Su Xian under the moon of Douluo

Chapter 18 Soul Search Team

Chapter 18 Soul Search Team
The wind in the forest blew past, the leaves rustled, and the sky was still crowded with clouds, making the eyes a little dim.

Su Xian was stunned for a moment, then sighed lightly, he heard something.

What kind of despair has she experienced to change her mood so violently that she hasn't calmed down since she was beside the small river.

Su Xian pondered for a moment, then walked forward, held her hand, and said slowly:

"No matter what you have experienced before, but now we are on the way, let's move forward vigorously. The worst case is to be captured by them and be used as a slave in the future."

After he finished speaking, without waiting for her to respond, he took her hand and continued to walk forward.

Mi Tao heard the words, but did not speak, gritted her teeth and followed after enduring the pain.

Russell City, South Gate.

In the dark weather and with a cool breeze blowing through the wide city gate, the head of the soldiers guarding the gate was a little sleepy rubbing his sleepy eyes, thinking about where to go with his brothers tonight.

Suddenly, a few people came from the city, facing a man in gray clothes, wearing a mask of the same color, followed by three men in black suits, walking towards the city gate together.

"Hey, why is the whole person wearing a mask? He looks shameful. If he goes out of the city gate so late, there won't be anything shameful about it?" A soldier shouted at the man in gray.

The face of the soldier captain beside him changed, he swung his arm and slapped the soldier, and said in a low voice:
"If you can't speak, let me come, don't cause trouble."

The soldier shrank his head, and stood aside without knowing it.

The man in gray came over, glanced at the soldier, and threw a sign at the soldier captain:
"Emperor Capital Chamber of Commerce, now go out of the city to find the lost goods."

The soldier captain took a closer look, it was genuine, and then said flatteringly:
"Heh, the subordinates were ignorant just now, I hope you don't mind."

The man in gray didn't speak, and led the people straight out of the city gate, paused for a moment, and walked along the old road.

under the city gate.

The soldier whispered to the captain:
"Captain, what are they doing, they are so aggressive. The three people behind the gray-robed man are full of faces, and they are not good people at first glance."

"I don't know very well, but we can't afford to mess with them," the soldier captain didn't want to talk about it, "Xiao Bo, the captain helped you this time, you understand tonight, right?"

The soldier nodded reluctantly when he heard the words: "The captain's money is mine tonight, but can you stop being so weird..."

On the other side, the gray-robed man was leading three men along the old road towards Pest City.

No. [-] subordinate analyzed:

"According to the information at hand, the older of the two little dolls is ten years old, named Mi Tao, who has awakened a martial soul, a food-type martial soul, with more than ten levels of soul power. His home is in Perth City, and he has escaped three times. But they are all for the purpose of destroying her hope. Now it can be speculated that their destination is Pest City."

The man in gray listened to his subordinates' analysis in silence, and the second subordinate took over the words:

"The number 37 asked for some food by selling his face. The two of them should be able to continue to march towards the city of Perth with food supplements."

Although No. [-] has just joined, his analytical skills are the deepest among the four:
"Considering that the younger one came out of that yard, she is five and a half years old and has a first-class potential. It can be inferred that Mi Tao coerced her to escape, because this first-class product has no soul power. If Mi Tao hadn't left her, the two of them would Not even thirty miles out yet."

The man in gray intends to examine the three of them, and said in a deep voice, "If you leave this first-class product behind, how far can Mi Tao go?"

The three subordinates looked at each other, only No. [-] calculated in his mind for a moment, scratched his head and guessed:

"A food system of more than a dozen levels, it's only about sixty miles away?"

This answer is not much different from what I expected, the grey-clothed man's cold face softened a little, and said:

"That's right, it's about the same as I expected." The man in gray nodded.

"Since this is the case, the two of them probably didn't run far away. Why don't we catch up quickly and catch the two little babies back. If it takes too long, the chief deacon may punish us." Veteran No. [-] in the team suggested .

The man in gray nodded: "That's true, hurry up, let's take turns to use the breath intake, and complete the task as soon as possible."

After all, three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, rose from his body, the second soul ring lit up, the pupils of the gray-clothed snake narrowed, and a silver and green band of light solidified in his eyes.

This is the breath trace of the two peaches.

The man in gray strode forward, followed by the three of them.

On the way to Perth City, somewhere in the forest and mountains about 150 miles away from Russell City.

The sky was completely dark. Although the clouds in the sky became thinner and moved constantly, the moonlight could not pass through.

On the side of the big rock on the mountain, the flames danced and gave off a soft light, but the faint temperature could not warm the hearts of the two.

This fire is Su Xian's masterpiece.Su Xian was not idle along the way, he kept mobilizing his soul power, trying to get more familiar with his own soul power.

The effect was remarkable. He found that he could condense the soul power in the palm of his hand. After continuous compression, the soul power would be transformed into moonlight. The greater the degree of compression, the brighter the light.

Later, on a whim, he tried to separate the red light from the moonlight, and the red light has a strong thermal effect...

Facts have proved that the red light has no effect on defending the enemy, but it can only light a fire.

It's a pity that the moonlight transformed by my soul power has no bonus for me.In other words, the bonus may be very weak, too weak to be noticed.

Su Xian looked away from the sky, feeling a little depressed.

This is not just because it is difficult to see things at night, the current moonlight has no effect on his own growth, which is almost negligible.

It is because at any moment from now on, the chasing soldiers may suddenly appear.

Mi Tao sat silently on the meadow, scratching the ground with her eyes wide open under the thin light.

Su Xian touched the stuffed meatballs in his pocket, looked at her and said softly:
"You don't need to look for it anymore, it's enough. If you do too much, you will waste time. Now time is your chance to escape."

Only then did Mi Tao stop, and wiped the skirt with her muddy hands, until the original color of the skirt could hardly be seen.

She took out a steamed bun from the bag, chanted the soul spell, made a banana and handed it to Su Xian, tore off half of the steamed bun and chewed it slowly, using soul power to relieve the soreness of her legs. After a moment of silence, she said:
"There is not much food left, there are only two pastries left, and there is still half a pot of water in my bamboo pot."

"Eat all the food." Su Xian responded.

Mi Tao raised her head, a trace of surprise flashed across her eyes.Why don't you save yourself?
"I'm afraid..." Su Xian gave the cruelest reason in the most flat tone, "I'm afraid I won't have a chance to eat it later, so I'll just eat to my full."

Mi Tao opened her mouth but was speechless, Su Xian couldn't see her tear-filled eye sockets in such a night.

In the darkness, Su Xian looked at her with a smile, and answered her inner question:
"Yes, unless Carlo's knee is broken, tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest will catch up."

(End of this chapter)

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