The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 883 – Accidental Storm

In the dense jungle, the battles between countries have already begun. The Budokai individual competition has begun, and a full 12 hours have passed, from noon to midnight. In the dark night, the real hunting has just begun...

"Whoosh whoosh"

In the pitch-black dense forest, figures of several people shuttled back and forth. They galloped through the jungle and came under the cover of a giant tree. The pedestrians stopped. After looking around, a man in white said to the eight people behind him. : "There are no monsters and players around, you can take a rest."

After finishing speaking, the man in white also sat on the ground. This man was naturally Yuchen. After a day of fighting, although he was not at all tired, the eight members of the chasing team who hunted with him were a bit too much.

After understanding, there are ten people in Zhuifeng's team, but unfortunately, two of them died before they met Yuchen. If Yuchen hadn't appeared at the beginning, they would have been defeated by Filipino players. ..

Fortunately, Yuchen saved them!

"Boss Wuchen, eat some." After confirming that there is no one around, the role of life professions is fully revealed. Delicious pheasant, bear's paw, game, seafood, and delicious delicacies that cannot be imagined in reality can be enjoyed in the game world. After all, the taste system is also 100%. Although it cannot satisfy the hunger like in reality, it is still delicious.

Yuchen smiled. Now he is also a pharmacist and blacksmith, but he is not a chef. He smelled the smell of meat, and his appetite suddenly increased. Since everyone is in competition mode, they cannot log off during the period. What is maintained is the nutrient solution in the helmet or the game cabin, which can be used by the human body to continue playing.

It turned out that the eight-member team of Ye Lingfeng and others relied on lamb legs, and they were full of color and fragrance. Two of them were women. With two more girls, it's not so boring.

Everyone ate delicious meat, drank the refreshing wine in the game, and molested the two girls in the team. On this battlefield full of blood, it was a special taste.

Although the two girls have been looking at Yuchen intentionally or unintentionally, it is obvious that they have been impressed by Yuchen's tall, handsome, brave, fearless and bastard spirit along the way, but our Yuda beast doesn't feel anything at all. There are quite a few beauties, and each one is worse than the other.

After eating and drinking enough, a group of old men have nothing to do, and after a short rest, they will continue on the road, and Tuo Yuchen's clothes, along the way, Ye Lingfeng and others have earned a lot of merit points and gold coins , Even if they are allowed to withdraw from the battlefield now, there is no regret. The spoils of war are tens of thousands of equipment. Of course, they consciously handed over the best equipment to Yuchen.

However, it is a little strange that they have never encountered any players from the Huaxia District on this journey. This has caught their attention. A little bit of Yuchen is still a little bit concerned.

"Boss Wuchen, are you still thinking about something?" Seeing Yuchen lying on the grass with a thoughtful face, Ye Lingfeng said affectionately, because of Yuchen, they have already made a lot of windfall.

Yuchen nodded: "It's a bit strange, but it's not strange, so I can't say, what is so strange..."

"It's a bit strange, there are many traces of battles along the way, and some people have already fought when they passed in front of us, but after stepping into this forest, we never met any players again..." Ye Ling Feng is also a master at the pinnacle of Rank [-], so he is naturally not too stupid, and the strange experience along the way also caught his attention.

Yuchen nodded, what he cared about was exactly at this time...

"Let's rest for a while..." This matter was put aside for now. After all, it was hard to guess. Ye Lingfeng nodded. Layers of dark clouds...

Ye Lingfeng nodded, admiring Yuchen a lot. In the past, they had only heard the legend of Yuchen and watched the video. However, after fighting all the way, they really understood how powerful and terrifying Yuchen is. Standing in front of him, if he hadn't been with him for a day, he might have stuttered.

In the middle of the night, Yuchen didn't rest, everyone closed their eyes and rested their minds, but at that time, the night wind was particularly terrifying...

"Whirring whirring"

The bitter wind kept blowing, and Yu Chen who was meditating suddenly woke up, and Ye Lingfeng and the others immediately looked around warily, and everyone looked at Yu Chen.

Yuchen opened his eyes: "Hide, someone has appeared!" Amidst the sound of the wind, Yuchen clearly heard the galloping footsteps of a target approaching them. Seeing this, Yuchen and others immediately hid in the bushes, Quietly waiting for the upcoming players!

"There are thousands of people in total, and one pair is just in front, and the other pair is behind, it seems that they are chasing and killing!" In the team channel of Ye Lingfeng and others, Yuchen immediately uttered the information he knew. Tell them, let Ye Lingfeng and others be mentally prepared!

