Yagyu Juhei, so far, the player in the East Ocean Area who has more winning points and kills the most enemies in the personal competition. No one knows how he got there in the past five days. When the new ranking appeared, he played with a strong Gesture has become the most eye-catching supernova in this person's competition, and all the players in the Dongying District have the greatest expectations for him!

When Liusheng Shibingwei, the legendary figure, appeared in front of Xingzhu and the others, the faces of the 40 troops changed drastically. They understood the true meaning of a strong man better than some ordinary players, because in Huaxia District, they were used to There are too many life and death scenes, Yuchen, Longxiang Jiutian, Yanying Jianchen, Ye is very quiet, no longer silent, which of these players is not a super-skilled player, with more than a million deaths and injuries?

Therefore, when the doom was inevitable, when Yagyu Jubingwei provoked, Xingzhu stepped forward. The moment he stood up, his life was no longer one person, but 40 people!

So, at this moment, Xingzhu was under tremendous pressure!

Yagyu Jubingwei stood in front of him, and the night wind blew past him. Everyone held their breath and watched this life-threatening duel motionlessly. Once Xingzhu lost, the people present, I'm afraid no one can stop Yagyu Juhei again!

Everyone sweated for Xingzhu...

"Let me come and see how powerful the number one master in the Dongpu District is!" Xingzhu said domineeringly. It is a big taboo not to fight for three points, so Xingzhu took full strength, holding a war blade and confronting the ten soldiers of Yagyu together!

The eyes of the two met, the confrontation in momentum, the atmosphere in the air, and the dust on the ground were all fluctuating. Yagyu Jubingwei narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was sizing up the players in the Huaxia District in front of him...

He has enough confidence and strength to kill these players in an instant, but instead of doing so, he agreed to Xingzhu's one-on-one fight. Of course, this is not because of his good intentions, but because Liu Shengjubingwei deliberately wanted to tease the players in Huaxia District That's all!

"Report your name! Under my knife, don't kill unknown people, tell me your title, and want to fight with me? You may not be qualified!" Always provocative, just like a natural enemy meeting , each other has hatred for each other, as a player in the Huaxia District, how can you forget what the Dongying District has done to Huaxia?

That history of blood and tears will naturally be engraved in the hearts of Chinese people forever!

"Xingzhu Lingfeng, it's not worth mentioning that the Huaxia District's level is hovering, but I am the head of the dream! It is more than enough to fight against you!" Xingzhu is proud of being a member of the dream, and also proud of being the head of the dream. And pride, but it is precisely this fetter that makes Xingzhu want to become stronger, and makes Xingzhu want to protect everyone!

Because, he is a dream, that man's subordinate...

"The head of the dream? Although I don't know what it is, but killing you, it seems that there will be no sensation. Let me end this boring battle. Sad Huaxia people, you don't seem to be able to be me opponent!" Yagyu Juhei said arrogantly, what could be more angry than rejecting a man's duel like this?

The 40 people were immediately at war, and it could be seen from their eyes that Yagyu Jubei had aroused everyone's anger!

"When I kill you, you won't be so arrogant!"

"Rage fighting spirit!" Everyone was angry. However, on the contrary, Xingzhu was surprisingly lifeless. His expression was calm, even without the slightest change. With a terrifying murderous aura!

Violent fighting spirit emerged from the body, and the blue light of the fifth-level fighting spirit surrounded Xingzhu's whole body. In Huaxia District, there were no more than ten people with fifth-level fighting spirit, and dreams accounted for half of them!

This is because of the unique fetters, members of the dream, there is no weak person at all, and as the head of the warrior group, Xingzhu, he can't be here even more, let the players in the Dongying District look down upon him, remember, in Before going to the battlefield, what Yuchen said, no matter who you lose to, you can't lose to the players in the Dongying District!

"Fifth-level fighting spirit?" Seeing the berserk energy coming from Xingzhu's body, Yagyu Shibingwei's expression became serious. Fifth-level fighting spirit is simply rare in Dongpu District, as far as he was referring. The strongest Dongpu fighter is the president of the Black Dragon Association, Black Dragon Aotian, and he only has a fourth-level fighting spirit!

Combat Qi is a self-derived skill after the peak of the sixth rank, and it is not learned by the player himself. That is to say, the origin of the combat Qi indirectly shows the strength of the player!

"Hey, it seems that you are still qualified to be my opponent, but unfortunately, you are not my opponent. The difference in our combat power is too great...Give up the unnecessary resistance..." Yagyu Ten Soldiers Wei said to Xingzhu and the others in a non-salty tone, in his eyes, even if there are 40 players in the Huaxia District, the victory or defeat is just an instant!

"Crash the sky!"


