The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 909 – The Shadow’s Resolve

"If you can do it, you can try it!" Akaken walked towards Yuki and the others step by step. There was a hazy barrier there, which was a large defensive formation composed of Qingfeng. It's only a matter of time before it gets destroyed!

They were not in a hurry to kill the bulls and the shadows. The overall situation has been decided and the outcome has been divided. In Akainu's view, all that is left is to torture the players in the Huaxia District. Although doing so will arouse public opinion, but here It's a battlefield, and it's a world where the weak prey on the strong, not to mention it has nothing to do with reality, it's just a virtual world!

"Red dog! What kind of hero are you when you attack a woman!" Shadow was in a hurry, his whole body was paralyzed and he couldn't move. Seeing the red dog walking towards the snow girl step by step, Xiaomei and the others panicked and wanted to help , but feel their smallness and powerlessness!

"You only have the ability to howl!" Akaken said disdainfully, and slowly walked in front of Yukino and the others, with the breeze blocking the front, holding a lupine, although sweating profusely, he still stood up like a man out!

"I advise you not to move around!" Qingfeng looked stern, standing in front of Akainu as straight as a gun. Due to Akainu's short size, at first glance, Qingfeng's momentum was not lost to Akainu.

However, in fact, Qingfeng is under a lot of pressure, because he is facing a strong man that many people cannot defeat. Even he himself does not know why he stepped forward, but he knows that before he can't do it , must not give up any shred of hope.

"You Huaxia players, what else can you do now besides being brave? We'll accept this group of flower girls!" Chiquan seemed to ignore the existence of Qingfeng, and walked straight into their field of vision.

Akainu went straight to Yukino and the others, but at the moment he wanted to touch it, a streamer barrier suddenly flashed, and the thunder light flashed in front of Akainu immediately, and the powerful formation repelled his footsteps several meters away !

Seeing this, Akainu was startled, and the players in Dongying District were relieved when they saw that Akainu just backed away and was not injured...

"Have I already said it? I told you not to act rashly and ask for trouble!" Qingfeng said sarcastically. Just as everyone was fighting, he had already set up a lightning barrier here. Any player he identified as an enemy must be killed. Will be swallowed by lightning.

This is also because the red dog is stronger, and it can retreat safely without any precautions.

Hearing this, Akainu showed a look of resentment on his face. He didn't expect the other party to have such a means. If he hadn't retreated instinctively at a critical moment, he would have died just now!

"Small skills, do you think you can stop me?" The players in the Huaxia District are gone, and the red dog will torture them at will. In his opinion, these players can no longer cause any waves, so he must not only defeat them physically, but also mentally. They, let them know that they are the strongest.

Akaken refused to admit defeat, and once again walked to the front of the formation, but this time, he did not touch it with his body, but directly issued a blood-red slash, which collided with the barrier and turned into a little red light...

"It's useless, just relying on your attack, I can't attack my formation barrier!" Qingfeng naturally didn't want to see it. The scene he thought about psychologically, because the place is located in a natural danger, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but Once captured, the huge cliff behind them will not even have a way to escape, so Qingfeng can only delay bitterly.

"Huh!" Akaken snorted coldly, looked back at the struggling shadow and said, "Take a good look at him" and then turned his head to look at Qingfeng, staring at the barrier that was shining with thunder.

Holding his breath, Akainu once again came to the front of the barrier. He straddled his horse and made a posture of drawing his sword. On the ground, a whirlwind spread around him. Seeing this, the players in Dongying District suddenly changed their expressions. gotta get excited...

"This is..."

"Draw your sword and chop!" The players in Dongying District exclaimed, drawing their swords and chopping. This is a real martial art. It is no wonder that the players in Dongying District are so excited, but in comparison, the players in Huaxia District, His expression became serious.

At this time, Akainu seemed to be integrated with the heaven and the earth, and he couldn't feel any changes. He even stood there, motionless, without any feeling, everything was so natural...

The red dog with eyes closed, after about ten seconds of condensing, opened his eyes suddenly, and shouted: "Draw the sword, draw the sword and cut in the wind!" In an instant, gain ten times the strength!

"dong dong dong dong"

"Boom boom boom!"

When the blade touched the barrier, the invisible atmosphere around seemed to be vibrating, and waves of thunder light rippled above the barrier. Moreover, the sound of thunder and lightning clearly entered people's ears. That feeling, unexpectedly Gives an idea that the barrier might break....

Akainu didn't withdraw the knife immediately, but suddenly held the handle with his left hand: "Break it for me!"

