The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 854 – Re-chapter Temple

"Wen Qiang!" Yu Chen was startled, and hastily shot, but at that moment of lightning speed, another figure ignored by Yu Chen and the others suddenly shot, and at the moment Wen Qiang fell, he even He grabbed Wen Qiang's arm, gritted his teeth, and pulled Wen Qiang back abruptly.

Wen Qiang, who had lingering fears in his heart, did not show too much panic. It was not that he had extraordinary concentration, but that there were too many such things happened along the way, and every time it was the man who was with him who saved him.

"Mostly, thank you for saving me again, and I will definitely repay you in the future." Wen Qiang said firmly, because he has not turned four in one level and his physique is not good, he wants to climb to [-] miles It is indeed very difficult to fly in the air, and it is only by relying on the man in front of me that I came here without any danger.

"It's okay, it's easy to do, if you didn't stimulate my nerves along the way, I guess I would have fallen asleep." The man named Most smiled, showing his white teeth.

Seeing that Wen Qiang was rescued, Yuchen also breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the man who saved Wen Qiang. He never thought that a year later, he would still meet two people with such backbone who climbed [-] miles. As a high-level player, it can be said that Yuchen has a deep feeling.

The sunny face of the man who saved Wen Qiang looked like a little fresh at first glance, but this guy's figure was very powerful, but what really caught Yuchen's attention was not these, but this man's information.

"Hehe, it's not a good habit to sneak&peep at others casually." Just when Yuchen wanted to check this man's information, this guy turned his head to look at Yuchen, and strangely, he actually found out Yuchen is checking his information.

Hearing this, Shen Mo, Chen Yong, Wuxin, Mo Lishang and the others also looked at the little freshman in front of him with strange faces. This man could be so keen to find out that Yuchen was investigating his information, so it would never be Just a normal guy.

Yuchen's heart was also churning for a while. Others don't know how strong he is now, but Yuchen himself knows it very well. He didn't open the demon pupils. Even with ordinary investigative techniques, he must be able to check the information, but Yuchen Shockingly, this man could find himself?

"The most unique thing, who are you?" Yuchen only saw his level and name, and because he was seen through, Yuchen subconsciously gave up the investigation. This guy's level is much higher than Wen Qiang, and he has Rank six, but compared with Yuchen and the others at rank seven, it's a lot worse.

", me..." Wen Qiang seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated and didn't say it.

Yuchen looked at the sky and said: "There is a temporary rest area not far from here, I will take you there." Yuchen transformed the golden power, waved his hand, and everyone disappeared in place.

When Wen Qiang and Unique Zhizhi opened their eyes again, they had already arrived at the place where Yuchen rested back then. This is a rest area of ​​[-] kilometers. Of course, this is what Yuchen thinks.

Shock flashed across the most unique eyes, but he fully recovered in just a moment, and this scene naturally fell into Yuchen's eyes.

"Yuchen, I didn't expect to meet you here." Wen Qiang said excitedly.

Yuchen nodded: "Uncle and aunt are in better health, right? Those guys didn't bother you, did they? Ask Long Qiang if you need something, he can solve it."

"It's okay, everything is fine." Wen Qiang didn't talk much, he was a man who was not good at expressing himself conveniently in interpersonal relationships.

"Well, I didn't expect that you really came to climb the Tongtian Tower. Do you know how far it is?" In fact, Yuchen just hoped that Wen Qiang could exercise himself through the Tongtian Tower. Can hold on until now.

"You said, let me climb the Tongtian Tower, and then I can dream. I heard it the most. Everyone in the dream is extremely powerful. I don't make it difficult for you.." At the end of his speech, his The sound is also getting smaller and smaller.

Yuchen's heart throbbed, but he didn't say much: "This is..." Yuchen was still very curious about this guy, and most importantly, he was a lone ranger.

"Hehe, it's my honor to be asked by the president of Dream, the number one man in China, my little brother is the most unique." The most unique said with a smile.

Of course Yuchen knew his name. What he was curious about was how Wen Qiang met such a person. His intuition told Yuchen that the man in front of him was anything but simple.

Sure enough, Wen Qiang answered his doubts, and he said happily: "Hey. I am very lucky. When I was in danger at a height of [-] meters, I almost fell. At that time, the unique but rescued me from behind me Coincidentally, Unique also wants to climb the Tongtian Tower like me, so we are together, thanks to him for this journey."

"Hehe, it's just a matter of raising one's hand." Unique said the most modestly.

"Boss, it's almost time." But after a while, there was a reminder. Hearing this, Yuchen looked at the time, and it was indeed almost time, so he got up to say goodbye.

