The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 319 – The Land Wolf

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

"come on!"

"Paralysis, 234578, why did you lose the competition like this? Labor and management bought [-] gold coins!"

In the martial arts venue, whether it was the box or the stands, there were heart-piercing roars from the players. Some people were happy and others were sad. The system opened up the game, and the enthusiasm of the players reached its peak.

And so far the ratio of everyone is 1:1, no one is too many, no one is too many, after all, there are still millions of people fighting, which is close to 1000 million.

"What are those people arguing about?" Another advantage of the private room is that you can see the scene outside and hear the shouts outside. Yihan pouted dissatisfiedly, turned off the outside sound, and ate the fruits of the game world.

"Boss, you have to work hard, I bought you one hundred thousand to win, Buddha bless, Amitabha." Xiao Ting prayed to the sky, this time he gambled all the salary he earned in the game, bought Yuchen won, it was a hemorrhage, and Xiao Ting bought a full ticket, which meant that if Yuchen could fight to the end, he would get a bigger fortune.

After all, the odds will never be 1:1 if the fight goes to the end.

"Prodigal son." Yihan glanced at Xiao Ting, but there was a gleam of brilliance in his beautiful eyes: "Should I also buy Yuchen to win?"

"Appeared!" At the moment of their discussion, Han and Ruoxue exclaimed, and the battle between Longxiang Jiutian and Yuchen had begun.Several people quickly came to the mirror and chose to watch it.

This is the mode of watching the battle. They can be on the scene, but they can't speak. They can only exist like spiritual will.

The battle started. This is a complex terrain. It is on top of a volcano, the sky is also fiery red, and the earth is wrapped in lava. There is only one place where you can fight, and that is the chain bridge in the sky!

The surrounding temperature caused the air to change, and the portrait was very blurred.

On this hot iron chain bridge, there are two men in it, one is holding a broken sword, covered in tatters, the other is holding a two-meter giant sword, and the armor exudes a strong golden light.

"3, 2, 1, the game begins!"

Following the system's reminder, the battle was just beginning. However, the two did not launch an attack immediately, but looked at each other with a hint of doubt.

"I didn't expect to meet the legendary president of Yushenyu Wuchen in the knockout round. I don't know if it's luck or misfortune?" After confirming the man in front of him, the player said jokingly with a smile, but his The smile was still faintly bitter.

In this battle, I don't know how many masters were buried in the hands of super masters.

"It's nothing more than a false name." Yuchen answered the other party's words indifferently, but his eyes were full of surprise. The man in front of him was level 80, named Earth Wolf, and his occupation was not hidden, but an ordinary second-rank fighter. It is a giant family with a height of three meters. However, Yuchen is not surprised by this, but surprised that he doesn't know the strength of this person?

"Who doesn't know the name of killing gods? If this is a false name, shouldn't we be ashamed of ourselves?" The earth wolf looked at Yuchen with a slight smile.

"Is it the earth wolf?" Yuchen glanced at the other party and grinned.

"Oh? You actually know my name?" The Earth Wolf's expression froze. After all, he didn't announce the name information, that is to say.The man in front of him has special equipment.

"Yu Wuchen!" Yuchen pulled out his broken sword, his eyes became sharp, and he was ready to fight, and the atmosphere of the whole battlefield became strange and extremely tense in an instant.

"Dadi Canglang!" The Dadi Canglang has a dignified expression, but he is also secretly happy. There is a world of difference between saying Yu Wuchen's name and saying his own name before the battle. This means that Yuchen recognized him, so Dadi There was an excited and nervous smile on Canglang's face.

"I won't fight for too long, one blow, it's up to you to see if you can escape!" Before the battle, Yuchen stared deeply at the wolf, and as his words fell, Yuchen had disappeared.. .

"So fast!" The earth wolf exclaimed. At this moment, he felt as if his whole body was trembling, and a strong wave of air came towards him, and his face became serious. On this chain bridge, the area can only accommodate one person. , that is to say, will he attack head-on?

"it's here!"

The invisible enemy is terrible. The earth wolf closed his eyes and shouted loudly, waving the giant sword in his hand, and suddenly performed a beautiful 360-degree sword dance, bang bang bang bang, bang bang bang, a fierce fire burst out in the air ..


During the battle, Yuchen stepped back a few steps. He glanced at the earth wolf in horror, and then at the black iron sword in his hand.If it weren't for the armed encirclement of Yinlong Jue, the sword would probably be broken.

"The strength is good!" Yuchen looked at the earth wolf with a smile. The power of the giant family in front of him may be far more than that, and even surpassed the power of other giant families.

