The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 914 – You Are Too Weak

With the liberation of the Demon Sword, Chigou showed a power that shocked everyone. Compared with the first time when he came to Yanhuang Continent, when Qi Ling was liberated and was uncontrollable, he can perfectly control the Demon Sword Village now. A real terror force!

After he was liberated, at least in a short period of time, he gained ten times the power that he had before, and after Akainu liberated his power, I believe that in one hour, his ranking on the combat power rankings will be turned upside down The change!

Seeing Yuchen being suppressed by the red dog, Mengmeng's brothers all showed shocked faces. Xiaomei, Xuenv, Qingfeng and others were extremely worried, but Yingying didn't say a word. He didn't even have the slightest worry. Perhaps, he trusted Yuchen too much in his heart. He knew that Yuchen would never fail!

This kind of self-confidence, even he himself does not know where it comes from, maybe because Yuchen has never let people down...

"Is this power? This is the powerful power after liberation, hahaha, hahaha, no one can defeat me, you are so lucky, the golden-haired demon of Yanhuang Continent, you will become the master of Yaodao Village The first sacrifice!" Akainu began to get carried away because of the powerful power he had gained. Under this power, he felt that he could destroy the world, no wonder he was so arrogant.

Moreover, everyone saw that Yuchen didn't even have a chance to fight back under Chigu's slamming attack. In the eyes of the players in Dongying District, even the number one player in Dongying District, Yagyu Juhei All less than!

"Has this level of strength already made you get carried away?" Yuchen stood up staggeringly. Even though he was knocked into the air, he still gave people the feeling of a high-ranking king. Blood oozes out, looks a little embarrassed, but still gives people the illusion of being unmatched...

He stood up slowly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and listened to Akakenu's cold words.

Hearing this, the red dog showed a ferocious face, and he couldn't understand why Yuchen could still stand up under such a powerful force, and beat him so helplessly in front of him. , Still using that contemptuous gaze, talking to myself with that meaningless words!

"I see how long you can be brave!" Chiquan said angrily, Yuchen's indifferent and indifferent appearance is the motivation that directly stimulates the anger in Chiquan's heart!

Some people are just like this, the more they want to prove something, but the other party just refuses to approve it, and when they feel that it is meaningless, people will often have a flame of anger!

The current Chigou is like this. His strength has increased ten times compared to before. Ten times the strength, he can destroy a city in an instant. It is a pity that even so, Yuchen still has no eyes and tone for him. Nothing has changed!

"Are you trying to be brave?" Yuchen seemed to be asking himself, but he still didn't take Chiquan seriously.

This made Akainu unacceptable. He stood in place, the red flame covering his body seemed to be in a big fire. The red light instantly surrounded his body like a flame, and the fiery red hair danced with the wind.

Akainu suddenly stretched out his right hand, and a demon knife village exuding a bewitching red light appeared in front of people. The players were stunned, thinking that the village had disappeared, but unexpectedly, it still exists!

"Just let you see, this power that makes you desperate, I want to see, after experiencing this power of despair, can you still have this relaxed and indifferent expression, can you still look at it with that contemptuous gaze? Look at me!" Akainu was really angry, and the demon sword summoned out, and he even launched a fierce attack without stopping for a moment!

Relying on his own speed, he came in front of Yuchen in an instant, and when the knife fell, Yuchen had already prepared himself and dodged easily. The falling red light immediately left a terrifying knife mark on the entire ground!

The red dog refused to give up, and slashed away horizontally on one side of the knife face. Yuchen's figure was like a dancing butterfly, his hind feet were lightly embellished on the ground, and then the whole person stepped back suddenly, and the rainbow light flashed across his waist !

Seeing that Yuchen escaped two consecutive attacks, Chiquan was not angry because of it. He warned himself to calm down, as long as he calmed down, he would definitely be able to kill the damn Huaxia player in front of him!

The red dog raised the speed to the extreme, and the terrifying speed was fully displayed. At the beginning, Yuchen could still dodge, but as time went by, Yuchen's body was covered with knife marks, although none of them were fatally injured. A blow, but the appearance is very embarrassing!

"Kill him, kill him!"

Seeing that Red Dog has the upper hand, the players in Dongying District naturally shouted excitedly, and the players in Huaxia District did not show weakness, clamoring for Yuchen to defeat Red Dog!

The battle is still at a stalemate, and Yuchen, who keeps dodging, has never attacked for some reason, blindly dodging, blindly defending, Yuchen's actions made the shadow who is familiar with him fall into deep thought...

What exactly does Yuchen want to do?

While dodging, the corners of his mouth seemed to be squirming, without saying a word, it seemed that Akainu's attack was even more violent!

