Su Xian under the moon of Douluo

Chapter 35 The First Soul Ring

Chapter 35 The First Soul Ring
Half a day later, on the east side of the Lauca Mountains.

Su Xian wiped off the sweat from his forehead, opened the bamboo tube and poured water on his face. He glanced at the setting sun like blood. At this moment, the forest was bathed in the rosy glow of the afterglow, and the chirping of insects became weak.

He was a little excited, because the mountain in front of him was full of small white flowers.

This was a sign that he had found his destination. Not too far ahead was the place where its targets often gather, and his target was the century-old soul beast—the Moon Demon Wolf.

He inquired about the situation of gathering spirit beasts when he was in Pest City. Its only soul skill, Su Xian, had been coveting for a long time, and it matched his martial spirit very well.

Even if you don't mention the moon character in the name of this kind of soul beast, its soul skill-Xianyue Zhan alone is enough to attract him.

At that time, I heard from the soul hunter that most of the moon demon wolves here are ten-year-old soul beasts, but their head wolf can reach a hundred years.After this kind of soul beast reaches a hundred-year cultivation base, it will acquire the soul skill Crescent Moon Slash, and after being activated, it can release a crescent-shaped slash from its forehead.

Shouldn't this be one of Luna's skills?

This skill is the best choice after considering future development and current resources. After obtaining this spirit ring, he can make up for the current lack of long-distance attack methods.

The Martial Soul Talent of Moon Flash can make up for the lack of dexterity at this stage. What is different from the game is that this talent has little restrictions and can increase the maneuverability of tactics.

With these, he should be able to survive the relative weakness before the third ring.In the future, if he reaches the third ring and truly completes the martial soul skill mechanism, then at least during the low ring period, his output ability may rise to a terrifying level.

Just imagine, as long as your reaction and soul power can keep up, how many skills can you master in one breath?
Then the output can't explode?

Hey, I can't think about it anymore.My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Su Xian touched the corner of his mouth, looked up at the gradually darkening sky, jumped up, grabbed the branch and sat on it.Then he took out the prepared dry food and gnawed on it. He only waited for the moon to rise and recovered his state before he could go to find the target.

The crescent moon slowly appeared in the night sky. Although it was only half a moon, it still provided Su Xian with considerable recovery of soul power and enhancement of five senses. Su Xian closed his eyes and waited quietly, waiting for the moment when he was in perfect condition.

At this moment, in the city of Pest.

The hustle and bustle of hawking and the sound of bargaining are the most wonderful scenery for businessmen on the busiest commercial street in the city.

However, Potter is not in such a good mood now.

Let's start from the previous one. An hour ago, he put the remaining Hulei beast saliva on the shelves, because this thing is a hot seller, and this thing on this street was sold out a few days ago.

Potter had to admit that he really wanted to earn a few more gold soul coins, so he raised the price.

But this is not the reason for the red-eyed lunatic in front of him to grab his hand and roar wildly!Potter stretched out his hand to push the lunatic away, frowned and reprimanded:

"Damn lunatic, get out. Grandpa, I have never seen any children, and I have never sold anything to children." This is of course a lie, but because he really can't remember, because the business is so good and there are so many customers, how could it be possible? Remember?

Seeing the lunatic fall to the ground, still muttering to himself, Potter shook his hands in disgust, turned around and went in to continue selling things.

I saw the lunatic sitting on the ground in a daze, saying for a while "I should have guessed where the grandson came from", and for a while "light white".At this moment, his chaotic mind can't think too much, and there is only one thought:
Chase out of town!

The eastern side of the Lauca Mountains.

After Su Xian prepared the black powder and added a safety net, he put his backpack on his back and headed for the distance.

In the distance is the colony of wolves, what kind of tactics should we adopt?

Just throw the backpack?
In this way, the ashes that will be directly fried will not be left behind, will there still be soul rings in such a situation?Even if there is, does this soul beast count as making up for itself?Can I absorb it myself?

Um, so uncertain.It's still black powder as a supplement, let's do it first, be on the safe side.

Su Xian looked around. Although the environment was a bit dark, it could be seen that this was probably the place, and he had to be careful next.

On one side of the mountain, Su Xian quietly emerged from the mound, glanced carefully at the flat mountainside in the distance from the corner of his eye, and saw a "white ball" among piles of "black balls".

Su Xian touched his nose and said with emotion in his heart:
At this point, even the wolves are asleep, and I am the only one who desperately wants to get a soul ring.That special white ball must be the Hundred Years Moon Demon Wolf, and it should be the only wolf of this group of wolves.

However, how to operate it?

Su Xian thought for a while, took off his backpack and took out a sausage given by the old man, cut it into small pieces with a cold star, and tiptoed towards the wolves.

Quietly put a pile in the direction closest to the white ball.After a while... one black ball moved, two black balls moved... all moved!

Hey, something has happened.

Su Xian suppressed the excitement in his heart, watched the target white wolf quickly squeeze away the black wolves that were in the way, and ate up the sausage in one bite. It shrugged its nose, walked cheerfully, and continued to follow its preset plan. The route ate all the way.

At 50 meters, Su Xian shook his hand with a bottle of black powder, feeling a little far away, and the accuracy was not guaranteed.

After 40 meters, Su Xian took out the ignition tool he bought, gently wiped out a little spark, swung his arm slightly and shook it, the spark lit up, Su Xian held his breath, and stared at the white wolf as he walked towards the last pile of bait.

In my heart silently:

Three, two... let's go!
The bottle with faint light streaked across a parabola.

Hearing the voice, the white wolf raised his head suspiciously, his eyes reflected a strange flying thing.


This time the equivalent is not as good as last time, so the momentum is not as scary as last time.But correspondingly, this white wolf is no match for Zhuo Xiu!
Just after the explosion, the smoke has not yet cleared.

It's now!With his eyes fixed, Su Xian stepped forward, threw the balls, waved the cold star, and his whole body turned into a galloping white shadow, picked up the dying Hundred Years Moon Demon Wolf, turned around and dodged.

The pungent, thick gunpowder smoke blocked the pack of wolves coming from behind, making them keep spinning around in place, unable to find the direction of the boss.

After the smoke cleared, the wolves stared blankly at the white hair all over the place, full of doubts:
Where's the boss?
 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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