The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 864 – Yu Chen’s Understanding

Su Cheng, with the return of Yuchen, caused a wave of unrest. Of course, this is only in the Tianwu world. On this day, as the heavenly daughter of the Tianwu world, the peerless female head of the Murong family's generation of arrogance, unexpectedly The flustered look of a little woman was revealed, and if this was seen by others, they would probably be dumbfounded.

However, the fact has already happened...

Gongsun Mansion is where Yuchen and the others are going to come this time. As the well-known Chinese family of Gongsun and Murong, they are both one of the largest families in Suzhou. At this moment, in Gongsun Mansion, the home of Gongsun Wanwan... ..

"Yuchen, what happened before was my fault. As a mother... please forgive me for Yihan's sake..."

In front of a dressing table, the exquisite ageless face is envied by many people, and the tall and straight sexy figure is uneven, which makes men of all ages crazy. This is a sexy and charming woman exuding mature charm...

But at this moment, she has a troubled face, even a little nervous, she is Murong Hong, and at this moment, he is practicing in front of the dressing table what she should say when Yuchen arrives.

"No, no, it's demeaning..."

"But, there is no identity at all."

"Yuchen, I was wrong before, I was not good, so please forgive me as a mother?

"Ah, no, it's too clumsy." As a girl of heaven and the head of the Murong family, Murong Hong never thought that she would apologize to a junior one day. If you analyze it, you may be able to see some secrets, but at that time, Murong Hong ignored Yuchen for the sake of her family and her daughter, which caused a catastrophe, which she never thought of.

At the beginning, they broke up with Yuchen, but now they are a high-ranking royal family, and they may even become the patriarch of the royal family. Looking at ancient times, they are emperors!

"Hahaha, no one would have thought that the goddess of everyone's dreams would be in such an embarrassing situation, right?" The uncle is much younger and exudes vitality.

"Brother Sun, don't laugh at others, tell me quickly, what to do, so as not to embarrass them when they come." It's hard to imagine such an expression on Murong Hong's body, but it's exactly what it is, Even more feminine.

Seeing Murong Hong's anxious appearance, Uncle Sun not only didn't help, but came to his side and said teasingly, "Don't worry, it's fine."

"Oh, it's time, you still have time to spare, no, no, I must practice quickly..." Murong Hong pushed Uncle Sun away, as if she wanted to continue practicing.

"Miss Murong is here, Master Yuchen is here, Master Yongjie is here, and Master Wuji is here." Just when Murong Hong wanted to continue practicing, the housekeeper's voice came from the compound.

Hearing this, Murong Hong frowned: "It's too bad, they're already here, Brother Sun, what should I do, what should I do, you go to greet me first, I have to wait."

"Silly woman, no matter how strong you are, you are still a woman. Leave it to me. Besides, do you think Yuchen is such a narrow-minded person? Maybe, he has long forgotten..." Gently patted Murong Hong on the shoulder , Murong Hong's delicate body trembled, and her body involuntarily followed Uncle Sun out of the room...

At the same time, outside of the huge courtyard, Yuchen couldn't help being surprised. The Yan family's courtyard was big enough. Unexpectedly, the Gongsun family was even bigger, and how corrupt it was.

"Tsk tsk, the life of the rich, how many people can be saved in such a big yard." Yuchen said with emotion.

Chen Yong smiled: "I can't save the whole world, alas, the world has changed now, so don't be emotional, lunch is ready, this is the first time I have come to Gongsun's house, it is indeed bigger than Murong's house a little."

"Hee hee, it's actually the first time I'm going home." Uncle Sun wasn't kicked out by the family, but he felt that he didn't have the right to go home, so he left with Yi Han, and he lost the title of Martial King. Staying at Murong's house is not the same thing...

"Well, it's the first time I've had feelings." Yuchen shrugged, looking very relaxed on the surface, but in fact, this guy was a little nervous in his heart. There is nothing wrong with what Murong Hong did back then. The material of life in the future is also for the family. Although Yuchen disagrees with his actions, he can't refute them.

"I said, Yuchen, you're not a little nervous, are you?" Chen Yong said jokingly.

Yuchen frowned: "Nonsense, how is this possible."

"Impossible? Why are you sweating?" Chen Yong laughed.

"No way, no way." Yuchen wiped his forehead quickly, but found nothing. Only then did he realize that he had betrayed his heart, and immediately kicked him: "You bastard, you have become a little bit afraid even I Believe it was you."

Chen Yong blocked it, and said with a smile: "People always change, don't they? Besides, I'm also good at kung fu." Blocking Yu Chen's foot, Chen Yong said in awe, but before he could turn around, Yu Chen Chen's reversal was just a kick, and the guy almost fell directly. Yuchen took Yihan's hand and walked away.

