The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 869 – The End of the World

The heart-piercing Yuchen returned to the food street, and he was unwilling to give up. When he returned to the shop just now, Yuchen would not give up, never give up easily, he must find the back just now!

"Please, can you tell me the address of your lady boss?" Yu Chen said a little excitedly, but Chen Yong and others did not stop them, but followed Yu Chen to ask.

The clerk didn't know what to say, so the little girl who received Yuchen's huge sum of millions of dollars before asked a little moved: "You...what's your relationship with the proprietress?"

"We are husband and wife. She left. I have been looking for her. I don't know why she didn't come back. This time I must ask clearly. Please tell me, please?" Yuchen asked excitedly, and here More and more people gathered, and more and more people looked here.

"Yuchen, what's wrong with you?" Yuchen didn't return for a long time, which naturally attracted the attention of Yihanxuan'er and the others. When everyone came down, many of them were physically strong, and after vomiting, they had already sobered up. When thousands of people came down, they were naturally very spectacular. When they saw their boss begging for something, they immediately burst into laughter.

"Boss, President, what's the matter with you?" Thousands of people shouted, shocking everyone's heart, causing the surrounding audience to step back. Looking at this posture, they thought Yuchen was the black boss of a certain club!

Yuchen ignored it and continued to ask for something instead.

"Yuchen, what's the matter with you?" Yihan was a little confused, so he immediately walked forward, Chen Yong stopped him with his eyes, but Yihan couldn't let it go, and walked over directly.

Yuchen turned his head, his face was already wet with tears. Seeing Yuchen's appearance, Yihan and Xuan'er were suddenly worried, while Jian Chen, An Jing, Yan Yu, Mo Mo, Wuxin, Mo Lishang and others said nothing. not send...

"Ruoxue, I saw Ruoxue!!" Yuchen said excitedly.

Wen Yan, Xuan'er, Jian Chen, Quiet, Misty Rain, Shen Mo, Wu Xin, Yi Han and others who knew about Ruoxue all trembled. Dream brothers fell silent. Many people knew the sad news of Ruoxue's departure. But now Yuchen actually said that he saw Ruoxue, how could this be believed?

"Ruoxue? Ruoxue...she, she..." Yihan's delicate body trembled with excitement, Ruoxue was still alive, Ruoxue was still alive, at this moment, everyone was observing Yihan's expression, but in the end , Yihan actually wept with joy...

"Please, tell us Ruoxue's whereabouts?" Yihan believed Yuchen's words almost unconditionally.

Seeing such a touching scene, the little beauty's clerk was also in tears. She cried and told Yuchen and the others: "We only have the phone number of the proprietress, and we don't know her home."

Hearing this, Yuchen was not disappointed, and excitedly wanted the phone number, but after thinking about it, no, he can't do this, if Ruoxue wanted to avoid it, the stranger's call would definitely not be answered.

"Can you call your lady boss?" Yu Chen also immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Yu Moli: "What's your lady boss's number?"


"Thank you, please call..." Yuchen kept talking with Yu Moli, and stared at the little beauty. She was by no means ordinary, and she didn't dare to be negligent, so she immediately picked up the phone and dialed Ruoxue's number who was at the airport at the moment.

"toot toot"

"Hello, boss lady?"

"Ding, it's not convenient for me to answer your call right now, but I left a voice message, Xiaomei, I know you will call me, but when you receive this voice message, I may have already left, From now on, that store will be yours, don't say anything, don't ask, I'm leaving, going to a far away place, goodbye, Xiaomei, I will miss you..."

"toot toot"

After finishing speaking, the phone was hung up, Xiaomei didn't give up, but the second time she called, Ruoxue's phone card had already been thrown into the trash can...

Xiaomei was a little hesitant. Overnight, she owned millions, and now she has a shop. However, what shocked Xiaomei even more was that their proprietress left and put down the phone. Xiaomei said weakly: " The proprietress...has gone, going to a far away place, and may never come back..."

Hearing this, the audience was silent!

It was silent, but at this moment, Jun Moli's magnetic voice came from Yuchen's phone: "Yuchen, the last message was recorded at the airport, Sucheng North Gate Airport..."

"Whoosh" Jun Moli didn't finish his sentence, Yuchen had disappeared in place, the phone fell to the ground, and Jun Moli's helpless voice came: " was already 2 hours ago. ..”

A gust of wind picked up, and when people blinked and opened their eyes, Yuchen had already disappeared in front of them. Everyone who saw this weird scene was stunned!

"Follow him, don't let Yuchen do stupid things!" Jian Chen immediately realized that compared to the means of transportation, they themselves are terrifying existences, and Jian Chen's worries are not unreasonable!

