
The black light was flickering, and the figure was flying. When Yuchen's figure came to Xiang Tianwen, a stream of blood spurted out unstoppably. No one expected, no one expected that Yuchen's attack was so powerful. suddenly.

Moreover, so domineering!

"This is absolute power. Ask Tianwen, you will never be able to defeat me." After the black knife cut his chest, and Guiche left a hideous wound on Xiangtianwen's chest, Yuchen's words, echoed in people's ears.

Absolute power, absolute suppression, just a few seconds, only three attacks and shots, but Yuchen continued to create his myth, the myth of invincibility, continued from Longxiang Jiutian to Yushenyu Wuchen... .

"Just now? Did you see it?" The sword soul looked at Yuchen with some incredulous eyes, because he didn't see clearly how Yuchen made the move, nor did he see clearly when the knife was released.

"No..." The beauty Yuxi shook her head, her eyebrows frowned, and she looked at Yuchen with some doubts and shock in her beautiful eyes. After all, everyone has seen the power Xiang Tianwen showed before, but Yu Chen Chen only took three shots, but he instantly killed the extremely powerful Xiang Tianwen!

Moreover, it is still in the state where Xiang Tianwen's demon body is completely released...

"I see..." But when they were extremely shocked, the pure black swan looked at Yuchen's back with awe-inspiring expression, a little shock in his eyes, but also excitement and excitement, as if he had found a challenger Like the opponent, it is a desire to fight.

"What? Did you see it?" Sword Soul looked at the swan with slightly shocked eyes. I'm afraid no one would have noticed Yu Wuchen's attack just now. Give anyone a chance to react.

Swan looked solemn: "I did see... the moment the knife fell..."

"..." The players of the Shenyu guild didn't speak, and didn't respond to Swan's cold joke. However, in fact, Swan's heart was deeply shocked. Indeed, he saw it, but only For a moment, that moment made him a little unbelievable, it was something a human being could do.

"Hehe...Yu Wuchen...the truth. The overlord of China, the real powerhouse, this is exactly what I expected!" Looking at Yuchen's eyes became hot, but don't get me wrong, it's not about love, but about love. It's fighting spirit!


Xiang Tianwen was instantly killed by Yuchen, which naturally shocked all the players in the Demon God Guild. When they came back to their senses, Xiang Tianwen's body had already fallen down slowly. They supported Xiang Tianwen, Everyone looked at Yuchen with ferocious faces.

"Yu Wuchen, kill him, go!"

The vice-chairman of the Demon God Guild and the ten people wanted to kill Yuchen angrily, but Yuchen didn't take them to heart. Hei Dao said coldly with a finger: "I will not be merciful to the Demon God. You are aggressive, today I don’t mind killing all the Demon Gods, believe me, I’m not joking.”

Yuchen's aura is so powerful that even the powerhouses of the recluse follow the wind and God's Nirvana dare not act rashly, not because of anything else, just because of Yuchen's words, judging from Yuchen's current performance , eradicating their demon gods seems to be a breeze.

"Yu Wuchen...why! Kill me!" Xiang Tianwen was dying, but he was not killed. Under Yuchen's powerful blow, his body became a prototype, but the scar on his chest The damage is shocking to everyone who sees it.

"Why? Now you are no longer my opponent. Don't you think this is more interesting than killing a person?" Yuchen smiled faintly when he heard Xiang Tianwen's culture. Of course, this was not what he had in mind.

"You bastard!!!" As a loser, he is still sympathized by his opponents and enemies. For a man with high self-esteem like Xiang Tianwen, this is a fact that he cannot accept, so he is angry However, he who was knocked into a weak state by Yuchen, no matter how he tried to argue, he seemed pale and powerless.

"Anger can indeed make a person strong. However, your heart can no longer distinguish between right and wrong. Just because you are the young master of the Demon Sect, you insist on seeking revenge from me? Just because you are the man that the Demon Sect puts its hope on , so you have to prove to everyone that you can only return to the Central Plains by defeating me or the Yu family? Ask the sky, you actually have other ways to go, but you will never see..." Yu Chen said coldly, about the conversation between Xiang Tianwen and his avatar, Yuchen thought a lot in the temple, why can't people understand and trust more?

"Hahaha, what do you know? What do you know, now you have everything, of course you can say that? You have friends, you have brothers, you have confidante, you have a prominent background, you have great power, now Of course you can talk like this to a superior person and a loser like me, if you have nothing, you can still talk to me like this?" Xiang Tianwen's voice was not loud, and no one who could hear it Many, but these words silenced many players present.

