The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 872 – World Ranking

The system of the World Martial Arts Association has finally been updated in the eyes of players all over the world, and the content of this competition has shocked many players. After all, this is not the first time that the game world has broken the system of the competition mode...

The three world-class competitions are almost exactly the same as the finals. Who is the final winner?People are looking forward to it, and with the opening of the Budokai, the update of the world rankings is undoubtedly a blockbuster that caused a huge disturbance all over the world.

"Who is the number one in the world, don't you know when you open it?" Under Xiao Cangcang's reminder, everyone suddenly realized that they opened the world ranking list with anticipation, apprehension, and even nervousness.

"Guess who this No.1 will be?" Xiao Cangcang thought wickedly.

"That's needless to say? Of course it's our boss, otherwise who do you think it would be?" Babao thought flirtatiously.

"Hehe, I also think it will be Yuchen..." Xiao Ting also smiled and said, in the hearts of everyone, almost everyone believed that the No.1 in the world is definitely Yuchen, but what is the truth?This will only be known after watching it.

The ranking list of the World Martial Arts Association, in fact, when Yuchen opened this, he was a little nervous, why?Because Yuchen is not on the list, he is also looking forward to the title of No. [-] in the world, but the problem is to be on the list!

Opening the leaderboard, the brothers of the dream were almost petrified at that moment, a gust of wind blew past, the number one in the world that everyone was expecting, the number one in the world that players in all China were looking forward to, turned out to be from abroad !

World leaderboard...

no.1: Human scum and trash, combat power evaluation: approximately equal to 138 million, nationality: Canadian no.2: Longxiang Nine Heavens, combat power evaluation: approximately equal to 131 million, nationality: Chinese no.2: Liusheng Ten Soldiers, Combat power assessment: approximately equal to 131 million, nationality, Dongying no.3: Asking Tian, ​​combat power assessment: approximately equal to 120 million, nationality: Huaxia no.4: Andrew, Elwah, combat power assessment: approximately equal to 120 million , Nationality: American no.5: no longer silent, combat power evaluation: approximately equal to 119 million, nationality: Chinese no.6: Fujiwara Mulong, combat power evaluation: approximately equal to 118 million, nationality: Dongying no.7: Li Tianfeng, Combat power assessment: approximately equal to 115 million, nationality: Korean no.8: Adam.Combat power assessment: approximately equal to 115 million, nationality: British no.9: Cadillac, Edward: combat power assessment: approximately equal to 114 million, nationality: French no.10: Karp, Crick, combat power assessment: approx. Equal to 113 million, nationality: Russia no.11: Ruthless, combat power assessment: approximately equal to 110 million, nationality, Chinese no.12: Reclusive with the wind, combat power assessment: approximately equal to 110 million, nationality, Chinese no.13: Red Inuichiro, combat power evaluation: approximately equal to 100 million, nationality: Japanese no.14: Smith, combat power evaluation: approximately equal to 100 million, nationality: American no.15: Dupont III, combat power evaluation: approximately equal to 100 million, nationality : The United States (combat power evaluation list, updated every hour) has a total of [-] people in the world rankings. At a glance, you can search by category. Among the [-] people, the powerhouses in China occupy thousands of places. , The rest are all divided up by Britain, France, Russia, the United States, Italy, and Japan. Like some small countries, there are only three or four people who die, just like the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, and South Korea.

However, what is unexpected is that there are hundreds of people from Dongying District on the list. Of course, what is even more surprising is that neither Yuchen nor Jian Chen ranked first in the world. Several of them were not on the list, which naturally aroused protests from players in Huaxia District!

After all, winning glory for the country is the blood in the bones of the Chinese people, but there is no one who kills the god Yu Wuchen, Shura Yanying Jianchen, Mo Wushen Ye is very quiet, and the swan who is now known as the evil god, or the most unique emperor of heaven. Being on the list naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the players in Huaxia District.

But in the end, the system gave some explanations. Since players like Yu Wuchen have special occupations or equipment, the leaderboards are automatically hidden... In this way, the dissatisfaction in the Huaxia District subsided. After all, they themselves Did not say anything.

Looking at the world leaderboard, Yuchen shook his head. In fact, he had already guessed such a result, but what made Yuchen dumbfounded was that the name of No.1 in the world was actually scum and trash...