Thousands of people dispersed immediately, but Yuchen didn't choose to drive, but chose to run straight away. He turned into the wind, and the people around couldn't see clearly, while Jian Chen, quiet, silent, misty rain, Long Xiaotian, Mo Lishang, all Tears and others followed closely behind...

They ran all over their bodies, and Yihan and others also got into the car and informed Zhan Tian to clear the road from here to Sioux City Airport. Zhan Tian is already the king of the underground, and within 5 minutes of making a phone call, all roads are unimpeded Just like that, hundreds of luxury cars rushed towards Beimen Airport!

Yuchen's speed has almost reached the point where it took at least 10-5 minutes from here, but he spent only [-] minutes. He flew wildly on the roof, jumped, and fell to the ground with a bang. , He has already appeared at the gate of the airport!

Rushing in desperately...

"Ruoxue. Ruoxue!"

After Yuchen entered, he yelled directly. Such noise naturally had a great impact, and soon the airport security personnel appeared. After dissuading him, Yuchen still went his own way. Just when the two sides were about to start a fight, Chen Yong finally drove back .

"Yuchen, don't worry, I'll let all the flights come back immediately!" Yongjie's words undoubtedly gave Yuchen and the others hope...

Yuchen said excitedly: "Thank you for your trouble!" Yuchen nodded heavily. This was the first time Chen Yongjie saw Yuchen begging like this, and he didn't dare to delay right now.

Picking up the phone, he made a direct call to the person in charge of the airport.

"Make all the flights all fun, all fly back!"

"Boss, but this is the case..." the person in charge of the airport said in a difficult way. After all, doing so would cause inconvenience.

"Don't worry, someone will be responsible for this matter!" Chen Yong said calmly, and when the time comes, he will just find some excuses and let it go.

All of a sudden, all the flights, even the ones that had already flown halfway, all returned. The waiting time was very long. All the flights to the country returned, and the ones to the foreign countries were the slowest. The entire Beimen Airport had already exploded. , but after the airport staff tried their best to appease and promised not to charge money, the plane continued to take off.

"There are only ten flights to foreign countries. At present, nine flights have taken off again, and the other one has flown to Seoul. It is said that it is going to the United States for a connecting flight. It has arrived in Seoul and is ready to come back..." After hanging up the phone, Chen Yong said to Yuchen who was a little disappointed.

Yuchen stood up, and everyone was already very tired. After all, it took a lot of time and energy to find someone, so without saying anything more, Yuchen showed a bitter smile: "Brothers, I'm so sorry for you, everyone Rest, tomorrow will be a big moment..."

Speaking of this, Yuchen's smile changed from bitterness to excitement. At least, he was looking forward to the hope that Ruoxue would be alive in his heart. Such a result, for Yuchen, might not be a bad thing.

Seeing Yuchen's smile, everyone felt that their hard work was worthwhile. Although Yuchen was disappointed, he was also full of expectations.

After a busy night, everyone was preparing to leave at the airport, and Yuchen was also on his way home, preparing for the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Tournament to be announced tomorrow!Just thinking about it already makes people look forward to it.

"Sister Xuan'er, Yongjie, everyone, let's go!" Yihan and Yuchen waved their hands, and many brothers left on their own flights.

Before boarding the plane, Yuchen called Jun Moli again.

"Hello, Yuchen."

"Do you have the information on Ruoxue? Abroad, can we extend it? I beg you?" Yuchen really didn't give up.

Jun Moli was silent for a moment: "If you cooperate with Zhuihun, there should be no problem. I will try my best."

"Thank you!" Yuchen said solemnly.

"No matter the ends of the earth, I will definitely find you, Ruoxue, wait for me." Yuchen thought firmly in his heart.

"Yuchen, we will definitely find Ruoxue..."

"Well, you are all the women I worry about the most in my life..." Yuchen nodded heavily.

"Then who do you love more?" Yihan said playfully.

Yuchen thought for a while: "I love you all..."

"Us? How many do you want?" On the way home, flirting until dawn, more than ten hours have passed in the blink of an eye...

At this moment, Los Angeles, USA...

A young, glamorous young woman walked out of the airport with a half-year-old child in her arms. Here, there was an escape route arranged by Qiu's family long ago, and Ruoxue was about to take over the company in the United States.

"Mom...Dad." Just after the two of them got out of the airport, the LCD screen on a huge square was playing a promotional picture of rewriting a life, and in the picture, it was about the legendary life of killing gods. The appearance, the snow-white clothes, and the black knife in his hand have almost become a symbol of rewriting life advertisements all over the world.

"Yeah." Ruoxue nodded without any rebuttal.

"Mom, is it possible that Tian'er will be able to see Dad if he enters the life-changing game?" Tian'er said innocently.

Ruoxue smiled, didn't say a word, walked into a black commercial vehicle, Ruoxue and Tian'er will live a brand new life...

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