"God's Zero Realm!"

"Yu Wuchen, turn me into the dust of the world, kill!"

Violent slashing, flashes of swords and swords emerged, as a high-ranking protoss, Qinglin exerted his power to the zero point. At this moment, he turned into a god, and the light condensed by the phantom behind him even illuminated a corner of the entire sanctuary.

"You are the one who will die!"

"Demon King, pulse technique!"

Five circles of light, strange purple-black battle patterns, when the light enveloped Yuchen's whole body, the battle was imminent, and Yuchen's physical strength was brought to the extreme, especially the speed was jaw-dropping.

Qinglin, who turned into a god, is tall and tall. Although Yuchen is not as good as him, the tiny figure suddenly came to his chest, and the pulse technique hit him instantly, and the huge force hit his abdomen in an instant. One move may not cause the slightest harm to Qinglin. However, nowadays, Yuchen, whose blood is activated, has a special blood that becomes stronger when he encounters a stronger one. With the pulse technique of the monster, the battle often takes place in an instant. Qinglin can't believe it. What happened will be a fact. When Yuchen teleported to him, his soul seemed to feel fear, and the fear spread in his heart. When Yuchen's pulse technique hit his body mercilessly, Qinglin's Eyes start to blur...

"How come... I am a dignified member of the Protoss..."

"Pfft!" Eyes turned white, mouth spitting blood, the front of the huge body abdomen is exactly the same as when he was fighting against the black dragon, sinking deep, Yuchen's strength is no longer comprehensible by today's players and npcs, it is just a monster. With the power of a hero, he has already dominated the No.1 among players in the entire Huaxia District!

Although Qinglin is strong, even not long ago, he wanted to kill Yuchen as easily as an ant.

But in just a few days, Yuchen and his roles have been switched. You must know that Qinglin is the strongest among the younger generation in the sanctuary, which also indirectly means that Qinglin has been defeated. Yuchen will be the strongest among the younger generation in this sanctuary, and no one can resist except the older generation!

"How is it possible...how, it's possible!" All the young strongmen in the sanctuary exclaimed, not only Qinglin was unwilling but believed in the fact that he was defeated, they also couldn't believe it, Yuchen An outsider can kill the strongest young generation in Sanctuary in seconds!

Compared to their shock, the hearts of the dream brothers have not been calm for a long time. In this unknown world, they don't even know the purpose of coming here. However, the strength of everyone around them is probably theirs. Several times, and their president is fighting with the npc in these bt, and still won an overwhelming victory!

This is such an exciting and shocking deed. Yuchen's strength will be deeply reflected in people's hearts in this life, and it will become an indelible mark.

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. You forced me!" However, Yuchen defeated Qinglin, but he didn't want to let him go. Especially this kind of hatred was established for no reason, Yuchen was even more angry, so this time, he decided to teach Qinglin a profound lesson!

"Phantom Step!"

Leaving an afterimage and disappearing in the air, Qinglin's consciousness has not disappeared. When Yuchen suddenly appeared in front of him, and condensed the terrifying pulse power in his hands, the eyes of everyone present changed drastically!

"Fifth vein door!!"

Like the surging power of the sea, like the waves of the violent torrent, the powerful power is all gathered in Yuchen's palm: "The blood of the demon king! Overlord's pulse technique!"

boom boom boom....

The power rushing from the center of Yuchen's palm invaded the earth like a majestic sea, and the pulse technique in the center of the palm directly hit Qinglin's chest. There is no doubt that Qinglin will die if this blow is hit!

"Brother Qinglin!"


When Qinglin, whose consciousness had not dissipated under the attack of power, saw Yuchen's fatal attack on him, his pupils suddenly enlarged a lot. At that moment, he seemed to see death, as if he saw despair... .

"Dragon God roars and flashes!"

But at the very moment when everyone in the audience held their breath, a mysterious figure appeared in the air, and, using the same terrifying power, collided with Yuchen's pulse in the air, and the huge aftermath of the explosion directly Spreading from the air, the powerful energy ripples made everyone unable to open their eyes.

"Did you block Yuchen's attack?" When the aperture of the pulse technique dissipated, Mengmeng's brothers all showed solemn expressions. Under the blow just now, even if they were silent, Chen Yong, even the one who controlled the space The powerful Mo Lishang was not sure about resisting, but in front of him, Yuchen's attack was blocked, which became a fact.

"Little ghost... don't you think that there is no one in my sanctuary?" When the light of the explosion in the air filled the air, a thick man's voice with a sense of blame entered everyone's ears. When the light disappeared completely .

A burly, handsome middle-aged man with a tall figure appeared in front of Yuchen and the others in a dragon-patterned robe, and this man was the person in charge of the sanctuary, Taixu!