"Wen Qiang, I'll be waiting for you in Floating Void City, hehe, if you are interested, you can also come to Mengmeng for a stroll." Yuchen nodded politely to Unique, not knowing why.He always felt that this person was a little was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"Since President Mengmeng personally invited you, then my younger brother is naturally disrespectful. If you have time, you must come to Mengmeng for a walk and see the magnificent city." Although the most unique is a bit strange, but on the surface, But he is an approachable and even friendly player. After saying goodbye, Yuchen and others disappeared out of thin air. Because they dared to take time, they no longer flew, but directly used space teleportation to disappear.

Looking at the back of Yuchen and the others leaving, Wen Qiang felt a burst of pride in his heart. He also wanted to be a strong man like Yuchen and the others, soaring in the sky and turning clouds and rain.

"The power of space is actually such a magical thing, but why every time I see Yu Wuchen's eyes, there is a thought of fear? It's not that I'm afraid, it seems to be a kind of force. The power is afraid because of the rain and dust?" Compared with Wen Qiang's bewilderment, the most unique thing is that he fell into deep thought.

Not long after Yuchen and others left, Wen Qiang and Unique Zhizhi continued to climb the [-]-mile altitude. In the process, Wen Qiang and Unique Zhizhi both experienced the same benefits as Yuchen back then. One of the motivations for climbing.

After bidding farewell to Wen Qiang, Yuchen and the others had already come to the sky above the Tongtian Tower, above the huge circular open space, surrounded by countless cloud-shrouded islands in the sky, and not far away was the floating city.

"This is above the Tongtian Pagoda? My God, isn't the island in the sky just a floating city?" After seeing the looming city looming under the majestic clouds, he remained silent.Chen Yong and the others exclaimed.

"Isn't it? In the air, on the ground, in the water, there are some worlds that I can't hold anymore." In this magical world, there seems to be everything strange.

"You are right. There are indeed many islands in the sky, so we have to seize the opportunity. In addition, you must not go to other places. The power of the magnetic field is very strong. I can't explain it clearly to you. I will understand later. Let's go, go to the floating city!"

After finishing speaking, Mo Lishang waved his staff again, and everyone disappeared in place. Due to the geographical relationship, they had to be teleported separately. Even if they were forced to teleport, they would be forced to teleport to a certain terminal distance.

Floating Void City, deep in the clouds, this is part of what has been planned long ago. Almost all players who dream of teleportation are lurking around here, and they are waiting, waiting for the moment when Yuchen and the others appear.


White light shone, and in the depths of the misty clouds, suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations. At that moment, the dream cadres, Feng Wu Scar, Xing Zhu, Yan, Xiao Ting, Xiao Tian, ​​Wu Lei, Cang Mumu , Xingkong and the others involuntarily showed their weapons, and their nerves can be said to be very tense now.

"Why isn't the wolf here?" When the white light flashed and Yuchen and the others appeared here, there was no need to look. Yuchen's sense of color could naturally distinguish the aura of the brothers, and he immediately found the two brothers, Canglang and Fengwu's scars. The guy is not here, and the God Killing Legion, the Shadow's Killing Society, and the inquiring Sky Eyes are not there. What's going on?

"Uh, boss, you are finally here!" Everyone immediately stood up and stepped forward to greet him.

"Canglang and Fengwu team leader, Yingying, I found out that they are going to Floating Void City!" As the person in charge of the vanguard this time, Xingzhu walked out and said slowly.

"Why are they going to Floating Void City?" Yu Chen asked suspiciously, didn't they agree to wait for him here?

Hearing this, the cadres present were all shocked, and they all looked at Yuchen in surprise, but what is the Floating Void City doing?This is not an obvious world, Tianyan and Shashe are naturally looking for news, Feng Wu's scar and Canglang's giant army are of course to cause chaos, then, isn't it a great opportunity to attack the Floating Void City?

"Of course we are going to attack the Floating Void City..." Everyone said in unison.

"Pfft, I told you all the time that I was going to attack the Floating Void City..." Yu Chen rolled his eyes.

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed, feeling that they all misunderstood Yuchen's thoughts, but what Yuchen said was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it was impenetrable, and it was a height that the enemy could not reach. Isn't this the floating city?

"I'll get them back quickly!" Xingzhu said.

But Yuchen shook his head: "It's not necessary, just let everyone misunderstand like this. This time there may not be a war. Of course, it depends on whether those old stubbornes are old-fashioned. If not, then don't blame me!"

"Everyone enter the space world of me and Mo Lishang, and I will take you to a place!" After opening the door of space, Mo Lishang and Yuchen used the space in a very tacit understanding, and the 500 million brothers soon became friends. It disappeared here, leaving behind many curious senior cadres.

"where are we going?"

"Hey, you'll know when you get there!" Yuchen smiled lightly, and flew away directly, followed by everyone, and the place Yuchen was going to was the direction he was going to go to the temple...

(three more)

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