While Yuchen was praising him, the earth wolf was also horrified. Yuchen could block his attack head-on?It only retreated less than two meters?And there was one meter that Yuchen backed away by himself.

"You are still the first person who can resist my power head-on!" the earth wolf said in surprise.

"Oh? Hehe, if you put it this way, I really want to know how strong you are?" Yuchen chuckled, but the opponent's strength is strong. If it wasn't for Tongtianzhu's hard training for a month, he couldn't resist it at all.

"The initial value is one thousand points!"

"What!" Yuchen yelled, the initial value is [-] strength?Damn, how embarrassing is it to make people feel bad, even Yuchen couldn't help but be shocked: "How much strength do you have now?"

The Earth Wolf scratched his hair, and opened the attribute bar: "Pure Power?" Yuchen nodded, and the Earth Wolf continued: "Pure Strength 1.3!"

Yuchen's expression became complicated, and the expression on his face became wonderful, first shocked, then shocked, until finally, Yuchen laughed loudly, which made the earth wolf dumbfounded.

"What are you laughing at?" The Earth Wolf asked in confusion.

"How about joining my union?" Yuchen's eyes became hot, and the eyes that looked at the earth wolf were like sparks of love, which made people tremble and fear.

"What?" the earth wolf exclaimed. He is a player of Shennong City and has not joined the union. However, the name of Yuchen's dream union has already been heard. The lord-level figure of the president of the guild would personally invite him to join the guild?

"Join my union!" Yuchen said heavily.

The land wolf had a smile on his face: "Isn't it impossible to join your union? If you can beat me in strength, I will agree!"

"It's a deal." Yuchen said, put away the broken sword directly, and saw the earth wolf startled: "What are you doing?"

"Strength defeats you, so you must be convinced!" Yuchen clenched his fists tightly, a man with 1.3 pure strength, if he let this guy walk away from his eyes, Yuchen would regret it too late, this guy is definitely A mobile fort.

"Hahahaha, okay! If I lose, I will recognize you as the boss!" The earth wolf also put away its giant sword, ready to fight and looked at Yuchen.

Yuchen's expression became serious, steel-like muscles bulged on his arms, and his veins were undoubtedly exposed. In terms of pure strength, Yuchen was not as strong as the earth wolf, but it was not that he had no chance of winning.

Fighting with masters, victory or defeat is often in an instant.

"I'm going to go!" This time the earth wolf took the initiative to attack, his steps were as if the earth was shaking, the entire chain bridge trembled, and Yuchen's body kept shaking up and down.

Looking at the galloping opponent, Yuchen did not move for a long time. The earth wolf in front of him was like an unshakable mountain, and its huge momentum made it impossible to breathe.

Such an opponent gave Yuchen a feeling of oppression, slowly opened his eyes, the speed of the earth wolf is very slow, of course this is not in Yuchen's eyes, but his momentum is very powerful, he regards death as home , but gives people a strong self-confidence.

Yuchen looked at him, and suddenly a fire came from his body, his heart became hot, and then became extremely calm, and a sentence came out of his mind at this moment.

"He is strong and he is strong, the breeze is blowing on the hills, he is tyrannical, and the moon shines on the river."


With the roar of the earth wolf, his iron fist with the sound of piercing the sky finally came to Yuchen's eyes. A huge fist was as big as Yuchen's head. The players watching this scene dared not Go see the blood splattered scene.

However, at that very moment, Yuchen's eyes became sharper, and not only did he not choose to avoid the galloping fist, but he even went to meet it!

"Leverage strength to fight!" Yu Chen suddenly thought in his heart, fists bumped fists, without using any skills, Yu Chen's strength went up to meet him, but there was no burst of strength. The chain bridge kept shaking.

"No.. Impossible?" Earth Canglang said in horror, Yuchen actually proved to block his fist, and he actually felt a feeling of powerlessness in his fist, his strength was actually removed by his opponent?

Yuchen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, relieved his strength, and then began to exert strength, with a terrified expression and shouted: "Ahhhhhh!"


With a loud shout, the blue veins on the arm were exposed, and then the body of the big land wolf flew out like a kite, and the whole body turned into a streamline and fell down. The big blue wolf was startled because there was fiery red lava underneath.

"Not good!" The Earth Wolf exclaimed, his body had already fallen outside the chain bridge, and at that very moment, he kept holding his arm, and the Earth Wolf looked up. A smiling face..

(Second update, give me all the flowers and VIP pk, if you dare to give it, I will explode!)

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