A roaring sound suddenly sounded, and a fiery red light traveled through the night. In the next second, Xingzhu came to the side of Yagyu Jubingwei, and the saber exuding fiery red luster was hung around his neck. Xingzhu looked stern , There was a strange light in his eyes and he said coldly: "You players in Dongying District, why do you talk so much nonsense every time before the battle!"

"Void hand!"

Xingzhu would not give Yagyu Jubingwei too much time at all, because he knew that his combat power was indeed far behind the opponent's. Apart from anything else, Void's big hand appeared directly and pulled him to his side, Yagyu Jubingwei A dizzy state floated above his head!

Xingzhu didn't hesitate, and then Beng Tianchuang continued to launch, the powerful impact directly stunned the opponent again. In this way, even if the opponent had strong resistance, he would still be stunned by Xingzhu's sudden attack!

In the blink of an eye, Xingzhu directly unleashed his most powerful power, berserk nine consecutive slashes!

Every time you kill, the accumulated power will become stronger and stronger. A full nine times the slash, if it is completely hit, will knock out a full 81 HP of the opponent. If it is not a super blood bull, it is impossible Resist!

Therefore, Xingzhu's berserk nine consecutive slashes have long been famous inside and outside China. Therefore, when they saw Xingzhu gaining the upper hand, people felt a little more expectation in their hearts!

However, Xingzhu didn't think so. When he was completely suppressed and the violent nine consecutive slashes happened like a storm, his expression was still as dignified as before, and he could only breathe a sigh of relief!

A powerful slash, an attack with nine times the power, when the final slash fell, Xingzhu's expression changed a little bit, with 81 life points, he only hit 32 in the end, which means that his attack has already Being offset by the opponent also means that the defense and combat power of the opponent is much higher than him!

However, Xingzhu still has a sliver of hope. So far, among the people he knows, except for the two guys with the most terrifying dreams, the two guys with the most terrifying dreams, more than 50 blood, even the warriors like the bull The top Blood Bull among the players has only 38 HP!

Xingzhu didn't believe that, as a samurai with a special occupation in Dongying District, as a player with super high attack, he would be a blood cow with more than 20 HP!

After the nine consecutive slashes, the body of Yagyu Shibingwei was also shot a hundred meters away. There was thick smoke and dust flying around, and huge cracks were left on the entire ground. The last blow could almost kill a giant. With the power to knock away the monsters of the family, one can imagine how terrifying Xingzhu's attack is.


After taking a few deep breaths, this time Xingzhu almost used up all the strength in his body without any reservation, this was the first time that he attacked without reservation, his physical strength dropped to half almost instantly!

After all, this time, Xingzhu is going to take the lead. This time, he is not alone. As long as he falls, the lives of the 40 brothers behind him may disappear with his fall...

"Brother Xingzhu, are you alright?" Feng Kelei, Bi Shuihan and the others hurried forward, Xingzhu shook his head, looking solemnly at the place where the dust was everywhere: "I'm fine!"

Only then did everyone heave a sigh of relief, and their eyes turned to the place of thick smoke!

"What kind of bullshit is the number one player in Dongying District, it seems to be nothing more than that? Under the powerful nine-game slashing of our head, even the number one in the world will get down!" Seeing Xingzhu perfectly kill Yagyu Jubingwei , the dream brothers are naturally very relieved!

But, is the other party really dead?

"Yeah, yeah... I was really shocked, Berserk, can you use nine times the attack of Nine Slashes? As far as I know, even if a Berserker is at the peak of his cultivation, he can only do seven Slashes in a row. ..”

Just when everyone thought that Yagyu Jubingwei would surely die, suddenly a familiar voice came to their ears, and at the same time, everyone present froze in place, looking at the thick smoke in shock, A figure walking out slowly!



Almost at the same time they heard the voice, Xingzhu, Feng Kelei, Bi Shuihan, Bao Wenqu, and Zhui Ying all exclaimed.

"Oops, he still has victory points, which can offset his life!" It seemed that he remembered something.The dream members exclaimed, but when they opened the leaderboard, they found that this person's victory point has not changed at all, which also means that he has resisted Xingzhu's nine consecutive slashes. !

"Do you really think so? However, your strength has exceeded my expectations. Just at that moment, your combat power has also risen to a million... It seems that I can experience It's been some fun, if that's the case, then the warm-up exercise is over!" When he finished speaking the last sentence, Yagyu Juhei had already appeared in front of Xingzhu and the others!

Looking at that confident face, at this moment, Xingzhu and the others turned pale with shock!

And Xingzhu shouted to the brothers behind him without hesitation: "Run!"

"You guys, do you really think you can go?" When Yagyu Jubei pulled out a knife from his waist, the terror of the number one player in Japan, Xingzhu and the others will never forget it in this life...

(There are still 5 days left in September, Xiao Yu will definitely gain everyone's trust with a strong explosion, please believe Xiao Yu! The previous promise, Xiao Yu did not keep it, and I apologize again!)

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