The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 837 – Killing the Gods

(Fifth update, each with 3000+) "You... what are you doing, why, why are you here!" The panicked voice, the expression of fear, the city in ruins, just less than Within 1 minute, the Demon God City under the flash of the Dragon Void was instantly reduced to ashes...

However, Yuchen's revenge method is quite good. He didn't destroy the Lord's Mansion immediately, but made Xiang Tianwen regret it at the most critical moment!

Step by step, he walked in front of the lord's mansion. Yuchen did not destroy the resurrection point, because he wanted to kill one by one, and pay a heavy price for the players of the demon god. In the state of dragon power, Yuchen's body was surrounded by three dragons. , It is difficult to get close with ordinary attacks, and it is immune to powerful magic, and the slashing is even insignificant under the defense of Yuchen Shenlong.

"No...don't come here!" The person in charge of guarding the Demon God City had already been terrified by Yuchen. He couldn't imagine that when the Demon God Guild attacked Dream, the president of that Dream, Killing God Yu Wuchen would appear In the territory of the Demon God Guild, this is what they did not expect, and this is what everyone did not expect!

"It's almost done, destroy the lord's mansion." Just as the two clones of Demon God City and God Demon City continued to harvest and tease players to destroy the city, the voice of the main body suddenly came from their hearts. Soaring into the sky, it appeared directly above the lord's mansion.

And Yuchen's move also frightened all the players of the Demon God's Guild. They forgot to send messages, and forgot to use the flying pigeon to pass the letter. In fact, Yuchen would not even give them a chance to send messages!

"The power of the dragon has increased by 100%!"


The avatar unlocked all the power. Their mission was to destroy everything of the Demon God, so they flew directly into the sky and began to gather strength. In the Demon Emperor City, Yuchen's attack was ruthless. Every time he waved Guiche, What is taken away is not only the life of the player, but also countless buildings.

When the Devil Emperor City was completely in ruins and only the Lord's Mansion was left, Yuchen couldn't help but think of his dream when he looked at the players who were standing in front of the Lord's Mansion. Without any reason, he raised the black knife in his hand, The emptiness of black air immediately spread across the entire land, enveloping the entire Devil Emperor City, like a galloping black ocean...

While Yuchen was retaliating, he had already been razed to the ground, leaving only the dream capital of the lord's mansion. At this moment, he fell into a strange atmosphere. What is even more surprising is his words, he dared to say that to Xiang Tianwen, regardless of his strength, this courage has already made many people admire!

"Is this guy a lunatic?" Wuxin and the others looked at the pure black swan with puzzled faces, and asked the sky that he was still a character, and he was someone who could stand on the same level as Yuchen...

Now the pure black swan not only insulted Xiang Tianwen with one sentence, but also implicated Yuchen, which naturally made the brothers of Mengmeng hate the pure black swan, too arrogant and too rampant!

"What are you? Who said that our boss has lost?" While the black swan's voice fell, some people naturally refuted immediately, but the pure black swan ignored it at all, but looked at Xiang Tianwen, and then glanced at Jun Don't leave.

"The Guild Tribunal, right? Don't you have any objections to me participating in this duel?" The pure black swan showed a bright smile, but this smile gave everyone a cold look.

Jun Moli didn't answer the pure black swan's words. He also has a little file on the Shenyu guild. Although there are not many, the existence of this guild is too domineering and complicated. Many of them are from the Guwu family under the Tianwu family. The children of the commercial family, and even many powerful families of the Tianwu family, such as Yanying Sword Soul!

The second young master of the Xuanyuan family, the younger brother of Yanying Jianchen.

"As long as it doesn't cause turmoil, and don't affect the next World Martial Arts Association, as for the battle between you, I have no right to intervene." Jun Moli didn't dare to risk the power of the world not to blatantly favor any side.

"So? That's all right?" The pure black swan grinned, then looked at Xiang Tianwen excitedly, and said wildly: "Xiang Tianwen, take action, don't say I bully you, let you three Move, within three moves, if you can't defeat me, I will let you be wiped out!"

Arrogance, since its appearance till now, the pure black swan's words have provoked everyone's self-cultivation more than once again. Xiang Tianwen was originally a calm person, but he couldn't bear to be provoked by the pure black swan one after another. Stay angry!

"I'll let you be wiped out first!"

"Heavenly Demon Overlord Body! Open!"

"Devil Killing Heaven Killing Slash!"


