah, that's it, um, ok, remember, the sisters will sway vigorously and shout crazily later." Yihan nodded in satisfaction on the stage, and the wretched Xiao Ai behind her stared at the snow-white chests of all the beauties.

"Wow, Yihan, are you going to have a dance party?" Ruoxue walked in, and at a glance, she saw red makeup and heavy ink, and every female player was wearing a special sexy red dress, which was classic but fashionable, sexy but flamboyant.

"Ruoxue, come, come, I've prepared a set for you too, you can change into it."

"Wow, ummm, it's so beautiful."

"No, Yihan, let people wear this out..."

"What? Are you not satisfied with what Yanran and I have carefully crafted?"

"It's not la, it's just, will this work?"

"We are all~" Yihan thought for a while and added: "Just think of it as a birthday present for that pervert~"

"I don't want it, you go by yourself~" Ruoxue pouted dissatisfiedly, and Yihan kept begging: "Small oil... Ruoxue..."

But at this moment, Shen Mo, Wuxin and others are not idle. The construction of the Dream Capital has been completed. After all, it is a first-level territory. Even if you want to expand the resident, it is impossible. Although the territory is very large, the system is limited. .

"I said, Xiao Xingzi, are you messing around?" Silently asked the helper with a puzzled expression, but he was very puzzled.

"Hey, Brother Mo Mo, there are surprises, so don't be in a hurry." Xingzhu was continuing to build the fort, Wuxin and Mo Mo looked calm, but Yan continued to do what he was doing with confidence.

"Captain Xingzhu, Big Brother Xingzhu..." At this time, Wufeng rushed over from the outside in a hurry, the speed was really embarrassing, only the afterimage flashed by, and he was already in front of Xingzhu.

"what happened?"

"There is a 20-year-old young man looking for you outside." Xin Wufeng said with a breath.

"A 20-year-old youth, looking for me?" Xing Zhu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Xiao Yan, I leave it to you, I'm afraid that kid is here."

Yan nodded: "Don't worry, I promise it will be fine."

On the outskirts of the dream territory, a player dressed as a male warrior in plate armor stood outside. He glanced at the boiling sound and lights inside and couldn't help showing a hint of admiration: "It's pretty good."

"Brother asked you to come during the battle of the territory. You are so good, you are only here now." Xingzhu's voice sounded suddenly, and the young man was a little embarrassed and said: "Brother, I think too, the problem is this bt I'm also helpless with the task."

"Okay, okay, hurry up, add you to the club." Xingzhu didn't talk nonsense, after all, he was busy tonight.

"Brother, who is our president? If you are not strong, you will definitely not join..." The handsome young man said lightly.

"Our president is very powerful!" It was not Xingzhu who spoke, but a voice from behind. Both Xingzhu and the young man turned their heads. Seeing this, Xingzhu was overjoyed: "Yo, you're back!"

"It's you!"

The moment he turned around, Yuchen exclaimed like the young man, because Xingzhu's younger brother turned out to be Xingkong who helped Yuchen out of trouble, the powerful mechanic Xingkong.

"What? You know each other?" Xingzhu was also puzzled, but Yuchen and his younger brother did not expect to know each other.

"I know you... this guy was surrounded by thousands of people, if it wasn't for me, he would have died." Xing Kong said in shock.


Yuchen and his group walked in, and Xingkong, a powerful mechanic, miraculously entered the dream union and became the leading terrifying general in the future. A big gun made people frightened.


Jingjing, Yanyu and the others finally looked forward to Yuchen's return. A group of people walked up, and when Yuchen came back, he also went to reminisce with Babao and others. When the night gradually fell, the city of dreams was already brightly lit, which made people dazzled.

The next thing became interesting. In order to have fun, the core members of the dream rushed into the high-level monster area. Lots of entertainment.

"Ahem, first of all, thank you all for your kindness in participating in my little brother's birthday, let's not talk nonsense, let's not get drunk tonight!" Everyone has arrived, and Yuchen is unambiguous, the regional channel roared, and the audience erupted.

Looking at it at a glance, rows of players were having a great time fighting wine and eating meat, while Yuchen's table was full of masters from Phoenix City.

There are 40 people at a table, and the powerful aura makes the surrounding players tremble with fear.

Line up on Yuchen's side, silence, Wuxin, Xiao Ting, Han, Yuesui, Fengran, Xiaotian, Xiyang, Wulei, Wufeng, Xingzhu, Xingkong and Dream generals, the same is true on the quiet side, and Yanyu also Now, Zhan Tian is bold, the wine in the game is not intoxicating, but purer and more fragrant than in reality.

"Come on, drink!"

Raising the wine glass high, the wine overflowed the table. Yuchen probably has never seen such a birthday party with tens of 10 people in his life, but now he is the protagonist tonight.

"Strange? Why didn't you see Yihan and the others?" Yuchen had always discovered the problem.

"Hey, I said I wanted to surprise you." Silence smiled without saying a word.Your boy is so happy.

"Yuchen, wait until 12 o'clock, all brothers will give you a birthday gift~" Xingzhu pretended to be mysterious, Yuchen was also stunned, after all, it was a game world, but no matter what it was, Yuchen was already excited Very much.

"Your boy's birthday can be said to be a lot of news, hehe, the game world, my brother has nothing to give away, it's not a respect, as long as you like it." An Jing took out a beautiful gift box.

"Can it be packed in the game?" Yuchen opened it suspiciously. It was a belt, and it was a ghost weapon.Yuchen didn't say a word, and accepted it with a smile, this feeling was remembered in his heart.

"Of course, the game, maybe it is more obsessed than the reality, come on, Wuchen boy, here it is for you." Yanyu also took out a gift, Yuchen also took a look, ring!It is also a ghost weapon.

Yuchen smiled gratefully. The brocade clothes he was wearing with Yanran actually had little defensive effect. Except for the two life-saving skills, the clothes were almost the same as the fashions sold in the mall.

Jing Jing and Yan Yu both saw their embarrassment, so they gave the most real ones.


Raising the wine glasses, the noise at their table was also louder, and the members also drank to their heart's content. It is rare to get drunk a few times in life, let alone in this game, not only fighting monsters and upgrading, but also passionate friendship.

Glancing at the time, it was exactly 11:55. At the dinner table, Yan and Xingzhu retreated quietly and walked up to their towering turret: "Wufeng, work hard."

"Good!" Wufeng and hundreds of mages nodded, their faces full of excitement.

"Sisters, get ready~"


"Yuchen, look at the sky!" As Xingzhu shouted, all the people looked at the sky.

In the next second, Wufeng took the lead and shouted: "Brothers, release all kinds of magic!"

Throwing their magic into the turret, it surged into the sky with a bang.

"bang bang bang"

"dong dong dong dong"

In the sky, silver, white, red, purple, blue, and golden rays of light shone on this grand night like shooting stars, scattered like fireworks, and illuminated people's eyeballs at that moment.

Everyone looked at the sky, under the bright stars, the brilliant fireworks illuminated everything.

"Yuchen, happy birthday!"

Accompanied by the voices of a group of beauties, the audience exploded in the next second. Yihan, Xuan'er, Ruoxue, and even Yanran were among them. Wearing sexy red clothes, they danced and sang happy birthday song.

"Happy birthday to you..."

That night, at 12 o'clock, this simple but touching song resounded throughout the audience. Tears welled up in Yuchen's eyes. This night, he will remember his whole life.

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