The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 918 – Into the Enemy Camp

Snake Lake Forest is located in a remote location on the battlefield. It is one of the only two cities on this battlefield that are the same as the ancient city. As for why there is a city here, in fact, thousands of years ago, this ancient ruins battlefield was not in the form of a copy. Existence, rather, in the original world.

In this relic battlefield, there was an earth-shattering battle thousands of years ago, and people called it a holy war!

Holy wars are praised by people, and holy wars are also known by later generations. Holy wars have almost become a battle that every generation of racial powerhouses must go through. In order to resurrect the goddess of light and darkness as scheduled, there are always a group of believers who will Launching this jihad in secret is like an invisible wave pushing forward the progress of history.

Here are the traces left by the holy war in the ancient ruins battlefield, and the new battlefield is still unknown...

However, the world's first martial arts competition is still going on, and after Yuchen and the others encountered the demon hunter, they had a premonition that something was wrong...

The haze lingering on this battlefield has become a hidden danger in the hearts of monsters such as Yuchen...

The cruising monsters and the terrifying giant pythons shuttled through the secluded forest. Jian Chen also held his breath, because the surrounding monsters were not weak, and the number of them was beyond his imagination.

"These guys, haven't they come yet?" The deeper Jian Chen felt, the more complicated it became. After leaving the Shura imprint on the big tree, he continued to the Snake Lake Forest, because he had already lost those two people. It seemed that there was a secret method that made the two of them disappear miraculously.

Jian Chen didn't dare to expose himself too much. Those monster hunters were extremely sensitive to the power of monsters, and he didn't think that he could kill this unfathomable monster hunter alone.

Jian Chen could only perceive and search constantly, wanting to get out of this dense forest, but he didn't know that there were already countless pairs of giant pythons emitting a cold light staring at him.

For a moment, he was sitting on a huge tree trunk. Just as he stabilized his figure, Jian Chen felt a huge danger message coming from behind him. He didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation and dodge. This is a very common action. , but when Jian Chen used it, there was an astonishing feeling, turning sideways slightly, spinning on the big tree, turning back was a sword!

"Asura Evil Light Slash!"

"Boom!" The black, red and purple lightning slashed and sent the attacking enemy flying in one blow, but Jian Chen gasped when he saw the appearance of the giant python. The body of the giant python was like a rock, with a huge snake head Horns grew out of it...

Apart from the lack of legs, this is clearly the image of a dragon. Because it was hit by Jian Chen's powerful slash, the giant python curled up and retreated, coiled around the snake body, and kept spitting out snake letters. Its ferocious head was abnormal. horror!

"Sura pupil!" Jian Chen immediately checked the information of the giant snake in front of him, and took a deep breath. It turned out to be a 220 monster-level boss. Although he could match him, he had to pay a price. However, Jian Chen didn't have that many bosses anymore. Time, entangled with this big guy.

One person and one snake seem to be afraid, the giant python is not stupid, on the contrary, as a monster, its spiritual wisdom has already been opened, and Jian Chen's sword just now has already made the giant python feel in danger!

Just when the snake was hesitating, Jian Chen moved suddenly, and a flash disappeared immediately. Seeing this, the giant python was furious, and opened its bloody mouth to kill Jian Chen.

"Xiao Hei, get rid of him!" Jian Chen shouted while dodging, suddenly, a huge black shadow covered the world, the black figure flashed past, and knocked the fifty-foot-long python into the air. The strength is strong!

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

The sound of the dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and in the entire Snake Lake Forest, the birds and beasts surrendered, and all the monsters felt a huge sense of oppression. The dragon's figure was gorgeous and domineering.

"As soon as you come out, let me do this kind of drudgery, you bastard!" The vinyl didn't give Jian Chen any face, after all, he still remembered the scene when he was forced to subdue him when he was at the bottom of the sea.

"Xiao Hei, I'm counting on you here, brother, let's go first!" Jian Chen is not worried about Xiao Hei, he can be resurrected even after death, besides, the black dragon's strength has not weakened at all since it signed an equal contract back then. More than enough!

"Hmph, don't worry, I'll leave it to you, Mr. Vinyl, little earthworm, come on!" the black dragon said in shock, the giant python's head was already ferocious, but due to the oppression of the vinyl, it became even more distorted!

But no matter how the giant python struggles, it is indeed as small as an earthworm in front of Master Vinyl!

Jian Chen no longer paid any attention to the battle in the secluded forest. His primary goal was to find the location of the demon hunter city. The demon hunter was like a thorn stuck in their throats. Swallow, it is difficult to taste delicious.