The slash filled with black breath is like a sky dragon flying out of the sky. The terrifying and mighty momentum seems to swallow the world. The black slash is like a huge half-moon killing a pure black swan. From such a short distance, everyone who sees it is heartbroken. Trembling!

"Hey" However, at the moment when the sword fell, the swan's words were grinning, and that smile was reflected in people's hearts. They saw him slowly stretching out a hand, and when the sword came to him , muttered at the corner of his mouth: "The sky is immortal"


The black slash like a sea lang disappeared the moment it touched the swan's body, turning into sporadic fragments of light floating in the air. Words cannot express the shock in my heart.


"How is this possible!!" The sound of exclamation also spread into the field. In front of the city gate of the Dream City, everyone who watched it could be said to be a little at a loss. Isn't Xiangtian very strong?He had defeated Yushen Yu Wuchen before, why is he so weak in front of this man?

"One trick!" These two words pierced the hearts of Xiang Tianwen and the players of the Demon God's Guild like a knife. The pure black swan had a smile on his face. , the pure black swan is too weird, even Xiang Tianwen has nothing to do with him!

"Shut up!" Xiang Tianwen was furious, and the volatile skills were blocked by his opponent with bare hands. Thinking that the president of God's Domain who popped up suddenly could push him to such a point.

"Come on... come on, release the demon, use the complete demon release, I will give you endless power./..." There seems to be a seductive voice in Xiang Tianwen's heart that is constantly tempting He, but Xiang Tianwen ignored it, shook his head, and looked at the pure black swan with ferocious eyes!

Xiang Tianwen restrained his breath, put away his mind, and returned his heart to the original state. Seeing Xiang Tianwen's appearance, everyone present, including the pure black swan, also frowned, because the calm down The strong are the scariest!

Launching an attack, the ultra-high-speed movement has made everyone unable to see Xiang Tianwen's figure clearly. When he appeared again, Xiang Tianwen was not in a hurry to attack. His figure seemed to be transformed into countless cripples in front of the black swan Shadows surrounded him.

The pure black swan was not as casual as before. Instead, he looked around warily, but he still didn't draw out his weapon. Seeing the arrogant appearance of the pure black swan, everyone wanted to slap him.

"Don't use a weapon? Don't be arrogant, you bastard!" Seeing the pure black swan, he still didn't take out his weapon. Xiang Tianwen's face changed, and he gave up continuing to confuse his opponent. In the afterimage, the magic sword shot out instantly!

"This is the second trick!"

"The heavenly swan is immortal!" The pure black swan yelled loudly. The moment the magic sword pierced his chest, a layer of faint light wrapped around the pure black swan's body. The attack of the magic sword could not break through this seemingly empty defense !

Xiang Tianwen didn't give up, and suddenly put his other hand on the hilt of the demon sword, holding the sword in both hands, Xiang Tianwen suddenly burst into anger: "The demon god is angry!"


With a roar, the phantom of the Demon God appeared behind him. As the most powerful left and right handed Demon God of the Goddess of Darkness, his power is naturally extremely powerful, and it is not unreasonable for Xiang Tianwen to hold the sword in both hands, because the power will be one-handed double!

"Devil Extinguisher, Darkness Devouring the Sky!" Xiang Tianwen yelled loudly, terrifying power poured into the earth like a galloping ocean, and the black aura seemed to place the two of them in the black ocean. That powerful momentum, Let everyone change color.

"This is the third trick, ask the sky!!"

"Tiangang starry sky!"

"Kang Dang"

The original dim white emptiness instantly turned into the power of the bright stars, the vast map of the galaxy, the bright sun, moon and stars, the bright moon competing with the scorching sun, this strange scene enveloped the two of them!


The dull sound of collision resounded through the ground. Although the terrifying power was blocked by the swan, the power of the slash still did not disappear. Cracks began to spread from the swan's feet, and the whole ground shook like an earthquake. stand up!

"Ask the sky, now, go and die!"

"The vast map of the galaxy!"

"Star Kill!"

Feel the powerful power of Xiangtianwen.Swan also decided not to procrastinate any longer, and used the most terrifying power to kill Xiang Tianwen in one blow. However, at that very moment, a white figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the two people's duel !

"Bang!" The white hand suddenly grasped the arm of the pure black swan, and the other foot directly pushed Xiang Tianwen back. Under the gaze of the people, a white figure appeared on everyone's face. In front of people!

"Where do you think my dream is? Is it the competition ring for you?" The sharp eyes, black hair like ink, white clothes fluttering, and stern words echoed in everyone's ears at this moment, and he... . It's Yuchen! !

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