The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 342 – The Sixth Gate

"Concentrate on one sword!"

"The first pulse gate!"

Long Xiang Jiutian used a powerful sword to attack Yuchen. In the process of resisting, Yuchen had to open the first pulse door to obtain greater defense and strength. However, Long Xiang Jiutian saw that Yuchen actually blocked him With a frightened expression, he yelled again: "Concentrate on one sword!"

He unleashed this earth-shattering slash so easily that everyone was stunned. Even Yu Chen, who resisted the first slash of concentration, showed a look of horror. After all, the stronger the power, the more restrictions and risks there are.

But Long Xiang Jiutian didn't hesitate at all, and used the sword of concentration for the second time without any change in expression.

When this slash like a wave flew towards Yuchen on the dilapidated arena, a cloud of flying sand and rocks was set off, and countless dusts were stirred up on the ground. Straight to Yuchen's position.

At that moment, everyone exclaimed, and all their eyes turned to Yuchen. How on earth could he resist this second slash?

Looking at the concentrated sword that caught his eyes, Yuchen showed a hint of shock, but at the moment when the second slash was about to hit him, the pulse door behind him actually went out of the line.


"Puff puff"

The vibration of the pulse gate, the ripples spread from the arena in circles, just like the water ripples blocked by the splashing water, the blue light circles poured from his back into his chest...

When Ningshen's sword approached his body, a huge roar resounded throughout the audience.

And Yuchen's body was also submerged under this monstrous lang-like slash. On the arena, a hideous sword mark from Long Xiang Jiutian's feet crossed the entire field, and even the huge potholes appeared. With a sword mark, his face is as hideous as if he had been disfigured!

Sword marks appeared on the arena like a ray of sky, dust was flying, sand and stones were flying everywhere, people watched the scene on the arena in horror, and their eyes couldn't help looking at the direction of the attack.

With such a powerful force, Yu Wuchen probably has no bones left, right?This is almost the same idea in the minds of all players.

"Use half of your strength, I don't believe you won't die!" Long Xiang Jiutian said this as if victory was in sight. In his opinion, anyone who can fight him is already a master, although he has to admit that Yuchen is very strong , but he is stronger.


"Puff puff puff"

However, just as Long Xiang Jiutian's words fell, there was a slight sound in that piece of sand, his eyes trembled and looked at that place, with a hint of horror in his eyes, he muttered in shock: "No. How is it possible, impossible!"

Long Xiang Jiutian looked terrified, and involuntarily stepped back a few steps. At this time, all the players also noticed this slight change in the arena. They followed the hideous sword mark and saw the shocking sight in front of them. scene.

"Puff puff puff"


A turquoise circle of light, a langlang rippling circle of light ripples on the ground, sometimes huge, sometimes weak. When the rippling light streaks dissipate all the dust, they saw a figure..

Under the attention of everyone, Yuchen's figure appeared in everyone's eyes!

He crossed his hands in front of his head, and there was a trace of blue light there. His movements were clearly as if he was resisting some powerful attack. Did he block it with his bare hands?

How can this be!Like Long Xiang Jiutian's thoughts, people exclaimed.

Everything around him was so familiar, there was a deep gully in front of him, obviously caused by a huge sword cut, Yuchen's body was forcibly repelled by one meter by the sword of concentration.

Slowly raising his head, Yuchen looked extremely cold and his lips twitched: "Second Pulse Gate"



A huge circle of light suddenly appeared on his chest, and then it became the size of a tennis ball, corresponding to the circle of football-sized light behind him, emitting a blue light at the same time, and it kept shrinking and enlarging exactly like ripples ..

"What is this?" The puzzled players looked at the situation on the ring one by one, showing puzzled expressions. However, in just a moment, hundreds of millions of players shouted, and the audience boiled again.

This level of fighting, this super fantasy effect, they have only seen in movies and novels, and now all this is truly unfolding in front of them, no one thinks that they are in the game...

"Second Vein Gate, the time is 5 minutes, it seems that the winner will be decided in 5 minutes!" Yuchen looked at Longxiang Jiutian, and there was no distracting thought in his heart, and now he only had to fight!


"Here we come!" The moment Yuchen disappeared, Long Xiang Jiutian immediately set up his defense with a trembling expression. Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation in the air, and Yuchen appeared in front of him like a ghost, and in an instant the black knife It was about to cut off his shoulder.

Seeing this, Long Xiang Jiutian's expression froze, and he stared hard at his back foot. Yuchen's black sword Guiche passed by his body. Long Xiang Jiutian saw the opportunity and stabbed Yu Chen's heart with his horizontal sword. disappear.