"Pfft, No. 1 in this world is too spoof, scum and garbage, pit brother!" After reading the rankings, the dream brothers naturally have many opinions, especially silent, ruthless, ruthless, and ruthless. Tears, Xiaotian, the core cadres who almost dreamed, even the God Killing Legion had hundreds of people on the list, and the number of people dreaming on the world list is quite a lot, but there is no Yuchen!

"Boss, you are really finished, No.1 in the world, don't think about it...Long Xiang Jiutian is ranked second, but it is tied, and the little Japan that came to Yanhuang back then is really only the third...I didn't expect It can also make the top fifteen in the world, but fortunately, we have more people..." After reading the list, everyone naturally compared.

"How is this combat power evaluated?" Yuchen was a little curious. The evaluation of combat power seemed to be inaccurate, and why did the system formulate the combat power assessment?

"Look here, the evaluation of combat power is in our personal center system, which shows the data of our combat power." Just when Yuchen was puzzled, Shen Mo suddenly called out the personal center, the evaluation of combat power, where it is clearly marked Silent combat power!

110 eighty-nine thousand 850 seven! !

(The evaluation of combat power is determined by the player's maximum value in the battle. That is to say, the more power is erupted in a difficult situation, the higher the evaluation of combat power is obtained. The method of combat power evaluation can be determined by players fighting and killing bosses) Seeing such a large amount of data, everyone quickly opened the player combat power evaluation system in the personal center.

Yuchen also frowned, and opened his personal evaluation of combat power. Even if he is not on the list, he must have the data of combat power. How much is it?Even Yuchen himself is not very clear...

After starting the evaluation of combat power, a series of data appeared in front of Yuchen. Then, Yuchen's eyes widened in shock, and then fell silent. Finally, a confident smile appeared on Yuchen's face. He believed that his It is estimated that few people can exceed this value.

After the dream brothers checked their own information, they undoubtedly focused their attention on Yuchen. Compared with their own combat power, they wanted to know Yuchen more!

"Boss, what is your combat strength?" When everyone asked, they naturally looked at Yuchen.

Yuchen smiled and said nothing, whetted his appetite, Cang Mumu grinned: "The data of the beast boss, of course, must be kept secret... Less embarrassing, more scary, let's not read it."

Yuchen smiled: "It's nothing... just look at it~" Yuchen opened the personal center lightly, and the Arabic numerals clearly caught everyone's eyes...

A gust of wind blew up and fluttered on the bridge of Yixiantian. Yuchen smiled, turned and left, and prepared for tomorrow's domestic selection. However, the more than [-] core cadres of Dreams were all stunned in place.

Including silence, including Mo Lishang, including Chen Yongjie...including everyone present!

"Five...five..." Cang Mumu was shocked speechless?Everyone quickly covered his mouth, Yuchen's data was indeed to be kept secret, and the reason why he was so open-minded to everyone was because of the word trust!

Seeing Yuchen's leaving back, Mo Mo and the others were already shocked and speechless, because the data was too terrifying and scary.

"As expected of the chairman of our dreams, if there is no such value, I think our chairman should be replaced!" But after the shock, Chen Yongjie said excitedly, at least, in their eyes, Yuchen has already It is the No.1 in the world.

"Ah. That's right, but I won't lose!" No longer said silently and excitedly, after all, this value is determined through battle, that is to say, no one knows the battle value that he has prepared when he exerts his true strength How much, including Yuchen!

Although Yuchen who left was a little excited, he calmed down after only a moment. If he hadn't guessed, this battle value was obtained in the most recent battle, in the temple?Or is it played in the battle with the pure black swan?

If not these, then it is Long Xiang Nine Heavens?

Obviously, this is wrong... Long Xiang Jiutian's value is only 130 million, and this 130 million is undoubtedly only shown because of the confrontation with Yuchen. You must know that Long Xiang Jiutian has not fought on a large scale since he came back. Once it was a confrontation with Yuchen!

"Longxiang Jiutian, this guy can get such a high battle stat just by fighting me briefly. I think if he really fights, his stat will not be lower than mine? And Quiet, Misty Rain, pure black swan, Yan The stats of people like Shadow Sword Soul will never be much worse than No. 1 in the world, and Yuchen doesn't know how strong Bailong Wuji is in Yanhuang Continent, but he will never be weak!" Yuchen fell into deep thought.

"It seems that this time the World Martial Arts Association is really a battle between dragons and tigers!" After thinking about everything, Yuchen smiled and ignored this so-called combat power evaluation system, but what he didn't care about was what others cared about of!

At this moment, players all over the world have exploded, and the world rankings have undoubtedly attracted attention.

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