The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 861 – The Teleportation Blocked

Two days can be said to have passed in a blink of an eye. The game world was as calm as ever, but under the calm, Dream has recently been acting quietly. It was originally speculated by all parties that Dream 500 million players went there, Shadow, Wolf, etc. People in the floating city can be said to have turned the sky upside down, but after that, a master appeared in the floating city.

After repelling the wolf, the shadow and others, the dreamer stopped the war in the floating city. This incident also caused an uproar at the time, but more people remembered the land wolf and the floating city. The deeds of the master's first battle.

That man is named the most unique....

He used tyrannical means to defeat the Earth Wolf who is now the inheritor of the God of War. His terrifying power made the players of the Floating Void City tremble. Soon, a new force appeared in the Floating Void City, named Tianyu!

And his founder is the most unique.

The sudden appearance of a dark horse on this island in the sky naturally attracted a lot of attention. At the most coquettish moment, Yanying Jianchen, Ye Jingchen and others who came out of retreat also returned one after another, but there was no one. With the slightest move, he traveled around the mountains and rivers, as if he was waiting for the arrival of the Martial Arts Association.

The situation in Huaxia District is becoming more and more tense, and there is only one day left before the opening of the so-called world's No. Entering the world-class battle chapter, for many passionate youths and cynics, this is the most enjoyable thing in the game.

And since the battle that day, the devil emperor Xiang Tianwen and even the devil god have become very low-key. When they returned to the devil emperor city, Xiang Tianwen actually auctioned off the other two cities and integrated all their strengths together, just like a dream.

For his actions, other unions did not stop him, and the final winner of the auction city was Shenyu. Although all the masters were defeated by Yuchen that day, there were still many people who admired Xiang Tianwen. A pure black swan, so since Shenyu recruited people, it immediately attracted a lot of attention, and even some lone rangers joined his guild. In just a few days, Shenyu has already entered the top ten guilds in China!

And earth-shaking changes have taken place on the union leaderboard!

Union Ranking 1: Dream: 35th-level union, city-level union (level 2) dream president, dream city lord: Yuwuchen 33: Shura: 3rd-level union.City-level trade union (level 33) Shura president, Shura city lord: Yanying Jianchen 5: Longxiang: 33-level union, city-level union (level 6) Longxiang president, dragon city lord: Longxiang Jiutian 30: Phoenix Wu: 7-level trade union, city-level trade union (level 30) Feng Wu president, Fengcheng lord: Feng Wu Qingcheng 8: Emperor: 9-level trade union.City-level trade union (level 10) emperor president, emperor city lord: Bailong Wuji 11: Floating life in the last days. Level 12 trade union, city-level guild (level [-]) doomsday guildmaster, doomsday floating lord: The night is very quiet [-]: Iron blood [-]: Misty and rainy Jiangnan [-]: Overlord [-]: Demon god [-]: God's domain..........

Since the city of Quiet and Misty Rain has just been established, the ranking is even lower than several trade unions in Yanhuang Continent. Of course, as a branch, Invincible Under Heaven cannot be on the list, otherwise it can occupy a place.

As for Shenyu and Demon God, the two unions with the latest establishment and the least contribution can be listed on the list in just a few days. No one can deny this...

In the stormy game world, countless powerful players have been waiting for the arrival of the Budokai. However, compared to the excitement and impatience of other players, the dream members are running non-stop, wishing to build a dream new guild territory with four hands. !

In two days, half of the temple was restored to its original appearance, but it was still in ruins. After the moss-covered city buildings were cleared, the outline of the temple appeared in the eyes of the dream members. The entire temple seemed to have suffered Like serious damage, no one is intact, which brings some troubles to the construction project.

Fortunately, Zui Qingfeng and the others are extraordinary people. They have completely rebuilt the temple in two days. At least half of it has been successfully built, but this is still not enough. For the impatient brothers, they want to see the perfect side of the temple. So rushing to work day and night, due to the lack of life professional manpower, some half-life professional players also started to go into battle, everyone retired their military uniforms, put on life professional clothing, and struggled desperately in the temple.

"Boss Wuchen, President Jian Chen, and President An Jing have all looked for you, do you want to meet?" In the center of the temple, Mo Mo was holding a compass and compass, beside him were Wu Qing, and the formation master Qingquan.

"Not for the time being." Yuchen was having a headache about the establishment of the teleportation point, but this kind of thing cannot be forced, so Yuchen was also very helpless.

In order to find the placement of the teleportation point, the formation master plays a very important role. The profound meaning of the formation is not only used for the formation of troops, but also for Fengshui and some skills. The performance of Qingquan also made Yuchen and others Surprised.

"Boss, if there is anything wrong, even if the connection can be transmitted, it is there." Qingquan raised his head, a jade pendant was suspended in the air in his hand, and the silent compass pointer also pointed to the same direction Qingquan said.