"Welcome Lord Taixu!" The guards in golden armor and the people brought out by Qinglin said respectfully when they saw Taixu coming out.

Taixu glanced at the people brought out by Qinglin, his eyes slanted slightly, and he said calmly: "Who told you to act without authorization? Qinglin is messing around, and you are also messing around? In your eyes, is there no sanctuary?" system?"

Faced with Taixu's questioning, these people all lowered their heads, Taixu didn't say anything, but turned to look at Qinglin who was almost killed, and now he still had lingering fears, but he didn't speak, and finally his eyes froze On Yuchen's body.

"Yu Wuchen, although you are kind to my sanctuary, but now you come to my sanctuary with great fanfare? Don't you want to declare war on my sanctuary?" Taixu's words were a little angry, and he even questioned Yuchen.

"War?" Yuchen sneered. He and Qinglin fought each other aggressively. Moreover, he himself didn't intend to start a war. The purpose of coming here was just to get the temple.

"Senior Taixu, the boy has no other intentions here. It's just that Qinglin already held a grudge against me before the temple. He humiliated me time and time again, and he couldn't bear me. He even wants to kill me now? I'm just fighting back in a normal way. Forget it, if I am not stronger than him, I am afraid that I, Yu Wuchen, will be lying on the ground!" Yuchen's sonorous and forceful words came to people's ears clearly, and even Taixu was speechless, because What Yuchen said is the truth.

However, Taixu obviously didn't want to entangle with this issue anymore, but swept away the 500 million players behind Yuchen, and said coldly: "Then what are you doing now? Millions of troops, what do you want to do?"

Seeing that Taixu asked so straightforwardly, Yuchen didn't hide anything, his expression froze, and he pointed in the direction of the temple domineeringly: "I will arrange my brothers to enter the temple!"

"Delusion, Yu Wuchen, don't be too presumptuous, do you really treat people in my sanctuary as easy to bully? Don't think that after you become stronger in the sanctuary, you can look down on the world. There are people outside the people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. It is a sacred place in my sanctuary, and letting you in is already an exception. Now you are gaining an inch, because you are kind to my sanctuary, take people away today, I don't care about it like you! "Taixu's words are just and righteous, as if Yuchen is a predator, and he is still kind enough to let Yuchen and the others go!

Yuchen sneered in his heart, Yuchen knows the situation of the temple best, and this is also his willingness to come here: "Senior Taixu, don't underestimate yourself, you must be too clear about the situation of the temple ?|If you want to seize the temple, the people in your sanctuary can't stop me at all? Am I right?"

Yuchen's questioning made Tai Xu startled into a cold sweat. He was very clear about the situation of the sanctuary in the sanctuary. It can be said that the whole sanctuary belongs to them, but the sanctuary alone does not. Specifically, even the sanctuary belongs to them. Taixu didn't even know that the temple had existed since their birth!

"Yu Wuchen, don't force people too much, I can tolerate you leading people into the sanctuary, but if you insist on doing this, then don't blame me for being too ruthless!" Taixu also thinks about the overall situation, of course, this is understandable Well, if someone comes to your door with such a terrifying force, no one will have a good temper.

Therefore, Yuchen had already been prepared for the situation before him, and he smiled lightly: "Senior Taixu, don't be angry, and the boy is not a person who doesn't care about etiquette. There are countless crises hidden, whether it can be done is another matter, but if the temple really becomes the territory of the kid, then not only can we communicate with the sanctuary and the temple, but I will also become the guardian of the temple , Seal the peerless murderer you fear in the abyss at all times, this can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"

Hearing this, Taixu's eyes really brightened. Yuchen's proposal was understandable, and it seemed that it was indeed beneficial to the Sanctuary, but in fact, this was a great thing for Yuchen, even for dreams. Among them, there are tens of millions of strong people, each of which is a transcendent existence, and if one day there is a dream hostile force who wants to destroy the dream headquarters, the danger of this sanctuary alone is enough for them to eat a pot, let alone there are With the existence of these strong men in the sanctuary, Yuchen is really easy to calculate!

However, no matter how scheming Yuchen is, Taixu has lived for tens of thousands of years, so how can he not understand Yuchen's flamboyance, so Taixu shook his head and said righteously: "Whatever you want to do, you can do it. But only this point, I will never agree!"

Hearing that Yuchen's face changed, he stretched out his palm, black energy spun and condensed, a dazzling black knife appeared in Yuchen's palm, he stared at Taixu and said coldly: "If I have to ?”

"Then you can try it!!" Taixu didn't give in, the two men were at war, glaring at each other, facing the powerful and mysterious sanctuary expert Taixu, what should Yuchen do to win the favor in his heart? Ideal territory?

(I am a sinner, my parents are home today, I can finally forget about the decoration, and I will start to code honestly tomorrow~)

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