The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 372 – The Gathering in Sioux City

Standing on a sunny avenue, Yuchen is very familiar with this place. He starts from here every year when he goes home, but this time he is not going home, but waiting.

Standing outside the majestic Sioux City Railway Station, Yuchen, Xiao Ting and others held up the word "Dream", which really attracted attention. The core members of Dream come from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and they spent different time, so they have already been waiting here. .

Similarly, there were Xiaotian, Sui Yue, Feng Ran and Wu Xin who arrived early.

They lined up, waiting for the core members of Dream who were about to arrive, and there were as many as three hundred of them.


While waiting, suddenly there was a loud shout from the crowd, Yuchen and others looked forward with a shuddering look, and a young man less than 20 years old rushed towards them enthusiastically...

"Babao!" Yuchen, Xiao Ting, and Wuxin recognized Babao at a glance, because his gaze was so insignificant that it was difficult for people not to notice it.

The maglev trains came one after another, and finally the core members of Dream gathered in Sucheng. Everyone was familiar with each other. After all, they were already familiar with the game. Yuchen directly took out a few Su cigarettes and handed them over. Hundreds of people boarded the luxury bus.

"President, are you still leaving?"

"I'll wait for Xingzhu and the others. You go first, and I'll be right there." Yuchen replied, and he was the only one left waiting silently outside the station.

"It's been five years..." Yuchen thought with some emotion, thinking about the time slowly passing by.

Just when he was lost in memory, a hand was put on his shoulder, Yuchen looked over, and a bright smile was reflected on his face.

"Star Bamboo"



"Did I see the love again..." Yan couldn't help interrupting the affectionate gazes of the two big men..

"Wufeng will drive here later, let's go~" Xingzhu laughed.

Yuchen nodded, and took a few people into a brand new Audi car. Xingzhu was also surprised when he saw this: "You are not bad, boy?"

"Hehe, the one borrowed by someone else is the president of the Zhantian Union." Yuchen smiled. This is indeed Zhantian's car. I don't know where the old boy got the news. I know that my dream is to meet in Suzhou City today. He didn't take the initiative to invite Ying, and came to Yuchen's house early in the morning to wait for him to appear.

Zhan Tian insisted that he must invite him for this meal, but in the end Yuchen was very helpless, he couldn't be more stubborn than Zhan Tian, ​​he even threatened Yuchen, and wouldn't let them out of the community if he didn't agree, Yuchen could only compromise in the end.

Yuchen drove the car to Jinbihuanghuang, which originally belonged to Panlong's product, but because of Yuchen's relationship, it has now become a member of Zhantian Gang. Zhantian was going to clear the field, but Yuchen stopped him.

After all, they are only a few hundred people, so there is no need to mobilize the crowd so much, so Zhan Tian divided the catering and entertainment floors into two floors for everyone to entertain. At least it's good to have done something for him.

When they came to the eighth floor, both Xingzhu and Yan were slightly shocked by the integrated service. Of course, they were shocked by the plump and sexy waiters in maid outfits, who almost blinded everyone's eyes.


Pushing open the door, all the people playing inside stood up in unison, yelling loudly, if anyone saw it, they might be mistaken for the special organization of Shenma.

"Hehe, just sit and play whatever you want. Today's expenses are covered by Brother Zhantian, hahahaha, this is Brother Zhantian's own, brothers, you are welcome~" Yuchen said straightforwardly.

"Yes, everyone can play whatever you want. Play as you like." Zhan Tian said boldly, Yuchen and he are both casual people.

"Huh? Don't you want to eat you?" At the moment when everyone was cheering, a man's tone of shock came from outside the door. Everyone looked outside the door, and a handsome man appeared. before their eyes.


"President Quiet!"

For a moment, everyone exclaimed. They were no strangers to An Jing and the dream members, but what they didn't expect was that Ye An Jing was more handsome than in the game, and his straight body exuded a faint aristocratic air.

"Please, don't let people mistakenly think that we are gathering illegally, don't be the chairman, just tell me to be quiet." Countless black lines were drawn from the top of An Jing's head. After all, a group of gorgeously dressed people gathered together and shouted Chairman, if you really think you are a lawbreaker, you will be cheating.

An Jing walked in, and smiled heartily at everyone: "I didn't bring any gifts, please don't mind." He said he didn't bring any gifts, and this guy took out a few golden cigarettes from his two big pockets and gave each of them a pack.

"Damn..." Everyone was shocked, their eyes were full of shock, this is the Ninety-Five Supreme cigarettes.Just a bag, this nima is also tens of thousands of dollars!

An Jing looked at Yu Chen, looked him up and down, nodded and said, "Well, I'm still more handsome than you."

"Go wet!" Yuchen raised his middle finger, ruthlessly despising this narcissist.

