The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 902 – Despicable Means

The relic forest is in line with the ancient city. If you want to enter the final battlefield ancient city, this forest is a place that all players on the battlefield must pass through. If there is a war, it will also be a place for military strategists.

The ancient city is located in the center of the ancient ruins battlefield. No matter which communication you are on the battlefield, if you want to win the final championship, you must follow the instructions on the official website and come to the ancient city to participate in the final and cruelest battle!

Of course, this also means that time is running out, and the calculation of victory points can directly pinch the vital points of all players, and they have to obey the system's arrangements!

It is precisely because of this that a large number of players have continuously poured into all the relic forests. However, these players did not directly enter the ancient city, but chose to hide. Yes, they are hidden around, hidden in this forest, Become the darkest and trickiest battlefield hunter!

At the same time, their methods are even more despicable!

Because after arriving here, you can meet more and more companions from your own country. They group together and jointly kill players from other countries who came to the forest. Before they were ready, the entire army was wiped out by a sneak attack!

Among them, the means of the players in the East Ocean Area are the most despicable and vile!

Although they did not let go of this group of frenzied players, other personnel from various countries, but the most hunted target is the Huaxia District!

They seem to hate the Huaxia District psychologically. In less than a day, the number of players in the Huaxia District who died in their hands exceeded one million, and the players in the Dongying District also gathered more and more because of this. 60!

In the round of 60 troops, when other countries still have the largest number of 30, this group of teams can be said to be in the relic forest. It was also because there was one person in their team that caused many strong men to die of aggrievedness!

This person is the myth who once went to Yanhuang Continent to be undefeated for half a month, Akainu Chunichiro!

During the battle at night, the 60 army successfully swallowed a 20 army of Huaxia players. This group of players died the most tragically. They were slaughtered by the red dog alone, and finally buried alive in the on this piece of land!

"Yoxi, yoxi, today's battle was really enjoyable, hahaha, it's a pity that you came too late, and you didn't see the desperate, painful, and unwilling scenes of those players. They struggled, as if they were going to get out of hell It’s like crawling out of the middle and killing us, but unfortunately, under the mighty power of our Akainu-sama, their leader is dead without a whole body!”


In the forest, among the 60 troops camped, there are still many people explaining their night victory to the newly joined players in the East Ocean Area, as if they had won a very beautiful battle!

"So Karma, where's Hirodo?" The new players who joined the Red Dog team looked at the largest tent in the camp with hot eyes. There, there is a myth. In their view, Red Dog entered China alone. , challenged undefeated for half a month, and was finally defeated by the most powerful player in Huaxia District. Even so, he is still the god in the hearts of players in Dongying District!

What's more, now Akainu has led them to establish a strong side, and more and more players follow and worship him.

"Congratulations to Akainu-sama for being on the winning point list. I believe that after one more night, we will be able to reach the top three and follow in the footsteps of Yagyu-sama. By then, our Dongying District will become the king in the first game!" Yamada said with a face. Flatteringly found two female players with excellent looks and sexy figures from Dongying District in the big tent to congratulate Akainu.

Akaken sat upright in the upper seat, with a solemn expression on his face, but when he saw the two beauties with childlike speech, the wretchedness and rippling light in his eyes betrayed his inner thoughts, he pretended to be reserved: "It's nothing , as long as we wait for Fujiwara-kun to kill us, we will definitely win the top three, hmph, those powerhouses in the Huaxia District, it seems that they are nothing more than that!"

Saying this at any time, but there is always a shadow in Chiquan's heart that cannot be wiped away. That man caused him a great blow on the road to becoming stronger. However, it was that trip to China that made him Akainu had an unexpected harvest. He overcame the shadow in his heart and became stronger than before!

Now, he even has surging self-confidence. If he meets that man who brought him shame again, he will definitely be able to return his capital with interest!Of course, this is just a unilateral thought in Akainu's heart.

"Master Akainu, these two must be familiar to you, right? Namono, Isora, take good care of Mr. Akainu, he is the hero of our Yamato nation!" Yamada swept the two beauties wretchedly. One glance, and then walked out of the tent respectfully!

Inside the tent, Akainu's triangular eyes shone with rippling light, and immediately adjusted the tent so that no one was allowed to enter. The two beautiful and famous women took off their clothes, and the tent was suddenly full of spring.

Yamada stepped out of the tent, licked his tongue, and then his short stature walked towards the camp area with big strides, but his appearance was not majestic, but rather funny!

