The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 382 – Flame Shadow Jianchen

"He is back..."

"God Killer is back!"

"Oh my God, it's really him, it's really him!"

There were also many other players in the City of Dreams. They couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the God-killing Yu Wuchen reappeared in front of their eyes after having disappeared for nearly half a month.

"He's back? Ruoxue must be..." Sunset immediately searched for Ruoxue's figure in the crowd, and sure enough, he found her. He exited the stage and quickly came to Ruoxue's side.

When she saw the setting sun coming towards the west, Ruoxue couldn't help trembling all over her body, and her beautiful eyes dimmed for a while.

The wind blew past, and time seemed to stand still. On the blue sky, two black figures confronted each other head-on, sizing each other up in their eyes.

"Canglang, step back." Yuchen said lightly.

Canglang smiled wryly, without saying much, his body gradually returned to its original size, panting heavily, and moved away from Yuchen, because he knew very well that if he was involved in such a monster-level battle, The consequences could be disastrous.

"Get out, get out!"

Unintentionally, the major cadres also shouted loudly when they saw this, and hurriedly evacuated the surrounding crowd. Although the crowd was a little bit reluctant, they had to leave. They still remembered the time when Yuchen and Longxiang fought for nine days. You know, Getting involved in their battle is a very terrifying thing.

"Are you Yu Wuchen?" In the sky, the man in black smiled slightly, his expression revealing a kind of excitement and excitement. This was the first time he had seen someone who could slash and bounce him back with his bare hands.

"So, who are you?" Yuchen didn't answer the man in black, but asked with a sneer. The conversation between the two parties was very intense.

"Me? Do you want to know?" the man in black still said with a smile on his face.

"No interest!" Yuchen answered his words indifferently, his expression frightened, and the black knife pointed at the other party: "But, if you hurt my partner, no matter who you are, you will have to pay the price!"

"As expected of No. 1 in Xuanyuan Continent, what a crazy tone, only the state officials are allowed to set fire and not allow the people to light lamps?" The man in black also had a serious look, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

He wasn't malicious at first, but because of the coercion of the dream members, he had to do it. Now that Yuchen appeared, he insisted that he was a troublemaker, and even if he had a good temper, he would still be angry!

"What do you mean?" In the other party's words, Yuchen obviously heard something wrong.

"What do you mean? Ask your subordinates." The man in black didn't seem to want to mention it, or rather, he was too lazy to talk about it.

Yu Chen looked down. At that moment, the two guards who took the initiative did not dare to look directly at him, and lowered their heads guiltyly. Yu Chen turned around: "No matter what..."


"Dark Shockwave!"

Yu Chen just turned around, however, to everyone's surprise, the man in black who had not moved at first launched an attack on his own initiative, teleported to Yu Chen's body, and swung his fist into a palm, a dark-colored The energy gas oscillated, and he shouted loudly.

The black gas shot at Yuchen immediately like a shocking beam, and now at close range, the man in black also showed a triumphant smile: "At such a distance, no matter how strong you are, you can't dodge it!"


Sure enough, Yuchen didn't have time to dodge, the black shock wave had already hit his body, and then exploded, and the bang resounded throughout the Dream City. Everyone was shocked and cursed the man in black as despicable.

"Puff puff puff"

The black shock wave finally turned into flames, and this weird scene made everyone present feel puzzled.

"Could it be?" Wuxin's face darkened, and he thought in horror that the attack method of the man in black before was still fresh in his memory. If the black shock wave was of the same nature as before, then Yuchen would be in danger.

Sure enough, as unintentionally guessed, the black flames spread throughout and continued to burn, and the man in black showed a ferocious smile: "The dark shock wave is not an ordinary attack, but my power. Instantly causes huge damage, and this skill is also highly corrosive!"

"An attack that cannot be dodged, cannot be counteracted, you have no victory at all..."

"Who said that the attack must be dodged?" Before the man in black finished speaking, Yuchen's cold words came from the black flame. At that moment, the man in black's body trembled, and the red pupils shrank suddenly. Hu: "How is it possible?"


A dragon chant resounded through the sky, and the black flames were immediately shaken back. Three swimming dragons walked on Yuchen's body. Although the body of one of the swimming dragons was slightly empty, it was obviously to resist the impact caused by the shock wave. .

Yuchen was surrounded by silver dragons in the sky, which shocked the players. Afterwards, the dream cadres and all the members breathed a sigh of relief, yes, their boss is the number one in Xuanyuan?How could it be easily defeated?


"The flash of a monster!"

After waiting for people to exclaim, they found that Yuchen had already appeared in front of the man in black, and everyone saw a familiar and unforgettable move. Yuchen swung his fist into his palm, and his right hand was already close to the man in black. abdomen.

This scene is all too familiar to them!

"Pulse technique!"

Just as people imagined, Yuchen's expression froze, and there was a burst of light circle fluctuations in his right palm, and a rippled light circle appeared behind him in an instant, and the man in black looked shocked when he saw this!


The powerful pulse technique caused the body of the man in black to be thrown back ten meters away like an arrow from the string, and a burst of black light appeared under his feet in the sky. At this moment, his performance in the air was like The sudden braking on the ground wiped out flying dust.

The players below were shocked!

The black gas flames formed a protective barrier to offset Yuchen's pulse technique, and the pulse gate also dissipated for a moment, and a trace of surprise also flashed in Yuchen's eyes: "Oh, not bad."

"To each other, this kind of power is really terrifying." The man in black looked at Yuchen with a smile on his face, and the two fell into a stalemate for a while.

"噗" Yuchen pulled out the black knife, and a knife sound resounded through the sky. Seeing Yuchen's expression, the man in black was unmoved, and after a while, he laughed out loud instead!



This time, Yuchen was prepared for the flash of the man in black, but at the moment he moved, Yuchen's expression flashed with surprise: "Just now? Is that... the flash of the monster?" After the shock The man in black laughed wildly in the sky. It wasn't an arrogant smile, but an excited one. His blood-red eyes looked at Yuchen: "As expected of Xuanyuan No.1, it really makes people's blood boil!"

"However, this time I'm not here to challenge you, let alone to make enemies with Dream. It's just that your subordinates are aggressive, so I have no choice but to take action. First of all, I'd better introduce myself!" The man in black came In front of Yuchen, he relaxed his fighting guard and smiled lightly.

"Yanying Jianchen, this is my name. This time I have only one purpose in Xuanyuan Continent, and I came to the Dream Capital, and it is naturally for you!" Turning the corner, a blink of an eye came in front of Yuchen and said a lot in one breath.

Yuchen looked at the man in black. Why did this man who claimed to be Yanying Jianchen speak so strangely to him?There is only one purpose for coming to Xuanyuan Continent?Moreover, today he came to find himself?

"Why do I feel that your tone of voice seems to tell me that you are not a player of Xuanyuan Continent?" Yuchen and Yanying Jianchen actually stopped fighting in mid-air, talking about topics that made people guess.

what are they doing?

This is the doubt of everyone present. After all, the two who were regarded as enemies just now were whispering in a blink of an eye?This change was so fast that everyone hadn't reacted yet!

Hearing Yuchen's doubts, Yanying Jianchen grinned: " you can see, I'm from the Yanhuang Continent!"

"What!" At that moment, Yuchen in the sky showed a look of shock. The man in black in front of him, named Yanying Jianchen, came from another continent, Yanhuang Continent!

How did he get here?Yuchen's heart was full of shock and horror!

(Third update, no flowers, no tickets, no motivation)

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