The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 839 – Absolute Suppression

(Seventh update) Complete release of the demon body, Xiang Tianwen can no longer be called a human being, his body is a demon, and his face is covered with a layer of armor-like black objects, except for the pair of blood-red Other than the eyes, the faintly visible outline and the standing posture, this guy has become a complete demon god...

The fleshy wings on his back stretched out a full ten meters. His change caused countless players present to fall into deep shock. Words can no longer express the shock in their hearts!

"This is asking the sky... the real strength?" Not only the Shura guild, the emperor's guild, the dream guild, the iron blood, etc., but even the extremely arrogant Shenyu guild was dumb at this moment, without any words, thousands of members They all looked at Xiang Tianwen in a daze, no one thought that he still possessed such powerful power!

Incarnate into a demon.... This move stunned the audience, with a strong and terrifying aura, which made some weak players dizzy directly. At the same time, these people secretly rejoiced even if they stepped back, otherwise they would faint like some people , then lose face and go home.

"Ask to the sky... is this guy still hiding such strength?" Wuxin's face changed drastically, and even cold sweat broke out on his silent forehead. If the pure black swan hadn't appeared before, then the crisis of dreams now is really not dare. to imagine...

The dream cadres all breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, they couldn't help feeling a little grateful to the arrogant pure black swan. After all, if it wasn't for his spoiling the situation, maybe, maybe...Xiang Wen really carried out the plan ...

And Shen Mo stared at Xiang Tianwen's demon body, and murmured: "I don't know how the liberation of the god of death compares with his demon body?" But then he glanced at Yuchen's position, Shen Mo smiled: "Forget it, let's just be silent, anyway, I have been silent more than once."

Different from his name, no longer silent or choose to be silent again, he just needs to be a player behind the hero, if there is a day when it is really necessary, maybe no longer silent will really be no longer silent!

After Xiang Tianwen completed his transformation, he didn't rush to attack. Instead, he fanned the huge wings behind him and flew into the air. He was neither high nor low, just above ten meters, looking down on all the players on the ground.

He glanced at his body, then at the ground, and suddenly, he grinned, showing his ferocious fangs: "Drink!"

Xiang Tianwen bent his arms and suddenly shouted loudly. He punched his hands into the air, but there was no movement at the scene. Everyone thought Xiang Tianwen was grandstanding, but some strong men frowned at that moment!

"No, get out of the way!" Yuchen suddenly turned his head and yelled at the southwest direction of the dream, where Xiang Tianwen made a striking gesture. Sure enough, Yuchen's voice fell, and the dream member in the southwest direction In front of them, the loess was cracked, and tens of thousands of people were moved by a terrifying invisible force!

"Star Shield!"

A figure galloped out, and Babao used the star shield to resist part of the power, but even so, Babao's body retreated several meters, leaving a long trace on the ground.

However, Xiang Tianwen's move caused many people present to exclaim...

"What was that just now?" Long Xiang Wandai looked at the place where Xiang Tian asked in surprise and said in shock.

"Attack?" Feng Wu Qianqiu frowned when she heard the words, but no one could answer her, what was that just now, attack?Asking the sky is just punching the air...

However, what is it if it is not an attack?

"It's momentum..." Just when the phoenix dancer and dragon soarer were wondering, suddenly, a man and a woman appeared in front of them. The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was so beautiful and beautiful. They had returned. Longxiang Jiutian and Fengwu Qingcheng met on the road and came here together.

"Jiutian, Qingcheng, did you come together?" Long Xiang Wandai said jokingly.

Feng Wu Qianqiu gave Wan Dai a blank look, and the latter closed his mouth decisively. Feng Wu Qingcheng's face did not change at all, but stared at Xiang Tianwen in the air and glanced at Yuchen's position: "Xiang Tianwen has already Rank seven, the current strength is more than ten times that of before, Wuchen wants to win, I am afraid..."

Long Xiang Jiutian nodded: "Ask the sky about my current strength, I have to admit that it has surpassed me now..." Of course, there is another sentence that Long Xiang Jiutian didn't say, he refers to the current self, the current self The dragon soars nine days, but no state is applied.

And Feng Wu won't care about Long Xiang Jiutian's words, her heart is already on Yuchen's body, seeing this appearance, Long Xiang Jiutian can only sigh...

"Yu Wuchen, have you seen it? This is my current strength, do you think you can still defeat me?" After Xiang Tianwen became a complete body, the feeling was completely different, even Yuchen had to admit, This guy's strength has reached a terrifying state.

Looking at the aloof Xiang Tianwen, Yuchen glanced at the injured brothers and said indifferently: "So what?"