Yamada was also in a very comfortable mood. Thinking that Dongying District would become the overlord of the world, he couldn't help but tremble. On a whim, he also went to find a beautiful woman. Just as he stepped into the tent, suddenly An urgent report came from a scout outpost!

"Report! Mr. Yamada!" The scout took a breath and spoke immediately.

Yamada was hugging the beautiful woman, with a slightly unhappy expression on his face, but he held back his anger and asked, "Why are you so panicked!"

After a moment of excitement, the visitor's expression became abnormal. He grinned and couldn't help but said excitedly: "Yamata-kun, we found a Huaxia team of 1000 people 10 meters ahead!"

Hearing this, Nobunaga Yamada's eyes showed joy: "The news is absolutely true?"

"It's absolutely true!" The visitor answered firmly!

Yamada was overjoyed: "A team of 10 people?" Taking a look at Akainu who might not be free at the moment, Nobunaga Yamada decided to eat this Huaxia team, but he still sent a message to Akainu. Get restored immediately!

After doing this, Nobunaga Yamada immediately led half of the team, and more than 500 people hid [-] meters ahead. As hunters, they were already familiar with the road, hidden in excellent terrain, and had an absolute advantage!

Moreover, the special terrain here on the battlefield means that the radar is not very effective. Of course, it must be well hidden. After all, there is more than one person to find the way!

Sure enough, after Yamada and the others set up an ambush, there was a team of thieves wandering around...

The leading thief is a little handsome. Although he conceals the luster of the equipment, it can be seen from his sharp eyes that this person is by no means an ordinary thief. After arriving at the hiding place of the players in Dongying District, the thief suddenly waved his hand , Signaling all thieves to stop!

The handsome man looked around, not necessarily squinting his eyes, then slowly opened them, and said to the thieves behind him: "There is no one here, let's go back and let the big troops come here to hide!"

Hearing this, the thieves were a little puzzled, because they hadn't really gone deep, and didn't understand why the leading captain said that. However, they believed in the man in front of them very much, because he was the number one thief in the Dream Killing Society, It is also the number one killer, Shadow!


The thieves faded away, and the group left here quickly, and their words reached the ears of the players in Dongying District. After hearing the words, Yamada and his group naturally grinned bloodthirsty smiles!

On the way back, everyone looked at Shadow in puzzlement.

Shadow has no expression on his face: "There should be a team ahead, and there should be a large number of people. On the way we came, there were traces of being stepped on. Although they were covered up, there were still clues left. We continue to move forward. If we are found, we must be killed. Shut up, now, let's go back and discuss it!"

Everyone looked at Zhuiying in shock, because they hardly found anything. After hearing what An Ying said, they knew that they had just walked through the gate of hell!

Back in the main force, 10 people saw the shadows coming, and immediately went up to meet them!

"Brother Shadow, are you all right?" A sweet-looking girl asked with concern, and this well-behaved little beauty turned out to be Xiaomei from the food street in Sucheng that day!

Since getting a large sum of money, Xiaomei's heart is still the same as before, but after having this money, she has more time to play games, and enters the battlefield somewhat hazyly, but is accidentally rescued by the shadow, along the way The performance of the shadow made her secretly emotional, so after seeing the shadow, she was a little enthusiastic and a little shy.

"It's okay, where are Chasing the Wind and the Bull?" Shadow knew that there was no time to wait, even if they chose to avoid them, if the opponent had a large number of people, they would probably not let them go, and there were already thieves following their footsteps!

"Brother Shadow, we are here!" The huge body of the bull in the crowd stepped out, and Zhuifeng was beside him.

"Let Xuenv and Qingfeng prepare for the psychedelic battle. I think there will be a war coming back soon. No matter how many people are on the other side, as long as we can use the power of Xuenv and Qingfeng, I think we still have hope of winning this battle!" Shadow Said with a stern look.

Everyone nodded. Along the way, Xuenv's sound magic psychedelic and Qingfeng's formation can be said to have shown her supernatural power, winning more with less, not to mention.

While Shadow and the others were preparing to fight, on the other side, Yamada and the others were also very patient. Seeing that the players in the Huaxia District did not step into their ambush, although they were puzzled, a siege network slowly appeared , getting smaller and smaller, it seems that they want to trap them all in the canyon!

Both sides seem to be waiting, waiting for the night to fall...

Ink-like black clothes and fluttering black hair stood on the top of the giant tree. As night fell, this figure jumped into the dark forest...

(Sorry, it’s raining heavily in Sichuan. There’s a power outage here. It must be three shifts before 1:[-] noon tomorrow.)

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