The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 828 – Bloodline Activation

Dream vs Demon God, this time Xiang Tianwen made up his mind to give Dream a heavy blow. The battle between the two sides is imminent. , Millions of troops all began to attack the dream in an all-round way!

Under the bright starry sky, the message that the Demon God declares war on dreams reverberates in people's minds!

"Ding dong, the demon god is launching a siege against Dream!"

"It's already started? Brothers, hurry up!" Xiao Zhan Qianchou and Lin Tianyanyang and others rounded up, and hundreds of thousands of elite troops had already entered the imperial city, but Lin Tian really couldn't wait, and brought the fast-flying brothers with Yujian One step ahead, seeing this, Xiao Zhan Qianchou did the same, flying wings soared into the sky, and support from all directions poured into the dream capital east of the imperial city!

At the same time, the news that the Demon God officially declared war on Dream also reverberated in the sky and spread to the ears of countless people. The players of the original Brilliant Pavilion rushed to the battlefield. What was originally a battle where Xiang Tianwen wanted to save some face turned into a big battle in Huaxia District. This was something that no one, not even Xiang Tianwen, expected!

In the same way, it was also unexpected by Dream, too sudden, so that neither side had any preparations. However, as an elite force, the strongest trade union, Demon God and Dream started the battle in the first place!

"Start the defense formation!"

"Ask the sky, you forced us to do this!" Shen Mo commanded the overall situation, and a big battle was imminent. In the case of a siege, after the system was defended, countless chariots, cannons and arrow towers appeared, and the heavily guarded archers and magicians on the city walls were even more powerful. It is strictly waiting for the battle, and before the superpowers under the chasm, Heantian, Baigui, Wuxin, Shen Mo, Mo Lishang, Cang Mumu, Xingkong, Xingzhu, Wulei and other superpowers were guarded to prevent the demon god from entering the half-meter gate. within.

And Xiang Tianwen is also waiting for the arrival of the demon god army, but he won't just sit and wait for death!

"The release of the demon body!" Once again the release of the demon body, Xiang Tianwen killed it in advance!

"Back off!" To deal with strong men like Xiang Tianwen, numbers alone are useless. They face the battle in silence, with the phantom of death behind them. The battle between the two spread from the ground to the sky...

"Soul Harvest!"

"Heavenly Demon Overlord Body!"

When Death's scythe was attacking Xiang Tianwen's body, it was resisted by the overlord body of the Heavenly Demon. He took a step back silently: "It can even defend against the power of the soul, as expected of the Devil Emperor Xiang Tianwen..."

"The one who really surprised me is you, right? No more silence, I never thought that besides Yu Wuchen, there would be someone as strong as you in my dream, but with your strength, you are inferior to Yu Wuchen, you Don't you think it's a pity?" Xiang Tianwen didn't expect No Silence to possess such powerful power, just now even in the state of Heavenly Demon Overlord, he even felt a sense of fear.

"Being under Yuchen? Hehe, you think too much, even if it is, I am willing, because sooner or later, this big tree will shine brightly. I have felt this way since the first time we met. Facts have proved that , I am not wrong." Shen Mo said with a smile.

Xiang Tianwen snorted coldly with disdain: "I thought you would be proud, but now it seems that you have become Yu Wuchen's dog!"

"A person like you will never understand what friendship is, and what brotherhood is. Your group of partners are just tools in your eyes. Ask God, you will never be able to succeed! " Silence also said coldly.

"Whether you can succeed or not, that is what the winner is qualified to say!"

"Bang bang bang bang" ripples of energy continuously came from the sky, and everyone who watched was terrified!

The battle has already begun, however, the president of Dream, the strongest known as Yushen Yuwuchen, is still carrying out cruel cultivation at this moment!

"Dragon Power Transformation!"

The whole body turned golden, however, a closer look at the shape of the power of the dragon has undergone earth-shaking changes again, the golden power is no longer wrapped in a dragon shape, but a golden flame, and the dragon is actually wrapped around Yuchen's body superior.


But after condensing for just ten seconds, Yuchen's dragon power turned into sporadic flames and gradually disappeared, and Yuchen also took a breath: "The anger and ghosts have been completed, and now only the dragon power is left. It's still a bit difficult."

After the news of Xiang Tianwen's attack on the dream came from the avatar, Yuchen accelerated the progress of his cultivation. Almost two years have passed in this process, and to what extent Yuchen's current ability has reached, so far, even himself Do not know at all!

In this way, a month has passed, and the outside world is only half an hour.

"Come again!"


The power of the dragon was condensed, and this time the golden light was more obvious, and the terrifying sound of the dragon's chant resounded throughout the emptiness. Seeing the light of the power of the dragon that had been completely condensed, Yuchen showed a look of relief.

"It seems to have succeeded." While Yuchen was silent in joy, a familiar figure came from behind him. Yuchen showed his white teeth and smiled back: "Ah, it has succeeded!"

"Ah...not completely successful." Yu Chen's performance has already exceeded Yao Liantian's expectations, and how strong Yu Chen is now, Yao Liantian can't help but want to fight with him. A battle, but knowing that Yuchen seems to have encountered something from the outside world, so I dismissed this idea.

Hearing this, Yu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yao Liantian in confusion.

Yao Liantian showed a meaningful smile, and said immediately: "Do you still remember the true meaning of the blood of the Yaozu Yaoxia?"

Listening to Yao Liantian's words, Yuchen suddenly remembered something and muttered: "The blood of the Yao King, the stronger the stronger, the more frustrated and braver!"


"Now, I will open one of the most domineering bloodlines in this world for you. After opening, every time you survive a life-and-death battle, the bloodline of the monster will be activated faster. Moreover, after surviving the life-and-death battle , the strength will be several times that of before!" Yao Liantian suddenly hung the golden hook upside down, and put a palm into Yuchen's Tianling Cap!

"Blood activated!"


"Kang Dang"

Weird runes floated around Yuchen and Yaoliantian, illuminating their bodies like sparks of fire, but Yuchen only felt a tyrannical force pouring into his physical strength. , Yuchen successfully transformed from six to seven!

"Ding Dong, your blood has been activated..."

As the system's notification sounded, at this moment, Yuchen's heart was full of pride!

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