The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 317 – The Phoenix Dance

The first imperial city, the main city of Xuanyuan Continent, after three days and three nights of brutal fighting, finally decided the winner of the first knockout round. After one round, hundreds of millions of players will be eliminated. This is simply a brutal struggle.

According to the latest top [-] qualifying players shown on the screen, the top ten have attracted everyone's attention. Three days after the battle, it is still praised by the players, especially the battle of Longxiang Nine Heavens, which countless people have vividly experienced. head.

However, players are not allowed to record videos in the Budokai competitions, because this is exclusive to the official website.

"Is Longxiang number one in the Nine Heavens?"

As everyone expected, Long Xiang Jiutian climbed to the first place without any suspense, but after that, there were two players who had hidden their names, namely 7527 and 2527.

These two people have caused countless players to guess, who in the Martial Arts Club doesn't want to be famous all over the world?This is an opportunity. These two people actually hid their names, which caused many people to curse secretly.

"Who do you think is No. 2? He actually completed the task before the boss?" Looking at the ranking in the virtual mirror, the members of the dream guessed who this No. [-] was, and it could be completed before Yuchen. Have you heard of it?

The cadres shook their heads one after another, silent and unintentional, while Xiao Ting and the others frowned, and raised their heads after a long silence: "Quiet?"

When everyone heard it, they felt that it was possible to nod their heads one after another. For a while, there were bursts of discussions in the virtual box. Only Yuchen sat calmly on the seat without saying a word, but was looking for the top [-] candidates. On the qualifying list, he frowned and said nothing.

"Dream of 300 people participating, only 14 of them made it to the top 12, and Wufeng's results are good, No. [-]." Just as everyone was discussing fiercely, Yuchen's leisurely voice came to everyone's ears, and suddenly the box fell into a turmoil. Calm.

"Boss, you can't blame me for this. I thought I had to fight for three days and three nights, so I didn't care about it at all." Wulei looked at Yuchen with grievance, and he said, Xiaotian, Yan, Xingzhu The others also nodded one after another, not because they didn't work hard, but because they really didn't think of this aspect.

"That's right, boss, Wufeng is all about group killing skills. If you take a big shot, if you don't make it into the top ten, you should apologise." Everyone said, complaining.

"Is this envy, jealousy and hatred?" Xin Wufeng didn't take it seriously, everyone has already learned about this thick-skinned guy, except for Babao who can compete with him, everyone will be eclipsed in front of him.

"Fuck you, you'll be stunned with such a low score." Yan raised his middle finger fiercely. After all, in this match, mages are at an advantage, especially for a mage as powerful as Wufeng, who can kill a lot...

Seeing everyone's blushing, Yuchen smiled and quickly stopped: "I'm sweating, you don't have to be so excited, I didn't say anything, this result is already very good, as for No.2, hehe, I miss you Already know who he is."

"What?" Listening to Yuchen's words, everyone looked at him one after another, and they already guessed who this person is?

In silence, Wuxin and the two took a deep look at Yuchen, and then at the qualifying list: "Hehe, you must have discovered something, right?"

Yuchen swept everyone away: "Forget it, if I guessed correctly, it should be this guy, but maybe, anyway, everyone just do their best in the next game!"

"Hey, it's a must!" The dream cadres all had bright and excited smiles on their faces, and they looked a little excited. The three-day competition is for the next game. All the dream cadres passed the first game. It's not that simple.

"Ding Dong, please pay attention to all contestants, the next competition will start in 10 minutes, all contestants please get ready."

"Ding dong, the next match is about to start. There will be a cruel knockout match. There will be no rematch. Each person will only have one match and three chances. The winner will qualify and the loser will be eliminated. The countdown to the match will officially begin!"

"Has it finally begun?"

"Is it going to be a one-on-one duel this time?"

"Three chances..."

"Honey, come on!"

Immediately, there were bursts of exclamations from the entire silent venue. Each player will be randomly sent to a specific competition venue for the competition. Players watching can freely choose the screen, choose to watch the game, and then enter the ..

"Ding dong, the player requests to enter the box at sunset, do you agree?"


"Hahaha, long time no see, Xiyang." After receiving the news, Yuchen greeted Xiyang with satisfaction. If it weren't for Xiyang's care this month, the Dream City would not have the current scale. Yuchen went back once before, and when he saw the large-scale Dream City, even the lord himself was shocked and stunned on the spot.

"Hehe, the matter has been settled, so why don't you come to help cheer us up? Brothers are all here, don't let us down!" Xi Yang had an excited smile on his face, and finally fell behind Ruoxue's body returned to normal after a flash of sadness.

