The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 881 – Battlefield Hunting

The World Martial Arts Association kicked off, and the war had already spread on the battlefield. The ancient battlefield was full of killings, and the ground was stained red with blood. Players from all over the world gathered here to compete for the [-] places!

However, in the eyes of some people, it's not just the top [-] in the world, countless people want to be number one in the world!

Players from Huaxia District, soaring for nine days!

"Kill him, kill him, he is Long Xiang Jiutian, he is Long Xiang Jiutian of Huaxia District!" Long Xiang Jiutian, as a god-level figure, his name has already been heard abroad, although Yuchen's promotional screen It has been extended to foreign countries, but for such a video, many foreign players think it is just an advertisement for an obvious endorsement of Huaxia Kingdom, so they don't care.

Long Xiang Jiutian is alone. He is in the abyss of the ocean. Unfortunately, almost all the players he meets here are foreign players. Occasionally, when he encounters domestic players, Long Xiang Jiutian will politely nod and continue his solo walk Journey, finally here, met hundreds of players from foreign regions!

"Philippines? Vietnam? Black monkeys, and Korean ginseng? However, the number of people seems to be too small to have enough fun, so we should go to the top as soon as possible?" Surrounded by more than a hundred people, Long Xiang Jiutian didn't care, but looked at Looking at the rippling sea, wanting to go to the ground, there may be more players there!

"Longxiang Jiutian, today is the day of your death!" After translating the voice, the words came to Longxiang Jiutian's ears.

Long Xiang Jiutian glanced at the vulnerable players in front of him with disdain: "Pearl of rice grains, dare to compete with the sun and the moon? Don't you have any real masters abroad!"

The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, vibrating in all directions, countless sword blades fluttered in front of more than a hundred people, sword flowers flashed continuously, and the sound of sword cries was even more deafening. After just a few seconds, Longxiang soared into the sky and flew over the sea. ..

He murmured: "Vulnerable.... Have you already got [-] points?"



Screams and sword cries were mixed together, hundreds of players from the foreign area were all killed by Long Xiang Jiutian's sword. So far, Long Xiang Jiutian has killed 1 people in a row, each of them is a foreign player ...

Huaxia player, Yanying Jianchen!

The blue sea and blue sky, the fragrance of flowers wafts through the tip of the nose.

In this glamorous scene, beauties are naturally indispensable. Sure enough, there are not only beauties, but also a group of beauties who are dancing, and their object is only one man, and that is Yanying Jianchen!

Huaxia District Shura!

These graceful beauties entwined around his side, tempting Jian Chen with their fiery dancing, fiery heart, and sexy figure.

Perhaps because of being confused, Jian Chen obediently followed this group of beautiful women and continued to walk. The dancing women seemed to think that Yan Ying Jianchen had been completely controlled. Finally, the murderous intent hidden under the dancing posture was fully revealed!

"Huaxia District Shura, that's all! I, Haruki Sakura, will take your head!" Suddenly, countless beauties disappeared, replaced by that sharp ninja Kunai!

"Since you know that I am Shura from Huaxia District, you still dare to attack me? You are really courageous!" At the moment when Ku Wu killed Jian Chen, Jian Chen grinned and held the other side with one hand. No, keep it immobile!

Haruki Sakura is indeed a rare person, her sexy and petite figure perfectly presents Shuangfeng, her delicate face, and the watery eyes under the shallow willow eyebrows flashed a hint of surprise.

She exclaimed: "You...why are you..."

Jian Chen smiled: "Which one do you want to ask? Did you fall for your illusion, or did you covet your beauty?"

Harugi Sakura's eyes turned serious, her entire face was silent, thinking that what she had done before had been completely seen through by the man in front of her, her face turned red immediately.

"You are indeed beautiful!" Suddenly, Jian Chen held up his exquisite chin, and said softly on Chun Muying's lips, but after the words were finished, Chun Muying's eyes visibly trembled, and she looked at her In the abdomen, a black knife has pierced her chest!

"It's a are from Dongying!" Pushing Chun Muying away, Jian Chen turned around and walked away. Chun Muying landed heavily on the road paved with petals. Before she died, her face remained the same. It's ruddy!

The battle is still going on, but there are very few collisions between the strong. Everyone is very careful to avoid contacting the strong at the beginning of the game. This way, the gain is not worth the loss, so everyone is very cautious and is hunting for the strength of other countries Weak people!

Running wildly out of the forest, Yuchen has already started to kill. In an empty field, perhaps deliberately to attract people, this group of foreign players did not hide at all!

