Chapter 173
Just when Mao Yuanyi "stealed the beam and replaced the pillar" and replaced a large number of Shanhaiguan defenders with his own people without anyone knowing it.

The idiot emperor Zhu Youjian was trying to figure out how to beat up the King of Korea.

Li Zicheng, who is on Pengbao Island in Taiwan, has been promoted from the village head to the director.

Roughly, it is equivalent to governing seven or eight villages, and there are also a hundred musketeers under his command, who can bring a small whirlwind when they walk.

As hundreds of thousands of people were continuously transported here, the contradictions between neighbors, between villages, and between places gradually became prominent.

The people of the early Ming Dynasty were all moved to the southern tip of Baodao by Zheng Zhilong.

Gradually, with the continuous expansion of the land reclamation army, it developed all the way south.

Rivers, mines, forests, and land have become things that everyone is very jealous of. Those who are strong, or have a lot of brothers in the family, have just recovered their lives from the famine, and have not eaten a few bowls of safe rice. He began to dominate among the refugees.

This is very much to Li Zicheng's appetite.

He was originally a small village head, and at most he organized the villagers to dig a few fish ponds, reclaim hundreds of acres of wasteland, and hunt in the nearby deep mountains and old forests.

Of course, from time to time, he would go to Widow Dong's field and plow hard for most of the night to live the addiction of farming.

But as various disputes broke out, this man from northern Shaanxi stepped forward, beat seventeen or eighteen strong men to the ground, and finally caught the eye of a small pirate leader.

Appoint him directly as the 'director' of Taohuayuan.

Under his hand, there are more than a hundred guns.

"As long as anyone commits a crime and doesn't obey King Zhenhai's order, you will be beaten to death!" These are the original words of the little pirate leader.

Li Zicheng was meticulous in his "following the general's order".

With a dark face all day long, he trained more than a hundred of his "soldiers" to death, but he respected this big-eyed thief even more.

There is no way, this guy is born with an aura, which makes all the people who follow him believe that Huang Laier and Li Zicheng are absolutely upright, fair, and fair in dealing with things.

Never stab anyone in the back.

"Have you heard that Lord Long Live is on Kuwu Island, leading our Zhenhai King to cut wood, build cities, farm, mine, build roads, breed, and mobilize soldiers? It sounds exciting!"

"Why didn't I hear that, it's not that our fate is hard, we didn't go to Kuwu Island with the prince!"

"The next wave, let's think of a way to beg the prince?"

"Well, this can be!"


When Li Zicheng had a drink with several 'bosses', he finally heard the news from the outside world. He pretended not to know, ate meat and drank silently, feeling very excited.

"You princes are considered a ball, but I am still Long Live Lord's secret agent [-]!" '

'The eighth best secret agent in the world...'

'Tsk, I get excited just thinking about it! '

Those little pirate bosses continued to discuss, and when they had the next opportunity, they would definitely beg King Zhenhai to take them to meet Lord Long Live.

In Li Zicheng's heart, however, he had already begun to plot.

The "global lord mode" of Long Live God sounds so enjoyable.

'Logging, fortification, farming, mining, road building, breeding, violent soldiers...'

'Then, after expanding the territory, continue to log, build cities, farm, mine, build roads, breed, and mobilize troops! '

Don't we already have more than a hundred soldiers under our hands?

Moreover, farming, road building, and breeding have begun to take shape, but because of the lack of castles, living in a wooden house at night is always worrying that those red-bearded foreign devils will come to the island...

Then, after returning home, start logging and building the city directly?
Li Zicheng is a taciturn man, looking at the big and three rough, he seems to be a rough man.

In fact, he's pretty cool.

Those small pirate bosses casually mentioned a few words, and Li Zicheng already understood that the essence of Long Live Lord's so-called "global lord model" lies in step-by-step, steady and steady strikes!
As long as the basic situation is guaranteed, whether it is violent soldiers or land reclamation, isn't it that he, the "Director Li", has the final say?


That night, after returning to the village, Li Zicheng first wandered around his family's paddy field of more than ten acres, looking at the heavy ears of rice, thinking that it would be harvested in [-] days.

One crop is enough for him to feed for three to five years.

Li Zicheng had never dreamed of the joy of a good harvest. In his dream, it was either famine or starvation, or his wife was beheaded and lying on the ground like a fat rotten Meat……

It's all because of the food.

In those few years, if there was no famine everywhere, the wife would fool around with that dog-killing bastard for a bite of dog meat?

If it wasn't for a sigh of relief, my wife...

Thinking of Aunt Mi Zhi, Li Zicheng suddenly felt hot and couldn't help but think of Widow Dong.

Forget it, hold back for a while, there are still big things to do.

Now that everyone's fields are beginning to yield harvests, the matter of building the city should be much easier.

Because, everyone is worried that their hard work for the past six months, and this paradise-like good life, will suddenly be taken away by someone.

Staggering to the crooked neck tree at the entrance of the village, Li Zicheng rang the broken bell that gathered the whole village without hesitation.

It was getting late, and because of the lack of entertainment, many family members had already taken off their clothes and gone to bed.

Suddenly hearing the bell, everyone got up one after another, put on their clothes, and gathered towards the entrance of the village.

"Is the village head summoning the big guys?"

"It seems to be Village Chief Li, but he is now the director."

"What is the director's specialty? Li Zicheng is the village chief of our Taoyuan Village. Even if he becomes the emperor, he is also our village chief!"

"Damn it, don't you want to die? Do you dare to say that?"

Some villagers lit torches, some raised lanterns, and they came to Li Zicheng one after another, asking what happened.

Li Zicheng sat on a big rock, with a dark face, ignoring the villagers' questions.

He has been the head of the village and director of the department for more than half a year, and he has not learned anything else, but how to control people's hearts and establish prestige, but he can learn it quickly.

"Okay, everyone is here." Seeing that the villagers are all here, Li Zicheng coughed lightly and stood up, "There is an important matter that needs to be discussed with all the elders;
This matter is related to the life of every family, every household, and even everyone! "

Before Li Zicheng could finish his sentence, the villagers immediately exploded.

"What's the big deal? Is there going to be a war again? Is it going to be smoked again?"

"Is the imperial court going to expropriate money and food? Didn't you agree that ten acres of private land will help the imperial court plant one mu of land? Is the imperial court going back on its word?"

"Damn it, words don't really count..."


After the villagers had finished scolding the imperial court, corrupt officials, and the dog emperor, Li Zicheng shook his head and said, "It's not that the imperial court wants to collect money and food, nor is it that the imperial court wants to smoke money."

"Instead, Gou Ri's foreign hair is about to be touched!"

"They, recently heard that our grain is about to be scytheed, and even pulled dozens of boats of foreign hair, carrying sickles and sacks, to come and grab our grain, folks!"

(End of this chapter)

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