They were not surprised by Yuchen's miraculous ability, and nodded solemnly. The two little beauties in the team were already dripping with sweat, holding their staffs tightly. It could be seen that they were still a little nervous.

In less than a moment, the galloping sound became louder and louder, and the target soon approached Yuchen and the others' original location. What Yuchen and others saw was a group of people covered in blood, smudged, and embarrassed. player!

There are more than a hundred players in this group, and the ones on top of their heads are the players from the Huaxia District!

"Kill! Don't let the players from the Huaxia District run away!" More than a hundred people fought bloody battles. After experiencing many difficulties, they finally broke out of the siege, but the players from the Koryo District and the Dongying District followed closely behind them. Persevering, chasing hundreds of kilometers all the way, the three parties are exhausted, but most of the players in Gaoli District and Dongying District are in the system mode, which is different from most of the free modes in the Huaxia District. Their physical strength is obviously better than that of the players in the Huaxia District !

"Boss Wuchen is a brother from Huaxia District!" Ye Lingfeng said immediately.

Yuchen nodded: "Ah!" It's not just the players in the Huaxia District, Yuchen who is the leader is very familiar with it, this is the god of war Kuangfeng, and the brothers who were hunted down are all members of Invincible Under Heaven!

"You don't need to take action, leave it to me!" Seeing the injustice, he drew his sword to help, not to mention that the players in the Huaxia District were chasing and killing the players in the Gaoli District and the Dongying District. Moreover, this is the brothers of the Dream Branch, Yuchen did not hesitate at all.

Ye Lingfeng and the others nodded. This kind of killing on the battlefield is often beyond their control!

The players in the two districts chasing and killing the God of War Kuangfeng were full of anger, as if they had a deep blood feud with the leading God of War Kuangfeng.

A player in the Dongying District roared: "Kill, don't let these damned bastards run away, let more than a hundred people kill us 3 people, what shame do I have to wait for, if I don't kill you, I swear I won't be human! You must be killed!" Cut to pieces!"

It was said that Ye Lingfeng and the others were too shocked to speak, more than a hundred people killed more than 3 people, and now they are still undisturbed, and judging by the situation in front of them, there is no doubt that this is a loss of strength Too many free mode players, if they have physical strength, I am afraid that the thousands of people who came after them can only become the souls of the god of war Kuangfeng and others!

"Boss, you go first, I will resist them!" The members of Invincible Under Heaven yelled at the wind, and volunteered to stay. When the god of war, the wind, heard the panic, he grabbed the orc brother: "I won't let you Die, none of you can die, keep running, I have seen Mengmeng Xingzhu and the others, I believe they are not far away! There must be a chance!"

The god of war, Kuangfeng, never gave up. He never expected to be chased into this embarrassing state. If there was another bottle of stamina potion, they would never lose!

"Attack! Don't let them run!" Hearing the words of the God of War, the players in Dongying District and Gaoli District were also a little scared. If they really encountered the masters of Huaxia District, then they would have to rest here today!

Arrows are like rain, magic is like waves, and slashes are released like a rushing tornado. God of War Kuangfeng and others helplessly resist, but it is this gap that is surrounded by them!

Seeing that there was no hope of life, the brothers surrounded the God of War Kuangfeng: "Commander, you must live, let Dream Headquarters and Big Brother Aotian avenge us!"

The god of war nodded fiercely: "If you fight a bloody way, if you don't die, you will definitely make me pay the price!"

"When you are about to die, you still dare to utter wild words and kill so many of us. Let me see where you are going this time. Brothers of the great Dongying Empire, kill these players from the Huaxia District!" The leader, Yamada Village Furious, he pulled out his samurai sword and rushed out first!

But at the moment when he left, a black light suddenly flashed from the top of his head, and the blood splattered suddenly. A pitch-black head was flying in the air, and all the players present were shocked when they saw this. This sudden scene made them feel Shocked!

"Baga, Baga, who is it, get out!" The players in Dongying District were horrified, but they reacted very quickly. They immediately guarded their surroundings and shouted loudly, killing their leader in an instant. , which country's master will it be?

"God of War, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have become so embarrassing. This will damage the prestige of my dream..." Just when Sheng Zhan and others were shocked, suddenly a familiar figure and a familiar voice came. into their ears.

Hearing this, they stared at the white figure, and immediately shouted in surprise: "Boss!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's deal with these people!" Yuchen had no time to say more, and he had already entered the battlefield. Seeing Yuchen, God of War Kuangfeng and others seemed to usher in a second spring. Immediately kill it!

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