The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 311 – The Opening of the Conference

"Ding dong, ding dong, please pay attention to players, please pay attention to players!"

"There are still 10 minutes left before the opening of the first martial arts tournament in the game world, and 10 minutes left before the opening of the martial arts competition. All contestants, please gather at the registration point in the imperial city to register and enter the martial arts venue!"

"Ding, there are only 10 minutes left until the end of the martial arts competition. Players who need to participate should sign up as soon as possible."

The system's notification sound echoed in the sky and spread to the ears of all players, penetrating into their hearts. Everyone looked at the sky in unison, with excitement and excitement on their faces.

"Is it finally about to start?" The first martial arts venue in the imperial city, at this moment, is full of hundreds of millions of players, holding tickets to enter the huge venue that can accommodate [-] million people, and there are countless entrances to the copy of the VIP seat. It can accommodate the entire population of Xuanyuan Continent.

That dark area was all gathered at the registration point of the imperial city, that is, the entrance, a huge city wall, and on both sides of the entrance were two mighty and extraordinary stone statues holding weapons intersecting each other. The grandeur is exhilarating and tense.

"Please show proof!" At the entrance of the Budokai, there was a registration point and entrance. Compared with the bleakness of the registration point, the entire entrance was lined up like a long queue, which was dazzling.

This time, players from the dark and light camps of Xuanyuan Continent added up to hundreds of millions of contestants. For the Martial Arts Contest, the player level of the entire Xuanyuan Continent rose to 70+. After all, the minimum requirement for the Martial Arts Continent is 70.

"What to do, Ruoxue, Sister Xuan'er, what to do, what to do, Yuchen, Yuchen hasn't come back yet." A continuous stream of players passed by them, and Yihan was already walking back and forth anxiously. Already tense.

"Yihan, don't worry, be patient, I will come back." Xuan'er held Yihan's little hand, and the two stunning beauties looked at each other, even so, Yihan's face was still full of uneasiness and anxiety.

"Don't worry, he will come back." Shen Mo murmured while looking at the entrance. In fact, like everyone else, the dream cadres couldn't stand at all at the moment. They were full of worry and anxiety, and they kept looking at them Yuchen's profile picture is still grey.

"Elder, it's only half an hour. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid." Xingzhu said anxiously. After all, for this martial arts meeting, everyone's efforts are seen in the eyes. In order to defeat Long Xiang, Yuchen worked hard for a month. If you can't participate in this game, how disappointed and regretful you will be.

"Yes, elder, do you want us to go to Tongtianzhu to find Boss Wuchen now?" Everyone was also anxious, Wuxin, Wulei, Xiaotian and the others couldn't sit still, and were about to go to Tongtianzhu.

"I'll go too!" Yihan said anxiously.

"No, the Budokai has started, and there is no time!" Shen Mo immediately retorted, there was only a few ten minutes left before the opening of the Budokai, and there was no extra time at all.

When everyone stood anxiously beside the entrance, they watched batch after batch of millions of troops enter the martial arts venue. Fortunately, this is not reality, otherwise I don’t know how long it will take to end, but fortunately, within five hours It has already started to enter the competition venue before, otherwise such a lineup will be unprecedented.

"Oh, isn't this the dream cadres? Why don't you go in?"

"Who knows~" The players who passed by them would always have a little doubt, but they were soon relieved, because one person was missing from the crowd of dreams, their president, Shenshenyu Wuchen.

"Elder!" At the moment when the dream cadres were waiting for Yuchen, the sudden appearance of a group of people made their nerves tense, because the group of people oncoming was the team of Long Xiang Jiutian.

It turned out that they hadn't entered the martial arts venue yet, so they must have been wandering around in the imperial city.

"Hey, aren't these the dream cadres? What? Aren't you afraid to enter the competition venue for fear of failure?" Long Xiang Shengtian and others came over aggressively. Even if the Martial Arts Association is about to open, they still don't forget to laugh at Dream .

"Didn't you guys go in too?" Xiao Ting said coldly, Han was beside her, tightly holding the dagger in his hand.

Longxiang and Mengmeng fought head-to-head again, attracting all the players once again, there are still hundreds of thousands of teams staying here, and the audience entrance is even more crowded. Players forgot to come here.

"Is your president afraid? He hasn't come yet? Hahahahaha, it's really a bunch of mobs." Long Xiang's players glanced at the dream, and found that there was no arrogant smile from the legendary queen of killing gods. After all, in the eyes of Long Xiang and his group, Yuchen is just a well-equipped player with some luck and strength, which is very different from their real fighting masters.

"What did you say!" Yuchen is perfect in Babao's heart, he is a god, even if the person facing him is Long Xiang, he rushed out without a trace of hesitation, pulled out the shining weapon and stood in front of the crowd Zhong Da drink.

