The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 384 – Top Secret Talk

"Ha ha ha ha"

"I don't know if Brother Jianchen recognizes this?" When Yuchen took out the same scroll in his hand, laughter filled the room, Yanying Jianchen's expression straightened, and his face sank into shock, He didn't expect Yuchen to have an ancient fragment!

"Ancient fragments." Yanying Jianchen recovered his expression after being shocked for a moment, looked at Yuchen with a serious face, although he was surprised in his heart, he was still calm and calm, as if he was not worried that Yuchen would do something to him What.

"Since Brother Wuchen has one of the ancient fragments, then the next thing will be easier." Yanying Jianchen said indifferently, but the corner of his mouth was raised, and he looked at Yuchen with a slight smile.

Seeing Yanying Jianchen's performance, Yuchen was not the slightest surprised, but took it for granted. He smiled: "You are so brave, but...we are wise people who don't talk dark words. The matter of dragon vein treasures can be big or small. I think I'd better take your opinion."

Yuchen and the two made it to the table again, their expressions were more serious, even Yanying Jianchen withdrew his smile, and his expression changed: "There are five ancient scrolls in total, and you must collect all five to open it." Dragon Vein Map, I believe Brother Wuchen should know this too?"

"This is the most important point. The next thing is about the distribution of the treasures. As I said, I only want Longquan. And, to be honest, Brother Wuchen, I believe the information in this fragment of my book is more detailed than yours. , there are innumerable wealth in the dragon vein treasures and the equipment we want, even if they are divine weapons, there are many, so, as long as we are honest with each other about the distribution of treasures, there will be no problem."

Yuchen nodded, what Yanying Jianchen said was the truth.

"Of course, the next thing is the most important point. We can do it, but it doesn't mean the other three can do the same. Therefore, this requires Brother Wuchen's prestige and strength in Xuanyuan Continent. I believe that as long as a little bit of wind leaks out , coupled with the coercion of President Wuchen, I believe there will be a result soon? As long as the other three volumes are in the hands of the players, I think there is no one who will not be tempted." Yanying Jianchen analyzed clearly.

"Wonderful..." Yuchen nodded and encouraged his palms, however, his face became solemn.

"Brother Wuchen, what's the matter? Is there a problem?" Seeing that Yuchen's expression was wrong, Yanying Jianchen also asked suspiciously.

Yuchen took a deep breath and thought for a while: "Brother Yanying, I know the holders of the other three volumes!" After thinking for a while, Yuchen told Yanying Jianchen a shocking fact.

Sure enough, Yanying Jianchen's expression was as Yuchen expected, full of shock, and then excitement, and looked at Yuchen with extremely excited eyes flashing in his eyes.

"Where is it?" Yanying Jianchen held Yuchen's hands excitedly, his eyes were full of longing.

"Damn, I don't care about sex!" Yu Chen stood up vigorously, and quickly looked away from the other party's fiery gaze, realizing that he had lost his composure, Yan Ying Jianchen smiled embarrassedly.

"Brother Wuchen, are you telling the truth? You know, I've been troubled by this power for a long time, otherwise I wouldn't have worked so hard to come to Xuanyuan Continent." Yanying Jianchen said excitedly.

"Ah, it's absolutely true, and you'll be able to see them soon. Of course, Brother Jianchen, you are the stranger among the five of us. I hope you don't hide anything." Yuchen said To put it simply, this hidden mystery can be described as turbulent, and the implication is obvious.

Yanying Jianchen nodded cautiously. Yuchen's words revealed two meanings. The four of them are probably close friends, but Yanying Jianchen is one. If he has any purpose and hides the truth, then He will be hunted down mercilessly by the four of Yuchen.

"Brother Wuchen, please put it down, you know everything!"

"That's the best!" Yuchen smiled, and applied to open the virtual mirror, because in Yuchen's view, the virtual mirror is the safest.

At this time, both Yuchen and Yanying Jianchen disappeared in the lord's mansion. Similarly, in a box restaurant in Phoenix City, the three of Silent, Misty Rain, and Jingjing also slowly disappeared under each other's shocked gazes.

Because, they all received Yuchen's virtual meeting room invitation.

Choose to accept, and in an instant they disappear.

"Yuchen, you're back."

"Damn, you're finally willing to come back, and you thought a girl would beat you."

"Since ancient times, love has been spared with hatred, and this hatred has never ended"

As soon as they entered the virtual conference room, they were silent, quiet, and the three of them thought of different words. However, just now they wanted to cheer Yuchen up, but the cynic Jing Jing and the others suddenly froze in place, because there was no sound in the conference room. Only Yuchen was alone.

The faces of the three of them sank. Yuchen called them here at such a time, and there was an extra man here that they had never seen before. It was not easy.

"This is the president of Floating Life in the End Times. The night is very quiet."

