The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 900 – Fight Between Darkness and Light

The beginning of the fierce battle spread from this ancient forest. The duel between the inheritors of darkness and light, no one thought that they would meet here unexpectedly!

The Demon Emperor of Huaxia District, Xiang Tianwen, once failed to become the overlord of Huaxia District because he lost to Yuchen!

The scum and the garbage, the mixed race of Canada and China, is currently the number one player on the world combat power list. Of course, his number one is not as real as it appears on the surface. After all, in this world, there are a group of special players. Not included in the leaderboard.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that I would meet you on the battlefield. Although I don't know what kind of battle we will have in the future, I think there is one thing that will never change, that is, our duel is the arrangement of God. This is our destiny as children of light and children of darkness!" During the fierce battle, flames splashed everywhere, black weapons and white sharp blades collided with each other, the surrounding fire spread to the ground, and the terrifying air current fluctuated, making the surrounding trees even more indecisive!

And the flying sword blade is harvesting the life of the surrounding big trees and flowers. Just the sword energy of the two duels has a feeling of destroying the world. This is a battle that shocks everyone!

"It doesn't seem safe here, but if I leave now, I really feel unwilling!" As a strong man, Gong Chang Zhang also understands very well that if he stays here, he may sacrifice, but he can survive the battle of the strong man. , Constantly motivate yourself, and you can even learn unexpected results. Therefore, in the hearts of these strong people, whether to go or stay has become the biggest problem.

"This battle, no matter what, we can't miss it. Let's go back 1000 meters first. In addition, many people have already come to us to combine camps!" said bow leader Zhang sternly.

Indeed, there are many forces from all directions galloping towards their positions, presumably because the battle between the scum and the garbage and asking the sky is too loud, even those strong men who are ready to rest can't bear it. Can't stop coming to find out!

It is worth mentioning that among these players, there are quite a few players from the Huaxia region, which is good news for Zhuiying and Yuxi beauty.

However, they made the wrong decision to stay here, because the most terrifying battlefield is undoubtedly the duel between two strong men, and this is just the beginning. Regarding Xiang Tianwen's character, now he really meets On the Son of Light, it will be an endless battle!

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

The sound of weapons colliding constantly on the ground kept impacting in people's minds, the silence of the collision, the powerful airflow sword blade cut off the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, and the ground was even more dusty. , an incomparably vast land is left here!

After the players who heard the news came here, their eyes were full of shock. Players from all over the world gathered together, and everyone just looked at each other, and there was no other movement, because they knew that if a battle broke out right now , for fear of any change, and what they care more about is, at this moment, the two people who are fighting from the ground to the air!

One black and one white, powerful momentum, terrifying power, different luster, just like a natural enemy in absolute, many players are dumbfounded!

"Devil Extinguishing Heaven Slash!"

"Bright glory!"

Two huge energies faced each other in the sky, and the tide of energy exploded from the sky immediately. The huge aftermath made the players on the ground feel the shock from the depths of their hearts.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

"Boom boom boom boom"

The collision of weapons, the confrontation of skills, the brilliance in the sky is one black and one white, dazzling, the strength of the two, on the surface, is evenly matched, and the most shocking is the group of strong men in the domain of God. Attacks are ineffective against scum, because he has instant recovery, but in front of him, Xiang Tianwen not only hurt him, but the speed of instant recovery has also slowed down!

"As expected of the devil emperor asking the sky~!" Even Jian Changfeng, who was always unconvinced, couldn't help admiring, after all, the strength of asking the sky is indeed too strong.

"However, it seems that after being hit by Xiang Tianwen, there will be a critical strike and five times the damage. What's the matter? Could it be that the attributes of the two of them are mutually reinforcing?" Jian Changfeng frowned, as if he was thinking and calculating What.

"The same is true for scum and garbage. It seems that there seems to be some secret between them." The beautiful Yu Xi frowned, as if she understood something.

Everyone nodded and continued to look at the battle in the air!

After a fierce collision between weapons, the two of them stepped back a few steps, and then stood out of nowhere, their long windbreakers fluttering in the wind, and their handsome faces made the men around them jealous.

"You are one of the most difficult players who made my blood boil after I entered the battlefield. I didn't expect that we would meet on the battlefield so soon, Son of Darkness..." The scumbag has already confirmed With Xiang Tianwen's identity, the strengths of the two interacted and restrained each other, and the scum's instant recovery power was also restrained. However, if Xiang Tianwen was hit, he would suffer more damage.

"Oh? Really?" Xiang Tianwen didn't take it seriously. Although the opponent's strength was strong, it didn't make Xiang Tianwen feel the soul-shaking power that he had when fighting Yuchen. He simply smiled: "You are the one I have seen The second trickier player!"

