The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 835 – Intervention

The dream building was almost destroyed by the fusion skills of the demon gods and ten people. Fortunately, the Lord's Mansion was finally saved with the efforts of millions of players. However, it was precisely because of this that Xiang Tianwen So angry!

However, just when everyone was concentrating on the battle of their dreams, a figure that descended from the sky suddenly appeared above one of the demon god's cities. Will be in ruins!

"Monster avatar!"

In the air, Yuchen clasped his hands together, and two clones appeared beside him. The three identical people looked at each other left and right. The main body, Yuchen, said coldly: "The Devil Emperor City is mine, and the other two cities, 5 minutes destroyed inside.."

"Yes!" For the orders of the main body, the two avatars obeyed unconditionally. With the power of Yuchen now, it is a breeze to destroy the city that is not protected by many strong people such as Xiang Tianwen. If it is Yuchen himself, destroy the devil emperor The city is just a matter of every second!

The avatar acted separately, Yuchen stayed where he was, looking at the unsuspecting Demon Emperor City, Yuchen showed a ferocious smile: "Qianqian, this is a gift for you..." After finishing speaking, Yuchen flew to the low altitude and began to attack the Demon God!

At the same time, the capital of dreams!

"When you return from killing the gods, it will be the day of your demon god's destruction!" At first, it was just Xiao Ting's roar, and then it became the slogan of the whole dream. Shouting, also silenced the countless trade unions who came over in that shocking roar!

"By the time Yu Wuchen returns, your dreams will be over!!"

"Kill them all!"

"The lord's mansion that destroys dreams!" Xiang Tianwen yelled furiously, and the first to attack were the ten demon gods. In order to use this skill, their level dropped by a full [-] levels. However, for them, apart from Apart from the impact of the attributes, it doesn't have much effect, and their abilities are still so strong!

"You two defeated generals, originally thought you would have some backbone, and hoped that Yu Wuchen, God knows where your president died, now, no one can save you!"

"Death to me!"

"The sword is facing the world!" Yin Yi shouted loudly with the wind, and a terrifying arrow condensed on the sharp sword, and finally formed a thousand-meter beam sword. If it was cut down with a knife, 10,000+ people would probably die!

"Die to me!" Yin Yi shouted loudly with the wind, waving that huge slash and landed. At this moment, the dream members who had exhausted all their strength turned pale with fright, because the attack came too suddenly!

And the place where Yin Yi Suifeng attacked was the exhausted powerhouses in front of the lord's mansion, and the rest of the dream masters couldn't resist Yin Yi Suifeng's attack immediately, even if they could, no one could defeat Yin Yi Suifeng!

"The person who is going to die is probably you!"

"Thunder Fury!"

At that very moment, a loud shout came from behind Yin Yi Suifeng, and the next second a figure covered in lightning appeared behind him, and it was a heavy blow to his head!


There was a flickering flash of lightning in the air, and a ripple of flickering thunder shook people's hearts, and the expression of Yin Suifeng, who was all focused on the front of the lord's mansion, changed drastically. He never imagined that someone would be able to treat him in an instant. After attacking, when he came back to his senses, there was a loud shout in his ear, and immediately a huge force smashed into his cheek with lightning!


With a loud bang, his whole body fell from the air, straight to the ground, and in the air, with a ferocious face, one could vaguely see a man whose face and outline were covered with purple tears, and it was Lin Tian who came from the Yanhuang Continent~!

"Members of the Demon God, kill without mercy!" Lin Tian yelled, and the hundreds of thousands of elite troops he brought also joined the battle, and the resurrected members were slowly gathering together.

"The stamina potion has taken effect!" At this moment, there was a voice of excitement from the crowd. Sure enough, everyone found that their stamina was slowly recovering, which made the dream members secretly happy!

"Ask the sky... are you ready? The real battle, I will tell you, starts now!" Shen Mo cared about everyone, so he returned to the Lord's Mansion. Now the Lord's Mansion is intact, and Shen Mo no longer hides the real truth strength.

Line up, Silence, Mo Lishang, Cang Mumu, Starry Sky, Han, Xiao Ting, Xiaotian, No Tears, Wuxin, Hetian, White Ghost, Star Bamboo, Wufeng, Ruthless, Bull, Wind Dance Scar , the dragon soaring all over the world, the god-killing army, the knight-errant army, the shadow of the assassination army, and other dream powerhouses are lined up, and the powerful formation is frightening!

It was because they were caught off guard by the demon god before, no one thought that these guys would hide such a powerful strength, so the dream suffered a loss, but as long as the lord's mansion is here, nothing about them will disappear!

"Have you recovered so quickly? But, do you think I will give you a chance to breathe?"

