The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 305 – The Spirit of Guiche

"bang bang bang"

"Boom boom boom"

On this windswept earth, there was a fierce collision between the red light and the blue light, the light was overflowing, and the sound of continuous swords resounded throughout the earth. With the frantic fighting of the two afterimages, the entire green onion The ground started to become bumpy.



A long trail was left on the ground, and a silver figure suddenly flew out of the dusty air, obviously being repelled. After stabilizing his figure, he realized that his body was full of blood. The white clothes were already torn, and the long sword in his hand was completely incomplete.


"Is this not enough?" Yuchen with black pupils in the dust came out, looking at Yuchen who was already in a mess and panting heavily with a look of contempt on his face, but looking at Yuchen's panic, Yuchen with black pupils There is no serious problem.

Yuchen gasped for breath, and was not in a hurry to defend himself. He glanced at the black sword in his hand, the blade was already full of gaps, and the white clothes on his body were torn to pieces by the pulse technique.

The pulse door behind him has disappeared, and until now his expression is still full of shock. He never thought that the same power would be so sharp when used by different people. He didn't even know the pulse technique. I can use it by myself.

"What's so surprising, as I said, you are not worthy of using this powerful power at all, so, let me dominate this body, let me realize our ambitions and wishes, and your character will be honest and dull. Be here!" Yuchen with black pupils said arrogantly, he is the dark side of Yuchen, full of evil anger, and his power is above Yuchen.

"You mean? This is my strength?" Yuchen glanced at the other party and said calmly.

"Ah, this is your power, but I use it to make it even stronger. Now do you know how incompetent you are?" Heitong Yuchen grinned, with a confident expression.

"That is to say, I can also have such a powerful power?" Originally, the black pupil Yuchen thought that Yuchen would be disappointed and unwilling to repent, but he didn't expect Yuchen to stand up slowly, looking at him with eyes full of excitement. with him.

"Your smile is really annoying!" Heitong Yuchen suddenly burst into flames, and a high-speed movement came to Yuchen's side like a teleportation. The speed obtained is outrageously fast.

Seeing the opponent coming at him at a speed that was impossible to see clearly, Yuchen not only didn't feel anxious at all, but closed his eyes sternly. When a strong wind came from his face, Yuchen suddenly opened his eyes, turned sideways, An iron fist passed by his cheek with the sound of whistling wind.

Seeing this, Yuchen bent over, and suddenly attacked his abdomen like the black-eyed Yuchen, and the black-eyed Yuchen was not slow to react, waving his hand at Yuchen was a blow, and the two began to dodge by relying on the hidden dragon art. Skills, relying on the state of free mode, the two are as dazzling as dancing.

"It's useless, it's useless, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to defeat me!" the black-eyed Yuchen said ferociously, and immediately hit Yuchen with a punch, and the power of Yinlong Jue made him retreat After a few steps, the two separated again.

Dodging his attack, Yuchen didn't pay attention to his roar. Facing Yuchen with black pupils who was getting fiercer and fiercer, Yuchen gradually became a little helpless, but he still didn't give up. The black sword was already in tatters, and most of his body was naked* It was exposed outside, and all the blue and purple spots were hit by the powerful pulse gate technique.

Yuchen was a little shocked, because in this world his life was unlimited, as if he could fight endlessly.

"Hidden Dragon Slash!"

At the moment when Yuchen lost his mind, he with black pupils actually launched the attack of Yinlong Zhan. Seeing this, Yuchen was startled and shouted suddenly at the last moment: "Instant block!"

"It's useless!" Black pupil Yuchen roared, the black sword glowed with silver light, and the whole sword body fell heavily on the black sword that Yuchen was blocking, wiping out a fierce flame with a bang!



Yuchen had already successfully blocked it, but with his black pupils, he was so powerful that people couldn't bear it anymore. When the black sword in his hand snapped at the sound, Yuchen's chest, including his body, burst into a wave. Blood-red light, blood splashed in the dusty sky.

There was a breeze blowing in the air, and the bewitching blood-red light fluttered. With Yuchen's body being knocked away tens of meters away, everything ended quietly?

"Die to me, die to me!" One sword, another sword...


"The first pulse gate!"

Once, a blood-red fluctuating circle of light appeared behind Heitong Yuchen. He withdrew his black sword and stayed still. The ground rippled and oscillated. He stretched out his right palm and yelled in the direction Yuchen flew out: " Pulse technique!"


A blood-red shock wave swept towards Yuchen, and finally knocked Yuchen's body away tens of meters away, leaving a long mark on the ground before slowly stopping a hundred meters away. Full of diffuse dust.