"It's hard work." Yuchen patted Xiyang's shoulder heavily.

"Since when have you been so polite, boy? Have you been a shopkeeper too often? Brothers, I've gotten used to it." Xi Yang said with a smile, and everyone in the box laughed. My understanding brother, this life is enough.

"Hmph, I hope you will do what you say." Suddenly a lukewarm voice sounded, and everyone looked for the reputation, and found that in an inconspicuous corner, beside Yihan, Chen Yong was looking at the sunset with a gloomy face.

"The brave are invincible, what do you mean?" Although they have been together for more than a month, they don't know much about Chen Yong, and many of them are even hostile.

"It's not interesting." Chen Yong just glanced at the setting sun, but ignored the angry stares of other people.

"Ding dong, countdown!"

"Nineteen Eighty Seven..."


"Okay, brothers are ready, let's start!" With Yuchen's loud shout, everyone grinned and smiled, and the next game officially started.

"Ding Dong, you will randomly select an opponent for the match."


With a swish, Yuchen, Shen Mo, Wuxin and others disappeared in the box in an instant. Before going forward, Yuchen glanced at Chen Yong, and his words still echoed in his ears...

"Miss Ruoxue, what's the matter with you? You don't seem happy?" After everyone left, Xiyang came to the pale Ruoxue. Chen Yong snorted coldly, and Yihan quickly gave him a look, wondering what the hell is going on with Chen Yong up?

"It's nothing, thank you for your concern, I have a cold, so I don't feel well." Ruoxue avoided the gaze of the setting sun, and lowered her head.

The screen turns..

"Hey, the competition venue is quite good, but who will my opponent be?" Yuchen glanced around, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the green world is harmonious at a glance. This is a good place to relax , Unfortunately, today is destined to stain the sky with blood.

"Ding Dong, you have already entered the competition field, the competition will start in three seconds, your opponent will fall in love with Feng Wu!"

With the end of the system, Yuchen listened to Feng Wu's heart for four hours, and his expression was slightly taken aback, but he quickly recovered. No matter who the opponent is, he can't stop him from advancing, and this martial arts meeting, he I have a hunch that the final opponent may not be Long Xiang Jiutian!

"I didn't expect to meet you now." A pleasant voice came from behind Yuchen, and Feng Wu walked out slowly, planning to sneak attack on the opponent, but found Yuchen.

After the first mistake, Yuchen has changed the number to a name, and the enemy can also see his id.

"I didn't expect that I would kill a woman today." Yuchen said calmly. For some reason, Yuchen didn't want to have anything to do with the two sisters, Feng Wu.

"Hmph, I'm different from those vases!" Feng Wu snorted coldly.


As soon as Feng Wu Qingxin finished speaking, Yuchen came to her side in a blink of an eye. Feng Wu Qingxin's delicate body trembled, her expression suddenly enlarged, and she looked at Yuchen with an inconceivable gaze, a little aggrieved and a little confused, Is this man really hard-hearted?


Horrific damage figures, the incomplete black sword has pierced through Feng Wu Qingxin's abdomen, and just an ordinary blow actually caused tens of thousands of damage. How powerful has Yuchen become?

"Ding Dong, you have won a game"

The system prompt sounded, and then Feng Wu's enamored body turned into white light, and was resurrected ten meters away from Yuchen, with a layer of golden glow on her body, which was a sign of absolute defense.

"You!" After the resurrection, Feng Wu pointed at Yu Chen with admiration but was unable to speak. She wanted to question him, but found out why she was asking?And why ask?Matches should be won..

Feng Wu blushed in a daze and didn't say anything.

"It's not much different from a vase, why do girls come out to fight and kill?" Yuchen said lightly, ignoring Qingxin's anger, although he didn't want to do anything to women, but he was kind at this time?Apparently it's a bit of a 2.

"You, you, don't you know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade? You bastard, let's see who will like you, violent man!" Feng Wu stomped her feet with all her heart, but she had nothing to do with Yuchen.

"Whether someone likes it or not is none of your business, right? Well, are you going to surrender? Or are you going to be sent back by me?" Yu Chen is not arrogant, and hopes that Feng Wu Qingxin can retreat in spite of difficulties.

"Anyway, you know how to do it, so why are you talking nonsense? I want to see, what ability do you have, that you can make your sister love you so much!" Feng Wu set up a posture with all her heart, wanting to have a showdown with Yuchen Down?

Listening to Feng Wu's heart-wrenching words, Yu Chen was thoughtful... couldn't help but think of the faint tears of the beauty under the Tongtian Pillar...

"Look at the sword!"

With Feng Wu's charming drink, the battle officially began!

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