"What? Under the liberation of Qi Ling, ten times the power, you still only have this level? You can't kill me, you can't kill me!" Yuchen seemed to be deliberately provoking Chiken, and kept evading and defending. provoked his wrath.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Chiken's attack became fierce again, and the two black and red knives that collided even splashed out a fire that made people dare not look directly at it. The driven red dog showed the most terrifying side to Yuchen. He was like a wild beast, attacking with ten times the power, making Yuchen who was resisting back more than ten meters away every time!

However, Yuchen was as stubborn as Xiaoqiang. After being repelled, he still went up to meet him. Swinging the knife, all those who watched were dazzled, and made people's blood bleed, a real man, that's exactly how he wanted to fight!

"It's too weak, your attack is really too weak!" Yuchen seemed like a fierce and hungry wolf, and Chigou was like an erupting lamb. Unfortunately, his attack was no longer Can't hit Yuchen...

Yuchen kept talking, which stimulated Chiquan's heart even more. In his mind, he kept asking himself why, why he couldn't hit, why Yuchen could successfully dodge every fatal attack, why, ten times the power Under these conditions, he still couldn't defeat this man!

Why, even though my strength is stronger than him, my attack is higher than his, and my speed is too fast, I still can't defeat Yuchen!why is that?

Chiquan didn't understand, but Yuchen's provocation was always there, and finally Chiquan lost the last patience. After the last collision, Chiquan stepped back a few steps and looked at Yuchen solemnly!

"What? Did you give up? You don't have much time, huh? With your current strength and proficiency in the liberation of weapon spirits, you can last up to 10 minutes, right? Now, 5 minutes have passed, if you still can't defeat Me? The backlash of the weapon spirit, can you bear it?" Yuchen still smiled confidently, as if everything was under his control, he didn't attack because the red dog was still too weak , still unable to force Yuchen to make a move!

Hearing this, Chiquan's eyes trembled, and he glanced at the time left after Qi Ling was released. He didn't understand why Yuchen would know...

"Ah, it's really not much, but it's enough to kill you, let you see it, the demon sword has real evil power!" Akainu knew that he couldn't delay any longer, holding Muramasa with both hands, at this moment, his There seemed to be a phantom behind him.

No, not just one, but thousands and thousands!

"Blood demon, the roar of the undead!" Thousands of undead souls, the blood sea world, and the charcoal of the people are like a place of Shura's purgatory. scene!

"That's it. It seems that the rumors of the existence of the Dongying Demon Sword are still credible. I didn't expect that in the game, it can be done to such a degree that it can seal the undead of the entire Muramasa family. Now that you release it, you are not afraid of being swallowed by yourself. Do you?" How much did he know about the rumors about this demon sword, and seeing the scene in front of him, Yuchen seemed to think of something!

"In order to defeat you, I will not hesitate!"

"Blood Sea, Wang Lingzhu, take your pride and arrogance, and go to hell to repent!" The red dog roared up, and the thousands of undead behind him roared in pain and roar. Extra penetrating!

Wherever the sea of ​​undead blood passed, all life disappeared, and the flowers, plants and trees were instantly swallowed up. This terrifying power seemed to destroy the world!

In an instant, within the blink of an eye, the red dog appeared strangely in front of Yuchen, and he grinned ferociously: "It turned out to be you, hahahaha, I didn't expect to meet you again. Last time, I lost to Yu Chen." The guy in your body, this time, watch me devour you all!" The red dog who spoke had an accent in his voice.

Yuchen glanced indifferently: "This kind of idiot is really not worth my shot, and he was swayed by Qi Ling again!"

"You can take advantage of it now, I'm going to kill you!" Chiquan's voice came again, and Yuchen was slightly startled. It turned out that Qi Ling and Muramasa were not being controlled, but Qi Ling and Muramasa were sharing the same body at the moment!

The blood-colored sea swallowed the earth at that moment, of course, including Yuchen. The red dog raised the black knife and slashed directly at Yuchen's head. At that moment, Yuchen suddenly raised his head hand!

The bewitching red knife never moved a centimeter. In the red sea of ​​blood, Yuchen's whole body was surrounded by resentful spirits. However, he blocked the red dog's attack with a blank face, coldly He said coldly: "Is this what you call a full blow? It's really... so disappointing, you are still so weak..."

"It's over, you are only worthy of letting me shoot once..."

"Sixth pulse gate!!!" Six circles of light hang in the air, emanating from three places on Yuchen's forehead, back, and chest. At that moment, the rippled light that emanates is so dazzling and shocking in the dark night !

(Second watch, ask for flowers, ask for subscription, ask for pk!)

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