Finally stopped, the black-eyed Yuchen came to Yuchen's side in a few flashes, his stern eyes looked at himself lying on the ground looking embarrassed at the moment, and murmured: "Your character is too cowardly, as a man, I will feel like a failure."

"Are you still trying to control my power like this?"

"What's wrong?" Suddenly, Yuchen shouted loudly on the ground, and the next second, Yuchen with black pupils was shocked, because Yuchen who was talking had come behind him, and took a step, stretching his left hand back, Right hand forward, this pose...


"Pulse Art!"

"Instant block!"


The powerful Impulse Technique made Heitong Yuchen back several meters away while blocking, leaving long footprints on the ground!

Yuchen raised his head with a stern expression and grinned: "Thanks to you, I can obtain this magical power!" At this moment, there was a blue halo behind Yuchen who was surrounded by gunpowder, and there was a blue halo in his hand. The smoke slowly rises.

Yuchen actually learned to pulse?

"Impossible, how could you master the pulse technique in such a short period of time!" The black-eyed man was shocked, the black sword in his hand was cracked faintly, the crack marks spread across the blade, and finally the whole sharp sword broke Into several cuts.

The black-eyed Yuchen looked at himself in shock, his eyes reflected Yuchen's body seemed to understand something, and then began to become hideous: "I see, are you angry? Are you not reconciled? Yes, every time Each time you do this, you will gain great power!"

"Do you know? Anger, your power is mine, I am the darkness in your heart, I am the source of your power, anger, if you want to compare anger, the person who should be angry the most is me!" When seeing Yuchen When the whole body was blood red, the black-eyed Yuchen shouted ferociously, and then the ground was full of sand and dust.


The blood-red light enveloped the black-eyed Yuchen, and the atmosphere around him began to become distorted. The two of them used the power of anger at the same time, but the black-eyed Yuchen began to laugh ferociously.

"Hahahaha, speaking of it, I really should thank him very much. Without him, we would not have had the opportunity to meet." As he spoke, the right hand of Yuchen with black pupils sounded like a sword, and a black-purple flash suddenly appeared. , In the next second, there was an extra sword in his hand.

Yuchen shouted in surprise: "Guiche" and then calmed down: "Has it finally come out? After all, it's your fault."

"You found out? But what can you do? Now, Guiche likes my power and anger more than you. Guiche can infinitely magnify the darkness deep in a person's heart, and you, do you know? You It has the most evil power in the world!"

"Now Guiche's spirit chooses me, and you have no chance." The black-eyed Yuchen became ferocious, holding the spiritual weapon Guiche in his hand, and his whole body glowed with black and purple light, which made people shudder .

"I've said it before, this time, I won't back down again!" Yuchen raised the Hidden Dragon Art in his hands, and his eyes were full of determination without the slightest hesitation. Seeing Yuchen's expression, he with black pupils also After a moment of surprise, he said angrily, "If that's the case, why did we lose so much in the past!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Ghost Slash!"


A powerful slash came overwhelmingly, and Yuchen was stunned by that powerful pressure. Looking at the galloping black slash, Yuchen found that he couldn't dodge it...


The ghost let out a terrifying laugh, and the entire blade trembled. With the end of the black slash, Yuchen's body was shrouded in black and purple light, and a shocking scream resounded through the entire earth .



The black-eyed Yuchen laughed wildly in this space, looking at the blood splashing in the air, looking at the blood-stained earth on the ground. He laughed ferociously. Hit by this powerful slash, Yuchen's eyes After all, he was distracted, he looked at the sky, and fell heavily on the ground.

"Did it fail?" Looking at the sky, recalling the bits and pieces, all the previous efforts will be in vain?In the battle with the inner self, Yaodao Guiche, Yuchen was defeated.

When black smoke and dust started to rise in this green world, this originally beautiful field soon turned into a horror like hell on earth, a black world, a dark space, everything is dark.

As the last green earth was eroded by black, Yuchen's body gradually disappeared into the darkness...

"Beyond me..."

"I will always stand on your head."

When the darkness eroded his body, Yuchen who had closed his eyes suddenly opened them, and the figure of Long Xiang Jiutian seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and at that moment, unwillingness filled his heart!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"how come?"

In the dark world, a patch of emerald green grass is struggling. When the patch of green is getting bigger and bigger, there is a fierce battle between black and green, and there, Yuchen's body is exuding blood red. light!

The battle still doesn't seem to be over.

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