Chapter 22 Closing
Su Xian stood in a daze, even if he was sure that he killed the man in gray in front of him, he still couldn't dilute the disbelief in his heart.

Recalling this battle, he only made two shots.It was the first time to use strong light to cut a hole in the neck of the man in gray. It looked like a serious injury, but in fact it was just a skin cut.

In the subsequent pursuit, it was only the first time that he used the cold star to block the frontal slap of the man in gray, and then he did not dare to block his attack head-on.

I have never had the opportunity to use the moon flash to fight back, because once I can't kill him with one blow, I have no way to resist when I get close to him.

He didn't dare to expose the existence of Moon Flash, this was his only hole card that could create opportunities, and he couldn't accept this trick being guarded against.

But fortunately, the man in gray was also in an awkward situation. He wanted to capture himself alive, so he didn't use the dagger.

But there is no extra soul power to release soul skills, and the body is also in a state of exhaustion. Even the reaction speed and observation ability have declined, so that it is impossible to catch himself during the pursuit.It's ridiculous that in the end, he fantasized about catching himself alive, but he fell under a simple trap...

Su Xian shook his head, suppressing the myriad of distracting thoughts in his heart, squinting his eyes and staring at the headless corpse in front of him in a daze.

I remember... He said that the person who came was his subordinate?

The boss is a soul venerable, and his subordinates are also soul lords if they don't make sense, and the boss is about to run away to death, so shouldn't the subordinates be exhausted?

How about... a wave of operations?Let's start with licking the bag...

Perhaps the man in gray would never have dreamed that what he said before to put pressure on Su Xian became the basis for him to judge whether to attack his subordinates.

At the same time, on the other side of the mountain.

The three subordinates were sitting on a stone at half a person's height, No. [-] and No. [-] were taking a nap, and No. [-] was guarding the two brothers and a brown-haired girl whose hands and feet were tied up with his tiredness.

The girl looked into the distance worriedly from time to time, and she didn't bother to say anything when she saw her on the first day.In his opinion, if the boss goes out, a child who hasn't awakened his martial soul is easy to catch?

It's just... It seems that it took a long time.Could it be that the little girl was raped by the boss...

Thinking of this, No. [-] sighed helplessly. If so, the little girl might not be able to survive. What reason should she find when she goes back?

At this time, No. [-] slightly opened his hazy eyes, unable to speak clearly: "Haven't come back after so long? Let's go and help find it together."

No. [-] felt that [-]% of the soul power in his body had recovered, and thought: Maybe the boss didn't even have the soul power to release breath tracking, so it took so much time.It could be quicker if someone could help...

The two immediately woke up No. [-], and the three left No. [-] who had the weakest soul power and had just arrived as a great soul master. No. [-] and No. [-] started breath tracking and left with the breath light belt.

"Number two, how much soul power have you recovered?"

"My cultivation base is weaker than yours, more than [-]%."


"The main reason is that I have traveled more than 100 miles, and I haven't had a good rest yet, and my body is very sore."

"Me too……"

"Why didn't you shake off the dirt on your body?"

"Aren't you shaking too? How can this thing affect..."

Half an hour later, No. [-] was still looking down at the road, No. [-] put away his soul skills, pushed him, and said, "Look, the boss is right there."

Hearing this, No. [-] raised his head, and saw a person sitting under a big tree surrounded by one person in front of him, with his back to the two of them, only half of his shoulders exposed.

The two people who are familiar with the boss saw it, isn't this our boss?
Looking at the figure on the [-]st, it suddenly dawned on him: So the boss is also tired, I thought...

The two approached, thinking that the man in gray was asleep, so Number One put his hand on the boss's shoulder and shook it.

Suddenly... shook the head of the boss! !

The eyes of both of them almost popped out of their sockets, they were speechless and stood there in disbelief.What they didn't notice at this time was that a small hand was tightly clenched, protruding from the headless corpse of the boss, and then gently unfolded.

In an instant, a dazzling bright light came on, and the vision of the two people who were still standing still was blank.

A small figure flickered hidden in the light spots in the field of vision, and Su Xian raised his head slightly in the flickering, but in his eyes, he recalled the words he had ordered to Mi Tao under the big rock.

Two hours ago, on the mountain, in front of the big rock.

"...When the time comes, you will throw the worm pellets wrapped in wet soil at the people you can see, okay? If there are too many people, I will wait for the opportunity to escape and make plans." Su Xian said seriously to Peach .

"..." Mi Taohong focused her eyes and was silent for a moment, before finally asking if you would come back, "There are only so many meatballs, what if you don't have enough?"

Su Xian took a deep look at her: "The people who are chasing us will not be weak. It is enough to keep a few on me. Any more will only delay death."


"Give me some bananas."