Hearing this, Yuchen and Mo Lishang looked at the direction they were pointing at. It was the center of the temple, surrounded by stone pillars with 81 and dragon patterns. A sealed sword with its hilt exposed.

"This is the seal map of Heaven, Dragon and Desolation!" After walking in, Qingquan showed a shocked expression. As a formation mage, he is quite interested in the art of sealing, and he recognized the seal in front of him at a glance. How powerful is the array. According to legend, it is enough to seal the world, but it is actually used to seal a monster. How strong is this monster?

"The location where the teleportation array was established is here!" The silent pointer pointed directly at the sealed sword. Hearing this, Yuchen also lowered his head and pondered. With his current strength, it is absolutely impossible to fight against the chaotic beast. Yu Liantian's avatar, Yuchen, couldn't be found, so it could be said that there was nothing he could do now.

"Boss, what should we do? This is where the monster Chaos Beast is sealed... Mo Lishang is also a little scared, he fought against Chaos in the endless deep sea, and he still has lingering fears about it.

"Buy Karma, God said, it's too dangerous here, I'd better go back to the branch, boss, you're just playing with your heartbeat, it's okay if you don't know, it's so embarrassing to let us know!" Cang Mumu looked stern. He said that there were a lot of people who went to sea back then, and almost all the brothers in the Yanhuang Continent had heard of the battle under the sea, who made Cang Mumu so fond of bragging and showing off...

However, the power of Chaos Beast is beyond doubt.

Yuchen pondered for a while, circling around the stone pillar. The matter of the Chaos Beast must be resolved, but with Yuchen's current ability, he might find it difficult to deal with the Chaos Beast, and he might even lose himself. It's a bit of a loss.

But after thinking about it, the death system in the game world is not that serious anymore, can you try it?Such thoughts lingered in Yuchen's mind. After thinking for a while, Yuchen raised his head and said, "How to break this sealing array?"

Hearing this, Qingquan, Wuqing, and even Shen Mo and others also showed shocked expressions, and Cang Mumu looked terrified: "Buy Karma, no, the house is sold, boss, give me the land deed of your dream, if you can't come back , I will burn it to you."

"Go to die..." The group despised Cang Mumu, a living treasure, and everyone looked at the stone pillar with solemn expressions.

"Yuchen, shall I go with you?" Mo Mo, Wuxin, Chen Yong, Mo Lishang and many others expressed their intention to go to the sealed place with Yuchen.

Yuchen shook his head: "The sealed land is in the abyss underground, I don't know if I can enter it, and if there is no other way, I have to give up the teleportation." After all, even if Yuchen is willing to take risks by himself, he can't let the dream brothers Something happened, and once the Chaos Beast was released, the years of resentment would probably lead to massacres and cause a catastrophe.

Everyone looked at Qingquan, Qingquan was a little embarrassed, and immediately recovered and said: "There is a way to enter, but... this Chaos Beast can be sealed by such a large formation, one can imagine how powerful it is, although the boss is strong It is the strongest existence among the players, but..."

Hearing this, everyone really showed a look of thinking, and then looked at Yuchen one by one.

"If you want to open the teleportation array, the Chaos Beast must surrender. Qingquan, can you talk about the method first? Can you send me down when you open the seal, of course you can't let the Chaos Beast break the seal?" Yuchen thought for a while, I can only take risks alone.

"Dragon seal picture, have you seen those dragon patterns? The ground of the stone pillar is actually a winding dragon, and the location of the dragon's eye is where the seal is located. There is a key to seal the formation, that is, the sword. But in order to prevent him from breaking through the seal, the sword cannot move, but I still have a way to open the sealing formation, this sealing formation is..."

"Seal me in? This will prevent the Chaos Beast from running out?" Yuchen said.

Qingquan nodded vigorously: "Yes, since the formation has been formed, even if I am not capable enough, I can still seal it at the right time and place. If the boss can defeat the Chaos Beast, we will draw out the stone sword directly, and the seal will be broken by itself!"

"Okay, let's do it like this, let's start!" In order to get through the teleportation, Yuchen had to risk his life!

"Boss, we'll go with you!" At the critical moment, Cang Mumu stepped forward, immediately became abnormal, and fell silent. Chen Yong and others also spoke immediately, but they were rejected by Yuchen and Qingquan.

"My ability is limited, and I can't carry so many people." Qingquan said with some helplessness and shame.

"Qingquan, you are already very good, let's start, just let me meet this chaotic beast!" Yuchen didn't put his emotions on his face, but Yuchen was also very nervous in his heart. Yes, a chaotic beast that can swallow the sky and kill the earth!

However, if it can be subdued, it will definitely be another scene!

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