When they saw Yuchen killing them, the group of Vatican players showed great anticipation and bloodthirsty light, but Yuchen also wasted a lot of effort, this is a group of players with faith, and their willpower is not usually strong !

Continue to hunt for the next battlefield, so far less than two hours have passed since the start of the game!

"whoosh whoosh"

Running wildly in the valley, relying on the Hidden Dragon Jue, Yuchen was able to find the opponent more preferentially, killing all the way, the hatred in Yuchen's heart, he didn't meet the Dongying Guizi, which made the one who wanted to kill the Guizi Yuchen's feelings are so embarrassing!

"Yihan and the others also came in, right? These ladies are really worrying." Yuchen said helplessly, but Yihan is smart, and he would not put himself in danger, but Yuchen Still worried, after all, Xuan'er and Yihan are both beauties. "

Galloping away, finally, in a canyon, Yuchen's Hidden Dragon Art once again sensed a huge number of players. Yuchen was overjoyed, and jumped up and down. Sure enough, he found a large number of teams!

"It's from the Philippines?" After seeing these players, Yuchen couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. He hid behind a rock and carefully observed this group of more than a thousand people.

"This group of guys are so lucky that so many players can gather in this huge battlefield, but those seem to be players from our district." After entering the battlefield, the name of the information can be hidden, but the country cannot hide it. As long as the target can find other targets, when looking at the other target, which area above the head is particularly eye-catching!

Sure enough, as expected, after the group of people dispersed in a gap, several struggling players appeared inside. Yuchen didn't know each other, but in this battlefield, saving people is a must!

"The players in Huaxia District are just like that. Aren't you arrogant? Don't you want to kill me, come on! Come on!" A Filipino player cursed at him. Originally, he was chased by this group of 8 people all the way. He used himself as a bait and successfully led these eight players into the place where they had already ambushed. Now they attacked in groups. Even though the eight players were not weak, facing this group of Filipino players, they still Some strenuous!

After all, physical strength can't support it. Besides, those who really dare to participate in the martial arts meeting have two brushes!

"You bloody bastards, don't let us meet you!" The leader Ye Lingfeng said unwillingly. Originally, they were about to kill the bait, but they didn't expect to hit their trick, and now they were besieged. Feeling unwilling, but looking around, there are no players from their own country, and it will be a matter of time before they are killed!

"Boss, you are the one who has the most hope of escaping among us. We will resist him later, and you will run away with all your strength. This is the stamina drug grade you bought at Dream Pharmacy. No matter what, you must survive!" the vice-captain Looking at Ye Lingfeng as if he was dying, as long as he can escape, he will have a chance to find players from his own country to avenge them!

Ye Lingfeng categorically refused: "I will never leave my brother and run away. I want to walk together, and I want to die together! Even if we die, these despicable and shameless bastards will die in our Huaxia District sooner or later In the hands of a master!"

"Hahahaha, we won't die. It's the same as the method just now. If you follow the same method, you stupid Chinese people will be fooled. At that time, we will kill one by one, and ten by ten! Hahahahaha!" A leading player in the Philippines said arrogantly and excitedly.

'Ye Lingfeng and the others looked terrified, but they were obviously much sadder!

"Kill them!" The leading player yelled loudly, Ye Lingfeng and the others were already prepared to drag them down even if they died, but during the battle, suddenly, a flash of saber light shone, and it actually shone a lot People's eyes, everyone's eyes closed...

"What happened!" The leading Filipino player was horrified, but before he came back to his senses, another thing that made his heart tremble happened, because there was a black knife hanging around his neck, The blade is red, and there is a dragon pattern on the blade that he is very familiar with and fears!

"You just said that we Chinese people are stupid? You just said, come one and kill one? Come ten and kill ten?" A cold voice rang in his ear.

The leader broke out in cold sweat, but turned his head pretending to be calm, only to realize that there was only one person in the other party!

Ye Lingfeng and the others also discovered that someone came to rescue them because they were disappointed by one person.But when they saw the face of the visitor, they couldn't help but tremble!

"Kill....Kill God...Wuchen...Chairman!" Ye Lingfeng and the others discovered to their surprise that the person who saved them turned out to be Yu Wuchen, the president of Dream, the No. 1!

"Damn it, you dare to be rampant by yourself, brothers, kill this bastard for me!" Seeing that Yuchen was alone, the leader flew into a rage and almost scared him to death!

"1000 people? Seems...too few..." Looking at the group of people in front of him, Yuchen grinned, thinking that the number was too small. The hunting on the battlefield finally kicked off again!

(Fourth update, we will continue to make updates today, brothers, don’t dare to ask for VIPs, can you give me flowers)

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