The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 360 – Seeing Through Everything

"I don't care what happened to you, but if you lose your mind during the game, I will not show mercy!"

When Yuchen's words echoed in Jing Jing's ears, when she raised her head, what Jing Jing saw was an extremely stern face, and those firm eyes made it impossible to look directly at.

The edge of the black knife was placed on An Jing's neck, and he could cut off his head with a light force. However, Yuchen didn't do it. What he wanted was not such a victory, but a peak duel.

Jing Jing smiled and suddenly thought in her heart, "Maybe I was wrong." Then he said to Yu Chen with a serious look: "It's really uncomfortable to be lectured by you!"

"However, do you think you can hurt me?" An Jing smiled indifferently, and suddenly turned her body around, the blade that was touching Yu Chen's neck flashed by, and disappeared in front of Yu Chen in a blink of an eye.

"Oh..." Yuchen looked at An Jing who disappeared in front of his eyes, the surprise in his eyes flashed, and his eyes turned to An Jing's position again, showing a bloodthirsty smile and said: "Forget it, just With the power we are using now, there will be no results until dark."

As he said that, Yuchen also pointed to the phantom of the Martial God behind Jing Jing, with clear eyes, indicating that Ye Jing was very quiet, and with his current strength, he couldn't hurt himself.

"Ah, I know that too."

While Yuchen and An Jing were talking, the players watching the battle outside were like ants on a hot pot, already anxious, but no matter how anxious they were, the two in the field did not start a fierce battle.

"Fuck, they are not discussing who will abstain and control the game, right?" I don't know who shouted, and what he said quickly attracted speculation from the players. The person on the topic is really a talent.

However, all the comments from outside had no effect on the two of them. With the opening of Quiet Blue Eyes, Yuchen had a premonition that something was wrong. In order to prove his doubts, black flames appeared on his black knife awn.

Facing Yuchen's fierce fighting intent, Jing Jing also held his sword in front, and both of them made an attacking posture in an instant. !"


The battle started, and in the next second, the figures of the two came to the middle from the left and right, and the weapons in their hands had already been cut down towards each other. He didn't speak, just watched the battle on the ring intently!


Yuchen swung his sword, and every time he waved the black knife against the quiet sharp sword, there was a strong wind all around him, and that powerful energy collided with the three layers of protection, making a dull sound of thumping.

"Instant kill!"

The duel between the two touched people's hearts. Yuchen launched a fierce offensive from the very beginning. He came to An Jing's back in an instant, trying to disrupt his pace with an instant kill. There was an expected dodge, and the movements of the two were like dancers, and the people who watched were thrilled.

The attack failed, but Yuchen did not feel depressed at all. On the contrary, at that moment, Yuchen once again showed the backstab of a professional thief. Facing this surprise attack, no one could dodge it!

The black knife fell, and the horizontal knife slashed at An Jing. If there was no accident, he would be fatally attacked by Yuchen!


But at the moment when the black knife fell, An Jing let go of the sharp sword in his hand. In a blink of an eye, he actually switched to his left hand, and without turning around, he even put his weapon against his back to block Yuchen's black knife.


The players exclaimed, this kind of dead-end attack was actually blocked by Ye Jingjing?Even Yuchen was stunned for a moment, but the attack did not end because of this. When Yuchen made a fist with his left hand, his expression suddenly froze, and a circle of light rippled behind him!

"Pulse technique!"

Yuchen put his left hand on Quiet's back, and at the moment when he shouted out the pulse technique, the moment his palm gathered brilliance, there was a whoosh, but a cold voice came from behind him: "Instant kill!"

Yuchen trembled when he heard the words, and quietly slashed down. Yuchen turned around at the fastest speed and shouted: "Block instantly!"


The huge 0 damage has blinded the eyes of countless people. The confrontation between Yuchen and Anjing is only for a moment, but it is thrilling to watch. Three meters away.

"Has the attack been seen through?" After jumping back, Yuchen showed a surprised expression. After all, he was very clear about how fast he was, but even so, Jing Jing could not resist the attack, and could quickly counterattack , which means that the opponent's strength and speed are not inferior to their own. This battle seems to be very difficult!

Yuchen held a black knife, and a silver dragon appeared on his body. In an instant, three silver dragons wrapped around his body, and he looked at Ye Jing with a serious look.

"Oh? Change the attack method? But it's useless, let me tell you. Under these eyes, all your fighting methods will not work!" An Jing pointed at Yu Chen with a sword, grinning, Lan A confident smile flashed in his pupils.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Yuchen ran towards Jing Jing, the black flame light of the black knife disappeared, but replaced by the silver luster wrapped around the blade's edge, which was emitting a chill at the moment.