With a loud shout, Muramasa's blade actually entered the lightning barrier. After that, the cracks around him began to spread gradually, and cracks like spider webs appeared on the huge barrier!

"How is it possible..." Qingfeng couldn't help but exclaimed, the other party forcibly used his own ability to break his formation, not the formation eye, but directly shattered his barrier with powerful force !


The broken sound spread and echoed in people's ears for a long time. After closing the knife, Akainu grinned: "That's all!"

"Not good! Go!" Qingfeng knew that he was powerless to resist, and the only thing he could do was to fight his way out. He was the first to meet Akainu, but unfortunately, Akainu blinked for a moment, and no one even watched Knowing how he used his saber, Qingfeng, who was a formation master, fell to the ground with regret...

"Qingfeng!" Paralyzed in place, Yingying could only watch them die in front of him. As a member of the core cadres of Dream, he felt very humiliated at this moment. Not only could he not defeat the enemy, but he could not protect himself. protector...

He couldn't tell the pain in his heart, he could only roar in place, he could only shout in place, but unfortunately, he couldn't do anything...

"Girls in Huaxia District, compared with the beauties of our Yamato clan, have more flavor..." Akakenu's rippling gaze kept sizing up the towering snow peak of the snow girl, and the hair of the waterfall that was as white as snow was even more beautiful. Attracted the eyes of Akainu.

He waved his hand lightly, and Xue Nu's white clothes were torn immediately, revealing her white jade-like skin, Xue Nu bit her lips, he knew that if she fell into the hands of these players, she would suffer humiliation...

Xue Nv had a strong character, she shot a dagger and immediately pierced her chest, in front of everyone, Xue Nv committed suicide...

"Sister Snow Girl!" Xiaomei couldn't help crying. Although this is just a game, she has spent countless days of joy, pain and joy. Fantasy or Reality...

"Sister Snow!" The exclamation kept ringing out. Man Niu, Zhuifeng, Qingfeng, Xuenv, these players with powerful dreams, died one by one. Shadow blamed himself in his heart. He seemed to have absolute power to protect everyone at this moment. people...

Tears fell to the ground, he hated himself for being powerless...

"Ah!" A girl's exclamation suddenly brought Shadow back to reality, because Akainu was already attacking Xiaomei!

"It's a pity that such a beautiful woman like a flower is like a jade, but forget it, there is another..." Akaken stared at Xiaomei with lewd eyes, Muramasa cut the leather armor on Xiaomei's chest, although it was not very big , but the very full Xuefeng was broken, revealing the white clothes of the inner armor, Xuefeng seemed to be about to come out, this move made the players in the surrounding Dongpu District feel unceasingly painful!

"Akainu, aren't you a man!" Shadow shouted loudly. At this moment, a violent force seemed to emerge from his body vaguely!

"Whether it's a man or not, you'll know soon!" Akainu turned his head and showed rippling eyes. In fact, he can't do anything at all. The system is very strict in protecting female players, and there's only so much he can do , and the real purpose of Red Dog is to irritate the players in Huaxia District, wanting to see their painful and desperate expressions, and he appreciates Shadow's current expression very much!

"By the way, that's the expression. Keeping this expression is very good, very good!" After finishing speaking, he continued to walk towards Xiaomei, and any players who blocked him would be harvested by him in an instant!

"Bastard, bastard, why, why is this happening!!" Shadow couldn't help shouting up to the sky, when he saw the red dog approaching Xiaomei, and Xiaomei was already petrified, he only had a desire to protect!

"Red dog, even if it is dead, I will pull you in!" I don't know what happened suddenly, the shadow moved strangely, he turned into an afterimage, and appeared behind the red dog in an instant, and the red light shone instantly His whole body!

"Not good!" Everyone exclaimed, because that red light was exactly the light from the self-explosion!

"Are you crazy?" Akaken was extremely shocked by Shadow's actions. When he felt Shadow's determination, even his heart couldn't help being shaken. In a state of paralysis, he could still rely on his own willpower How much faith is needed to act, and how much courage is needed to self-destruct?

"Am I crazy? Hahahaha, I'm not crazy. It's better to die happily than to be insulted by you. But before I die, I will drag you to hell with me!"

The red light became more and more intense, and at the moment when Shadow's whole body was surrounded by red light, the rumbling sound resounded throughout the earth!

(Received the notice that there was a power outage on Sunday and Saturday, light rain at three o'clock in the middle of the night, the same is three shifts, and the remaining two shifts should be at night, and the power outage time is from 8:18 to [-]:[-]. This is not my fiction. You can Baidu , Zigong City’s power grid has been diverted for maintenance and the entire area has stopped, and I am also very hard. It is hot summer)

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