In Yuchen's arms, Ruoxue finally knew that she was not dreaming, the three of them were very capable, but in the evening where there were not many people, they flew on the roof and finally returned to the hotel...

Perhaps in this life, Ruoxue will never be able to forget this scene today. The three of them slumped on the corridor, making Yutian, a high-intelligence but only a one-year-old kid, very happy, and kept saying that he would become a friend with the three uncles. same man...

Whether it is Yuchen or Lin Tianmo Lishang, they love Xiao Yutian very much. After returning to the hotel, Ruoxue still feels that this is like a dream. When I was alone, I fantasized alone, like a girl with a spring in her arms, fantasizing that Yuchen could descend from the sky to save her when she was most critical...

Such thoughts have always existed in Ruoxue's mind, but Ruoxue knows that it is impossible to be with Yuchen in this life, so she can only store the best memories in the depths of her heart...

However, Ruoxue never expected that Yuchen would show up, really did show up!

Compared with two years ago, this face is not only more handsome, but also more mature. When looking at her with deep eyes, she was full of guilt and love. At that moment, Ruoxue's heart flustered and her heart was disturbed... ..

Mo Lishang and Lin Tian coaxed Yutian out... saying that they wanted to hand over some flying things to Yutian. Xiao Yutian was very happy and left very excitedly. John was sent to Mo Lishang's private room. Hospital treatment, Yuchen and Ruoxue just stayed in the same room quietly.

Neither of them spoke. Although Ruoxue felt that she was in a dream, everything that happened in front of her made Ruoxue clearly understand that she was not dreaming, and all of this was real.

"You...Yuchen, why did you appear here..." After a long time, Ruoxue took a deep breath and asked, her face was a little coquettish and shy.

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Yuchen always felt a sense of distance. Thinking, he sat down a little, and suddenly put his hand on Ruoxueyu's hand. Ruoxue retracted subconsciously, but stopped again. Hold on, this man is my favorite...

"I'm here to pick you up, I want Xiao Yutian to have a father, I want you to have a man you can rely on, Ruoxue, I'm sorry, if I could have worked hard back then, maybe it wouldn't be what it is now, Xueer , I'm sorry!" Thinking of what happened back then, Yuchen's heart was full of guilt and guilt.

However, I can no longer regret it, what Yuchen can do now is to make up for the mistakes he made back then...

"Yuchen... It wasn't your fault back then. It had nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself, okay?" Looking at Yuchen's gaze, Ruoxue knew that he couldn't refuse this man's request no matter what, but Take yourself home?

Thinking of the relationship between himself and Yihan, what would it be if he went back now?

"Yuchen, I love you, and there will never be any change, but I don't want you to make such a decision just for the sake of the child, you still have Yihan, I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for Yihan. Han, I already have your child, I can't have you selfishly..." Ruoxue still doesn't know what happened to Yuchen these years, let alone how honorable Yuchen's status is now.

"This time, Yihan told me that I must take you back. If you don't go back, I will take you back no matter what method I use. Xueer, can you go back with me? Now, no one can stop us The Lin family no longer exists..." Yuchen said softly...

Ruoxue doesn't know what happened to Yuchen these years, but will Yihan really accept her going back?You know, back then Ruoxue was like a third party, robbing his good sister Yihan's favorite man...

This, no matter what, cannot be changed...

"Don't worry, any of your worries are not a problem. Now I can protect you well and protect you for the rest of my life. If you don't go back with me, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Xue'er, come back with me and start a new life." Okay? I can't let you guys live such a wandering life anymore." Yuchen said sincerely, he was not only guilty for Ruoxue, but also the love that had been suppressed...

"Yuchen, you..."

"Fool, I love you. I didn't come to you because of Yutian or guilt, but because I always have you in my heart..." Yuchen kissed him suddenly, Ruoxue gave up within three seconds Yes, Yuchen's enthusiasm and Yuchen's words deeply touched Ruoxue's heart, even though Ruoxue's mind is blank now, even though her heart is in a mess, but she loves Yuchen deeply, This is a fact.

After a long-lost lingering, Ruoxue looked at Yuchen with a red face...

Yuchen stared at the more sexy and charming Ruoxue in front of him, and gently stroked her cheek: "Wait for us here for a day, and then we will go home together."

Ruoxue nodded...but then remembered something: "Where is Tian'er..."

"Hehe, it's okay, Tian'er is not stupid." Yuchen smiled, although he was mentally prepared for being a father, but if he went back and told his parents, they might not be mentally prepared, right?

However, Yutian's IQ has reached more than 300 now, and he is already a ghost. It is inevitable to be likable. Moreover, this little guy has inherited the fine traditions of his parents. Even though he is only one year old, he is already so cute up...

After Yuchen and Ruoxue went out, Mo Lishang and Lin Tian accompanied Yutian.

"Pretty mommy, what are you and uncle doing? Why did it take you so long to come out?" Yutian asked like a curious baby, but his words made Ruoxue blush.

"Mommy, why are you blushing..."

"Oh? Uncle, do you also like my beautiful mommy and want to be Tian'er's father? Although Tian'er also likes uncle very much, but Tian'er wants to bring her beautiful mommy to find her father so that pretty mommy won't cry anymore. ..." Yutian's jewel-like eyes shone with a light of great anticipation.

Hearing this, Yuchen hugged Yutian, and said softly: "Xiaotian, why is the beautiful mommy crying?"

Yutian thought for a while before answering: "Mom always sheds tears alone at night. Mommy thinks that Tian'er doesn't know, but every time Mom will cry with a photo, which shows Dad, but Mom doesn't give it to me." I read..."

Listening to Tian'er's narration, not only Yuchen, but also Mo Lishang and Lin Tian were also touched...

A trace of crystal teardrops appeared in the corner of Yuchen's eyes, and he suddenly hugged Tian'er tightly: "Tian'er, I won't let you and the beautiful mommy suffer anymore..."

"Uncle, why are you crying..."

"Tian'er, he's not an uncle, he's called daddy, he's your daddy..." Ruoxue was moved in her heart, she didn't expect that a one-year-old little Tian'er was already thinking of herself everywhere.

Yutian's eyes suddenly became confused... He looked at Yuchen in front of him: "Dad? No wonder, Tian'er feels that being with uncle is very kind. Are you really Tian'er's father?"

"Well, dear son, I am your father!!"

"Dad, Tian'er finally has a father. The beautiful mommy won't have to cry anymore..." Tian'er's innocent and happy voice echoed in their ears, but after listening, Ruoxue couldn't help shedding crystal clear tears. teardrops....

(Fifth update~)

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