Mo Wushen and Yuchen's Yinlong Jue are the same, able to attack and defend, so Yuchen intends to use the penetrating power and sharpness of the Yinlong Jue to find a way to fight with one blow. No one will know how to fight between them. Give someone a chance to breathe!

"whoosh whoosh"

Yuchen used the flash of a monster to come to the place where Ye Youjing was, and transformed into countless phantoms in an instant, enveloping Anjing.

"Hey, are you going to use some tricks to deal with me?" Jing Jing looked at Yu Chen, who had transformed into more than 20 figures around her, with a smile on his lips. Facing this skill that put Long Xiang Jiutian in trouble, Quiet There was not the slightest worry on his face.

"This is not what it used to be!" Facing An Jing's indifferent smile, Yu Chen's face was extremely dignified, and An Jing's blue pupils gave Yu Chen a strange and very uneasy feeling, even if he was very confident in his own strength. Yuchen even has the idea of ​​guilty conscience.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." Yuchen's speed became even faster, and the black blade kept flashing with black light. The silver dragon also changed from being too fast to an afterimage. Surrounded by it, a pair of blue pupils stared in one direction.

Seeing Quiet's actions, Yuchen trembled all over. Could it be that he was discovered?Because the direction Jing Jing is looking at is the position of his body, it should not be said to be the body, but Yuchen will stay there for the next move every time he moves.

The audience was silent, everyone stared at the arena and held their breath, watching this well-matched battle, the afterimage of Yuchen's illusion was dazzling, even so, is the night still quiet?

Are you confident?Still can't handle it?

Just when people were guessing, Yuchen suddenly took action!

The quiet action made him very uneasy. In order to verify this feeling of uneasiness, Yuchen took the lead in launching an offensive. This is different from Shuangmai. This time, the attack he sent was not a pulse, but a slash!

"Qianlongchang!" With Yuchen's loud shout, at that moment, hundreds of three-meter-long swimming dragons appeared in the entire venue, baring their teeth and claws, waving their silver dragon claws, roaring and flying towards Jing Jing. go.

People's eyes turned to Ye Weijing, and everyone in the audience showed horror for a second when they turned their eyes back just now.

At the moment when Yuchen launched the hidden dragon howl, the night was very quiet, and at the moment when Yuchen's skills were completed, suddenly a flicker came to the most middle position of countless Yuchens.

Grinning with an excited and bloodthirsty smile, Yuchen was shocked when he saw this: "The hidden dragon screams..." Because the moment the quiet body approached him, he felt a strange feeling , Hastily launched the long-awaited slash!

However, at that moment, An Jing withdrew the sharp sword in his hand.Stretch out your palm and say to Yuchen: "I have seen through your body!"

"The flash of the monster!"



With the sound of dragons singing all over the sky, a huge black-purple flash spread across the entire venue like a shock wave, and the quiet monster flashed like a laser beam, and the lion-like light killed Yuchen at close range.


When the monster flashes surrounded Yuchen's entire body and was knocked away 20 meters away, the audience was completely silent. All this happened in an instant, and before people could get used to it, the battle was over.


A long mark was left on the ground, and huge cracks appeared on the refurbished arena. When the flashes of the monster scattered away, Yu Chen's figure appeared in front of people.

He panted heavily, and after taking a deep breath, he uttered a sentence coldly: "Heroic body!" I saw that his whole body was exuding a layer of blood-red luster covering his body, and the quiet and powerful attack only destroyed his body. A corner of the black clothes, but the black clothes are also slowly healing...

"Wu Chen, who defeated Longxiang Jiutian, will be at a disadvantage against Ye Very Quiet? In other words, have these two guys already surpassed the existence of Longxiang Jiutian?" Shenxing Tianxia said with a face full of horror.

"Whether they win or lose, these two guys are existences we can't beat."

In the audience, countless people expressed their admiration and emotion. There was fear, shock, and admiration in their eyes!

"The boss is actually at a disadvantage?" Babao, Shixue and others were shocked.

"Don't underestimate Ye Jingjing, this guy is stronger than Longxiang Jiutian!" Xiaotian, Xingzhu, Yan, Wufeng and others who had fought against Jingjing all looked at the competition ring with solemn expressions.

"Wuchen's attack has all been seen through, and if he can't find a breakthrough, he will be in danger." Mo Mo looked at the ring with a solemn face, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, because he obviously found that Yuchen's breathing was weaker than The night is very quiet!

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