Reining in his thoughts, the jumping Su Xian clenched the cold star tightly, calmed down, adjusted his posture, and used the momentum brought by the moon flash to instantly stab No. [-]'s eyes!

No. [-]'s hairs suddenly exploded, his face changed wildly, knowing that he couldn't avoid it, his heart froze, a yellow light flashed—a skill galloping!
With a ferocious expression on his face, he immediately accelerated forward and jumped forward. Even if he died, he would disrupt the rhythm of the unknown enemy in front of him and create opportunities for No. [-]!
Although No. [-] can't see the same thing, it doesn't prevent him from turning sideways, launching a skill to gallop, and attacking in front of No. [-].

The sound of the sword piercing into flesh and blood was heard, and number two fell down before he could make a sound.Su Xian let go of the cold star stuck in No. [-]'s head, and rolled backwards to avoid No. [-]'s rampage.Then he got up slowly, stood aside, and watched No. [-] quietly.

No. [-], who had lost momentum, stopped and stood still, constantly observing the surroundings with a blurred peripheral vision, showing fear on his face, and tremblingly drew out the dagger on his waist.He knew that number two was gone!
who is thisSuch a swift skill even killed the boss.Is it the three-ring agility attack system?Suddenly, infinite fear arose in his heart, and at the same time, a sliver of understanding slowly rose in his heart: perhaps, this is his last mission.

Su Xian, who was standing aside, memorized the position of the bug on the big man in front of him, and condensed the cold star in his hand, turning it into a silver light...

Half an hour later, on the mountain.

No. [-] sat on the boulder boredly, staring blankly at the bright moon in the sky, waiting for the big brother to catch the last little doll.Then he can go back and continue playing with his stuff.

The boss of the dead ghost said every day that he was not doing his job properly, but the things he made were obviously very interesting.It's just that he doesn't know how to appreciate it.Hmph, how could a boss without wisdom understand the mystery contained in it.To know……

Unwilling to use his brain, he didn't bother to think about why the three of them took so long, maybe it was because of their interest?Those three animals...

Mitao, who was kneeling at the foot of No. [-], had a trace of sadness in her reddish eye sockets.The longer the time, the more dangerous Su Xian would be, maybe he was dead now, or he would leave himself and escape by himself with Moon Flash.

Thinking of this, the big teardrops in Mi Tao's eyes finally couldn't be stopped and fell down.


No. [-] heard a small sobbing sound at the bottom, felt that his thoughts were disturbed, and growled: "Shut up! No one will come to save you." After thinking for a while, he said, "If you keep yelling, I will stab you."

Hearing this sentence, Mi Tao didn't know what to do, but she felt the malice from No. [-], and she didn't dare to speak out for fear of angering the guy in front of her.

Seeing that she is so knowledgeable, No. [-] felt bored and was about to continue thinking.Suddenly, the breeze in the forest stirred up the fallen leaves, and the leaves rustled.

In the shadows in the distance, three round objects flew towards them. No. [-] took a closer look and saw that it was the heads of the other three people, and his face was horrified.Losing his fighting spirit, he turned over and didn't dare to look back. He raised his legs and ran in the opposite direction.

He saw the heads of the other three clearly, it was the other three!The thick resentment and despair attached to the terrifying faces of the three swept him instantly.

Number Three was terrified: whoever can kill them must also be able to kill me!

I must run away now!A warning rose in Number Three's heart.His legs were running wildly and in a panic, and he had quietly lost his sense of proportion.

This cannot be blamed on him. After all, he has only been in the industry for a month. As a normal tracking soul master who is not good at fighting head-on, he is naturally not as scary as the man in gray. of.

Suddenly, a bloody and awe-inspiring feeling rose in front of him, he knew it.

This is killing intent.

Only those who have really killed a terrible opponent have the killing intent, and he has only seen such a brutal killing intent on the boss.

He raised his head in a panic, and there was a short figure in the shadows in front of him, half of his silver-gray hair had been dyed red.

At this time, the indifferent eyes of this small figure gave No. [-] a terrible deterrent, making No. [-] involuntarily ignore his height and appearance, as well as his shirt wrapped in a piece of gray cloth and hanging around his neck. left hand.

Three backed away slowly, suddenly, he tripped over a stone and sat down on the ground.

He approached coldly, and Number Three shouted: "No...don't come over!"

Weeping bitterly as he spoke, he kept moving his hands backwards, "I...I can tell you everything I know, don't kill me..."

The short figure stood still in front of him, looking at No. [-]'s face full of humility and pleading, a little astonished.But he knew that the courage of the guy in front of him was actually shattered by those three heads.

So simple?I thought there was another fight, he murmured to himself.

After a while, he slowly squatted down, and looked at No. [-] with indifferent eyes: "Then we have something to talk about..."

(End of this chapter)

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