"Damn bt... dead beast!" Chen Yong underestimated a few words behind him, and hurriedly followed. Murong Xiao and Gongsun Wuji looked at each other, could only smile helplessly, and followed.

Entering the Gongsun Mansion is like entering the palace of the royal family, and the meal has become a meal, retaining a lot of retro atmosphere. When Yuchen and the others came to the dining room under the leadership of the housekeeper, there was nothing Yuchen imagined. It's so troublesome, there are not many people waiting, only the old people of Murong's family and Gongsun's family, as well as Uncle Sun and Murong Hong.

When seeing Murong Hong, Yuchen obviously found that the other party's gaze did not dare to look directly at him, and he was very guilty and blamed himself. Seeing such an expression on the high-ranking Murong Hong, Yuchen was immediately relieved. At least, from a psychological point of view, Yuchen didn't hate Murong Hong, and now the matter has passed, and everything is over...

"Good boy, you abducted my daughter without saying a word, and now you don't come home, why, are you two willing to go home now?" The relationship between Uncle Sun and Yuchen is right there, friends for several years, Pulling Yuchen enthusiastically, Yuchen was not chilling at all, but what Uncle Sun said made Yuchen blame himself a little bit, how to say, Yihan is also Uncle Sun's family.

"Hehe, Uncle Sun, the air ticket to Sucheng is quite a lot. If you have time, why don't you come to our Sichuan province, and Yuchen will definitely take care of you." Yuchen said with a smile.

Uncle Sun is also unambiguous. After the old man introduced it to Yuchen, these are Yihan's grandparents. Compared with the old man in his own family, the old people of Murong's family and Gongsun's family look a little old , very few words...

When introducing Murong Hong, Murong Hong motioned for her to come by herself. At first, she wanted to apologize to Yuchen or something, but Yuchen thought about it, after all, she was Yihan's mother, so she simply took the lead and smiled: "Aunt Murong, before Don't be offended if you are young and ignorant."

As soon as Yuchen's words came out, everyone was shocked, and even Yihan stared at Yuchen with wide eyes. This sentence almost exceeded everyone's expectations. Yuchen is not a small-hearted person. There is a sense of imperial arrogance in itself, which also shows that Yuchen has already forgotten some small things...

More importantly, Yuchen didn't want to embarrass Yihan, let alone Uncle Sun, and didn't want Muronghong to be restrained. Yuchen's words also exceeded Muronghong's expectations. She was a little surprised. Dazed, standing there at a loss, seeing this, Yihan pursed her lips and smiled: "Mom, do it quickly, you still want me and Yuchen to be hungry."

Hearing this, Murong Hong came back to her senses: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Yuchen, you came all the way and Auntie didn't greet you well, so you just treat this place as your own home, you're welcome."

"Okay, Auntie." Yu Chen nodded politely. Seeing Yu Chen's sensible appearance, Gongsun Wanwan was relieved, and Murong Hong was also relieved a lot because of Yu Chen's words.

However, those people of the older generation look at Yuchen with brilliant eyes. They know the festival between Yuchen and Murong Hong clearly, and Yuchen can smile away the grudges, which proves that he is a kind and righteous person. A man, if Yihan follows him, he will never suffer.

The meal was very enjoyable, even Chen Yongjie and Murong Xiao had never seen such a warm, even humanized Murong Hong, that bright smiling face made Chen Yong and the others think that they were hallucinating several times.

After all, it is very rare for Murong Hong to act like a mother. In fact, even Yihan was a little surprised. Seeing her mother keep feeding Yuchen, the warm scene like a family made her Yihan had a smile on his face.

Eating happily, Yuchen and Uncle Sun talked about everything, but during the conversation, Murong Hong suddenly asked when Yuchen and Yihan got married, which almost made the two of them rant. Neither Yuchen nor Yihan was prepared for this matter.

Yuchen vaguely said the past, and Yihan also expressed that he was still young and did not want to get married. In fact, Yihan was afraid that Yuchen would regret it... Yuchen also understood Yihan's intentions very well, so Yuchen could only let Yuchen More love also means...

After the meal, Uncle Murong Hongsun wanted to arrange for Yuchen and the others to play, but more than one person in the south of the Yangtze River knew the news of Yuchen's arrival, and many dream brothers had heard the news early.

Yuchen's kindness is hard to come by, so naturally the better it is to go out together at night, since most of the brothers are bottom-level, although they have made a lot of money in the game, they still like places that are as lively as food stalls, where they drink and eat Eating meat and chatting with each other, such a scene is not pleasant, so after the afternoon, Yuchen and the others hurried out, because Yuchen had to meet an important woman...


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