Chapter 70
By the time Su Xian rushed to the office of the junior group, the exam had already started for half an hour.

It stands to reason that such a late time is no longer allowed for reference, but on the way to the office, everyone knew Su Xian's junior disciple of Vice President Ji Kang, so they didn't make things difficult for him.

Instead, the enthusiastic teachers prepared a small table for him, and kindly told him not to be nervous, we have enough time!
But how is this a matter of time?

Su Xian looked at the test papers on the table with a melancholy expression, and then looked around at the teachers who were standing around him curiously. The teachers looked at him seriously as if they wanted to see how the disciples of the most knowledgeable elders in the college were. excellent.

Su Xian's talent in combat has been generally recognized by them, and now they want to see if this child is also so good in studies.

Well, let's write the name first.

Well, for the class...

"Don't worry about it, so many teachers here will know the result after answering this paper." A male teacher reminded directly.

Su Xing pen tip paused, you guys are really serious!

After all, this test paper is for the lower grade boys and girls. Logically speaking, the amount and difficulty of the test questions should be no problem for me, a nine-year compulsory education contestant.

But... I basically never learned it!
Let’s look at the first question first. As the bottom spirit beast of the spirit beast forest, soft bone rabbits need to maintain a certain number of them due to the large number of natural enemies. Their reproductive ability is extremely strong, how many times a year?
The options one to four are increasing from the second to the eighth respectively. Not much to say, Su Xian decisively chooses the second.Rabbits are not mice, how can it be so exaggerated?In Su Xian's opinion, the two productions are probably about the same.

This decisive choice caused the teachers around to raise their brows, feeling that the situation was somewhat different from what they had imagined...

The second question, does the cultivation of the soul beast represent the actual number of years?

Hey, I know that.After all, there is this guy called Tianmen Iceworm, so what if he eats a lot of it?It seems to be some kind of ice marrow, with a cultivation base of a million years.But now that guy seems to be trapped in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, and will be sucked dry in ten thousand years...

So this question must be answered or not!
The third question is that soul master hunting and killing soul beasts is a very risky behavior. How high is the death and injury rate of hunting soul beasts alone?

Decisive option three, sixty-six percent.Don't ask why, it's auspicious to ask.

The time for answering questions always passed quickly, and soon Su Xian solved the last question similar to the essay question.

This exam feels like when I was faced with some strange subjects at the end of the university semester.

So, leave it to fate, Su Xian gently closed the pen cap and squinted all around.

Among the teachers watching, some were thoughtful, some were unbelievable, and most of them were silent.

A male teacher murmured: "Unbelievable! Unbelievable..."

Well, I guessed a lot of questions right?That's right, I've seen fighting one fighting two... Su Xian thought about it, and felt that it was reasonable for him to get a high score.So this time my first show was quite successful, reaching the top [-] in terms of force, and my written test scores were also...

"Vice President Jikang's fame is about to be ruined." Another male teacher took over the topic from the previous male teacher.

Fuck, teacher, don't scare me... Su Xian's heart skipped a beat, feeling that things were developing beyond his expectations.

A female teacher came over and rubbed Su Xian's head, comforting her softly:

"Don't be discouraged, little guy, you're only thirty minutes away from passing this time. Keep working hard next time!"

Only... thirty minutes? !I'm so exploded!
Su Xian's time was quiet for an instant, and the three words "thirty and ten" kept circling in his mind, so I still failed?Then how can I maintain the excellent genius personality in my life?

But now there is no teacher who can give me a hand...

Su Xian went out in a dazed and confused manner. In the eyes of all the teachers, this little guy's staggering pace even carried a hint of sadness.

The female teacher who spoke just now covered her mouth and smiled: "I asked Vice President Jikang before, is it too harsh to treat the little guy like this? The old man also told me earnestly that I need to suppress Su Xian's arrogance. He's in a favorable environment."

"But this score is too low, isn't it? The lowest score in the last test was only in the [-]s. I think Su Xian will secure the last place." A male teacher shook his head, gloating.

He knows that many male students in the lower grades are very dissatisfied with Su Xian, after all these little guys are almost young Mu Ai
At such a young age, he was instinctively hostile to Su Xian, who was extremely good in combat and even outshone them by a few streets in terms of appearance.

This couldn't be more normal.

Su Xian, who was walking on the road, thought more and more that something was wrong. In fact, there was no need for him to feel uncomfortable. In fact, the moment Mr. Ji Kang asked him to participate in the mid-term assessment, the result was already doomed!
How can I, a person who knows nothing, judge the situation of Douluo World based on the common sense of my previous life?
Then why should I be sad?In fact, the responsibility is no longer mine!

Su Xian was stunned after thinking it over clearly, so my feelings were deceived?Su Xian's facial muscles twitched slightly. This is a show directed by a teacher behind the scenes, a large number of teachers and students participated in the performance, and I was in charge of the starring role?

was played.

But what can I do?He is his teacher, Su Xian sighed silently.

I can only add more salt to the teacher when cooking in the future, and work harder and harder when washing the clothes for the teacher. As for whether a hole will come out, I can’t blame me.

How can you blame me?
I am a disciple who can only honor my teacher!

 I arrived in Quanzhou at one o'clock today, slept all afternoon, got up and coded a few hundred words after eating.Then the restaurant at home started to be busy, and I couldn't watch, so I didn't have time to code and write until I was free in the restaurant after dinner.There will be one in the next update, but it may be later.The next two updates should be maintained, please rest assured, after all, I am not a full-time clerk... By the way, I was very touched when I saw an old friend vote today.I thought he was going to abandon me~ No, no, he abandoned Su Xian...

(End of this chapter)

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