"whoosh whoosh"

It disappeared in an instant and then appeared. However, this appearance caused an uproar among hundreds of millions of players. The number of Yuchens in the field changed from one to two. In the end, more than a dozen general Yuchens appeared in the field. Long Xiang was surrounded by Nine Heavens.

Long Xiang Jiutian's eyes kept turning, his body was also turning back and forth, and he looked around restrainedly. Yuchen was full of blue-blue halo fluctuations, and the gorgeous light and figures blocked his sight.

Unable to continue like this, Long Xiang Jiutian simply closed his eyes and felt his position with his heart.

However, how could Yuchen let him succeed so easily?Grinning with an intriguing smile, he looked at Long Xiang Jiutian's actions and found it a bit funny, Yuchen said, "Do you think that there is only one real body and you can evade my attack with your steps?"

Long Xiang, who was surrounded, was taken aback for a moment, but he still didn't open his eyes. Instead, he raised his sword calmly to deal with any unexpected situation.

"Your thinking is wrong! In this way, I will see how you run!" Yuchen, who had more than a dozen afterimages, seemed to be speaking at the same time, and the voice echoed on the ring. At that moment, Yuchen suddenly raised his hands palm.

With a triumphant smile on his face, he suddenly shuddered and shouted: "Shuangmai. Vibrating strings."

"Dual Soul Pulse Technique!"

Suddenly two fists appeared on Long Xiang Jiutian's body, at that moment, Long Xiang Jiutian suddenly opened his eyes: "This is it!"

"Give me death! Burn the sword!" Long Xiang Jiutian stabbed the divine sword into the ground. At that moment, there was a roar on the ground. At the moment when there was commotion on the ground, people saw such a shocking scene .


"Boom boom boom boom"

The storm-like double-breaking pulse technique hit Long Xiang Jiutian's body, and the pulses came from all directions, plundering Long Xiang Jiutian's body like a ferocious prehistoric beast, mercilessly depriving him of his life.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Longxiang's people swear that since they followed Longxiang Jiutian for five days, it was the first time they heard Longxiang Jiutian's screams, and it was the first time they saw Longxiang Jiutian being cornered by someone, so this group of self-proclaimed masters Player Long Xiang stood up in shock at this moment..

The screams made their faces more disturbed and anxious.


"Don't lose!" Long Xiang's members roared, and the entire venue was filled with their shouts.

"President, defeat him, defeat Long Xiang, defeat these bastards!"

As Long Xiang's shout sounded, the dream players also roared crazily. Although they all knew that no matter what they said, the two people inside couldn't hear them, but none of them stopped shouting like this roar.

"Double veins!"


"bang bang bang bang"

On the arena, Yu Chen attacked like crazy, Long Xiang Jiutian's body was blown into the sky and then failed to land, he wanted to fight back, but found that he was so powerless under Yu Chen's attack.

And how could Yuchen, who seized the opportunity, let Long Xiang Jiutian have a chance to escape, taking advantage of the state of the second pulse door, he kept launching attacks, and Long Xiang Jiutian, every time his life bottomed out, Accurate and instantaneous use of the instant recovery magic potion, eight bottles have been used in a blink of an eye.

And Yuchen's attack still hasn't stopped!


It was another iron fist, armed with the armed attack power of Yinlong Jue, Long Xiang Jiutian's body was sent flying more than ten meters away, and he almost fell into the ring. Yuchen in the pose.

Retracting his fist and extending his palm, Yuchen straddled his horse and faced Long Xiang Jiutian sideways. He stretched out his fist with his left hand and put his right palm behind his forehead. The moment Long Xiang Jiutian looked at him, the expression in his eyes A sudden change!

"Double veins!"



The infinite magnification of the two veins full of spirituality responded to Yu Chen, a cyan halo appeared in his eyes, and waves of ripples on the ring set off dust in the entire ring like a wave of air.. .

"Puff puff puff"

"bang bang bang"

"Pulse Art!"

Accompanied by Yuchen's cry, a cyan shock wave with a rotating halo flew from the ground to the position where Longxiang Jiutian was. The powerful force lifted the stone chips from the ground, and the roar continued to resound in the field.

The galloping shock wave caught Long Xiang Jiutian's eyes. When he saw the blue light, a sense of crisis spontaneously spread in Long Xiang Jiutian's heart. At the last moment, he looked at Azure For the first time, he actually had the idea of ​​being irresistible.

Closing his eyes... Opening his eyes, at the last moment, he slowly picked up the sharp sword in his hand, trying to make a final resistance.

"Boom boom boom boom"

When that huge cyan shock wave penetrated Long Xiang Jiutian's body, people only saw his figure submerged in that circle of light, and the huge explosion caused the entire venue to stir up dust...

Long Xiang Jiutian's pupils suddenly dilated, looking at the blue sky...

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