The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 885 – Confrontation in the Dark Night

The silent dark moon river forest...a river with blue light under the moonlight is full of mystery. In the dark forest not far away, at this moment, there is a killing under the night. ..

"whoosh whoosh"


"who is it!!"

The whistling of the cold wind, the faint afterimages galloping, all these forms a strange atmosphere in the dark night, just like a dream ghost story staged in a lonely castle, it makes people feel frightened Trembling!

"The 89th!"

The black knife is harvesting life. In the dark forest, Yuchen has been lurking for 10 minutes. After coming here, there is only one thing he does, and that is killing, constantly harvesting the lives of other players in the big area. During this period, more than 3000 people were buried under his black knife, and they still did not know it. The dead, without seeing Yuchen's name and gender, embarked on the road of death. , very tragic.


Leaping forward, leaving afterimages in the dark night, Yuchen hid on the huge tree trunk. The vine leaves blocked Yuchen's figure, making it impossible for people to notice. The short rest was due to the number of Yuchen's kills. There are already more and more green dots around, while they are gradually decreasing, but they are constantly increasing, which also means that more players have stepped into the dark forest.

Since the number of people shown by the radar is about 1 people around, every reduction of one person stimulates the tense nerves of everyone, not to mention the fact that the number of people has been continuously reduced in the past few hours.

"Damn it, what happened?" A tall Caucasian angrily smashed the stone in front of him. The dwindling number of players has shaken the players lurking around, because here, there must be a high-speed If there is no accident, the player who kills the opponent is definitely a thief player in their eyes!

"John, we can't stay here anymore!" Mark said to the leader John. They originally wanted to hunt here. In fact, they were indeed very successful, killing at least a thousand people, but because of a The mysterious master or the mysterious team caused panic among the crowd. In less than half an hour, an average of ten people died every minute. Could it be them!

"There are a group of bts deep in the forest, we can't go there!" John said unwillingly, this team originally escaped from the depths of the forest, if they go in at this time, for him, he will never want to go deep again I was at the place where the group of lunatics were, that was a scene that John could never forget, they were all a group of bloodthirsty lunatics!

"But..." Mark and his teammates were a little scared. After all, it was even more unsafe for them here. After all, the environment here was really scary.

John shook his head: "I think it's safer here!" The total number of John and Mark's team is about [-] people, all of whom are players from the Russian area. , but is it really safe here?

Around the giant tree, Mark and John didn't know that their conversation had already been clearly heard by Yuchen on the tree...

"Deep in the forest, it seems more interesting? But... I won't give up a prey!" Yuchen moved, his figure flickered, and the whole person disappeared above the big tree.

Mark wanted to say something more, but it seemed that he had to listen to John's order, so he could only shake his head helplessly. Suddenly, a lone leaf, like a boat in the wind and rain, swayed in the air and slowly fell into Mark's body. before!

He raised his head subconsciously: "Strange..."

But the moment he raised his head, a black knife pierced his forehead directly, a fatal blow, and he died on the spot!

"Ding dong, you got ten gold coins!"

"Ding dong, you have gained 10 combat achievements!"

The continuous sound of notifications lifted Yuchen's spirit. After Mark was killed in seconds, the group of players in the Russian area were obviously no longer as good-for-nothing as before. John discovered Yuchen's shaking body right away. Heiying, with the weapon in his hand at the very moment, turned around with a knife. Unfortunately, when they turned around, Yuchen had disappeared in place!

"Back to back! Be alert!" The speed is fast and the strength is strong. This is John's first thought. After seeing the tragic end of Mark's death, the expressions of the more than 30 Russian players became more dignified, as if they met Terrible thing!

"Oh, damn it, Mark...Mark!" The women in the team kept pushing Mark, as if they were calling for him, the holy ruddy power also appeared very pale, this sexy red-haired woman's shuangfeng kept trembling .

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up... John who was on the spot was startled with a cleverness: "Alice, come back!"


Accompanied by his shout, a clear sound of a weapon suddenly echoed in people's ears, and when everyone reacted, the black blade had already been placed on Alice's chest...

Moreover, it has penetrated deeply!

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of not killing women." Yuchen showed no mercy. After killing the big red-haired girl with one blow, he turned and looked at John and the others.

