The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 314 – Battle of Two Heroes


In this dark space, huge tree poles and black sword shadows constantly flashed among the weeds, and their nimble bodies kept shuttling through the jungle, using the dark terrain to continuously harvest monsters. life.

In the depths of the forest, swords and swords were seen, and blood was constantly splashing.

A figure flashed past suddenly, and the powerful monkey king fell to the ground in an instant, twitching a few times, bursting out with gorgeous equipment and rich experience, naked upper body, Yuchen looked coldly at the corpse behind him, A dozen or so level 80 bosses, he mercilessly harvested the monkey king's head and put it in the package.

"Not only can you get equipment, but you can even get experience. The next step is going to be a bloodbath, right?" Looking at the corpses of hundreds of monsters in the package, this is not enough, it is still too far away, Three thousand monster bosses for three days and three nights should be enough.

Glancing at the gloomy forest all around, Yuchen closed his eyes slowly, an invisible wave came into the air, causing the breeze in the air to change the wave, like a wave of air rippling.

However, at the moment when Yinlong Jue's perception power was just activated, Yuchen suddenly opened his eyes, his expression became extremely serious, and then his eyes moved back slightly, revealing a vague smile: "What? Don't you dare to sneak attack?"

In this empty forest, Yuchen's voice echoed around him. His words made one's hair stand on end. Are there any players in the depths of this forest?And, want to sneak attack Yuchen?But it didn't work out!

From among the bushes in the darkness, a figure came out. His face was full of surprise, and his black battle armor was shining faintly. He asked in puzzlement: "I am 30 meters away, how could you Can you still find me?"

This person is the number one master of the dark camp, Duan Hun Wu Shang.

"If I say that the whole forest is under my control, would you believe it?" Yuchen didn't care about Duanhun Wushang's appearance at all, and the two chatted like friends instead.

Yuchen's words reached Duanhun Wushang's ears, and he snorted coldly and said with disdain: "Huh, don't be arrogant, you can say whatever you want, the whole forest? Come on, this forest is not a thousand miles, but a hundred miles. Yu Wuchen, although you are powerful, you don't have to be so conceited, right?"

"Conceited? Maybe" Yuchen ignored Duanhun Wushang's roar, still with that calm expression, glanced at Duanhun Wushang, Yuchen got up, and flicked the broken sword in his hand, that Duanhun Wushang His expression trembled, and he took a few steps back suddenly. After all, he could really see the scenes of Yuchen killing these bosses clearly.

But Yuchen ignored Duanhun Wushang's surprise, he just glanced at him, walked over calmly, and slowly walked away from Duanhun Wushang's side, Duanhun Wushang had already broken out in a cold sweat , the weapon in his hand trembled slightly, seeing Yuchen walking past him, he looked at him in shock: "What do you mean?"

Yuchen turned around after walking for a while: "Ah? What... what do you mean?"

Duanhun Wushang had an ugly expression on his face. He didn't believe that Yuchen didn't understand the real intention of this battlefield. He originally thought that Yuchen would kill him and take the head of the boss on him, but he didn't expect Yuchen to walk over like this. This is a kind of contempt, no, insult, this is an insult to the number one player in his dark camp!

Slowly pulled out the sharp sword, his whole body in black armor exuded a shining light, and looked at Yuchen solemnly.

Yuchen didn't speak, but just looked at Duanhun Wushang's actions, his expression was not the slightest wave, and he was still calm. This is a manifestation of self-confidence and strength. Today's Yuchen has become incomparable both in appearance and even inside. strong.

"He doesn't look down on people!" Yuchen's actions are undoubtedly a provocation and insult to him. As the number one master of the dark camp, although he only has an advantage in rank, at least he is still in the dark camp. Yuchen actually ignored his existence so much, how could there be no reason not to be angry?He pulled out his sharp blade and aimed at Yuchen without any hesitation.

"Dark Sword Slash!"

A black wave of air swayed, and a powerful slash attacked Yuchen at close range. The slash that galloped away like black lightning stirred up dust and emitted a dazzling light in the depths of the forest.

Facing this storm-like slash, the blink of an eye was already close in front of him. The strong wind blew away Yuchen's black hair and torn skirt corners. Duanhun Wushang saw that the slash was already in front of Yuchen. He couldn't dodge it anymore, and a triumphant smile was already on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh..." The galloping slash came into Yuchen's eyes. Seeing the expression of broken soul and the black slash, Yuchen sighed softly. Originally, he didn't intend to Killed Duanhun Wushang, but now it seems that Duanhun Wushang was misunderstood by his unintentional actions.

"Armed Hidden Dragon Protection!"

