The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 307 – The Opening of Martial Arts

One month after the chaos in Phoenix City, in order to welcome the arrival of the World Martial Arts Association.The masters of Xuanyuan Continent started a month-long crazy training. During this period, in order to gain more powerful power, Yuchen, who had enough power to defeat Long Soaring Nine Heavens, went to the mysterious Floating Void City to practice. However, a month passed...

When the exciting Martial Arts Association officially started, Yuchen still did not come back. The cadres who were waiting for Yuchen's dream decided to believe in Yuchen, so they embarked on the road to the imperial city alone.

At the same time, masters from all major cities are on their way to the imperial city!

Phoenix City Doomsday Floating Life Headquarters!

"Brothers, are you ready?" It is self-evident that the excitement of the cadres standing on the highest place and gazing down is self-evident. Just like Ye Jingjing, the cadres of the entire Doomsday Floating Life are very excited and excited. Excited, the road to world fame is in front of you, whether you can open it depends on your own strength!

"Get ready!" Thunder shouted loudly, resounding throughout the conference hall.

Seeing this, Jing Jing grinned: "Okay! Now, go to the imperial city and try to win the [-] strong Xuanyuan Continent!"


Hundreds of people walked out of the headquarters of Floating Life in the Doomsday one after another. Everyone's face was filled with excitement. Quiet, Clear Water Cold, Thunder God, Mad God, and Slaughtering World were the last ones.

Quietly looked at the scene in Phoenix City, and asked Bi Shuihan beside him: "Xiaohan, he hasn't come back yet?"

Bi Shuihan's expression changed: "Yes, I haven't come back until now, that's what the dream cadres said."

"Oh." An Jing looked at the blue sky, and said in her heart, "What could it be? He hasn't come back yet?" Then An Jing grinned, seeming to be full of expectations for Yuchen.

"Boss? What's wrong?" Bi Shuihan asked.


Phoenix City Misty Rain Jiangnan Headquarters.

"Brothers, let's go, go to the imperial city!" With a burly body and a shining light, Uncle Misty Rain shouted to hundreds of cadres, behind him were players in the ranks of first-class masters.

"Yo yo yo~ This time, my family must be in the top ten." Feng Kelei winked at everyone, which made people shudder.

"Come on, if you are still in the top ten, Amitabha will be the top [-] in Xuanyuan Continent." Gu Shi glanced at Feng Kelei sadly, it was not a sneer, but a fact.

"Hehe, let's go, everyone works hard, even if you lose, you still have to be strong!" Seeing this, Yanyu smiled lightly, and led the cadres of Yanyu Jiangnan to the legendary location of the imperial city.

At the same time, at the Fengwu headquarters in Phoenix City.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Feng Wu Qingxin and the others were already getting ready to go, but at this moment, Feng Wu Qingcheng was looking at the skylight with an uneasy and anxious expression, as if she didn't hear Feng Wu Qingxin's words.

"Sister!" Feng Wu Qingxin, Feng Wu Qingyan and others shouted again.

That Fengwu Qingcheng came back to his senses, but he didn't have any expression but asked his closest sister: "You guys think, can anyone beat Long Xiang Jiutian in this game?"

Listening to Fengwu Qingcheng's words, the sisters felt anxious for a while, and wanted to comfort them, but found that they could no longer speak to comfort them... because they had already said too much.

Everyone didn't answer, but Feng Wu Qing Cheng murmured: "There is one person, he can defeat Long Xiang Jiutian!"

All the beauties shouted in surprise, "Who?"

Feng Wu Qingcheng suddenly turned around and walked out, leaving behind her curvaceous and sexy figure, the girls followed, a ray of sunshine shone on their cheeks, and at this moment, Feng Wu Qingxin and others heard Here came Feng Wu Qing Cheng's turbulent words echoed in their ears.

"Yu Wuchen." Feng Wu Qingcheng said indifferently, and left slowly from behind.

Yu Wuchen, the three words echoed in the ears of Feng Wu Qingxin and the others, their eyes were full of inconceivable gazes, Yu Wuchen?he can?This is the doubt in the hearts of the girls. When she came back to her senses, Feng Wu shouted anxiously: "Sister, the teleportation point of the imperial city is at the main entrance!"

Feng Wu Qingcheng remained silent, shook her head and said: "Hehe, you go first, I want to go to a place..."

Looking at her leaving back, the eyes of the girls were full of doubt and incomprehension, and their beautiful eyes were full of surprise: "Sister, what's wrong?"

Feng Wu Qingxin shook her head and said nothing, with a shivering expression: "Let's go, my sister has her own ideas, let's go to the imperial city, for the sake of my sister, we must help my sister defeat other masters!"

"Yeah..." Feng Wu's beauties nodded, their beautiful eyes showed a firm gaze that could not be shaken.

At the same time, the masters of darkness and light in the entire Xuanyuan Continent have already started to move to the imperial city!