"It's so lively~ It's just in time for me to come..." Another voice came in, and Yuchen and the others were taken aback. How familiar is this obscene and shameless voice?

"If you hadn't insisted on driving, you would have arrived long ago."

"How do I know there's such a traffic jam here?"

"President Yan Yu, and Brother Mo Mo." Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they showed joy. Sure enough, the two burly and manly people walking towards them were the wretched uncle Yan Yu and the charming man Mo Mo.

"Hey, little Yuzi, you look pretty good..." Yanyu looked at Yuchen with a smirk on his face, and everyone present looked at Yanyu with a look of fear, and subconsciously took a step back. He had heard that Yanyu Jiangnan The president's hobbies are special, and it's true when I saw it today!

"It looks more like a man than An Jing." Then Misty Rain added.


Everyone is speechless. Doesn't the implication mean that both Yuchen and An Jing look like women?But this is also everyone's first impression. Those two pink and tender little faces are really enviable and jealous.

"Yuchen, I've already picked up everyone~ Hehe!!" Just after all the male compatriots had assembled, the door suddenly opened, and a female voice like a silver bell resounded through the entire corridor.

At that moment, the countless wolf cubs present expressed that they couldn't hold it anymore, and stood up from their seats one after another, drooling gorgeously, and their eyes were full of dementia.


"I heard that the president is very handsome in real life~"

"A lot of masters from the trade union are here."

More than 200 fashionable, beautiful and sexy beauties slowly walked towards a group of hungry wolves. At that moment, these hundreds of people seemed to have not eaten meat for hundreds of years, leaving inexplicable liquid in their mouths, and I couldn't help but swallowed my throat.

The hundreds of beauties in front of them almost blinded their eyes.

"Isn't this Meier?"

"Hey, sister Yudie is here too!"

"Shuangyue Meimei is here too!~"

"Oh my god, isn't this the beauty consultant group we dreamed of..."

"This, this... this is the beauty of Yihan in reality, the beauty of Ruoxue?" Babao tremblingly looked at the two women walking in the front. The passionate black silk, fair skin, and plump and round snowy peaks left the wolves stunned!

And Yihan is still dressed in that pure and lovely dress, with a snow-white headgear on her head and snow velvet snow boots, even if she doesn't have the grandeur of Ruoxue, nor the sexiness of Xuan'er, but it makes people feel like Endless affection.

"This life is enough!"

"President, come to more meetings!"

"I really can't hold it anymore, hurry up, take the paper, take the paper..." Babao exclaimed, and everyone looked at Babao with contempt.

Babao yelled in embarrassment: "Your sister, I have a nosebleed, what the hell... you bastards!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

This product caused a burst of laughter from the crowd again. After looking at it, Yuchen glanced at it and said, "Hehe, are you all here? Everyone, sit at the table, fill up the wine first, and open it up to drink!"


The wolves roared excitedly, and they kept serving drinks after they were seated one by one, and the cuties of the dream beauty advisory group were not idle, they all knew each other, it would depend on whether they could seize the opportunity or not. own.

"Yuchen, Sister Xuan'er hasn't come yet~" Yihan and Ruoxue pulled Yuchen out to greet her.

Yuchen was surprised: "Xuan'er didn't come?" Sure enough, he scanned the crowd and found that the sexy and beautiful young woman was really gone?No, Xuan'er promised herself that she would be there on time?

"Well, I just called, but no one answered!" Yihanxiu frowned, and said with some doubts.

"Yuchen, why don't you go and have a look?" Ruoxue suggested, as if what happened in the morning didn't happen to them.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Yuchen knew very well that since Xuan'er agreed, he would definitely come, and even if he didn't come, there would definitely be a phone call, but there was no phone call, and no one came?This is a bit strange.

Yuchen confessed to everyone, and when everyone heard that he was going to pick up Xuaner, everyone showed a look of sudden realization, I understand, which made Yuchen a little embarrassed.

"Brother Zhantian~ First help my brother and I will take a ride. The car is still in use."

"Okay, no problem!" Zhan Tian said boldly.Raise your glass to everyone and do it first.

"Hurry up, I'm here for you tonight, I won't go back if I don't turn you over..." Everyone looked at the quiet night in horror, Nima's words were too ambiguous. ah!

Yuchen nodded, went out, and immediately took out his mobile phone to dial Xuan'er's number, but no one answered, Yuchen's heart sank, he quickly flipped through the phone number, feeling overjoyed, he quickly pressed the button and called.


Just picked up the phone, but the voice of the little beauty Hui Yu was crying in despair. At that moment, the originally connected phone fell to the ground in an instant, and Yuchen rushed to the garage: "Wait for me, Hui Yu, turn around!" Son"

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