In a blink of an eye, the dense fog dissipated, and Jian Chen's face was filled with joy, which meant that he was about to walk out of the secluded forest. Sure enough, the front was bright. When Jian Chen galloped out, the scene in front of him made him endure. Can't help trembling!

Towering and prosperous, it is a huge city standing on this land. The city wall is high, and it is extremely hard at first glance. The vicissitudes of the years have not left traces of the years in the city, but let this ancient city reveal a mysterious atmosphere...

In Monster Hunting City, those three words are particularly eye-catching!

The gate was heavily guarded, and there was a lot of voices inside, and one could feel that there were a million aborigines inside. However, Jian Chen was a little puzzled. Judging from the induction, it seemed that there were not many strong people inside...

Moreover, there is not much aura of the demon hunter...

However, because of this, Jian Chen was relieved a lot. If this city was full of monster hunters, then their previous thoughts would probably go back home!

However, when Yuchen and the others arrived, Jian Chen didn't dare to act rashly, he had to find a way to sneak into the city to find out, but what should he do?

Jian Chen looked around and checked the terrain. He only had a chance to sneak in for a moment, but what should he do?

A burst of dark clouds suddenly floated in front of him, just in time, fell into the gate of the city, right now, quiet without the slightest hesitation, the flash of a monster!


The guard soldiers only felt a gust of wind, and immediately glanced at the dark clouds in the sky, and they were no longer moved. At this moment, in an inconspicuous corner of the city, Jian Chen successfully sneaked in!

A bustling town, this is where the Demon Hunting City is located. In the center of the Demon Hunting City, in the main mansion of the Demon Hunting City, there are only more than 3000 remaining demon hunters, all gathered in the square...

They were mourning the dead heroes, that is, the six demon hunters who were killed by Yuchen and the others. Because of the funeral, almost the residents of the entire city had already taken action. Among the crowd, Jian Chen looked puzzled, but Changed into rough clothes and linen, followed these people, and finally got the desired information based on what they said, and finally came to the square of the Hunting Demon City!

On the square, there is a huge stone sculpture. The man on the stone sculpture is handsome and majestic, with a sharp sword in his hand reaching to the sky, extremely domineering!

"My people, have you seen that the moment these warriors lost their lives, they left us forever. Do you know who they met?" Standing on a huge platform, a fierce The middle-aged man, with a prickly beard, shouted loudly.

People shook their heads, not knowing how their respected demon hunter died, but the residents were very angry and clamored for revenge!

The middle-aged man lowered his hands: "We have been sealed here for thousands of years, we live in seclusion here, and no longer care about the world, but others don't think so, not long ago, the descendants of the damned races stepped into the world. Our quiet pure land, those damn monsters are back again! They killed our companions, and they will drive us out once again!"

Hearing this, people exclaimed, and there was a look of hesitation and uneasiness in their eyes. Perhaps the power of the monster has given them a feeling.

"Do you want to see us once again blood-stained on the land? Do you want to see monsters come to destroy our lives? Do you want to see those hateful monsters trying to wipe us out again? Can you bear it? , Did our companion die at their hands?" The middle-aged man roared with great excitement!

"I don't want to, I don't want to!!"

People's roars and shouts almost resounded through the sky and the earth, Jian Chen standing in the crowd couldn't help but secretly scolded the middle-aged man, like a magic stick to fool others.

"Okay! Very good! Not only are we unwilling, but we also want to prove to everyone that we are the strongest! We, the Monster Hunter Clan, are stronger than the Yaoxia Clan. We want to see the light of day again!"

"We will see the sun again, we will see the sun again!" The passionate cry, shocking, reverberated between the heaven and the earth, and lasted in the city for a long time.

The middle-aged man lowered his hands: "The time to see the sun again has finally arrived. As long as we have the blood of the monster, as long as we use the blood of the monster, we can break the seal of the year and reappear in the world. revenge!"

"Vengeance, revenge!"

The middle-aged man suddenly pulled out his sharp sword: "Monster hunting team, arrest the intruder immediately!" The man shouted loudly, and suddenly, the crowd moved. Attention!

Before everyone could react, more than a dozen demon hunters surrounded the vacant space perfectly, and among the surrounded crowd, an inconspicuous man showed a dignified look!

"That's it!" Jian Chen was startled, he thought his whereabouts had been revealed, but he didn't expect that he saw a familiar face on this land!

At this moment, the people surrounded by those demon hunters turned out to be Jian Chen's younger brother, Yan Ying Sword Soul!

The brothers went deep into the enemy's camp, but they didn't expect that they had already been ambushed by the Lord of the Hunting Demon City. Jian Chen and Jian Hun fell into a dangerous place!

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