"Here, Uncle Yanyu, the president of Yanyu Jiangnan."

"This is the chief thief of my dream, who is also the deputy lord, no longer silent." Seeing that several people had already entered, Yuchen introduced them to Yanying Jianchen one by one without talking nonsense.

"No way, boy Yu, how do you say that the eldest brother is also handsome and elegant, how does he look like an uncle?" But before Yanying Jianchen or Yuchen could speak, Yanyu hastily refuted.

"Come on, uncle, just accept your fate." An Jing showed a sinister smile.

On the other hand, Silence remained silent. He glanced at the man in black, and then at Yuchen: "Yuchen, are you in such a hurry? What's the matter?"

Yu Chen nodded solemnly: "This is a friend from afar, Yan Ying Jianchen, as for the matter, let him tell everyone?" Yu Chen gave Yan Ying Jian Chen a color.

Yanying Jianchen stood up and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I, Yanying Jianchen, have long admired your names like thunder."

"Admired for a long time," a group of people sighed.

"Hehe, it's better to say that I'm from another continent than far away. I came here to find the dragon's veins!" Yanying Jianchen was beyond Yuchen's expectation. Either way, beating around the bush will leave a bad impression on people.

But what this guy said so straightforwardly, naturally caused a great shock to the three of Misty Rain, Jing Jing, and Mo Mo.

"Is today April Fool's Day?"

“It’s almost New Year’s Eve”

"Dude, is this a joke..." Sure enough, as Yuchen Yanying and Jianchen imagined, the three of An Jing didn't believe any of them, and the expressions of shock on their faces were no less than that of Yuchen at that time.

Yuchen and Yanying Jianchen were all talking, although there was a hint of a smile, but the dignified aura made the three of them also look down.

"You heard me right, I'm from Yanhuang Continent, another part of Huaxia Continent, that is to say, I'm a player from Yanhuang Continent." Yanying Jianchen continued.

"It's impossible! The two continents haven't been connected, so how could there be players from the Yanhuang Continent coming here?" An Jing immediately vetoed it. He just felt too shocked, and of course he didn't think that the other party was joking with him.

"Ah... there is another possibility!" Yan Yu's expression froze, her eyes and tone were full of horror, and she looked at Yanying Jianchen.

"Crimson Continent." Said silently and coldly.

"As expected of a super expert in Xuanyuan Continent, you have guessed it. Yes, I climbed the Crimson Continent with bare hands, crossed the sea of ​​death, and walked through the terrifying forest to Phoenix City!" Yanying Jianchen said in a very proud tone. .

This time, everyone including Yuchen took a breath, not to mention how dangerous the journey was, Yuchen couldn't do it by himself with this courage, but the expressions of Quiet, Silent, Misty Rain and others were similar to Yuchen's. Chen is exactly the same, except for surprise, there is a look of admiration and approval.

"So, it took me nearly a month to come here. Of course, I almost died several times, but God doesn't seem to have completely spurned me, allowing me to come here successfully." Yanying Jianchen smiled .

"This time, the purpose of coming here, coincidentally, happened to find brother Wuchen. As I said, my purpose this time is to find the dragon's veins. In other words, I believe everyone is very clear about it?" Yan Ying Jian Chen looked at the crowd.

"Ancient fragments?" Everyone is not stupid, Yuchen once again informed them that there is only one thing in common between them, and that is the ancient fragments!

"Ah, yes, the ancient fragments, let me talk about the next thing." Yuchen narrated to several people the content of the previous conversation with Yanying Jianchen, and at the same time raised the interests and interests.

After an hour of discussion, everyone sat in the conference room with serious faces.

"I did it unintentionally. It depends on whether the four of you can accept it. At the same time, because of the status of the four of you, I believe three days is enough time? If the four of you don't want to go, then I can buy yours at a high price." Fragments, of course, I can also find the dragon veins and bring back the artifacts for the four of you, if you don't believe me, I can swear by blood."

"What do you guys think?" Yanying Jianchen looked at the solemn four people.

The four looked solemn and looked at each other, artifact?They already have a transcendent artifact in their hands, as for Yanying Jianchen's proposal?They don't feel good and they don't feel bad, however.What they really don't want to miss is not the best martial arts in the world.It is not a so-called artifact, but such a passionate adventure and opportunity, they are not willing to give up.

Dragon Vein Treasure?A legendary treasure land, what on earth is there?Everything is full of temptation, and the four of them are masters who are unwilling to be lonely, especially after they have reached such strength, they are even more unwilling to just live a leveling life of pretending to be aggressive and fighting monsters. Taking risks, it sounds exciting.

However, what made the four of them tangled up was, as Yanying Jianchen said, their identities!

To go or not to go?It became a problem that troubled the four masters of the famous Xuanyuan.

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