Sitting in the car, Mo Lishang was driving, Lin Tian didn't say a word, Yu Chen looked out the window thoughtfully, from time to time he would turn his gaze to a luxury car in front, and the look on Yu Chen's face The expression is also very wonderful, there are melancholy, sad, happy, happy...

At this moment, Lin Tian and Mo Lishang were a little surprised by Yuchen's expression. Is this still the cruel and terrifying Yushenyu Wuchen in the game world?

Now Yuchen, the look of loneliness in his eyes can even affect Mo Lishang and Lin Tian. The whole car is full of silence, very dull, and there is a feeling of loneliness and sadness in it...

Even if Lin Tian and Mo Lishang wanted to comfort something, they always had trouble opening their mouths...

"John, thank you..." In the car, the charming Ruoxue sincerely said thank you to John. Her charming eyes made all beings unable to resist her charm.

Even John was no exception, he said with a smile: "Xue, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life."

Women like to be praised by others. Although Ruoxue is very beautiful, she is also very happy to hear John's praise, but Ruoxue smiled: "Hehe, if Boss John goes to Huaxia, he can see more beautiful East Women, there are countless more prettier than me."

John stared straight ahead, and said almost without thinking: "In my eyes, Xue, you are the most beautiful, and you are the woman I love the most in John's life."

"Hehe, but, I don't love Boss John." Ruoxue smiled lightly.

John was a little distressed, but he was not depressed at all: "I believe that one day you will be moved by the snow, and I am willing to wait for you, even if the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, even if the temples are gray!"

John is fluent in Chinese. Even in order to get close to Ruoxue these years, John felt that he had never studied Chinese so seriously when he was in school.

"John...I'm really sorry..." Sensing John's strong affection, Ruoxue also knew that John treated her sincerely, but no matter what, Ruoxue couldn't accept it.

There is always a person in her heart, and that person is forever sealed in the deep memory by her. Only when the night is quiet and lonely, Ruoxue will quietly shed tears. She once tried hard to forget, But all the time, I no longer accumulate thoughts of him.

Obviously wanting to remember whether or not, but always inadvertently mobilize the deep dusty memory...

Whenever a person weeps sadly, it is the time when Ruoxue is the softest, and it is also the time when she misses Yuchen the most.

"Xue, your illness is fake, right?" John wasn't dissatisfied at all, he really fell in love with Ruoxue, otherwise, even if Ruoxue was really sick, John would give it a try.

Facing John's questioning, Ruoxue didn't know how to answer, so she remained silent.

On the contrary, John was very calm: "Xue, don't worry, I won't do anything against you until you agree to me. I hope we can be happy with each other."

Sincere tone, expectant eyes, handsome face, and sunny image, if there is no one in Ruoxue's heart that she will never forget, John's charm is great.

Women always want someone to rely on, and John is just such a man.

"I'm sorry John..." Ruoxue can only say this, and what she can do is to help John's career to a higher level, but she can't fall in love with John.

I'm sorry twice, which made John a little sad. He looked at the snow-white world in front of him, and said directly, what is their character: "Is it because of the little brother's father?"

When John saw Ruoxue's child for the first time, he already regarded him as a heavenly being. He was only one year old, but he had a terrifying brain. It is said that he had a super high IQ of [-] when he was born. You can call mommy out loud...

Now that he is more than one year old, the child's IQ is growing even more terrifyingly. Moreover, although going to kindergarten is a bit insulting to the child's talent, after all, the child still needs the joy of childhood...

That's why Ruoxue decided to send the child to kindergarten.

Ruoxue was silent, then nodded...

John is a little crazy, what kind of man is it that makes such a goddess-like woman treat him like this?What made John most angry was that the man actually abandoned Ruoxue and the child...

"Damn him, he's a bastard!!" John said angrily.

Ruoxue smiled faintly and shook her head, every time she thinks of that man, she will have such a happy look in her eyes, this is something John can't do no matter what method he uses!

"He's not that kind of person, John, you misunderstood." Ruoxue said indifferently, but there was happiness and sweetness in her words, just memories were enough for Ruoxue.

"Misunderstanding? I don't think a man would abandon you, even a child like Little Big Brother?" John was very angry, very angry. He hated Ruoxue for not cherishing her, and he also hated such a man.