At the moment when the slash touched Yuchen, Yuchen suddenly raised his right hand, opened his palm, and an invisible wave passed into his hand, and then in Duanhun Wushang's shocked expression, a white shield blocked Yuchen's body. In front of Chen, the black slash and the white air wave collided and turned into starlight and dissipated.

Duan Hun Wushang's expression froze, his eyes were full of shock, he had already upgraded to the full level of Dark Sword Slash, and his strength is self-evident, but this Yuchen unexpectedly blocked his special skill .

Knowing that Yuchen is very strong, now Duanhun Wushang feels that this guy is not only strong, it is outrageously strong, but his inner self-esteem does not allow himself to fail. Under the same conditions, Duanhun Wushang still does not believe that he cannot defeat him .

So, he moved!

"Hei Yao!"

"Swordsman Glory!"

"Dark Night Attack!"

As he chanted the third stage of Duan Hun Wu Shang's skills, suddenly a strong black gas burst out of his body, covering the surrounding area within ten meters in an instant, Yuchen and him in the entire forest immediately The figures all disappeared.

In this pitch-black space, you can't see your fingers, and the silence seems a little scary and weird.

"Ten seconds, I'll defeat you!" With Duanhun Wushang's shout, suddenly a figure flickered in the black space, with chicken wings like the wind, and the sharp sword in his hand stabbed Yuchen who was motionless at the moment.

"Death to me!"

Sensing the waves and killing intent in the air, Yuchen didn't move too much, and turned sideways gently, that Duanhun Wushang's offensive was immediately resolved, Duanhun Wushang was startled, and hurriedly backed away: "Huh , you are lucky, you escaped!"

"This time, I will kill you!" Duanhun Wushang still didn't seem to see the current situation clearly. After using Dark Night Strike, this is equivalent to his domain power, and the range he moves in ten seconds is all A piece of darkness, of course the distance is a radius of 10 meters.

"Wind Demon Slash!"

Blessed with the power of wind speed, Duanhun Wushang's slash was surrounded by a layer of whirling luster of the hurricane. He turned into an afterimage and flew towards Yuchen. Being caught in the dark space, he launched a powerful slash .

Yuchen stood quietly on the spot, he didn't open his eyes, but everything around him was within his control, including monsters, flowers and plants, and of course there were actions to break the soul, everything was under Yuchen's control middle.

"It's really thanks to this month's hard training that the power of Yinlong Jue's perception has spread to such an extent." Yuchen muttered to himself, then opened his eyes and looked at the trace of gorgeousness emerging from the black space. shine.

"Since this is the case... let me try to see how far it has gone?" At this time, Yuchen raised a smile at the surprise attack of Duan Hun Wu Shang, which was excitement, and a hidden layer of excitement appeared on the black sword. The power of Dragon Jue.

"What are you talking about alone, die for me!" Duanhun Wushang suddenly attacked from behind Yuchen, and the sharp sword in his hand fell into Yuchen's head in an instant. Wushang believed that Yuchen would never be able to dodge.

However, is this really the case?

At that moment, Yuchen turned around abruptly, raised his black sword to block Duanhun Wushang's attack, and smiled: "Is it really lucky to escape?"

"You, can you see me?" Duanhun Wushang was shocked. He didn't believe that Yuchen could be distinguished by his voice, because when he spoke, the attack had already fallen, and ordinary people couldn't react or dodge at all.

"Seeing you? Well, since you made a move, don't expect me to show mercy."

"What the hell, don't be arrogant!" Duanhun Wushang was completely irritated, the veins on his arms were exposed, but his roar was useless against Yuchen at this moment.

"Instant kill"

As Yuchen's voice fell, Duanhun Wushang's expression suddenly trembled. The moment he wanted to dodge, but it was too late, and the killing intent emanating from Yuchen made him feel terrifying. At that moment, he shouted : "Black Defense Shield!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yuchen had already passed by him in a flash, and the entire black arrogance collapsed in an instant, and the cracked marks on the shield armor of the broken soul began to spread, and the effect of the dark night attack disappeared. Calm was restored.


A gust of wind blew by, and there were still two figures left on the ground, with their backs facing each other motionless. Yuchen's expression didn't change at all. He stood straight on the spot and looked back for a long time: "Sure enough, the gap is too big. ?"

Yuchen left slowly, Duan Hun Wushang's pupils dilated, cold sweat broke out all over his body, his mind was already extremely confused, after an unknown amount of time, he stood up terrified.

At this moment, he couldn't help but look at the little life left on his attribute bar in horror, and looked at Yuchen's leaving back, with a very complicated expression on his face. He really wanted to ask Yuchen, why didn't he kill himself?Is it because even killing is worthless?

What does he mean?

This man was not only strong, he was terrifyingly strong. At that moment, Duanhun Wushang finally knew that the name of killing gods was definitely not a vain name!Until now, his body and mind are still shaking.

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