Seeing Yuchen's understatement, but unexpectedly this time, Xiang Tianwen was not angry at all, but smiled instead: "How is it? Do you think you are still my opponent?"

The players in the audience were silent, and everyone was thinking about this question in another way. Are they still the opponents of asking the sky?However, there are also some smiling players among these people. One of them is the pure black swan. After Yuchen appeared on the stage, he stood aside very low-key. Don't look at the pure black swan's arrogance, but he is very careful. , in his opinion, this is an opportunity to understand the strength of Shenshenyu Wuchen...

From the beginning to the end, he and Sword Soul watched the battle between Xiang Tianwen and Yuchen with a smile on their faces. The people in God's Domain are not only powerful, but also have extraordinary brain power.

"Are you saying this wrong? You should think this way, even if you have such power, can you already be my opponent? Am I right? Ask the sky?" Yuchen grinned and looked at Asking the sky in the air, with a faint smile, everyone felt that the air was tense in an instant.

"As expected of the president... Not to mention strength, even this momentum is not inferior at all?"

"This guy is still so crazy." Mo Lishang couldn't help but said, Xiang Tianwen's current power is beyond estimation, and Yuchen still dares to say that, he is really not afraid at all.

"Then you have a try, then let you experience my absolute power for yourself!!" After Xiang Tianwen's voice fell, he disappeared in place strangely. In the sky, everyone's eyes shifted as he moved.

However, Xiang Tianwen didn't hesitate at all. After flying high into the sky, he swooped down without hesitation, disappearing and reappearing every second. It was a super-high-speed movement, but in the eyes of everyone, Xiang Tianwen's speed was actually very slow, so slow that every afterimage he left still existed...

But this is the effect of vision. In fact, it was very fast, so fast that the afterimage left behind can still exist. People can no longer predict it. They can only watch Xiang Tianwen suddenly appear in the sky three seconds later. In front of Yuchen!

However, no one predicted how he appeared, and no one saw how he appeared in front of Yuchen, because in the air, there were still afterimages of him all the way!


"Boss Wuchen!"

When Xiang Tianwen's fist glowed with bright black light, the dream powerhouses present quickly reacted, and shouted involuntarily, and the roar echoed in people's ears!

"Oops, Yuchen is in danger!" Feng Wu was in a hurry and wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Long Xiang. Long Xiang turned his back to Feng Wu, staring at Xiang Tianwen who killed Xiang Yuchen, and said indifferently: "It's more dangerous for you to go, trust him, haven't you noticed? So far, Yuchen's expression hasn't changed at all..."

"There are only two kinds of eyes like this, one is waiting for death, and the other is fearless!" Long Xiang Jiutian's words were heard by Feng Wu and members of the Long Xiang trade union, which naturally shocked them...

Feng Wu Qingcheng also calmed down, waiting quietly.

"Come here, God-killing Yu Wuchen, let me see, let me see how strong you are? Now let me see, can you be my opponent! Quack quack quack..." Dang Xiang The moment Tianwen killed Yuchen, the pure black swan became excited. He wanted to see if Yuchen could be his opponent|?

"Yu Wuchen, you will pay the price for your arrogance. After killing you, your dreams will also be wiped out!" From Xiang Tianwen's point of view, Yuchen is already doomed, because he has absolute self-confidence , under his powerful strength, no matter how strong Yuchen is, he will die!

With his fists down, Xiang Tianwen also used the most direct method. He wanted to use his fists to beat Yuchen's arrogance, to shatter his inner self-confidence and arrogance, and to torture and destroy Yuchen from the heart!

"You were blinded by hatred and sold your soul to the devil. Do you think you will feel a sense of accomplishment in defeating me with such power?" The conversation between the two happened in an instant!

"As long as I can beat you, no matter what price you pay, it's worth it!" Xiang Tianwen yelled, his fist had already reached Yuchen, and the instant attack seemed to be slowed down countless times in people's eyes.

"Really? It's a pity that I'm going to let you down. Such power can't defeat me!" Yu Chen yelled the last sentence. Sure enough, when Xiang Tianwen hit Yu Chen with his fist, when The moment Xiang Tianwen was in front of Yuchen, there was a sudden bang, and Xiang Tianwen fell to the ground as if he had been hit hard in front of Yuchen!

Before people could realize what was going on, Yuchen had already pinned down Xiang Tianwen who was lying on the ground with his hand, and, under everyone's gaze, five halos of light behind Yuchen released on the battlefield. A bright light!

"Five pulses shaking the sky!" The cold tone exuded Yuchen's terrifying power...

Absolute pressure, absolute strength, absolute strength, Yuchen's performance shocked all the players in the audience!

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