Yuchen frowned, and didn't answer Xiang Tian's question immediately. He raised his head and glanced at the brothers who were looking forward to him and caring about his return, as well as those confidantes who silently paid for him. Yuchen showed a smile, Then he looked directly at Xiangtian and asked, "Well, you're right..."

"So, what else do you have to say now?" Xiang Tianwen couldn't bear to be criticized like this by his opponent. Now he seems to be venting his inner dissatisfaction and unwillingness to the world.

"There is nothing to say, don't you have everything I have? Ask the sky, take a good look at yourself, the world, and the people who silently support you by your side. Have you seen it? Now, they are standing Behind you, you also have companions, you have a prominent family background, you also have incomparable power, you still have great power, take a good look behind you, and see clearly those who are silently supporting you, in fact, you I have always had it, but you subconsciously hid that fact..." Yuchen's expression was a little excited, and he said a few words to Xiang Tianwen....

Hearing this, Xiang Tianwen trembled all over, and he froze on the spot, his expression was a little unnatural, his face was a little pale, he slowly looked at his arm, and found that someone was supporting him, stood up, Raising his head and looking behind him, he saw concerned faces and firm eyes silently supporting him.

At this moment, Xiang Tianwen seemed to feel that he had never had something that he had never had before. He felt warm psychologically. Looking at the brothers of the demon gods, such as the silence, the wind, the tree of cold silence, etc., Xiang Tian asked at this moment. silent...

"Yu Wu..." But Xiang Tianwen's self-esteem was still at play, he suddenly turned his head and wanted to scold Yu Chen, but found that the man had already left behind a leaving figure!

"Yu Wuchen, don't think that if you let me go, I will be grateful to you. I will pay the price for what you have done today. I will definitely lose you with my own hands, and I will definitely defeat you!" Xiang Tianwen yelled stand up.

Yuchen, who was walking, suddenly stopped for a step, and immediately waved his hand: "You can't defeat me, if you can, you can try, I will wait for you at the World Martial Arts Association!"

A word, a back view, was deeply reflected in the hearts of the players of the Demon God Guild at this moment. Yuchen's words not only made Xiang Tianwen suddenly realize, but also made the players of the Demon God have a deep feeling for Yuchen. Grateful, because they are the ones who silently supported Xiang Tianwen, even though they were enemies of the world, they never left Xiang Tianwen's side.

"Boss...Is this smoking?" However, for Yuchen's actions, many brothers in Mengmeng still don't understand, after all, the dream is ruined...

"Smoked? No, you were all wrong. This time, Yuchen did the right thing. The World Martial Arts Conference is coming soon. Do you want to see the backyard catch fire? However, this is also a bet. If Yuchen loses the bet, then This time I will play big, if I win the bet, hehe, I am also looking forward to it..." Shen Mo grinned, as if he had understood Yu Chen's intention.

"Yu Wuchen's methods are getting stronger and stronger. Just what he said just now, the hostility of more than 80.00% of the strong members of the Demon God's Guild towards him has disappeared by half... However, I hope that Xiang Tianwen can take care of himself and consider the future. Well, if there is a fire in the backyard, it will not be a good result for us." Long Xiang Jiutian rarely praises a person, Yuchen is No.1...

And what they are referring to is also very obvious. When Yuchen and other superpowers have gone to participate in the martial arts meeting, Xiang Tianwen is making a big fuss in China, but few people can stop him.

"Jun Lintian? Brother Excalibur, what? Are you avenging the Brilliant Pavilion? Although my dream is a bit problematic, if you want to challenge your dream, I will not refuse..." Yuchen walked back to his dream His eyes glanced at the more than 300 million troops in the Brilliant Pavilion, just such a sentence made the foreheads of Jun Lintianxia and others involuntarily break out in cold sweat...

"Hmph, even if you want to come for revenge, it will be after the World Martial Arts Association, Yu Wuchen, Meng, you wait for me, I believe that President Xiyang will definitely return!" Taking a shot at dreams, they are already planning to leave...

"Really? I'm looking forward to it too. If it's okay, everyone, let's leave. We dream that we will be very busy in the future!" Yuchen's majestic voice came into the audience...

"Hehe, speaking of it this way, I have something to do and I want to find the president of the Yuwuchen Congress..." Just as Yuchen's words fell, a man walked out of the crowd, and his words also made everyone present Everyone was shocked, and countless eyes turned to the man who spoke, and he turned out to be a pure black swan!

(Brothers, today we are repairing the electricity in the area, and the entire Yantan area has no electricity. We owe two shifts today, and we will make up for it tomorrow. This is really no excuse. Xiaoyu even took photos, and the scene of the repair was shocking)

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