Chapter 301
Those who practice Taoism are most afraid of war spirits, but if they are half contaminated, their cultivation base will be greatly reduced, and their cultivation base will be greatly reduced, and severe ones will be deformed.

Pei Miaode's saber had killed countless veterans of the Shiyu Kingdom, just by looking at it from a distance, one could feel the fierce aura rushing towards his face.

Xu Mu was really terrified, even with his cultivation base, it would definitely not end well if he got involved.

Which turtle grandson is this who wants to make life difficult for Master Ben?
The Taoist cursed secretly in his heart.

It's just that his face still pretended to be calm and breezy.

"Daoist Xu, please."

Pei Miaode pretended not to see the mournful face of the other party, his eyes filled with anticipation for the invitation.

"it is good."

The corner of Xu Muzhen's mouth twitched, and he slowly stretched out his hand to catch the plain knife.

But in his heart he was ruthless, in the future, if he gained the trust of Emperor Yuan, he would definitely crush this Buddhist disciple to ashes.


Pu Dao, like a thief's hand, hummed like crazy.

The Qi of Gengjin mixed with the Qi of Bingsha spread towards the Lingtai along Xu Muzhen's meridians.


Xu Muzhen put two fingers together on the blade, and as a talisman was quickly written on it, the frantic buzzing finally stopped temporarily.

In order to conceal the vision, Xu Muzhen also praised insincerely.

"What a murder weapon!"

"Since ancient times, if the Taoist chief likes the treasured sword accompanying heroes, I will give this treasured sword to the Taoist priest as a gift."

Xu Muzhen's expression froze at Pei Miaode's words, but he quickly returned to normal.

"Your Highness is just joking. Blessed be the Heavenly Venerable, a gentleman does not take what others like. This precious sword has been with His Highness for many years, and it must have surpassed ordinary utensils in His Highness's heart."

"If Your Highness is willing, Pindao can sacrifice this knife again, maybe it can add a little more power."

Xu Muzhen saluted, and said with a smile on his face.

Being provoked again and again by humble mortals, even if the opponent is a Buddhist disciple, he is almost reaching the limit of his patience.

If it wasn't for his important duties, he would have let this guy suffer to death.

"No need, this thing is not a magic weapon, it is not worth the time and effort it takes to be a Taoist leader."

Pei Miaode shook his head.

He is not stupid, how could he hand over his own things to other practitioners.

Isn't this playing tricks on others!

"Hahaha, since Your Highness has no intentions, forget it. This knife is His Highness's favorite. It would be a pity if it was destroyed in the hands of a poor Taoist. Your Majesty, please change it to an ordinary soldier."

Not wanting to entangle with Pei Miaode any longer, Xu Muzhen laughed a few times, and thought of an excuse in a blink of an eye.

That plain knife is too murderous, if it is really cut down, even if it can heal later, it will leave some hidden wounds.

Emperor Tianshi also saw that Pei Miaode and Xu Muzhen were angry, who told him to ask others, so he had no choice but to stand up and play sloppy eyes.

"The real man said, Qin Fang, send your saber to the real man."

The person named by Emperor Tianshi was the big Han general who was standing under His Majesty. Although he was eight feet tall, he was just a showman. Apart from the good-looking saber on his waist, he had never seen blood so far.

The Taoist tried the knife, and then he showed a satisfied smile.

"I don't know which general is willing to step forward and give it a try?"

Xu Muzhen turned around and looked at the crowd, but no one dared to step forward.

Although many of them were veterans who had killed enemies on the battlefield, no one dared to easily offend a monk with mysterious methods.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

I am afraid that those who offended the Taoist priest will die will not know.

"The general is willing to give it a try."

Seeing that Emperor Tianshi's complexion was a little ugly, it was the eldest uncle who had good eyesight and took the initiative to stand up and share the worries for the emperor.

"As expected of my great general!"

"Come here, give Lord Wu'an fine wine for me!"

Mr. Wu An is worthy of being Yin'er's elder brother, and it is his own family who will help him solve problems at critical times.

Emperor Tianshi wondered if he should find an opportunity to raise the fiefdom of his uncle's brother, so that the officials would know that they would share their worries, and that I would not treat them badly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the wine!"

Wu'an Jun Shan Nan put the wine in his mouth in one gulp, and then he didn't say much, and took the knife that Xu Muzhen handed over.

With a sip, he sprayed all the wine on the knife.

Glancing at the Taoist Taoist in front of him, Shannan suddenly recalled what his nephew said to him last night.

"Uncle, if that thief wants someone to help him tomorrow, please ask Uncle to volunteer. My nephew has something to ask uncle..."

Although there are some doubts about what Pei Miaode is going to do.

But when he thought that his family's wealth and honor in the future would all be owed to this prince's nephew, Shan Nan gritted his teeth and agreed.


With a loud shout, Quan Dang strengthened his courage, Shan Nan sent a ruthless knife across Xu Muzhen's neck, and a big head shot up into the sky immediately after the bloody light appeared.

"Good cut."

Unexpectedly, even though his head was chopped off, Xu Muzhen did not die, and even applauded for his saber skills.

This weird scene made Shan Nan's heart shudder.

But remembering Pei Miaode's instructions yesterday, he gritted his teeth and removed Xu Muzhen's limbs one by one.

And Xu Muzhen was not in a hurry and even commented on the good and difficult sword skills.

This knife cuts too much, and that knife will be good.

At the end of the day, even Xu Muzhen joked kindly, asking him to drag out his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and intestines to dry in the sun, so as not to cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, this is exactly what good and bad people want.

Not long after, the Taoist named Xu Muzhen disappeared from the Dharma altar, leaving only a pile of dismantled and even fragmented devices, but from the beginning to the end, except for a little blood when the head was beheaded, the rest was completely gone. Half a drop of blood.

All civil and military officials were amazed, when they heard Xu Muzhen say with a smile.

"Mr. Wu An, has it ever ended?"

"If you're still not satisfied, you can finely chop up Pindao's right leg and make it into a sausage, as well as the right arm..."

Xu Muzhen seemed to have a lot of experience about this, and he looked like a good teacher.

"Your Majesty, the minister is over."

Shan Nan's face was also a little ugly. Although he had killed countless people on the battlefield, seeing a living person being dismembered into pieces, and still commenting on his own body there, he only felt nauseated.

"Renren Xu should take away his supernatural powers, if this scene is seen by outsiders—"

Tianshidi also covered his face with his sleeves, and urged, suppressing the discomfort.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Seeing that the effect was almost achieved, the Taoist recited the formula in his mouth, and suddenly his skin puffed up as if blowing air, his left arm, right arm...

It didn't take long to restore its original appearance, leaving only the internal organs lying on the ground alone.

The Taoist pressed his head with his hands, and twisted and twisted like building blocks, hey, it fits right.

Seeing that the chest and abdomen were empty, he laughed and shouted, all of a sudden, the internal organs seemed to come alive, rushing into his body.

Just at this moment, the mutation suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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