John and the others were extremely angry, but this is the cruelty of the battlefield. Yelling and yelling had no effect at all. They changed their formation in an instant, and all their swords, guns and swords were aimed at Yuchen, looking like they were going to fight a big battle!

"Ahhhh. Damn it, you killed Alice! I'm going to kill you, the bastard from Huaxia District!" Robert went up unwillingly, and John couldn't stop him at all. The only thing he could do was to go up together!

"He has only one person! Kill!"

Yuchen didn't run away this time, after all, he was already planning to leave here, so he smiled lightly and went up to meet him!


Robert came to Yuchen's side.The first time he used the whirlwind seven consecutive cuts, his whole body was spinning in place. After using the fiery red sword to use the whirlwind cut, the entire foot of the forest was covered in flames. Of course, such a large-scale skill obviously alarmed Diablo. For all the lurking players outside the forest, tens of thousands of players flocked in an instant!

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

Yuchen didn't expect Robert to attack suddenly, but the black knives blocked all of them, and the surroundings were full of flames.

The power of the seven consecutive cuts is very powerful, but Yuchen is not weak. With a burst of shouting, Robert was thrown away. In the eyes of foreigners, Yuchen's actions undoubtedly shocked their hearts!

A seemingly petite figure, a player from Huaxia District, is so powerful!

"Robo!" John was shocked. They didn't expect that someone could knock Robert who was using Whirlwind from the front, you know.Robert is one of the top [-] players in Russia. How powerful is he to be killed in one hit?

"Don't make a fuss, you will be with him soon!" Yuchen said sternly, for foreign guys, it is basically unfavorable if they don't get along with each other, but for players in Dongying District of Koryo District and Philippines , Yuchen is even more unfavorable!

"Damn it, you are so powerful, you should go to the depths of the forest, there are many strong people there, you shouldn't come and kill us weak players!" John had already mentally endured that he could not defeat the man in front of him, so he angrily accused Looking at Yuchen, he said that it was not a trick or aggressive method, but just expressing his inner anger.

Hearing this, Yuchen frowned: "This is the battlefield, isn't it?"

Yuchen's words spread to the ears of the players who came around, indeed, this is the cruelty of the battlefield, weak players can't survive at all, this is a world of the strong!

"Then, you are the one who is going to die! If you don't want to be killed, kill the players in this Huaxia region together!" John shouted loudly, and there were many players from Vietnam, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Germany around. , These people add up to tens of thousands of people!

Hearing this, these people didn't hesitate and killed them directly, not for anything else, just because Yuchen is a player in Huaxia District!

Facing tens of thousands of people swarming in, the pitch-black night was lit up by all kinds of light. People kept running wildly to kill Yuchen, but at the moment they started, Yuchen smiled...

The black knife danced to a flower, Yuchen suddenly put the black knife on the ground, then suddenly raised his head and said: "The sky is burning with anger!"

Within a radius of one mile with Yuchen as the area, everything was shrouded in black flames, and tens of thousands of people fell into the sound of screams and wailing. At this moment, John realized that the man in Huaxia District in front of him was not a strong man, but a strong man. He is a super strong man, so strong that they have no room to resist!

"Lang spent a lot of time, go to the depths of the forest quickly, on the map...and, this world is too big!" Yuchen walked out from the ruins, and he didn't have time to clean up the shining equipment on the ground Into the depths of the dark forest...

Not long after he left, God of War Kuangfeng and others caught up, and all the equipment left on the ground became their possessions!

at the same time....

"Have you ever seen a man in white clothes with a black knife in his hand?" It was very quiet at night.

In a place with beautiful scenery, a black-haired man stared at the moon sky, holding a quilt in his hand, this man can still have the leisure to taste wine and look at the moon, and he is still on this dangerous battlefield!

"Black knife? White clothes? I know quite a few people with this look, so who are you?" The man who tasted the wine and looked at the moon turned his head, his handsome face exuded a heroic spirit, he was so quiet at night!

"He killed our clansman, he must die, and not only he must die, but you too!" The man standing opposite An Jing was dressed in black, but the power emanating from him was similar to that of the one Yuchen met before. The hunter is exactly the same!

Encounter the demon hunter quietly! !

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