The imperial city, the ultimate main city of the four main cities, has an army of hundreds of millions, guarding the four gates in the south, east and northwest. The moat is comparable to the sky, hundreds of meters long. , the armor gleaming makes people frightened.

In the imperial city, the two big golden characters shone even more under the sunlight, blinding people's eyes. Masters from all directions have already settled down in the imperial city, waiting for the world's number one martial arts meeting to start on time.

At the four major entrances of the World Martial Arts Association, you can already see the crowds of players coming to the imperial city in an endless stream. There are only four hours left before the opening of the martial arts association. Some of them have already come to the imperial city to wait, excited indescribable.

After all, this is not just a game in the game, because after this game enters Wanqiang, it will be broadcast live all over the world simultaneously, that is, the channels of the whole world can receive it.

The admission tickets for the martial arts venue in the Imperial City have been on sale a month ago, but now they are already empty. It is said that the number of players who have bought tickets has reached a terrifying [-] million, and each imperial city in the Imperial City is also for those who do not have a ticket. The live broadcast prepared by the players, they can all watch in the imperial city.

After entering the imperial city through the four major city gates, 80 million level [-] players have stepped into the only entrance to the central square of the imperial city, which is the only entrance to the martial arts venue. There is also the entrance to the martial arts club.

But at this moment, something unusual happened here!


Suddenly, an extremely powerful slash flew out from an aisle, and then a flash of fire could be vaguely seen in the dust, and there were no less than hundreds of millions of players around. Fortunately, the imperial city was big enough, too big for players to imagine.

Although the surrounding crowd was shocked, they didn't panic at all. After the wanton slashing, the players dodged the attack calmly. After the dust passed, two players started a fierce fight.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

"Hey, there are good assassins in the light camp too..." When the figures of the two thieves intertwined, and a fierce fire appeared between the daggers, the battle was temporarily suspended.

"Do all the thieves in the dark camp like to attack from behind?" The two confronted each other, their eyes emitting powerful fire.

This side is not over yet, suddenly a roar sounded from the other side, and a huge fire dragon with fiery red magic appeared in front of everyone, and the powerful fire dragon galloped towards a soldier.

"Dodge." Seeing this, the surrounding players immediately dodged the huge attack in an orderly manner, and the same player who was attacked also dodged without any risk.

"Are you really not afraid of death, even if you don't show mercy to the people behind you?" The corner of the male soldier's mouth raised a smile. Although the light was hidden by his equipment, the luster was not to be underestimated.

"Is Duanhun Wushang, the number one master of the dark camp, just so capable?" the master who released the fire dragon said coldly. After all, it is impossible to fully master the skills in the chaotic battle in the imperial city, and accidental injuries are inevitable.

"Duanhun Wushang?" The words of the mage immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. People looked at the black armored warrior and suddenly exclaimed. Factions are also famous characters.

As if enjoying everyone's admiration and astonishment, Duanhun Wushang straightened his chest: "The dream of a cadre-level member is nothing more than that."

"What did you say?" the sorcerer shouted suddenly. Now, the sorcerer of Xuanyuan Continent and even the light camp is not outstanding, but his astonishing upgrade speed makes people surprised. He is a dream cadre member Xin Wufeng, level 80 **division!

"Forget it, Wufeng, let's go..." Just as Wufeng and Duanhun Wushang were arguing, Mo Mo walked out slowly, with a stern look and sharp eyes that made all the players present look shocked. cold.

Shen Mo walked out slowly with hundreds of dream cadre members, and all the masters in the crowd involuntarily stepped aside. After all, dream cadre-level members are very powerful, and the aura makes weak players Some can't adapt.

"Is that the dream's deputy lord is silent?"

"The first priest has no heart."

"Shadow Assassin Han."

"Swordsman Long Xiaotian!"

"Sword Demon Dugu has no tears."

"Oh my God, Yan and Kuangmo, the number one swordsman of the elves, really joined the dream? I thought it was a rumor!" an elves player exclaimed: "There is also Xin Wu, the number one mage of Silvermoon City. Feng, oh my god, the president of Dream is too powerful, he has gathered so many masters."

The players around were already a little stunned, their eyes were already full of shock!

"What a powerful lineup, worthy of being a lord-level trade union in Xuanyuan Continent."

"Hey, why isn't the president of Dreams here?" There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and soon they locked their eyes on the group of Dreams, and were shocked to find that the president of Dreams, the legendary figure, was not in the leader of Dreams at this moment. among.

The crowd walked over in a majestic manner, and just after walking not far away, a loud shout made them stop.

"Look, look, Longxiang Headquarters, the players from Longxiang Headquarters are here, oh my god, there is also Longxiang Nine Heavens!!" A loud shout from the crowd made everyone present, whether they were players from the dark camp or the light camp, panic. It was trembling for it!

Long Xiang is here too!And Yuchen?Whether he can come back in time, there are only three hours left before the end of registration for the Martial Arts Association!

The World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association is finally unfolding in this turbulent imperial city!

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