"It's not that he abandoned me or the child, but..." Ruoxue didn't finish speaking, as if recalling that heart-wrenching memory...

"Yuchen... are you okay?" Every time she fell into memories, Ruoxue's unconcealable emotions were clearly revealed. He missed, deeply missed Yuchen who was far away.

"You are a stupid woman, that kind of man is not worthy of your cherishment, do you want to live with a child for the rest of your life, and let the child have no father?" The urge to protect her.

Hearing John's words, Ruoxue fell silent. It's not that she didn't think about it, but Yuchen was too important to him. In his eyes, he couldn't tolerate any man except Yuchen.

While talking, they have come to the private noble academy, which is a diverse academy, ranging from 1 to 24 years old.

At this moment, it was already school time, and the kindergarten teaching building was even more crowded. Many parents drove expensive luxury cars to receive their children after school.

Among the crowd, there is an oriental boy who is very special. He seems to be out of tune with other children. Those children are playing happily, but he is the only one who stares into the distance. His eyes seem to be what a mature man would have. Such a boy My child, why do you have such eyes?

"Yu Tian, ​​your beautiful mother is here to pick you up." The kindergarten teacher communicated with Yu Tian in English, Yu Tian looked back at the teacher, smiled slightly, and then answered the teacher in fluent English.

The teacher looked at Yutian with a surprised expression. This child who has been here for more than half a year has shocked her too much. You must know that this is only a one-year-old child, but his knowledge has already surpassed Anyone, at the same age, this kid is an alternative.

Even in the world, this kid is an oddity.

"Beautiful mommy..." After seeing her beautiful mommy, Yu Tian looked more like a child at this moment, Ruoxue and John walked out, Ruoxue hugged Yutian happily, this is Her child is also Ruoxue's pride in this life, especially because he is Yuchen's son.

"Uncle John, you're here again. Let me tell you, I won't follow your surname John. Humph, hum, my dad will definitely come back to pick me up. If you want to fuck my beautiful mommy, don't dream." Uncle John came together, and Yu Tian directly hit him very bluntly.

John was ashamed: "Little brother, your boss is merciful, let me be your father..."

Yutian looked at John with jewel-like eyes: "No, no, I'm not as handsome as I am, IQ is not as high as mine, I can't let you be my father, beautiful mommy, I don't want to go to kindergarten anymore, their IQ is too low... "

Yutian is like a wronged child, he feels that going to kindergarten is an insult to his IQ.

The parents and teachers around were ashamed, but it was not the first time they had met this child, so they smiled and didn't say much, even John didn't dare to speak.

He called Yutian little brother and knew that he suffered a lot from this kid. You know, this kid is only one year old!

Not only John and the others were ashamed, but even the three of Yuchen, Lin Tianmo, and Lishang who were hiding in a corner of the teaching building were sweating profusely. They didn't know what they were doing here, but when they heard the teacher called Yutian For a moment, Yuchen trembled all over!

Stretching out his head carefully, he looked at Yutian in Ruoxue's arms, a white and tender fat boy with deep eyes like jewels, which shouldn't be what a one-year-old child should have.

"Boss, this...this..." Lin Tian looked at Yuchen with a shocked face. In his heart, a Yuchen is already a bt existence. Now, this guy is only one year old. This is going against the sky!

But thinking of the horror of the Yu family, you must know that this little guy has the blood of the Yu family flowing on his body, so it doesn't seem strange to have such a talent!

"It's really surprising. He awakened at the age of one... Tsk tsk..." Mo Lishang glanced at Yuchen, as if he wanted to say, dad bt is fine, this son might be better than Lao Tzu in the future Also bt.

"This is my child." In fact, Yuchen was also shocked. He didn't expect that his child had really grown up so much. God, what have he done all these years! !

He was ashamed of Ruoxue, and even more ashamed of his own child!

Yuchen has already made up his mind, no matter what happens, he will bring Ruoxue and the child back to China!

"Boss, they are here, we~!" Ruoxue carried the child, and John came out. Before Yuchen had time to stand up, a shocking explosion suddenly spread throughout the Worley Private Academy!

And then, a gunshot shocked everyone present!

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