"Jun Lin Tian Tian, ​​​​how long do you have to wait, this is a great time for revenge!" Xiang Tian asked loudly, and the 300 million people brought by Jun Lin Tian Tian and the Excalibur Brothers on the ground immediately set up their battle formations!

"Dream, our Brilliant Pavilion is here to collect debts!"

"Nirience! Players with the Demon God to kill!" The Demon God Union subdued a lot of strength in Sin City. All of these millions of people joined the Demon God, and half of them left behind are now added to the Brilliant Pavilion. The full 500 million army is no worse than a dream How many!

You know, these are all elite troops. In terms of hidden occupations, Brilliant Pavilion and Demon God far surpassed their dreams!

"Ask the sky, I think you want to fight against the people of the world!"

Just when the great war was about to break out, the Great Guilds of Iron Blood, Overlord, Emperor, Shura, Misty Rain Jiangnan, Floating Life in the End Times, Longxiang, and Fengwu all attended the scene. When they saw the dream that had been razed to the ground, their eyes were full of shock. color!

"Today is a matter between me and my dream. Do you really want to intervene?" Xiang Tianwen's eyes turned cold, because the situation he was most worried about appeared... the major guilds intervened, so they will be in a dilemma !

"We don't want to interfere, but if you do this, I'm afraid others will not agree?"

"Ask the sky, the World Martial Arts Association is coming soon. What do you mean by launching a large-scale battle? Are you deceiving me to judge no one?" Sure enough, just as Feng Kelei's words fell, there was a loud shout in the sky, and a group of A black shadow suddenly flashed, and immediately more than a hundred strong men appeared in front of people!

"All the guild tribunals are here, this is really the first time..."

"It seems that the Guild Tribunal has made up its mind this time!" When they saw the figure in the sky, everyone showed a look of surprise and an uproar. As we all know, the Guild Tribunal has always acted separately or alone, and has never appeared together. out!

I didn't know how many people there were in the Guild Judgment Office, but when they saw Jun Moli, Xing Tian, ​​and the hundreds of powerhouses led by Yanhuang and Xuanyuan, everyone understood that this time the Guild Judgment Office might come out in full force, because they didn't Most of them are members of the powerful Judgment Club that manages the city!

"Guild Tribunal!!" Xiang Tianwen's eyes became angry, he is now like a mouse crossing the street, as long as there is a restless move, people all over the world will oppose him and be dissatisfied with him, such a situation Naturally, Xiang Tianwen was extremely angry!

"Now, stop all your actions immediately!" Jun Moli said condescendingly, wiped it and added: "Compensate for all losses of Dream!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

But when the words fell, Xiang Tianwen laughed wildly: "Stop acting? Why? Others are afraid of your guild tribunal, I am not afraid of asking Tian, ​​and I am not afraid of Demon God. Why do you treat me like this? The weak eat the strong, the strong My lord, what's wrong with me attacking my dream now? If you want to blame them, blame them for their incompetence. Every time you need the protection of these people, if you people are scattered, I will ask the heavens to uproot you!!"

"Xiangwen's roar echoed in people's ears, his eyes were red, he was busy with his incomparable anger at the moment, he was not reconciled, why did these people treat him like this, he was not wrong, he was not at all wrong, he Just doing what you think you should do!

It's not fair, it's not fair to him, these words are constantly echoing in Xiang Tianwen's mind, and now he has almost fallen into a state of madness!

"Just rely on me, Jun Moli, and rely on my guild tribunal!!"

"The law of the trade union..." When a bright golden light appeared in Xiang Tianwen's hands, all the trade unions present turned pale with fright, and even the eyes of Xiang Tianwen, who had roared before, changed!

"Why, why, the dream must surrender at my feet, why do you Jun Moli!!!" Xiang Tianwen's body expanded in the magic gate, and his strength increased by more than ten times in an instant. However, it shrank instantly.

Obviously, at this moment, a terrifying power is constantly impacting in his body, no, or Xiang Tianwen is suppressing that power in his body!

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it, otherwise, I'll make your demon god disappear!" Jun Moli's loud shout reached everyone's ears.

"You are dreaming!"

"Then you all go to hell!" Jun Moli wanted to throw out the trade union law without saying a word.

"Wait!" However, at that moment, a voice came to everyone's ears, and everyone turned to him. The person who spoke was beyond everyone's expectation, but he was actually silent!

"Destroy our dreams, so naturally we have to dream to end their lives. No one is allowed to interfere in this matter. Ask God, I will be arrogant once today. Now, you come to attack dreams. I have been silent for a long time. Let you see and see, in the dream, besides killing gods, the power that makes all of you fear!"

The silent voice echoed in people's ears and shocked everyone's hearts!

(Third watch, ask for flowers)

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