Hearing this, the scum and trash were a little silent, and then they looked at Xiang Tian solemnly and asked: "It seems that you have met a player who is very strong and can't be defeated? Is he really that strong?"

Xiang Tianwen mentioned it repeatedly, which made the scumbag aroused strong curiosity. How strong is this player who can make a strong player of the same level as him praise him so much?

"Ah, strong, very strong, that is an unpredictable guy who makes people hate and angry, but I don't know when, this guy has penetrated into everyone's heart!" Thinking of Yuchen's figure, As for what he did, Xiang Tianwen didn't know if he still hated him that much in his heart.

"A player from Huaxia District?" The scumbag held a sword of light. Although his expression remained unchanged, his words and the expectation revealed in his eyes were seen in Xiang Tianwen's eyes.

"Ah, players from Huaxia District..." Xiang Tianwen replied indifferently.

"Compared to him, how do you do?" The scum and trash became more and more excited.

Xiang Tianwen frowned, but said bluntly: "He is the strongest man in our Huaxia District! At the same time, he will also be the overlord of the world!" Even Xiang Tianwen himself didn't know this sentence , Why did you say it!

"Even a man like you can say such things. I really want to see what kind of person he is!" Scum and garbage, their eyes bursting with light.

"If you defeat me, you will have a chance to meet him. If you can't even defeat me, then this is the end of your way forward!" Xiang Tianwen's eyes suddenly sharpened, as if he didn't intend to continue. After procrastinating, the magic sword in his palm and his body began to emit a strong black light...

"This is..." Seeing this, many players in the Huaxia District who are familiar with Xiang Tianwen gasped, raising their hands, and the fluctuation of the black light. In this scene, the players in the Huaxia District You guys, it's too familiar, this is the release of Xiangtianwen's demon body!

"Do you want to decide the outcome? Are you too impatient, isn't our battle just beginning?" The scum and trash also felt Xiang Tianwen's rising strength and asked in confusion.

Xiang Tianwen grinned: "I'm sorry, I don't have so much time to fight with you here, and there are more and more players around, the victory of this battle, for me, is not now! "

"The heavenly demon is liberated!"

When Xiang Tianwen's roar resounded through the sky, the entire sky changed color, and the dust on the ground suddenly spread. Under the shocked eyes of the people, Xiang Tianwen, who turned into a demon, launched his first battle. attack!

"Mo Mie. Heaven Devouring Slash!"

With a head-on blow, he directly killed the scum and garbage without mercy. Seeing this, the scum's eyes trembled, and he immediately dodged...

The scum in the air can be said to have successfully dodged Xiang Tianwen's attack. However, at the same time as he dodged, there was a huge shout from behind him. It turned out that Xiang Tianwen's slash did not stop at all. directly fell into the ground!


The moment they saw that Xiang Tianwen's attack did not disappear, people finally remembered something. When they wanted to dodge in a hurry, it was already too late. The terrifying blow directly knocked out the 10,000+ scum and trash behind them. People turned into corpses in an instant, leaving splendid gold coins and equipment on the ground!


Many strong men realized something, but unfortunately, by the time they came back to their senses, it was already too late. Xiang Tianwen in the sky kept evaporating his power, and slashed terrifyingly almost instantly, like a sea languish The same invaded the earth!

Seeing this scene and seeing Xiang Tianwen's soaring victory points, people seemed to realize something!

"You bastard, you actually made you come up with such a method, but what about the battle between you and me?" The scum and trash understood, because under these powerful attacks, Xiang Tianwen's ranking has already fallen. As he kept rising, the scum never expected that he would use his tricks and treat the players who came here as prey!

The scum is not far behind, the attack falls, the holy white light sweeps away, causing countless casualties!

"Our battle? Don't you think it should be left at the end to make it more exciting? Besides, the players here are enough for both of us, aren't they?" Xiang Tian asked with a grin, his eyes shone with strange brilliance.

The scum and trash's eyes trembled, and the eyes they looked at Xiang Tianwen were full of shock...

"Is that really the case? Asking the sky, I really think about it, but now we can't stay here any longer. Let's go to the depths, hoping to meet the boss of the swan and the boss of the sword soul!" He had already left after liberation, and before leaving, he glanced at Xiang Tianwen and the scum who were killing heartily, and the players of God's Domain couldn't help but sigh.

These spectators did not expect that all of them would become their favorite food in the end...

However, this is also the truth of this world, a world where the weak prey on the strong and the strong are respected!

At the same time, when Xiang Tianwen and the scumbags were on a killing spree, Yuchen also successfully came to the depths of the forest. Along the way, he found many players. Here, there are not only players who come and go, but also Many players who were born in the depths of this forest from the very beginning...

The final destination of a fierce battle is an ancient city on this map, the ancient city!

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