"What are you talking about? Isn't it? Your president hasn't shown up until now, what are you afraid of?" Long Xiang Shengtian shouted with a frightened look on his arrogant face.

"Who said our president hasn't come?" At the moment when Long Xiang Shengtian was smiling, the crowd shouted loudly, and Yan walked out coldly, shouting loudly at everyone.

In the next second, the entrance of the entire venue was as if time stood still. The eyes of the players froze, and they all looked in one direction involuntarily. That was the registration office. At the same time, there was a man in front of their eyes!

He was bare-chested, and the corners of his skirt fluttered in the wind, which was a bit tattered. He had a sharp black blade in his hand, but it was already messed up. The blade was full of gaps, and had already lost its former sharpness. Under the sunshine, the shadow of Zi is very long..

That person, his back is so familiar, that person, all the players in the dream became stunned, but in the joy of his coming, they were amazed at Yuchen's body at this moment.

What happened to this man?What kind of terrifying fight did this lead to the appearance of the present attire?As we all know, even if the durability of a weapon is reduced to zero, it will not be completely broken. However, Yuchen is not only a weapon, but even the beautiful brocade clothes have disappeared. Except for the skirt covering the lower body, the strong upper body is completely naked. * exposed.

"How is it possible?" The appearance of Yuchen not only touched the hearts of the dream cadres, but also caused a look of shock on Long Xiang Jiutian's calm face, because when Yuchen appeared, he didn't feel it at all. arrive!

Horror, how terrifying is this?No, in other words, Yuchen has completely hidden his aura at this time!

"Yo, long time no see, brothers." When people came back to their senses, Yuchen had already signed up at the last moment, with a vague smile on his lips, and slowly walked towards the silence waiting for people at the entrance. go.

In that instant, Yihan, Xuan'er, and Ruoxue all showed expressions of excitement, and the dream cadres stared motionlessly at Yuchen who was walking slowly with their eyes shining brightly, feeling very excited in their hearts.

"You're finally willing to come back!" Although Yihan was a little angry, he was full of worry. It's been a month, and he hasn't been offline for a month, and he hasn't eaten for a month. I can't help but fall down.


At the moment when the beauty was crying, Yuchen suddenly disappeared in front of everyone. When he appeared, he had already embraced that beautiful body in his arms, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Yihan's eyes. Yuchen was gentle "I'm sorry for making you worry," he said.

At that moment, the only sliver of dissatisfaction in the little beauty Yihan's heart disappeared, and instead she showed a coquettish attitude, her blushing and beautiful cheeks bowed her head in Yuchen's arms and said nothing, her heart was already churning, because this was Yuchen. Chen was in public for the first time, so many players barely hugged her, what does it mean?



After a few seconds, the surprised players finally shouted excitedly. After a month, the idol in their hearts, the man who looked like a god in their hearts, finally came back.

"Ah, I made you worry, let's go, brothers, do your best, let us create a miracle!"


Yuchen's words made the dream cadres who were still silent go crazy, and his appearance immediately ignited everyone's passion. Yuchen walked over, and he also saw the existence of Longxiang Jiutian, but he didn't say much.

The dream cadres followed behind Yuchen in good spirits one by one, and Yuchen whispered: "Let's go!"

The sound of footsteps, the shocking momentum and the scene made all the players tremble. Only Long Xiang Jiutian was still full of shock and looked at Yuchen, those eyes, those eyes without the slightest wave, until Yuchen stood side by side with him. At that moment, Long Xiang Jiucai recovered from the deep shock.

In the silent scene without the slightest sound, Yuchen finally walked to Long Xiang Jiutian's side, even though he was walking side by side with him, the two looked at each other. Yuchen is not inferior to Longxiang Jiutian.

"Budaohui, I'll be waiting for you." Walking to Long Xiang's side, Yuchen left a word coldly.

"Grass mud horse, who do you think you are! How dare you talk to our president like that!" Finally seeing Yu Wuchen, the most popular newcomer, Long Xiang Shengtian took up his sword and slashed at Yuchen's body without the slightest hesitation. behind.

The people of Long Xiang and the people of Dream were surprised for a while, this blow came too suddenly, because the imperial city had already issued a military ban!No one thought that Long Xiang Shengtian would actually do it!

"Boss, president!"

The dream cadres exclaimed, people couldn't help looking at Yuchen, and as the saber fell, Long Xiang Shengtian shouted: "You boy, you didn't know when we were playing games There, trying to climb on top of us, dreaming!"

Facing the galloping war blade, the distance was less than five centimeters. Yuchen just checked his face and glanced at the attack behind him. He didn't even have the slightest thought of dodging or attacking?

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